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Stacks of cash, suicide note with instructions found next to body of American, 26, in Phuket hotel

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FYI, the kid must have been incarcerated in the state of Virgina in the USA for anyone who wishes to dig deeper.

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$1,000 is not stacks of cash

It is to a Thai !!

Don't kid yourself, it's a lot of money in folding especially for balloon chasers and 5 year overstayers

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On Tuesday, August 4 , 2015, I was forced into a psychiatric hospital by a psychologist, being told I would be arrested and involuntarily committed if I didn’t admit myself. After requesting to be discharged two days later, I was issued a Temporary Detention Order (TDO) and continued to be held. On Monday, August 10 , 2015, I was involuntarily committed by a judge during a sham hearing. In total, I was held for over three weeks in two different psychiatric hospitals. My crime: telling a psychologist I was considering ending my life........

That was the opening Chapter in his blog. Seem he had mental issues RIP

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Cliffnotes for anyone who didn't read the huge blog post:

- Family problems, painful acne, tinnitus (ear ringing, many have committed suicide from that alone), oppressive Christian university.

- Mentioned academically how suicide can be a rational choice, to a psychologist. Ends up being involuntarily imprisoned on the spot, sent to a mental ward for a potentially unlimited time, labelled as mentally defective for the rest of his life preventing him from getting employment, gun license, etc.

- Managed to get released eventually, by that point had lost his small business and was close to broke

- In the US if you sleep in your car you're arrested, imprisoned, the car is impounded, and then homeless when released, so he flies to Europe

- Writes on his blog that he'd learnt of a 'new drug that lets you die painlessly', no mention of that being in Thailand or what it could be


Once A San Francisco, golden gate bridge jumper, wrote up something like this. He had everything planned, and gave away all his things.

I trust the gentleness of that goodnight brought him peace.


A state system out of control with prescription drugs and authoritarian involuntary detention. Clearly the wrong decisions were made by all parties involved. He seems like a very intelligent young man who had a lot to offer. RIP.

I agree...many times these people could of really helped him out of it...all state-controlled..even the people that work in it...what the fellow believed was only reaffirmed with those that incarcerated him...Ameri(k)a you are truly lost.


Why do so many people seem to choose Thailand to end their life?


No mentioning he was on his way to Thailand on his well written blog, his last post was in December after arriving to London from L.A.

But he probably planned everything .


I think the US doctors actually are responsible for his suicide in some way . He did not get the help he needed and also wanted .

Why didn't anyone try to stop him when he flew to Europe in December ?


$1,000 is not stacks of cash

It is to a Thai !!

He wasn't Thai !!

The "oddities" really don't seem that odd. Stay overseas awhile and you get used to the dd/mm vs mm/dd thing. And $1000 truly isn't all that much money, esp. if you have no local bank account and most especially if it's all you have in the world...

Such a young age to have given up on life. He certainly made an effort to leave with his affairs in order. RIP.


I think the US doctors actually are responsible for his suicide in some way . He did not get the help he needed and also wanted .

Why didn't anyone try to stop him when he flew to Europe in December ?

Regardless of what doctors could have done, his mind was made up, and any intervention from them would probably not have convinced him to reverse his decision.



Cliffnotes for anyone who didn't read the huge blog post:

- Family problems, painful acne, tinnitus (ear ringing, many have committed suicide from that alone), oppressive Christian university.

- Mentioned academically how suicide can be a rational choice, to a psychologist. Ends up being involuntarily imprisoned on the spot, sent to a mental ward for a potentially unlimited time, labelled as mentally defective for the rest of his life preventing him from getting employment, gun license, etc.

- Managed to get released eventually, by that point had lost his small business and was close to broke

- In the US if you sleep in your car you're arrested, imprisoned, the car is impounded, and then homeless when released, so he flies to Europe

- Writes on his blog that he'd learnt of a 'new drug that lets you die painlessly', no mention of that being in Thailand or what it could be

Also mentions on the website that he was home schooled from k-12. Wonder if this caused or exacerbated some issues as well as the poorly chosen university he attended.


Conspiracy alert..

Nathan dates his first blog entry just like any American would...month first, followed by the day then the year...on his suicide note he lists the date as a UK resident would...day, month, year...just saying.

the blog system formats the date automatically


Such a gifted engineer and ..................ended his life with precision, but for what reason is still an enigma. One life by the chance in this universe was given to him like to all of us. Wasted. Really sad.

what indication do you have that he was gifted?


I think the US doctors actually are responsible for his suicide in some way . He did not get the help he needed and also wanted .

Why didn't anyone try to stop him when he flew to Europe in December ?

And do what, imprison him again?


this just blatant sensationalism to give the thaivisa peanut gallery that voyeuristic frisson their daily lives so lack.

the victim obviously craved some posthumous recognition as well.

its all just a ghoul show and generating traffic from it is cynical beyond belief.


this just blatant sensationalism to give the thaivisa peanut gallery that voyeuristic frisson their daily lives so lack

BS remark. This is a human tragedy for him and his friends. They deserve sympathy in stead of BS.


this just blatant sensationalism to give the thaivisa peanut gallery that voyeuristic frisson their daily lives so lack

BS remark. This is a human tragedy for him and his friends. They deserve sympathy in stead of BS.

I believe HooHaa has a point. If he was so determinedly nihilistic, why include his blog site address in his note? A true nihilist wouldn't have given a rat's. Also, if he hadn't posted his site address and the headline was simply that of a young man committing suicide in an hotel, this wouldn't have run into so many pages.

As an aside, I do not believe anyone is able to form a mature well thought out belief system at age 26. He was obviously suffering from severe clinical depression which was exacerbated by his treatment at the hands of his doctors. My sympathies lie with those who'd loved him and were also included in his blog. So not so cynical after all.


This is an extremely sad story with an obvious ending

A highly intelligent, troubled and perhaps overly responsible individual. To show such insight into the system and write so eloquently and with such clarity, to hold to his standards of speaking the truth when the negative outcomes are obvious shows a high level of trust that is not common in today's world. Sadly it seems that, in the USA anyway, the system is slanted the opposite way. From what to eat, to what to grow,where to stop, how much cash to deposit or withdraw, it seems to be all about control, and in this case in my opinion pushed the balance a little too far. I doubt anyone can say with definity, what the correct treatment should have been as l believe there is no standard overriding answer, we are all individuals and as such have different perceptions but sadly in this case l think the system was of little help, and more likely to have contributed to the unfortunate outcome. What l can say is that at least the gentleman was able to have the presence of mind to understand his limited future in America, and to take himself off to other jurisdictions where the doors were not closed, unfortunately by this point finances and visa restrictions apply pressure of a different sort.

A wasted life that could l am sure have had a very different outcome, given better support that he was to his credit trying to source. RIP young man, may you have a time free from worries in the afterlife.


$1,000 is not stacks of cash

Did you read the article? The money was split into three stacks.

Which is, literally, stacks of cash.

Or did you really think the headline was using slang..? Or did you just want to nit-pick about something, anything? Good job. mellow.png

- - -

It's a sad story, he seems like an articulate and intelligent person, his forced incarceration at the hospital seemed to have done him a lot more damage than good, it's faintly ludicrous that he would then be billed for it, but I guess that's how the deeply flawed American medical system works.


the victim obviously craved some posthumous recognition as well.

If the article and this thread gives him some of this, so what?

He had a message to get through. It's being done. Nothing wrong in this.

I have read the two lengthy articles from his blog and they do make a lot of sense. I respect this young man's decision and his desire to let people know how and why he has reached his decision.


the victim obviously craved some posthumous recognition as well.

If the article and this thread gives him some of this, so what?

He had a message to get through. It's being done. Nothing wrong in this.

I have read the two lengthy articles from his blog and they do make a lot of sense. I respect this young man's decision and his desire to let people know how and why he has reached his decision.

After reading this, the OP, the other many answers to the OP, and this young man's lengthy, articulate, precise journal, it brings me to consider one definition of suicide I have read :

"Suicide is exercising total control of one's psychological being, to the ultimate extent of relinquishing all control over one's physical being".



Seems he didn't know how to deal the nihilist label he decided to place on himself. The internet can be a dark and dangerous place for the mind, this young man got himself way down the rabbit hole.

I could only shake my head in disgust as the parents, right up to the very end, were spouting religious incantations at him.......


No Mention of any romance in his life other than his car.

It's sad really! He just graduated from Electrical Engineering, which is one of the toughest courses out there. He had his whole life ahead of himself. He had some tough times but he seemed like he got through most of them. If he still had all those ailments it seems to me it would be very difficult to travel as he did.

Perhaps the saddest part is he talked about suicide for years, yet nobody was able to help him with this. Or they didn't care. He seemed like he formed a bonding relationship with that old traveler where he stayed at once, so too bad he didn't know about his plan as maybe he could have helped him.

One of my Best Friends committed suicide. I hadn't seen him in years but we were friends for a very long time and he was my Best Man at my wedding. Last time I saw him he was happy in his job, was a newly wed, and was expecting a new son. Only 2 years later I discovered his marriage fell apart and he jumped off of a high bridge in to freezing water. His last words to the Policeman was: Sure!" "Now you want to help me!"

But I always felt, and still do, that if I only knew what his plan was that night I could have called him and stopped him. Maybe I am naive but I also think there was someone in his life to, who could have stopped him, if he only knew.


I spend haft of day reading his blog , he is intelligent young man.......Sad I cried .....more sad he really want to escape ....he not want his ashes return to U.S.,

RIP Nathan


I read his writings, Its sad to read after his death, He was eloquent and told his story. Which was pretty horrific, i cried.

To me he seemed troubled, and had been for a long time. Broke my heart to read. Especially the messages from his family at the end.

A wee lost soul.

Nathan, RIP. and also loads of respect, you gave us all a look inside your life and taught us a lot about "illnesses" like you had and others are coping with. So that we can understand better. I hope.

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