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PM Prayut calls on media to uphold code of ethics


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PM calls on media to uphold code of ethics


BANGKOK, 7 March 2016 (NNT) – Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has urged members of the press to always put the nation’s interest first and strictly follow code of ethics.

Government spokesperson Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha, the prime minister and the head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), had called on all journalists to uphold national interest in their reportage.

He said the prime minister wanted the media to play a role in national development and create a positive image of the country.

Gen Prayut said members of the press are considered watchdogs and the nation is considered their home; therefore, their responsibility is to watch over the nation and inform the public and the government of possible threats.

He added that journalists should always be impartial, uphold ethics, and foster aggregation in the society.

-- NNT 2016-03-07 footer_n.gif

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as so often the case, when the self-appointed "PM" makes "virtuous statements" like this, he is lying through his teeth and doesn't really mean it.

Take journalists' ethics, ....


Starts with:

Seek Truth and Report It

OK, we know that isn't what the Usurper means, ....

So how about,

Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.

Yeah, he probably doesn't really want that, either...

So how about, ....

Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

Nope, OK, ... next, ....

Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.

Definitely not that...

OK, well that sums it up, he just wants journo's to write the BS that he spoon feeds them.... coffee1.gif

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ETHICS, what here in LoS ?

Quite a notion to conjure with so early in the morning.

I wonder if any in the media are beginning to get twitchy at the amount of times recently the PM has singled them out for comment and ' suggesting ' they play their part, as defined by him, properly. They must be aware what the next step could be.

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I'm waiting on the government appointed news caster like the North Korean woman that bangs on in their national news, rather amusing.

The first job of a journalists is to expose truth report the news(facts) even if it is the government that is exposed,

Unfortunately the several comments by the Junta leader pointed towards the media is not looking good, maybe a taste of what's to come with internet fire wall, If we don't approve of comments it wont be allowed.

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I'm waiting on the government appointed news caster like the North Korean woman that bangs on in their national news, rather amusing.

The first job of a journalists is to expose truth report the news(facts) even if it is the government that is exposed,

Unfortunately the several comments by the Junta leader pointed towards the media is not looking good, maybe a taste of what's to come with internet fire wall, If we don't approve of comments it wont be allowed.

Exactly! The North Koreans have got their news announcements wired. Especially when the Great (Dear?...Plump?...Chubby?...) leader is mentioned in that shrill, quivering, hysterical, weepy, orgasmic tone of voice. Would certainly liven up official TV.

Edited by Hayduke
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"Code of Ethics" ?....................on an international scale that might be likened to a country's "constitution" and we've all witnessed, time and again, how the Thai military uphold that particular "code"!

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Ethics ....... From the man who recently sold a plot of his own land for 600,000,000 to a company based in the British Virgin Islands that had only just opened for business and who only had one transaction on their books......his.

So.....tax evasion.....how ethical is it ?

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They should learn a thing or two from Singapore. All the media is state owned and moderated there. They are called a "nation building" media tongue.png

But they don't have the police or military visit your house in the middle of the night or snatch you away in a public place or intimidate you for posting in facebook. Get real, better get real comparison like say North Korea.

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I'm waiting on the government appointed news caster like the North Korean woman that bangs on in their national news, rather amusing.

The first job of a journalists is to expose truth report the news(facts) even if it is the government that is exposed,

Unfortunately the several comments by the Junta leader pointed towards the media is not looking good, maybe a taste of what's to come with internet fire wall, If we don't approve of comments it wont be allowed.

Exactly! The North Koreans have got their news announcements wired. Especially when the Great (Dear?...Plump?...Chubby?...) leader is mentioned in that shrill, quivering, hysterical, weepy, orgasmic tone of voice. Would certainly liven up official TV.

Great entertainment with disgust as aftertaste

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the code of ethics is good if it is adhered to and allowed to happen. It would not only effect the pm but thaksin, the ptp, yl, the dems etc and the reds/yellows as well, all would have the truth about them put out there for all to see. This in itself would be great as the people would be able to see exactly what these people/groups have all done, the truth laid bare but it will never happen, the truth doesnt sell newspapers, sensationalism does, it would also mean the end to the bullsh*t radio and tv stations set up by any of the sides if the ethics were enforced. At present all we see is what the biased media is willing to write to suit their agendas and to sell their papers, if they started abiding by the code of ethics we would see everyone exposed giving the country a way to move forward by exposing all the corruption etc that is being hidden away, it would mean courts being made to look foolish if not sentencing people no matter what their position in society, police made to enforce the laws or face being exposed, politicians opened up for on depth exposure as to what they do and have been involved in and the list goes on. The media holds a lot of weight, they can in a way force the ones concerned to do the right thing by exposing them if they dont but then again for that to happen they would need to be free from prosecution if writing the truth about them, something they are unable to do at present. For the code of ethics to work Thailand would need to change the current laws stopping anyone from publishing the truth due entirely to the perceived loss of face people suffer when caught out by the truth, unfortunately I doubt we will ever see this as too many hi-so's/politicians/police officers/army officers/businessmen/women would be exposed without the protection it offers them.

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Ethics ....... From the man who recently sold a plot of his own land for 600,000,000 to a company based in the British Virgin Islands that had only just opened for business and who only had one transaction on their books......his.

So.....tax evasion.....how ethical is it ?

Just ask Thaksin who did the very same thing a few years ago, just after he changed the laws regulating the percentage of foreign ownership.

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Ethics ....... From the man who recently sold a plot of his own land for 600,000,000 to a company based in the British Virgin Islands that had only just opened for business and who only had one transaction on their books......his.

So.....tax evasion.....how ethical is it ?

Just ask Thaksin who did the very same thing a few years ago, just after he changed the laws regulating the percentage of foreign ownership.

Congratulations, an absolutely classic, nay perfect, example of the "but, but, Thaksin"genre!


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ETHICS, what here in LoS ?

Quite a notion to conjure with so early in the morning.

I wonder if any in the media are beginning to get twitchy at the amount of times recently the PM has singled them out for comment and ' suggesting ' they play their part, as defined by him, properly. They must be aware what the next step could be.

Yes he has torn a page out of Mr. Xi's playbook. Mr. Xi is now making the rounds to the media in China urging them to show China in a positive light. Frankly I think the batteries in his flashlight are long dead.

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I'm waiting on the government appointed news caster like the North Korean woman that bangs on in their national news, rather amusing.

The first job of a journalists is to expose truth report the news(facts) even if it is the government that is exposed,

Unfortunately the several comments by the Junta leader pointed towards the media is not looking good, maybe a taste of what's to come with internet fire wall, If we don't approve of comments it wont be allowed.

Yes the North Korean lady newscaster is a hoot. I watched her last night and almost peed my pants laughing. They must have used the Pavlov method on her. Isn't she something else. If North Korea attacks the south she no doubt will be in the first wave with her microphone. She looks well fed unlike most North Koreans. Gives new meaning to the term "Sing for your supper"

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During the first year following their coup they were mostly focused on propaganda to convince everyone that a huge percentage of 'the people' were happy with them.

During this second year we've seen a clear shift away from that towards propaganda intended to stifle information and expression.

From "Everyone's happy" to "Do as you're told."

I wonder if we'll ever be in a next stage that isn't a violent one.

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