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Rainmaking operation to be started nationwide


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If they can make rain, then why is there a drought in the first place ?

Because the idiot who was the agriculture Minister in Yingluck's government ORDERED that the dam levels be lowered to the barest minimum to cope with the floods of 2012/13 that never happened.

He ignored all the advise given and now the country is reaping the results.

He is the same minister who ordered that the dams be kept full the year previous year so that the rice farmers could have enough water for several crops. The n when the dams were at the danger levek they had to dump the water hence the big floods of 2011/12.

The irony is that he wasn't even a member of the PTP but a different political party that was in the coalition with the PTP.

It is nice to read some comments from someone knowledgable who actually knows the facts, and not some paranoid conspiracy completely made up by a cluelessThai basher.

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If they can make rain, then why is there a drought in the first place ?

Because the idiot who was the agriculture Minister in Yingluck's government ORDERED that the dam levels be lowered to the barest minimum to cope with the floods of 2012/13 that never happened.

He ignored all the advise given and now the country is reaping the results.

He is the same minister who ordered that the dams be kept full the year previous year so that the rice farmers could have enough water for several crops. The n when the dams were at the danger levek they had to dump the water hence the big floods of 2011/12.

The irony is that he wasn't even a member of the PTP but a different political party that was in the coalition with the PTP.

Excuse me for asking, because I am so stupid, but...what happened in the years between 2013 and now?

You know: that period in time, that the CURRENT GOVERNMENT is responsible for?

Maybe you know about water- management plans, that have been laid out under the Prayuth- leadership...you know...that time, when the YS- government was kicked out of office!

I have not seen any such plans either...except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!

Enlighten me, about the genius plans, which are in operation now!

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If they can make rain, then why is there a drought in the first place ?

Because the idiot who was the agriculture Minister in Yingluck's government ORDERED that the dam levels be lowered to the barest minimum to cope with the floods of 2012/13 that never happened.

He ignored all the advise given and now the country is reaping the results.

He is the same minister who ordered that the dams be kept full the year previous year so that the rice farmers could have enough water for several crops. The n when the dams were at the danger levek they had to dump the water hence the big floods of 2011/12.

The irony is that he wasn't even a member of the PTP but a different political party that was in the coalition with the PTP.

Excuse me for asking, because I am so stupid, but...what happened in the years between 2013 and now?

You know: that period in time, that the CURRENT GOVERNMENT is responsible for?

Maybe you know about water- management plans, that have been laid out under the Prayuth- leadership...you know...that time, when the YS- government was kicked out of office!

I have not seen any such plans either...except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!

Enlighten me, about the genius plans, which are in operation now!

Well the drought has been going strongly for part of 2014, all of 2015 and part of 2016 so far.

How to you fill the dams back to a good level. Simple, you hope that it rains a lot. Unfortunately for central and northern Thailand it didn't happen.

It is too late and has been for over a year to fix what somebody broke.

This government has been assisting farmers to dig wells, bore holes and water storage areas. They have also asked, told and threatened farmers not to grow more than one crop of rice and have been ignored. After that many farmers have watched their crops die without water.

They have also when the conditions are right been cloud seeding.

Perhaps you should open your eyes and ears if you have not seen anything but quote "except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!"

If you live in a big city you would not have seen anything but if you live in rural Thailand where many do then you can see the results.

If you wish to whine that this government has done little or nothing in the 2 or 3 years that they have been in charge then you won't mind if I whine about all the things that the previous Thaksin governments didn't do in their 10 years of power.

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If they can make rain, then why is there a drought in the first place ?

Because the idiot who was the agriculture Minister in Yingluck's government ORDERED that the dam levels be lowered to the barest minimum to cope with the floods of 2012/13 that never happened.

He ignored all the advise given and now the country is reaping the results.

He is the same minister who ordered that the dams be kept full the year previous year so that the rice farmers could have enough water for several crops. The n when the dams were at the danger levek they had to dump the water hence the big floods of 2011/12.

The irony is that he wasn't even a member of the PTP but a different political party that was in the coalition with the PTP.

Excuse me for asking, because I am so stupid, but...what happened in the years between 2013 and now?

You know: that period in time, that the CURRENT GOVERNMENT is responsible for?

Maybe you know about water- management plans, that have been laid out under the Prayuth- leadership...you know...that time, when the YS- government was kicked out of office!

I have not seen any such plans either...except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!

Enlighten me, about the genius plans, which are in operation now!

Well the drought has been going strongly for part of 2014, all of 2015 and part of 2016 so far.

How to you fill the dams back to a good level. Simple, you hope that it rains a lot. Unfortunately for central and northern Thailand it didn't happen.

It is too late and has been for over a year to fix what somebody broke.

This government has been assisting farmers to dig wells, bore holes and water storage areas. They have also asked, told and threatened farmers not to grow more than one crop of rice and have been ignored. After that many farmers have watched their crops die without water.

They have also when the conditions are right been cloud seeding.

Perhaps you should open your eyes and ears if you have not seen anything but quote "except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!"

If you live in a big city you would not have seen anything but if you live in rural Thailand where many do then you can see the results.

If you wish to whine that this government has done little or nothing in the 2 or 3 years that they have been in charge then you won't mind if I whine about all the things that the previous Thaksin governments didn't do in their 10 years of power.

Oh come on!

You know very well, that the YS- government was basically in office a few weeks, when the flood hit!

All the usual suspects tried to pin it on her government!

Now we have another government - one, no one really asked for- and the plans are...what, exactly?

Is there a plan in place for the next rainy- season?

Any kind of water- management?

I guess, you know the answer as well as I do!

They don't care (YS, Prayuth, who ever), because it is not their houses that are under 1,50 meters of water and is not their gardens, that burn!

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How does one distinguish a royal raindrop from an ordinary raindrop? coffee1.gif

And has any cost-benefit analysis been done for this exercise? All those people, all those planes, all the fuel and chemicals required? How much does all this cost and is it all worth it? sad.png 6,500 tons doesn't sound like very much water (c. 6,500 m3) when one takes into account that the reported active capacity of Bhumibol Dam is 9,762,000,000 m3 whistling.gif

its touches your head first feet last? cant say anymore than that for fear of imprisonment

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Wow, a lot of really negative comments here for what is an amazing achievement. Why the uninformed Thai bashing?

The current King is considered one of the great kings of Thailand. Almost god like, and he CAN make it rain.

On 12 October 2005 the European Patent Office granted to King Bhumibol Adulyadej the patent EP 1 491 088 Weather modification by royal rainmaking technology.

The Aussies, and other countries, use this technology, and are grateful for it.

Clever people these Thais.

considered by who EXACTLY?


Edited by kannot
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Wow, a lot of really negative comments here for what is an amazing achievement. Why the uninformed Thai bashing?

The current King is considered one of the great kings of Thailand. Almost god like, and he CAN make it rain.

On 12 October 2005 the European Patent Office granted to King Bhumibol Adulyadej the patent EP 1 491 088 Weather modification by royal rainmaking technology.

The Aussies, and other countries, use this technology, and are grateful for it.

Clever people these Thais.

considered by who EXACTLY?


I used the word considered twice in the above post, so I don't know which one you are referring to.

The current Thai King is considered by the Thais as a great King, so is number five and a few others.

I consider the Thais clever.

The link you posted is not the same cloud seeding as the Thai king's who has the patent for his clever work. The Aussies use the Thai style rainmaking. If you bother to google it, you will see.

Smart people these Thais.

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Royal Rain,...... ok .......all good then.......no need to worry about this drought anymore.

Farmers get planting, I will have my scooter washed tomorrow. tongue.png

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Isn't it about time we blitzed Fat Boy and his palatial surroundings.

Collateral damage, who cares they're always crying on the news

or when Fat Boy appears in public so those cronies must be unhappy.

The country needs blitzing or a Khmer Rouge style revolution, I could

just visualize Fat Boy shoveling shit.

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Excuse me for asking, because I am so stupid, but...what happened in the years between 2013 and now?

You know: that period in time, that the CURRENT GOVERNMENT is responsible for?

Maybe you know about water- management plans, that have been laid out under the Prayuth- leadership...you know...that time, when the YS- government was kicked out of office!

I have not seen any such plans either...except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!

Enlighten me, about the genius plans, which are in operation now!

Well the drought has been going strongly for part of 2014, all of 2015 and part of 2016 so far.

How to you fill the dams back to a good level. Simple, you hope that it rains a lot. Unfortunately for central and northern Thailand it didn't happen.

It is too late and has been for over a year to fix what somebody broke.

This government has been assisting farmers to dig wells, bore holes and water storage areas. They have also asked, told and threatened farmers not to grow more than one crop of rice and have been ignored. After that many farmers have watched their crops die without water.

They have also when the conditions are right been cloud seeding.

Perhaps you should open your eyes and ears if you have not seen anything but quote "except for the bi- weekly announcement of "raindancing" and other hokuspokus!"

If you live in a big city you would not have seen anything but if you live in rural Thailand where many do then you can see the results.

If you wish to whine that this government has done little or nothing in the 2 or 3 years that they have been in charge then you won't mind if I whine about all the things that the previous Thaksin governments didn't do in their 10 years of power.

Oh come on!

You know very well, that the YS- government was basically in office a few weeks, when the flood hit!

All the usual suspects tried to pin it on her government!

Now we have another government - one, no one really asked for- and the plans are...what, exactly?

Is there a plan in place for the next rainy- season?

Any kind of water- management?

I guess, you know the answer as well as I do!

They don't care (YS, Prayuth, who ever), because it is not their houses that are under 1,50 meters of water and is not their gardens, that burn!

Well the Democrats who were in before the PTP were in power for less than a year and before that was Thaksin's PPP led by his brother in law, before him was the PPP under Samak, before that the was a military government, before that was 5 or 6 years of TRT under the glorious leadership of Thaksin himself.

What plans did they make I wonder?

Instead of ALWAYS blaming Prayuth and this government why not research what went on over the last 15 years and see what you can find.

There is plenty to blame on all sides.

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Wow, a lot of really negative comments here for what is an amazing achievement. Why the uninformed Thai bashing?

The current King is considered one of the great kings of Thailand. Almost god like, and he CAN make it rain.

On 12 October 2005 the European Patent Office granted to King Bhumibol Adulyadej the patent EP 1 491 088 Weather modification by royal rainmaking technology.

The Aussies, and other countries, use this technology, and are grateful for it.

Clever people these Thais.

I love 'Thai people' (rather the basic, warmhearted and generous, though often poor and deprived, population), and I'd sayThais are ...'ingenious'.

I have an immense respect for the person of His Majesty the King, and the EPO patent proves the origine of specific, different, techniques to be used in cloudseeding, like, I think there are other patents covering inventions attributed to His Majesty (the 'perpetuum mobile' for water oxigenation f.i.).

'Cloud seeding' as a techique attempting to induce rainfall in specific, limited, designated areas is about as old as the use of airplanes in agriculture (in the US of A after WW1, and more soafter WW2?), not to speak of techniques using basic rockets, and till today, as far as I know, there does not exist one, single, serious and credible, study reporting clear and quantifiable positive results, and for very good reasons!

No clouds, anyway, means no rain. Not all clouds are able to bring rain either...

All clouds are fast evoluating(!) aerial masses, whose motion (direction, speed) is directed by winds and air currents, whose altitude is determined by density, temperature, airpressure, etc. So many 'variables'...

Have you ever noticed how often, in our times of meteorologic satellites and computers, (not speaking here about large® rainzones or wide/deep perturbations) weather reports speak of 'chance of rain', 'probability of rainfall', clearly pointing at the fact... it is not certain, the meteorologists can not know for sure where, when, and what!

Well this last is about the, so-called, mainly rather isolated 'raincloud' (-masses) which are the 'appropriate subjects' raimaking attempts are aimed at.

The use of both chemical and physical techniques in cloudseeding should(?), on charged(!) clouds, initiate rainfall, a shower, is it, but even when there is rainfall, a shower, nothing can tell how much rain (quantity)will fall, when (time), and therefore precisely where (location), also, to pervert any possible reliable model, nothing can tell whether or not the same rainfall, shower, would, or would not, have occured without cloudseeding.

To conclude, IMHO, as per today, Royal or not, 'rainmaking' is to be kept in the category of individuals' faith and beliefs, you do, or you don't believe, but,

very there is no clear evidence, no undeniable proof, of how well it works, ...or doesn't work!

And, the sting is in the tail: wouldn't it be worthwile for Thailand to, clearly, establish whole of(!) the cost of this operation, of all(!) elements of the Royal Rainmaking initiative, year by year, and for the Lawmakers to discuss, and the Executive to decide whether that (I'm afraid: BIG) amount of money and energies could not be better used in some other initiatives offering a higher probability and efficiency to deliver, ...captate, ...canalize, ...store, ...preserve, ...use responsibly, available and additional (rain)water in deprived areas, and elsewhere too! My guess is there would be no 'need' for, any, rainmaking then!

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Meanwhile in the real world,desalination plants are springing up in the hottest driest arid areas known to man.

Desalination plants are most certainly not needed here in this country surrounded by SEA. Landlocked ones, yes huh.png

What IS desperately needed is a water conservation program/better water management. They could replace Songkran with Holi for starters smile.png

Really so why does Australia have 7 operational plants when it is an island nation I ask.

Your reply that landlocked countries need only have them makes zero sense I'm afraid.


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Meanwhile in the real world,desalination plants are springing up in the hottest driest arid areas known to man.

A fair idea but, how much do you think it will cost to build enough desalination plants to fix the drought.

Firstly they HAVE to be beside the sea, which means along the eastern seaboard from Samut Prakarn to perhaps Trat.

Next you have to be able to pump the water to where it is needed. To reach Chiang Mai the pipeline will need to be perhaps 800 km long in the north west and up to Nong Khai in Issan, about the same distance. The you will need a distribution network to feed the water across the country, east to west to cover Issan, and from Bangkok to central and northern Thailand. Perhaps another 5,000 km of pipe work.

Next you need to have a network of pumping stations all of which will require electricity so you will need extra power stations to run them.

Having put that lot together in the master plan, you also need to buy the land to sink the pipes and build the pumping stations, not forgetting of course the extra staff required to run the system 24/7/365.

Having got all that done you then need to buy the materials, gather the contractors and the overseers and build your network which shouldn't take much more than 4 or 5 years.

Of course the thing I haven't mentioned so far is the budget. How many billion or trillion baht do YOU think that little lot will cost?

I'm not talking about supplying the whole of Thailand,just by building several desalination plants the pressure to supply fresh clean drinking water could help aid the remaining drought problems.

It is a proven response to drought affected countries and countries in desert environments.

Pretending to make rain is simply ridiculous.

As others have added the first step is actually water management and conservation of wetlands and dams.

As always they attempt to make amends after the situation becomes critical.

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There have to be clouds in the sky in order for them to be seeded. No clouds.................no rain. Right now here in Phichit area we have clear blue skies and we haven't seen seedable clouds for a long while.

Errr, no CLOUDS but plenty of SMOG over Chiang Mai at times. Perhaps a good dose of Thainess and some rainmaking stuff will produce a few drops.At least enough to make up for what will again be WASTED over Songkran.

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Meanwhile in the real world,desalination plants are springing up in the hottest driest arid areas known to man.

A fair idea but, how much do you think it will cost to build enough desalination plants to fix the drought.

Firstly they HAVE to be beside the sea, which means along the eastern seaboard from Samut Prakarn to perhaps Trat.

Next you have to be able to pump the water to where it is needed. To reach Chiang Mai the pipeline will need to be perhaps 800 km long in the north west and up to Nong Khai in Issan, about the same distance. The you will need a distribution network to feed the water across the country, east to west to cover Issan, and from Bangkok to central and northern Thailand. Perhaps another 5,000 km of pipe work.

Next you need to have a network of pumping stations all of which will require electricity so you will need extra power stations to run them.

Having put that lot together in the master plan, you also need to buy the land to sink the pipes and build the pumping stations, not forgetting of course the extra staff required to run the system 24/7/365.

Having got all that done you then need to buy the materials, gather the contractors and the overseers and build your network which shouldn't take much more than 4 or 5 years.

Of course the thing I haven't mentioned so far is the budget. How many billion or trillion baht do YOU think that little lot will cost?

I'm not talking about supplying the whole of Thailand,just by building several desalination plants the pressure to supply fresh clean drinking water could help aid the remaining drought problems.

It is a proven response to drought affected countries and countries in desert environments.

Pretending to make rain is simply ridiculous.

As others have added the first step is actually water management and conservation of wetlands and dams.

As always they attempt to make amends after the situation becomes critical.

The problem is not so much supplying fresh clean drinking water though theoretically tap water in BKK is "drinkable" but that in large areas of Issan, central and northern Thailand especially in rural areas water distribution networks don't always exist. One problem in BKK is that if you want to supply drinking water on its own you need to build a network of pipes but how to feed them into existing hi rise buildings etc and you would have to dig up every highway, major and minor road and soi in BKK to deliver it.

I agree with you that their should be a proper water management scheme nationwide but at the moment there are so many agencies involved in running the existing "system".

To run it properly is a long term project lasting decades and yes the government should take control of it. However from what I have seen in the years that I have been here is that most governments don't plan long term for 20 or more years ahead simply because they may not be in power when it comes to fruition and a different party will proclaim "Look what we have done for the country".

It would require a PM and a government to make a plan and a budget for perhaps 20 years to do it and successive governments to stick to that plan.

Where I live in rural Khampaeng Phet is about 6 km from the "big" village of Klong Lan Pattana. They have a good water supply from the local reservoirs using "daleks" or water towers and pumping stations and it extends about 4 km towards us and then stops. Our water supply runs from the Mae Wong national park in the opposite direction towards Klong Lan but it is entirely dependant on rainfall and the klong from the park to feed it. Sadly the klong is dry and there has been no water supply from there since mid December.

One solution would be to put a dalek into our village with a pumping station, connect it to the existing pipeline from Klong Lan and then connect it to the existing Mae Wong system so that the villages and hundreds of houses "should" have water 24/7. How much it will cost, if the money can be made available, if the will power to do so from local, district, regional and state authorities is there I have no idea but in the overall cost of things it would be relatively cheap. A couple of problems that I can see is that water bills per household will increase and it is a poor area anyway and what to do about farmers consuming the water is another.

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The question remains: [as no answer was given until now]

IF they can make rain, then why is there a drought ?

A. They can't

B. They can but they don't want to

If anybody can give me an answer to this please.

As a note:

I have no doubt that rainmaking is possible !

[Research Wilhelm Reich oder Greening the dessert in Algeria]

The US Army holds more than one patent on weather modification and it is even

confirmed from the British Government back to world war two.

I have no doubts that weather modification is done on a global scale and a bit

of research proves that this is not a theorie but proven fact.

The reasons are another issue ... that it is happening is obvious.


If you watch the sky you can see these modifications pretty easily.

Just open your eyes and if you remember what real clouds look like

then you will see a big difference to artificial clouds.

It's been done here over Samui on a daily basis ... easy to see for anybody

who wants to see it !!! Just open your eyes [and especially your mind]

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