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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


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I realize Germany hasn't "banned pork" and that has been debunked in Snopes etc. but some number of school and office cafeterias have felt pressure to remove pork from the menus for religious reasons.

Here's something I lived with that I don't remember getting any media attention. When I went to school, every Friday I had to eat fish for lunch just because Catholics weren't allowed to eat meat on Fridays. Some religious genius in the Catholic church came up with a convincing argument for the church that fish wasn't meat so Catholics didn't' have to go veggie on Fridays and could have fish.

I'm not Catholic. I'm not huge fan of fish either, but yet, for other people's religious reasons/delusions/beliefs, I was forced to observe part of their dogma for 13 years, every fish-flippin' Friday of the month, year after year.

I figure if a religious group wants to fast or boycott a food group, fine, up to them, don't eat it, problem solved. AS LONG, as I or other people who don't subscribe to their personal flavor of madness.

If you belong to some crazy religion that doesn't allow you to eat what everyone else eats then it's up to you to find a way to make it work, like go to a halal or kosher restaurant, or bring your own goofy food to eat.

My question, why wasn't there any outcry when Catholics made America change and forced fish every Friday on Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, other religions and atheists? And because everyone rolled over for the Catholics, isn't it going to be harder to hold your ground and state that we don't make accommodations for special groups of minorities that effect the majority?

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Off topic, but I do remember the trolls in the Ukraine / Crimea OPs. Do you recall the news report below?

can't see a link, but will go bac and.find the links she gave to me about them.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you make any anti Muslim comments on here, you get chastised by the do gooders.

If a product is on sale somewhere, there is no compulsion to buy it. So WHY would it be offensive for anyone to continue to sell or supply something that has been readily available, up to now, for many , many years ?

You misunderstand. The Muslims are not demanding that pork not be sold in Germany- it's the stupid moronic PC idiots that are doing it JUST IN CASE it offends a Muslim.

It's the same moronic stupidity that made Blair not celebrate 2000 years of Christianity and some Americans ban the celebration of CHRISTMAS.

Far as I know, no Muslim living in the west has asked for CHRISTMAS to be banned.

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If you make any anti Muslim comments on here, you get chastised by the do gooders.

If a product is on sale somewhere, there is no compulsion to buy it. So WHY would it be offensive for anyone to continue to sell or supply something that has been readily available, up to now, for many , many years ?

You misunderstand. The Muslims are not demanding that pork not be sold in Germany- it's the stupid moronic PC idiots that are doing it JUST IN CASE it offends a Muslim.

It's the same moronic stupidity that made Blair not celebrate 2000 years of Christianity and some Americans ban the celebration of CHRISTMAS.

Far as I know, no Muslim living in the west has asked for CHRISTMAS to be banned.

Maybe they aren't doing as you say, but I bet they're as pleased as punch at the stupidity of the west. biggrin.png

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Off topic, but I do remember the trolls in the Ukraine / Crimea OPs. Do you recall the news report below?

can't see a link, but will go bac and.find the links she gave to me about them.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Try this link...


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It’s probably a good idea to repost the English language reporting in the German media.


The OP headline is misinformation which as usual has been picked up by the numerous anti-Muslim/Islam websites that many on the forum subscribe to for their source of truth

From that article

CDU parliamentary group leader, Daniel Günther, bemoaned on Tuesday that an increasing number of canteens, nurseries and schools are removing pork from their menu due to religious considerations.

Religious considerations, or commercial ones?

If it's happening at all, I suspect the latter is far more likely.

Günther told local German newspaper "Lübecker Nachrichten" that at least one nursery in every voting district had stopped serving pork after taking Muslim children into consideration.

If true, the logical reason being that those nurseries have a majority of Muslim and/or Jewish pupils who don't want to eat pork, and the parents of the other pupils don't care whether pork is served or not.

"The consumption of pork belongs to our culture," he argued, adding that those who didn't want to eat pork didn't have to.

"No one should be obliged to do so," he said. "But we also don't want the majority having to refrain from pork."

No one in Germany is obliged to eat pork; neither is anyone obliged not to eat pork.

The article states that the regional arm of the CDU wants to make schools etc. legally obligated to serve pork; even if no one wants it.

Were I a tax payer in Schleswig-Holstein, or anywhere else come to that, I would strongly object to my taxes being wasted by schools buying food, any food, which nobody wanted to eat.

The idea of using the law to force schools, nurseries, anyone to have pork on the menu is as absurd as the idea of banning it!

The choice of menu should be up to the establishment, and based on what people using that establishment actually want to eat.

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Transam, is not having pork for school dinner really that hard?

I'm sure their parents are quite capable of giving them pork sausages for their tea if they are missing them that much!

Besides, if you check the facts rather than the hysteria from your favourite hatemongers you will find that most schools which have adopted this policy offer Halal meals as well as non Halal; not instead of!

I Claudius; I notice that you scrupulously avoided naming the school; is it so your claims cannot be checked?

You have both also avoided the question of whether it is just schools catering to the needs of their Muslim pupils to which you object or whether you equally object to schools catering to the needs of their Jewish pupils.

Not to mention those of other religions.

What about vegetarians?

Most schools these days offer at least one vegetarian option; something unheard of when I was at school.

The reason I never mention where I come from or anything that could identify me is that people would know who I am ,which is something I do not wish if I did I would use my real name and not I claudius

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So the school your son attended 10 years ago is so exclusive that merely naming it means anyone will be able to identify you?

Is that the best excuse you can come up with?

BTW, my daughter attended Woking High School around the same time; 10 years ago.

As it's catchment area includes the areas of Woking with large Muslim populations, a substantial proportion of it's pupils were, and still are, Muslim.

Pork wasn't on the menu everyday, neither were chicken, beef or lamb; but they were all offered regularly.

Like her mother, my daughter doesn't eat beef, so she never ate it at school. Just as the Muslim pupils didn't eat pork when it was on the menu.

As, unlike some, I prefer to back what I say with evidence; from the Woking High School website

There is always a vegetarian, halal and non-halal option available.

A link on that page will take you to the actual menu.

Week 1, Monday; the main meals include Cumberland pork sausages.

Week 2, Wednesday; they include roast pork.

Week 3, Thursday; chorizo pork roll.

I am sure that a check of other UK schools' menus will show similar results; except for Jewish and Muslim schools, of course.

I now await the cries of "Blatant discrimination! Non Muslim pupils are being deprived because they can't have pork everyday!"

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Wow, this thread is still going.

TVisa posters so concerned about what some kid in Germany is going to have for lunch.

I have decided I probably won't ever visit a school canteen in Germany while craving a book sausage.

Mai been rai

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If this stuff keeps up, a lot of normally reasonable people are going to start supporting very unreasonable reactions. It isn't going to end well.

Too true. Unfortunately reasonable Western politicians lack the b*lls to do something about the problem now before it escalates.

Only time will tell...

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I seriously reckon the Russian propaganda machine are now targeting any thread discussing Muslim issues. Before they targeted anything 'Russian ' since they've moved into the Syria issue they've spread their wings. I ain't a huge conspiracy fan but they are about and it makes sence.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's a rasher of a statement, you been smoking a joint, snorting stuff or are just ribbing, or telling porkjes. Must admit was scratchings my head a bit, and decided to hoof it round the garden a few times to clear the offal between my ears .

Now come on, chop chop, l know of no Russian interference regarding this subject, hotdog man. rolleyes.gif

Nope. STRAIGHT UP they were pro active on here when the Ukraine and the other Russian misdemeanors were 'hot' topics. So as the truth behind theire indiscriminate Syrian bashing comes to light it makes sense to promote anti Muslim propaganda and as this site has been targeted b4 no doubts it'll be used again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Off topic, but I do remember the trolls in the Ukraine / Crimea OPs. Do you recall the news report below?

can't see a link, but will go bac and.find the links she gave to me about them.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yeah the links have 'disappeared' but here's a touch more info she gave

'the main lair is located in St. Petersburg, Olgino village.

Chief of that `project`, Prigozhin, also known as Putin's chief cook. In the most literal sense. He owns a large company which supplies food the whole russian army, as well as the Kremlin and the Parliament.'

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I'm eating fish today. But i also eat fish on Tuesdays and or when i fancy a bit of fish.

Tomorrow a bacon sarnie for lunch - watching Saturday Kitchen Live gets your appetite going!!

Anyway, I am so glad that the sausage problem in Germany was a hoax!! You can buy veal or chicken sausages too. And turkey bacon.

McDonalds in Geneva is halal meat. Great big sign outside. Lots of people move over from the very hot summers in Arabic countries, to a rather less hot place (but last summer it got up to 40 degrees). I never noticed any difference in the taste of their burgers. They have no taste. Unless you take a tube of Colmans mustard in your handbag. And give the spotted youth serving you the evil eye if he says that is not allowed.

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Tomorrow a bacon sarnie for lunch - watching Saturday Kitchen Live gets your appetite going!!

You mean that crap with James Martin? You seriously watch that despite being the other side of the world?

Good lord. I thought we were safe from him this far away.

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At least 2 main stream news papers in the UK have reported a care home in Bradford has been audited by the local authority. Residents have been refused requests for bacon sandwiches and pork pies. The care home is council run and has Muslim staff.

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At least 2 main stream news papers in the UK have reported a care home in Bradford has been audited by the local authority. Residents have been refused requests for bacon sandwiches and pork pies. The care home is council run and has Muslim staff.

Let me guess - The Mail and The Express?

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5/10 1 was Left of centre, and it was from a council audit report. Or would you rather these things were hushed up like other wrong doings.

What wrong doings?

With all these things, first find out if it is true, and if true what the reasons are. After that you can start your moaning.

Can they normally choose there menu and e.g. ask for steak?

Edited by stevenl
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Dropping pork because of immigrants. That is alarming and so wrong.

Yeah, isn't it!?

And most of all: it is not even happening!

Maybe not in the universe you inhabit , but in the real world ,i fear it is ,pork products were dropped over 10 years ago in the school our son went to in the UK

The calamity! The devastation! How did you cope?

smacked a Muslim in the face perhaps, beware of backlash

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At least 2 main stream news papers in the UK have reported a care home in Bradford has been audited by the local authority. Residents have been refused requests for bacon sandwiches and pork pies. The care home is council run and has Muslim staff.

Let me guess - The Mail and The Express?

Well the Guardian ,or the BBC would never report anything but left wing dogma ,now would they .

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At least 2 main stream news papers in the UK have reported a care home in Bradford has been audited by the local authority. Residents have been refused requests for bacon sandwiches and pork pies. The care home is council run and has Muslim staff.

Odd that you haven't supplied a link to one of the reports.

Actually, it's not. Because then people would be able to read the facts, which, as always, are very different to the lies on the hatemongering sites.

See Council-run care home slammed as Muslim staff 'refused to buy patients bacon butties due to religious beliefs' for the facts.

Despite the tone of your post and what you and the hatemongers wish the gullible to believe, this was not in any way any form of official ban and the staff concerned have been disciplined.

Of course, it should not have happened and the staff should have complied with the residents wishes.

What is far more worrying for anyone who has a relative in this home is what else the inspectors found;

Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors also found staff training was not up to date and there was no system in place to overview accidents and keep check for any themes or trends.

Not that many of your beloved hatemongering sites have bothered about that.

Neither have they bothered with far more serious incidents of abuse of care home residents by staff; such as Bupa care home assistant jailed for abusing vulnerable residents.

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