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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


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Well 7, I apologise for the lack of links. I' m still learning how to use this android. Now you provide proof that I have in the past posted a link to a so called hate site or stop posting to thaivisa.

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Since I did not say, and never have said, that you "have in the past posted a link to a so called hate site" I am not going to waste my time in searching for a post where you may have done so.

Neither did I say that you have ever linked to one of the actual, not so called, hatemongering sites. So I wont be searching for a post where you may have linked to one of them, either.

However, it is obvious from many of your posts, including the one here where you tried to convince people that a Bradford care home banned bacon and pork pies, where you source much of your 'news' about Muslims from.

As for your instruction that I "stop posting to thaivisa;" pathetic, but a typical response from those who believe the hatemongers highly edited 'news' and downright lies towards those who attempt to find the actual truth.

The only surprise is that you didn't also call me an apologist for terrorists and murderers!

A knee jerk response from many of your fellow travellers.

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Since I did not say, and never have said, that you "have in the past posted a link to a so called hate site" I am not going to waste my time in searching for a post where you may have done so.

Neither did I say that you have ever linked to one of the actual, not so called, hatemongering sites. So I wont be searching for a post where you may have linked to one of them, either.

However, it is obvious from many of your posts, including the one here where you tried to convince people that a Bradford care home banned bacon and pork pies, where you source much of your 'news' about Muslims from.

As for your instruction that I "stop posting to thaivisa;" pathetic, but a typical response from those who believe the hatemongers highly edited 'news' and downright lies towards those who attempt to find the actual truth.

The only surprise is that you didn't also call me an apologist for terrorists and murderers!

A knee jerk response from many of your fellow travellers.

I have posted this before and I will post it again.

You are very good at quoting rules, regulations and laws. You are clueless as to how these work in reality.

When a Government Department / Local authority, puts out a catering tender, which stipulates that pork / pork products will not be used.

This is in effect banning pork / pork products, without a legal ban.

As happens in various parts of the UK.

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When a Government Department / Local authority, puts out a catering tender, which stipulates that pork / pork products will not be used.

This is in effect banning pork / pork products, without a legal ban.

As happens in various parts of the UK.

All the evidence I can find, such as the school menu I quoted earlier, shows your assertion to be completely untrue.

My local hospital serves pork; for example one of the lunch choices for Tuesday of week 1 is gammon steak.

Every state school menu*, every NHS hospital menu I have checked includes pork.

So tell us; which government departments and which local authorities have stipulated to those tendering for catering contracts that pork and pork products will not be used?

Where did you obtain such information?

Show us your evidence.


For obvious reasons I didn't check any of the 42 Jewish schools nor any of the 12 Muslim ones.

Edited by 7by7
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When a Government Department / Local authority, puts out a catering tender, which stipulates that pork / pork products will not be used.

This is in effect banning pork / pork products, without a legal ban.

As happens in various parts of the UK.

All the evidence I can find, such as the school menu I quoted earlier, shows your assertion to be completely untrue.

My local hospital serves pork; for example one of the lunch choices for Tuesday of week 1 is gammon steak.

Every state school menu*, every NHS hospital menu I have checked includes pork.

So tell us; which government departments and which local authorities have stipulated to those tendering for catering contracts that pork and pork products will not be used?

Where did you obtain such information?

Show us your evidence.


For obvious reasons I didn't check any of the 42 Jewish schools nor any of the 12 Muslim ones.

Just this once I will indulge you. I have already supplied a link on page 2 of this thread, perhaps you missed it. You should go and read it, been happening since 2011.

Then come back and tell me my assertion is completely untrue.

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Despite the extremely misleading headline chosen for this topic, there is no ban on pork anywhere in Germany.

Neither is there a ban on pork anywhere in the UK or any other European country.

That some schools in Germany and elsewhere choose not to serve pork in order to reduce waste does not mean there is a ban; as has been made abundantly clear earlier in this topic, those schools can serve pork if they wish to do so.

Worldwide, although some Muslim countries restrict the importation and sale of pork, as far as I can find out only Saudi Arabia bans it completely. No doubt I will be corrected if that is incorrect.

Certainly, in many Muslim countries, for example Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Bahrain, pork is easily available in the larger towns and cities for those who want it but may be difficult to find in more rural areas where there is less demand for it. The same situation exists in Israel.

What you, Transam, and those of your mindset seem incapable of understanding is that a choice by any establishment, whether it be a hotel, a restaurant, a deli; whether it be owned and run by a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, whatever, only to serve foods which comply with the dietary restrictions of the owner’s religion or the demands of their customers is not a ban; it is a commercial decision and no business of anyone’s except the owner of the business.

If I want some pork chops I don’t expect to buy them at a Halal butchers; if I want a bacon sandwich I don’t expect a Kosher deli to sell me one; if I want a roast beef dinner I’m not going to go to a Hindu restaurant; if I want any animal product I’m not going to a vegan shop or restaurant.

To say that means there is a ban on any of those products because those establishments choose not to sell them is absurd.

Edited by 7by7
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So, Samran and 7x7.....It seems the Muslim religion is very strict in many ways for the follower...I do wonder why folk of this strick order relocate to a mainly Christian country....Can you enlighten me as to why, as it seems Christian folk heading the other direction may well get a problem...

DELETED....Think if you were to say that to a Thai you would be given some severe verbal abuse as they near all eat pig stuff every day..

No idea what this has to do with the topic; but:-

Many religions impose rules for their followers; dietary and otherwise.

The more orthodox that follower is, the more strictly they follow those rules.

None of which has anything to do with the reasons why anyone chooses to migrate to any country.

As said above, any Christian, or follower of any other religion or none, who migrates to a Muslim country and wants to eat pork will be able to do so; with the exception of Saudi Arabia.

Were they to migrate to India, they may have problems though; Mob rule: Muslim man lynched for ‘eating beef’ in India

I can’t find any examples of anyone being lynched in a Muslim country for eating pork.

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Forgive me, but I must again ask a troll question.
I wonder why Muslims do not eat pork?
Ok, it is in their religion book.
Ok, a breeding pig from a factory farm is also not healthy.
It is trapped to stand in his own excrement, as the chickens from factory farms too.
A real wild boar, which lives in the forest is much more healthier and natural, as it was normal since 100s of years ago.

Rises the prohibition against eating pork may only a historical idea, to make the enemy identified?
Sprung from the idea to attract people for wars of conquest?
What is today the rational argument, or does it all just to do with the ancient religious wars?

Going the Hindus also to McDonalds in Delhi, although the cows are holy?
It is a question of tolerance. Nobody should dictate someone what he has to eat or not.
Why determine and separate the religions, people about such food issues?
I would prefer a fresh grilled boar always over a halal slaughtered chicken from a factory farm.
And I do not support the separation of the people by religiously prescribed menus.
Religion should be a private matter as food preferences.
Yes I am against people who want to restrict this freedom,
or bring or promote this: people - to separat - restrictions in my country.

Edited by tomacht8
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Muslims, Jews and some Christians don't eat pork because their religion's dietary laws forbid it; although the tradition probably predates even Judaism; on which Islam and Christianity are both based, of course.

There are various theories as to why this is so.

Religious restrictions on the consumption of pork

Interpretations of restrictions[edit]

The cultural materialistic anthropologist Marvin Harris thinks that the main reason for prohibiting consumption of pork was ecological-economical.[8] Pigs require water and shady woods with seeds, but those conditions are scarce in Israel and the Middle East. Unlike many other forms of livestock, pigs are omnivorous scavengers, eating virtually anything they come across, including carrion and refuse. This was deemed unclean, hence a Middle Eastern society keeping large stocks of pigs would destroy their ecosystem.

It is speculated that chickens supplanted pigs as a more portable and efficient source of protein leading to the religious restrictions.[9]

Maimonides, the Jewish philosopher and legal codifier, who was also court physician to the Muslim sultan Saladin in the 12th century, understands the dietary laws chiefly as a means of keeping the body healthy. He argued that the meat of the forbidden animals, birds, and fish is unwholesome and indigestible. According to Maimonides, at first glance, this does not apply to pork, which does not appear to be harmful. Yet, Maimonides observes, the pig is a filthy animal and if swine were used for food, marketplaces and even houses would be dirtier than latrines.[10]

Rashi (the primary Jewish commentator on the Bible and Talmud) lists the prohibition of pig as a law whose reason is not known, and may therefore be derided by others as making no sense.[11]

The Chinuch Sefer HaChinuch [12] (an early work of Halachah) gives a general overview of the Jewish dietary laws. He writes 'And if there are any reasons for the dietary laws which are unknown to us or those knowledgeable in the health field, do not wonder about them, for the true Healer that warns us against them is smarter than us, and smarter than the doctors'.

Hindus do not eat beef because they consider the cow to be holy and so killing one, let alone eating it, would be a major sin. Many Indians do not eat pork because they consider pigs to be unclean.

Therefore McDonalds in India does not sell either beef or pork.

What You Can and Can’t Get at McDonalds India

There’s No Beef or Pork in Any McDonald’s in India

While India is one of the biggest markets in the World, it is also the only Country in the World, where McDonald’s doesn’t serve any beef or pork in any form, in ANY of their 123 outlets (and counting) across the country!

Many people are against factory farming of chickens, pigs and other animals; hence the growing popularity of so called organic farming in many countries; and of course vegetarianism and even veganism.

You don't say what your country is; but unless it's Saudi Arabia where you can't get pork or India where you can't get beef then both meats, and many others, will be available for you to buy.

Of course, this doesn't mean that every shop or restaurant will sell your particular choice; and there is no reason why they should be forced to do so.

Having enjoyed horse meat in Belgium I am disappointed that it isn't readily available in the UK; it used to be, but demand fell and it became unprofitable to stock. It is becoming more popular, but is usually only available from online retailers.

But I'm wandering way of topic, so better stop.

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7by7, Thanks for your input.
I could certainly enumerate 100 arguments against eating pork.
In Germany we say to a bratwurst: phosphate strip.
But why the diets of humans from different regions is ideologized so much?

Muslims, Jews and some Christians don't eat pork because their religion's dietary laws forbid it.

But why?
What's behind it?

The instrument its believers of other settle?
Nutrition people against each other to rush on?

Why do we accept today as "enlightened people" this old enemy pictures?

Thais have offered me to eat very thick beetles.
They have smelled the beetles and could say what beetle is male or female.
They offered me the best beetle.
I ate the beetle and have not discussed with them about religion questions.

We need to stop this stupid, century old biased:
“If you do not eat what I eat, you are my enemy.

All religions should be modernized to this effect.

Even the Korean give no answers why not pork should be eaten.
No mention of advantages or disadvantages.
Only instructed not to eat pork.
Middle of the 7th century.
Now we are 1.300 Years later.

What do you believe or do not believe is your private stuff.
And nobody should dictate the eating of people for religious reasons.
That's antiquated nonsense.

Edited by tomacht8
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Despite the extremely misleading headline chosen for this topic, there is no ban on pork anywhere in Germany.

Neither is there a ban on pork anywhere in the UK or any other European country.

That some schools in Germany and elsewhere choose not to serve pork in order to reduce waste does not mean there is a ban; as has been made abundantly clear earlier in this topic, those schools can serve pork if they wish to do so.

Worldwide, although some Muslim countries restrict the importation and sale of pork, as far as I can find out only Saudi Arabia bans it completely. No doubt I will be corrected if that is incorrect.

Certainly, in many Muslim countries, for example Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Bahrain, pork is easily available in the larger towns and cities for those who want it but may be difficult to find in more rural areas where there is less demand for it. The same situation exists in Israel.

What you, Transam, and those of your mindset seem incapable of understanding is that a choice by any establishment, whether it be a hotel, a restaurant, a deli; whether it be owned and run by a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, whatever, only to serve foods which comply with the dietary restrictions of the owner’s religion or the demands of their customers is not a ban; it is a commercial decision and no business of anyone’s except the owner of the business.

If I want some pork chops I don’t expect to buy them at a Halal butchers; if I want a bacon sandwich I don’t expect a Kosher deli to sell me one; if I want a roast beef dinner I’m not going to go to a Hindu restaurant; if I want any animal product I’m not going to a vegan shop or restaurant.

To say that means there is a ban on any of those products because those establishments choose not to sell them is absurd.

What you fail to understand is the difference between a private enterprise / business and taxpayer funded local Government Authority.

A private enterprise / business is free to sell or produce whatever products it wants. local conditions will dictate that policy and it is good business practice.

When an LGA, whether that be British, German, Spanish, tender for pork / pork product free catering contracts it is effectively BANNING pork / pork products. No LGA should have the authority to do so without consulting the taxpayer.

Your wastage argument is a red herring, wastage plays no part in a catering contract cost.

Edited by SgtRock
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Despite the extremely misleading headline chosen for this topic, there is no ban on pork anywhere in Germany.

Neither is there a ban on pork anywhere in the UK or any other European country.

That some schools in Germany and elsewhere choose not to serve pork in order to reduce waste does not mean there is a ban; as has been made abundantly clear earlier in this topic, those schools can serve pork if they wish to do so.

Worldwide, although some Muslim countries restrict the importation and sale of pork, as far as I can find out only Saudi Arabia bans it completely. No doubt I will be corrected if that is incorrect.

Certainly, in many Muslim countries, for example Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Bahrain, pork is easily available in the larger towns and cities for those who want it but may be difficult to find in more rural areas where there is less demand for it. The same situation exists in Israel.

What you, Transam, and those of your mindset seem incapable of understanding is that a choice by any establishment, whether it be a hotel, a restaurant, a deli; whether it be owned and run by a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, whatever, only to serve foods which comply with the dietary restrictions of the owner’s religion or the demands of their customers is not a ban; it is a commercial decision and no business of anyone’s except the owner of the business.

If I want some pork chops I don’t expect to buy them at a Halal butchers; if I want a bacon sandwich I don’t expect a Kosher deli to sell me one; if I want a roast beef dinner I’m not going to go to a Hindu restaurant; if I want any animal product I’m not going to a vegan shop or restaurant.

To say that means there is a ban on any of those products because those establishments choose not to sell them is absurd.

What you fail to understand is the difference between a private enterprise / business and taxpayer funded local Government Authority.

A private enterprise / business is free to sell or produce whatever products it wants. local conditions will dictate that policy and it is good business practice.

When an LGA, whether that be British, German, Spanish, tender for pork / pork product free catering contracts it is effectively BANNING pork / pork products. No LGA should have the authority to do so without consulting the taxpayer.

Your wastage argument is a red herring, wastage plays no part in a catering contract cost.

They are not tendering pork free products
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Only instructed not to eat pork.

Middle of the 7th century.

Now we are 1.300 Years later.

To be precise, as Islam is an Abrahamic religion the Muslim, and likewise some Christian sects, prohibition on pork follows directly from the Jewish one; and that dates back over 5000 years.

What do you believe or do not believe is your private stuff.

Indeed, a person's religious beliefs are their own affair.

And nobody should dictate the eating of people for religious reasons.

That's antiquated nonsense.

I have never heard of, and am unable to find any reference to, any Jew or Muslim insisting that those who do not share their beliefs must not eat pork.

The same for Hindus and beef.

Though, as already said, pork is banned in Saudi Arabia and beef in India, so that may count.

It also can be difficult to find in some other Muslim countries and Israel outside larger towns and cities; but that is down to lack of demand rather than any prohibition.

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Your increasingly desperate attempts to show that there is any truth to this lie about pork being banned are very amusing; but as untrue as the headline of this topic.

Definition of 'ban' from Cambridge Dictionaries online

verb: to ​forbid (= ​refuse to ​allow) something, ​especially ​officially
noun: an ​official ​order that ​prevents something from ​happening

Now, some schools in Germany and the UK may have chosen not to serve pork; some education authorities may have asked caterers not to automatically include pork in their menus; but no one has told any school in either country that they must not serve pork.

There is no prohibition, no ban.

Any decision to not serve pork is entirely voluntary; and as the Independent article you used as 'proof' of your assertion clearly states, is taken mainly to prevent waste.

Speaking as both a taxpayer and a parent (although my daughter left school some time ago) I would prefer that schools spent their limited budgets on books, computers, teachers etc. rather than wasting some of it on food which was going to be thrown away because no one wanted to eat it.

There is enough waste in the public sector as it is, without adding to it to just appease people like yourself.

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Your increasingly desperate attempts to show that there is any truth to this lie about pork being banned are very amusing; but as untrue as the headline of this topic.

Definition of 'ban' from Cambridge Dictionaries online

verb: to ​forbid (= ​refuse to ​allow) something, ​especially ​officially

noun: an ​official ​order that ​prevents something from ​happening

Now, some schools in Germany and the UK may have chosen not to serve pork; some education authorities may have asked caterers not to automatically include pork in their menus; but no one has told any school in either country that they must not serve pork.

There is no prohibition, no ban.

Any decision to not serve pork is entirely voluntary; and as the Independent article you used as 'proof' of your assertion clearly states, is taken mainly to prevent waste.

Speaking as both a taxpayer and a parent (although my daughter left school some time ago) I would prefer that schools spent their limited budgets on books, computers, teachers etc. rather than wasting some of it on food which was going to be thrown away because no one wanted to eat it.

There is enough waste in the public sector as it is, without adding to it to just appease people like yourself.

Do you have reading problems ? I have stated twice on this thread that there is NO ban on pork or pork products. I have also stated on this thread that when LGA's tender for catering contracts that are pork free, it is banning without a ban being in place. That you fail to read or comprehend that is your issue and your issue alone.

Again you highlight your complete lack of understanding when applied to reality. So I will spell it out for you.

Per year a catering contract with an LGA costs £ xxxxxx. It is a fixed price and it does not matter if 0% or 50% goes to waste. The cost does not change.

How strange that you ignore the real reason for the increased cost, which is nothing to do with the actual catering contract.

It said it is too expensive to serve because it would require monitoring what every child eats in case they are forbidden from eating pork by their cultural or religious beliefs.

People like me ? What type of person would that be ? One that pays a lot of money in tax and wants to see accountability in how and why it is spent ? Or one that pays a lot of money in tax just to be a sheep, watching and doing nothing whilst decision are made that I do not agree with ?

Your previous post was removed for some reason. You should have read completely the link that I gave, paying particular attention to the last sentence.

It added that pork is not available on catering contracts used by some other boroughs in London.


As you can see, contrary to your previous and deleted claim, it is NOT an individual Council.

When you are capable of having an adult conversation based on fact and not YOUR conjecture, by all means come back to me. It might help you to get your head out of dictionaries and getting to grip with a few realities, of which you are totally devoid.

A contract with a caveat is a ban without an official ban being in place.

It is not that difficult to understand.

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Your increasingly desperate attempts to show that there is any truth to this lie about pork being banned are very amusing; but as untrue as the headline of this topic.

Definition of 'ban' from Cambridge Dictionaries online

verb: to ​forbid (= ​refuse to ​allow) something, ​especially ​officially

noun: an ​official ​order that ​prevents something from ​happening

Now, some schools in Germany and the UK may have chosen not to serve pork; some education authorities may have asked caterers not to automatically include pork in their menus; but no one has told any school in either country that they must not serve pork.

There is no prohibition, no ban.

Any decision to not serve pork is entirely voluntary; and as the Independent article you used as 'proof' of your assertion clearly states, is taken mainly to prevent waste.

Speaking as both a taxpayer and a parent (although my daughter left school some time ago) I would prefer that schools spent their limited budgets on books, computers, teachers etc. rather than wasting some of it on food which was going to be thrown away because no one wanted to eat it.

There is enough waste in the public sector as it is, without adding to it to just appease people like yourself.

Do you have reading problems ? I have stated twice on this thread that there is NO ban on pork or pork products. I have also stated on this thread that when LGA's tender for catering contracts that are pork free, it is banning without a ban being in place. That you fail to read or comprehend that is your issue and your issue alone.

Again you highlight your complete lack of understanding when applied to reality. So I will spell it out for you.

Per year a catering contract with an LGA costs £ xxxxxx. It is a fixed price and it does not matter if 0% or 50% goes to waste. The cost does not change.

How strange that you ignore the real reason for the increased cost, which is nothing to do with the actual catering contract.

It said it is too expensive to serve because it would require monitoring what every child eats in case they are forbidden from eating pork by their cultural or religious beliefs.

People like me ? What type of person would that be ? One that pays a lot of money in tax and wants to see accountability in how and why it is spent ? Or one that pays a lot of money in tax just to be a sheep, watching and doing nothing whilst decision are made that I do not agree with ?

Your previous post was removed for some reason. You should have read completely the link that I gave, paying particular attention to the last sentence.

It added that pork is not available on catering contracts used by some other boroughs in London.


As you can see, contrary to your previous and deleted claim, it is NOT an individual Council.

When you are capable of having an adult conversation based on fact and not YOUR conjecture, by all means come back to me. It might help you to get your head out of dictionaries and getting to grip with a few realities, of which you are totally devoid.

A contract with a caveat is a ban without an official ban being in place.

It is not that difficult to understand.

Do you have a reading problem? As stated earlier, those tenders do not contain a 'no port' clause. You're making things up.

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Do you have a reading problem? As stated earlier, those tenders do not contain a 'no port' clause. You're making things up.

Correct. No Port tenders as Port is alcohol and not for school kids.

From the article.

A spokesperson for Islington Council stressed the meat was not banned but had not been on catering contracts for primary schools in the borough since 2011.

Go learn to read and stop embarrassing yourself.

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Do you have a reading problem? As stated earlier, those tenders do not contain a 'no port' clause. You're making things up.

Correct. No Port tenders as Port is alcohol and not for school kids.

From the article.

A spokesperson for Islington Council stressed the meat was not banned but had not been on catering contracts for primary schools in the borough since 2011.

Go learn to read and stop embarrassing yourself.

A catering contract is the result of the tender, not the tender.

These tenders do not state 'no pork', but the caterers make that choice in order to be the cheapest on offer. Because that is what it is all about.

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From the article.

A spokesperson for Islington Council stressed the meat was not banned but had not been on catering contracts for primary schools in the borough since 2011.

Go learn to read and stop embarrassing yourself.

From your source, following on directly from your quote

An Islington Council spokesman told The Independent: "It's not true that pork is banned in our primary schools.

"It is not currently provided in our catering contract, but if any primary school wants to serve pork we will work with them to arrange it."

You have also ignored the part of the article which says that pork is still served in Islington secondary schools.

Seems that it is you who needs remedial reading lessons!

Unless you are following the usual tactic of people who share you prejudice; cherry pick the bits that suit, ignore the rest and hope no one notices!

No article on this that I can find, including the original one in the Islington Gazette, contains a single complaint from any Islington parent about this; which they surely would if the parents were concerned.

As for the claim that other London boroughs have 'banned' pork in their schools; I can find absolutely no reports of this anywhere, not even on the hate sites. Can you provide any?

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