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Hard to believe. MS must have gotten plenty complaints that fixing the dual language setting is impossible.

Main language for searches/ typing = English


Keyboard = German

It is impossible to avoid uncontrollable switch back to Keyboard = English

Is there an app which sets the Keyboard permanently to German?


Clever idea= regional. But English Qwerty board is non-removable, German Qwertz.

Don´t know what General Region set to German will do. Don´t want German related things.


A replacement keyboard can be had for next to nothing in almost any Tesco. I got a fancy back lit one for under 500 baht. Been great for years.


yes, I have the same problem with google.

all these companies like google, microsoft, apple, etc. are more clever than 90% of people, but what about the rest who want to have control over the behavior of their property (computers)?.


I don't know exactly what your problem is.

You can choose which language you want to use in your windows and you can choose which keyboard layout you want use.

I have on my computer (Swiss-German, English and Thai Keyboard installed)

My default keyboard is Swiss-German, Language in Windows is English, as I am used to english more, but sometimes need the äöü or the éàè on the swiss keyboard.

There is no problem... I also could fix go to english all.... Maybe you choose to change the keyboard for one app only instead to change the keyboard in the settings. and make them default.

Klick on the "DEU" "ENG" sign on bottom if you have and then language preferences. Then klick on the language you wish and klick on the button "Set as default". From this point on every app will be opened with this language you choose as default.


Click Settings then Time & Language then Region & Language then Add Additional Date Time & Regional Setting, then Language, and then use the Move up or Move down settings to place your desired default keyboard language to the top of your list. Then restart your computer.

Whichever keyboard language is at the top of the list is will be your default keyboard language (see first image below) when ever your restart your computer. But it's easy to switch between installed keyboard languages by just clicking and selecting the keyboard language icon which should be in the lower right hand corner of your display (see second image below). Like when I click ENG inthe second image it pops open showing I have English and Thai keyboards installed...I click the language I want, and I'm now immediately typing in that keyboard language...but switching this way will not hold when your restart the computer as the default language gains top priority again unless you have it set to the "top" of your language list.




@Pib's explanation does not sound much different from what it works in Win7 (which I still stick to).

It's a trivial task and I could bet it worked similar back to the time of XP.

Keyboard layout can be set completely independent from the user interface language or other regional settings.

And adding another keyboard layout does not require to have the respecting UI language and can be done in all editions of Windows (desktop versions).

On my W7 Ultimate I have three UI languages installed (English, German, Thai), three different keyboard layouts and three user accounts with different default settings.

Be flexible tongue.png

Time to fiddle around with W10?

Ah no!


I don't habe this Problem on Wi dows 10 and I have English, German and Thai Keyboard installed with English as default. Something is wrong with your Wi dows installation

Dr. Hermann "Somchai" Quint

www.slks.co.th | www.epac.asia


Well, will try again, sofar unseccluf with default setting, simply not accepted. Just to avoid misunderstandings, I´m referring to a physical keypad, not a mobile one.

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