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Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump


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I support either the RNC nor the DNC, nor any of their candidates. With that say, foreign countries and their diplomats can take a long walk off a short pier. The US ain't your country, and the political candidates aren't your issue. The US will install a president and you'll deal with whomever is elected. So get over it.

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SAP is a 25B Euro enterprise software company. Sprang out of IBM decades ago. Very well regarded.

SAP had no editorial input to the original Reuters piece

The original article is well worth a read. (Can Trumpites read?)

Edited by Grouse
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The US, along with most other allied nations, are dependent on each other for the sharing of information on a variety of issues, including security issues. A fair amount of that information is in the form of discussions. It is much the same as how friends would exchange information. When diplomats start sounding the alarm, along with that is going to go a lot of cooperation. That puts the US at risk and that's not a good thing.

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I support either the RNC nor the DNC, nor any of their candidates. With that say, foreign countries and their diplomats can take a long walk off a short pier. The US ain't your country, and the political candidates aren't your issue. The US will install a president and you'll deal with whomever is elected. So get over it.

Let's grow up here.

The USA is the global super power. Not making a great fist of it but there you are!

That's why the rest of the world is interested in the prospect of you people appointing a nasty, dangerous nutter.

You won't be a super power for ever. Please be responsible

The Brits were the super power for about 250 years. You folks have had that mantle for about 70 years. Please take a little care....

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I support either the RNC nor the DNC, nor any of their candidates. With that say, foreign countries and their diplomats can take a long walk off a short pier. The US ain't your country, and the political candidates aren't your issue. The US will install a president and you'll deal with whomever is elected. So get over it.

Exactly and that is what other nations are doing. Raising concerns and flagging consequences of a Trump administration diplomatically and what decisions they will be making. Without limiting thousands of options. US military bases may be closed, some countries may stop military cooperation, certain US 'economic zones' similar to ones in Mexico may be closed including Mexico, suspension of trade agreements, removal of intelligence sharing installations. At the moment America is asking other Nations to support ;freedom of navigation rights' in the South China Sea many Nations may not want to get involved anymore. Other Nations are just forewarning the US that if a Trump administration will begin torturing people and assassinating and imprisoning innocent family members etc then when the US takes a walk along the pier they will find it very much shorter than the pier the current administration enjoys.

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Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.


I wish I had your confidence in this matter.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.

and Trump has convinced the stupid to come out of the closet and vote.

Good Luck to America and the rest of the free world.free world.

This may result in a global catastrophe.

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you donot need to be liked to be capable

and Trump proves..

You do not need to be capable to be liked.

The man is a promoter and entertainer who has no government experience and no knowledge of how the government works or what the duties of a President are.

Extremely incapable, but loved by the emotionally motivated uninformed.

Unfortunately, what America does is felt by the entire free world...and this may be a world wide catastrophe if he is elected.

The world has every right to be worried.

Edited by willyumiii
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with the perspective of Trump winning the US presidency, it is funny to watch all the formerly die-hard leftist democrats come close to throw their democratic principles out the window by thinking how they can block him from winning.

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We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community,

represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous.

We have disagreed with one another on many issues... But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency.

Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:

Number of Signatories: 117



No ghost story here.


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We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community,

represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous.

We have disagreed with one another on many issues... But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency.

Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:

Number of Signatories: 117

How about that? It’s grown from 95 signatures since last week…

(It started with 50)

(Read attached story for the full list of concerns and signators)

Mr. Trump’s own statements lead us to conclude that as president, he would use the authority of his office to act in ways that make America less safe,

and which would diminish our standing in the world.

Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States.

Therefore, as committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head.

We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.


No ghost story here.


I rarely agree with the GOP on anything, but in this case, they're absolutely spot on.

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The genuflection of the US in capitulating to every and any one around the world under Obama & Company ensure that these same beneficiaries will now loudly protest any change in the status quo now. America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC. These two the world can live with- patsies. Were America to ever assert "America first" again many people would be sorely disappointed. You see and hear them daily now, gnawing flesh, gnashing teeth; Henny Penny screaming.

(The same stale agents of sucking the life out of nations and peoples are equally on display in UK and EU now as the pathology of their (socialist) policies are moving the world toward nationalism and desperation. People are moving toward nationalism as a response to... pick it... Right! Failed progressive/socialist polices. This is why socialism always produced despots).

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with the perspective of Trump winning the US presidency, it is funny to watch all the formerly die-hard leftist democrats come close to throw their democratic principles out the window by thinking how they can block him from winning.

So the Republican party consists of formerly die-hard leftist democrats.
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The US, along with most other allied nations, are dependent on each other for the sharing of information on a variety of issues, including security issues. A fair amount of that information is in the form of discussions. It is much the same as how friends would exchange information. When diplomats start sounding the alarm, along with that is going to go a lot of cooperation. That puts the US at risk and that's not a good thing.

Sharing information? I'll bet the secret names of these anonymous people who are complaining could be found on Hillary's server. whistling.gif

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Didn't take long for two of you to deflect the real issue of this topic by naming Hillary Clinton and President Obama in less than twenty words into your posts.


And in your case NeverSure, irrelevant drivel.

Bordering on trolling...

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with the perspective of Trump winning the US presidency, it is funny to watch all the formerly die-hard leftist democrats come close to throw their democratic principles out the window by thinking how they can block him from winning.

So the Republican party consists of formerly die-hard leftist democrats.

the anti-democratic statements are funniest when coming from die-hard leftist democrats.

* I'm not in favor of Trump either - I think if he really does what he says, he's a risk for the US and for the world.

What I'm saying is that it's funny to watch how people, who were previously all for "power to the people" etc., are now betraying their ideals. Any attempt of explanation comes with a "yes, but..." LOL! just LOL.

And this situation in the US is not without resembling the situation in Thailand. In the US, they don't want Trump and in Thailand they don't want Thaksin, but both are the uneducated's favorites.

And I guess the same people denying Trump the presidency would applaud Thaksin's comeback as a candidate in Thai elections.

Food for thought.

Edited by manarak
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Measure the Man by those who despise him. When I do, its clear I must vote Trump.

As the plains indians believed "don't judge a man by his friends judge a man by his enemies". Trump must be on the right path.

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Yes but betting on a presidential election in the USA is illegal and against Forum Rules.

However, simply FYI only, the Las Vegas line as of today on who will be elected Potus November 8th....

HR Clinton is at odds of 1-2 which converts to the percentage probability of 66.7%

Donald Trump is at odds of 3-1 which converts to the percentage probability of 25%

After that no one is close to either while Trump himself is woefully distant of HR Clinton. Oddsmakers have been pretty good at this stuff for a long time. Odds are not definitive or conclusive but they do advise us of something significant.

Those who continue to believe Donald Trump will be elected Potus raise your right hand and repeat after him...

This Donald Trump Rally Looks Like A Scene From Nazi Germany

Trump Gets Crowd To Raise Right Hands And Swear To Vote For Him


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The genuflection of the US in capitulating to every and any one around the world under Obama & Company ensure that these same beneficiaries will now loudly protest any change in the status quo now. America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC. These two the world can live with- patsies. Were America to ever assert "America first" again many people would be sorely disappointed. You see and hear them daily now, gnawing flesh, gnashing teeth; Henny Penny screaming.

(The same stale agents of sucking the life out of nations and peoples are equally on display in UK and EU now as the pathology of their (socialist) policies are moving the world toward nationalism and desperation. People are moving toward nationalism as a response to... pick it... Right! Failed progressive/socialist polices. This is why socialism always produced despots).

"America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC." Wow, that's harsh.

I only have one question, Arj:

Why capitalize Self-loathing?

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Oh, so now if we raise our right hands we are Nazis. No more swearing in ceremonies for you, I guess. You've never been in a classroom where a benign teacher asked everyone who agreed with something to raise their hands.

You need to get out more, and you need to find something else to worry about.

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The genuflection of the US in capitulating to every and any one around the world under Obama & Company ensure that these same beneficiaries will now loudly protest any change in the status quo now. America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC. These two the world can live with- patsies. Were America to ever assert "America first" again many people would be sorely disappointed. You see and hear them daily now, gnawing flesh, gnashing teeth; Henny Penny screaming.

(The same stale agents of sucking the life out of nations and peoples are equally on display in UK and EU now as the pathology of their (socialist) policies are moving the world toward nationalism and desperation. People are moving toward nationalism as a response to... pick it... Right! Failed progressive/socialist polices. This is why socialism always produced despots).

"America is an open spigot under Obama's American Self-loathing and a la cosa nostra pay-to-play under HRC." Wow, that's harsh.

I only have one question, Arj:

Why capitalize Self-loathing?

Is that your best shot? A capital letter? When are you going to say something intelligent?

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"The former director of the Anti-Defamation League said that Donald Trump having his supporters raise their right hands and pledge to support him,

is about as offensive, obnoxious and disgusting as anything I thought I would ever witness in the United States of America.”

"Abe Foxman told the Times of Israel that the image created when a whole crowd raises their right hands resembles the “Heil Hitler” sign and Trump knew what he was doing."

“He is smart enough, he always tells us how smart he is, to know the images that this evokes. Instead of asking his audience to pledge allegiance to the United States of America,

which in itself would be a little bizarre, he’s asking them to swear allegiance to him,” he continued."



The bloviator's fascist days are numbered.

Educated Americans will have none of it.


This circus barker has simply tapped into the dimwits.

We've all known them our whole lives...

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Oh, so now if we raise our right hands we are Nazis. No more swearing in ceremonies for you, I guess. You've never been in a classroom where a benign teacher asked everyone who agreed with something to raise their hands.

You need to get out more, and you need to find something else to worry about.

It is long past time to get serious about what is occurring here.

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