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Video: Bangkok bus driver filmed attacking passenger, gets fined 1,000 Baht

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Video: Bangkok bus driver filmed attacking passenger, gets fined 1,000 Baht
Kwaang Siripoom


BANGKOK:-- Officials from the Bangkok Mass Transportation Authority have fined a Bangkok bus driver and suspended him from work for seven days after he was filmed trying to attack a passenger with a street sign.

The footage was later upload to the Thai website Pantip.com.

The user who uploaded the clip said the driver went berserk after he confronted him about missing a stop.

During the clip the driver can be seen trying to attack the man with the bus stop sign.

Offering further explanation about the clip, the user wrote:

‘While I’m waiting for the public bus line 527, No 8, Plate 13-5668, found out this bus do not stop to pick up the passengers. I later tried to ask for the reason why from an officer at the 524 Line office.

“Instead of getting explanation, the driver returned me with a rude word and aggressive manner, lifting a yellow metal plate up on the air starting to hit me with it. Thank god, I could control myself and managed to take picture and video clipping the situation.”

On Monday, BMTA officials revealed that driver Buala Thongpu admitted to being the man in the clip and confirmed that he has been fined 1,000 Baht and suspended from work for seven days.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-03-08

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Who's the nutty woman with the same BMTA uniform attacking the person with the camera?

Customer Relations



Who's the nutty woman with the same BMTA uniform attacking the person with the camera?

She is the fair collector, that metal tube she is holding contains coins she dispenses for change.


What a joke. And then they wonder why people act the way they do as they seem to be able to get away with GBH/ABH, they pay a small fine and back to work as if nothing has happened. I wonder if this even went down on his record at work, let alone criminal record. The mind boggles and Thai's wonder why we say what we say about them as a culture!!!


Well, perhaps the " customer " was abusive to him, to provoke such a reaction ? We don't know the full story.

Some Westerners would like to put him in jail, to lose the job and become a criminal ?

I know of a country who has death penalty, and the highest number of inmates in the world ( compared to the population ) , yet it seems not a winning strategy.

Sign of the times, anyway, some 15 years ago i happened to use Bkk buses a few times, and i was often left wondering at the high level of civilization displayed by commuters and drivers and fee collectors, even in difficult and chaotic situations.


Well, perhaps the " customer " was abusive to him, to provoke such a reaction ? We don't know the full story.

Some Westerners would like to put him in jail, to lose the job and become a criminal ?

I know of a country who has death penalty, and the highest number of inmates in the world ( compared to the population ) , yet it seems not a winning strategy.

Sign of the times, anyway, some 15 years ago i happened to use Bkk buses a few times, and i was often left wondering at the high level of civilization displayed by commuters and drivers and fee collectors, even in difficult and chaotic situations.

Abusive or not, it's inappropriate for a bus driver to attack a customer for a few inappropriate words. The police should be called and let them handle the situation. The driver should be fired. Or he'll probably do the same thing another day.


What a joke. And then they wonder why people act the way they do as they seem to be able to get away with GBH/ABH, they pay a small fine and back to work as if nothing has happened. I wonder if this even went down on his record at work, let alone criminal record. The mind boggles and Thai's wonder why we say what we say about them as a culture!!!

True it does tell a lot of the culture and the mentality of its people. impulsive and irresponsible. public responsibility and justice..... well, good luck and see it happen again! This time it was not a chinese, not a Burmese and not any other ASEAN member state...

Educate people to answer questions?

Educate children how to apologise to wrong doings and face consequences without being excused!

Educate Adults through the Buddhist way of living that violence is evil

Educate them that such behaviour is not normal - learn to talk and not gackle like a hen or shout like a fishermonger! public servants, those who serve the public should be well mannered mature people who are willing to help. These ones should be sent to look after animals in the zoo.


It is no wonder vigilante groups exist! Those with authority fail to use it.

Not only should the person attacking have been dismissed, but legal proceedings for assault/attempted assaultshould have been instigated.


1000 baht fine, 7 days suspension, what is wrong with these people?

He should have been sacked on the spot police called.

Drug / alcohol levels checked.

Maybe he is Burmese? that can be the only explanation for his behaviour, because Thais are calm gentle people.


The person doing the video was not merely politely inquiring in a mild and civilized manner whether there was any reason for a certain bus not to stop at a certain bus stop, there must of course have been some very serious reason for the guy and woman in the video to be so upset, more to the story will come.....


Normally Baht.500 fine for Thai's doing any kind of violence against another Thai, this time seems to be 1000.tongue.png

All knows Muey Thai(That Boxing), that's that is their basic right to punch each other. Back to business normally.clap2.gif


He can also be clearly heard shouting 'e-hee-a' at the victim.

He should be fired but whatever you do, don't say anything about the standards or lack of. The Thai apologists are gathering, swarming in the shadows.

Just another reason not to use public transport IMO.


"Bus drivers. Bain of my life. I 'ate 'em all, I tell you, I 'ate 'em all, especially Butler! And as for this idiot, when he gets back to the depot I'll make his life a misery."

Blakey would be turning in his grave!


OMG I once shouted at a bus driver for shutting the door on me and my shopping bag. I was ready for him but he just ignored me.

Then there was the time when I tapped a big bad looking cop on the shoulder to tell him that someone bad had parked their big bad looking motorbike in the middle of the road. It turned out to be him.

Life goes on.


Certain no-no's are flagged in this story:


Loss of face!

The usual Thai customer would have accepted the fact that the driver failed to pick him up and go about his day without comment.

However, this customer was in a hurry, had an appointment to keep so he made the mistake of airing his frustration.

This was Confrontation! and caused Loss of face!

As acknowledged in the full story in Thai, he was lucky that the outcome was not worse.

Such is the volatility of Thai people.

We Farang should take heed and learn to accept this bad (in our view) behaviour and learn to walk away in silence and go about our business.

Tis the way things are in the LoS, nothing to see here!

Just sayin.....


perhaps this is where the Generals "education camp" comes in handy....actually send these nuth heads there not people who are peacefully speaking their mind


Public servants should be made to understand that the main thing in their working lives, is that they are servants. Serve with respect please.

I read an article some time ago in the BKK Post about how stressful it is working on the buses, no toilet breaks, many wear adult diapers,little time for food etc. it isn't surprising if they sometimes flip out, this instance was a little extreme but as others have said we only have half the story.

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