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Wife transferring my money

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Dinner's almost ready so I'll give it my best shot without editing or too much thought, in a short time, it goes like this:

Not difficult to imagine a younger Brit.acquires a Thai female from a poor rural family and falls in love, applies for and gets granted a Settlement Visa and sets up home UK side - adjustments aplenty for both parties, some work, others don't, his expectation (if it even existed) that she would cease to care for/support her family would be naive and shows no understanding for the differences in culture. She gets pressure from both sides, him and from the family, what to do - they need to work it out, he knows her, YOU don't, let him decide to rebuild or to move on. 6K Pounds, peanuts, get over it, you'll blow more than that in the pub in a year or on a decent holiday, it's not as he's a pensioner for goodness sake.

Food, bye.

PS: to "the guy from"..., hit a nerve I see, was not personalized but if the shoe/cap fits...!

So smart this guy. Has every relationship figured out.,,, but he doesn't stop gloating. Yep, 6k pounds is peanuts to him, he says. He blows it more on a pub in a year.... but he can't post anymore nonsense cuz he gotta go and eat dinner.

It's funny how 6k pounds means nothing to some people when it comes to their Thai wife because, god forbid we don't understand the culture.... but the "westerner" will always complain if he has to pay a dinner for a "western" date.

Give me a break, rofl. People seriously can't be that dumb (or are they?). 6k theft is a 6k theft, It's not nothing I don't care how rich or how much you like to gloat about yourself on this forum. lolololol

A nice twist on words but what I actually wrote was that, "you'll blow more than that in the pub in a year or on a decent holiday', that's you, not me!

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SCB not SCM, Standard Chartered Bank.

SCB stands for Siam Commercial Bank.

im amused by people offering advice on this site without even a basic grasp of the facts.

Then amuse yourself with these basic facts:

Post 13 reads:

"Major thai banks have London branches at least Bangkokbank and SCB do.....".

In fact Siam Commercial Bank does not have a UK branch of any sort, in fact, 99.9% of people in the UK have never heard of Siam Commercial Bank.

The abbreviation SCB in Asia is known as Siam Commercial Bank, in the UK and Europe it is known as Standard Chartered Bank.

As a one time employee of Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong the issue of correct recognition of our UK brand in Asia was frequently a hot topic.

"SCB is an acronym for:



Wow. You sure showed me.

I wasn't aware standard charted was a major Thai bank.

So authoritative.

So very wrong.


You got one thing right. I am amused.

In fact.

That's a public company, just as the name states, Public Ltd Co., it is not a bank, Siam Commercial Bank does NOT have a retail banking license in the UK, just like Bangkok Bank doesn't have one either, neither banks are allowed to take deposits or transact on retail accounts. Now stop trying to make a fool out of others on this point and stop making a fool out of yourself in the process.

As for being major or minor and what bank is known where and why: Standard Chartered Bank is over USD 850 billion in assets with branches in 40 countries, including Thailand; Siam Commercial Bank is a non-player, it is a bank in Thailand with USD 85 billion in assets and some branches elsewhere in the region. The context of Thai bank refers back to a poster stating there are two Thai banks in London, SCB and BBL, both of which of course have branches in Thailand.

Edited by chiang mai
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Not if she has drawing rights which she will have

Didn't you read what the OP said, she took his ATM Card without his knowledge & because she knew the pin, she withdrew money without him knowing...

IF he gave her/she knew his PIN, he gave her his approval to access his account.

is the official definition that follows the laws of the British?

where you saw that he had given her?. OP said only that she knew ..


may she saw. OP knew about that she knewbiggrin.png

Bank regulations of all the banks I've ever heard of in any country, require ATM users to keep their PIN safe and secure, to not write it down and not to tell it to anyone, not even to bank staff, it's a part of the Terms and Conditions of having an account.

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By and large she's a really good girl,

No, she's a thief stealing thousands of pounds of your money.

Making up an endless series of lies to explain away her stealing.

And we all know it will never stop.

well bless my soul,just when i was goner say have an SMS ALERT on the acc.but as you think she's a good girl,you will have more of the same same.

another SUCKER.

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Major thai banks have London branches at least Bangkokbank and SCM do.........

You and your wife with passbook and passport could visit.....

The Bangkok bank in London does not offer a retail banking service. Never heard of the SCM bank .............

This is not the point, This point is that like myself, she can open and account at Bangkok Bank London. I have my pensions paid to my account at Bangkok Bank in London and they transfer this to my Bangkok Bank account in Bangkok. SCM obviously means Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). You can also just walk into Bangkok Bank London office and handover cash to transfer to any account in Thailand. I used to do this on a weekly basis for two years.

You have a retail banking account at the Bangkok Bank in London ?

Really ?

How was that achieved?

Links please to the detail of how a personal banking account is opened with the Bangkok Bank in London. Do they offer the usual debit/credit card and overdraft facilities ? How often do you receive statements or can you access your BB (London) account on line ?

I think you need to get a grip and understand exactly how your banking arrangements actually work.

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The amount that's gone missing is £6,000. It was my own account, not joint. We have been married for 12 yrs and nothing like this has happend before. She knew the pin number and has done for many years. She took my card without permission and withdrew the money without my permission.

Trust is big thing and to restore some of it, I want the money back. If the only way is that she has to go to Thailand and bring it back, not ideal but will do, if she doesn't come back, well that's that.

Sorry for the slow response, have a busy day at work

Sorry to hear about this, it can be a shock to learn someone you have known and trusted for so many years can be so dishonest with you. (Basically a thief). I am sure you have changed your PIN and will be more careful, but do not lose heart. A similar situation for me but mine was petty pilfering from my wallet over a longer period. I agree paying the money back is a good lesson, my 'wife' also attended a local temple for a week, coming back very much repentant. I decided 'to err is human, to forgive divine' and gave her a chance, albeit with a few more safeguards in place! It was a good decision. She was misled by a friend who is a friend no more.......I was also blaming myself thinking perhaps I kept her on too tight a leash monetarily.

Does she have any income in the UK from which she can begin to repay you?

Otherwise you need internet/ATM access to her account. It is possible she only has a passbook BUT, does anyone in Thailand have access to that account.... does she send money to family from it. There is very much a possibility she is not being honest with you in that respect too. Why tell the truth, it goes against their nature!!

Her going to Thailand to get the money will cost money, and if she does not return, perhaps all for the best, it is even a good test.

(PS...does she have so much as £6000 in this Thai account? Where did that come from. How was it built up with only a passbook?) What did she do with this money in the UK is also another answer you need......

Edited by jacko45k
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SCB stands for Siam Commercial Bank.

im amused by people offering advice on this site without even a basic grasp of the facts.

Then amuse yourself with these basic facts:

Post 13 reads:

"Major thai banks have London branches at least Bangkokbank and SCB do.....".

In fact Siam Commercial Bank does not have a UK branch of any sort, in fact, 99.9% of people in the UK have never heard of Siam Commercial Bank.

The abbreviation SCB in Asia is known as Siam Commercial Bank, in the UK and Europe it is known as Standard Chartered Bank.

As a one time employee of Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong the issue of correct recognition of our UK brand in Asia was frequently a hot topic.

"SCB is an acronym for:


Wow. You sure showed me.

I wasn't aware standard charted was a major Thai bank.

So authoritative.

So very wrong.


You got one thing right. I am amused.

In fact.

That's a public company, just as the name states, Public Ltd Co., it is not a bank, Siam Commercial Bank does NOT have a retail banking license in the UK, just like Bangkok Bank doesn't have one either, neither banks are allowed to take deposits or transact on retail accounts. Now stop trying to make a fool out of others on this point and stop making a fool out of yourself in the process.

As for being major or minor and what bank is known where and why: Standard Chartered Bank is over USD 850 billion in assets with branches in 40 countries, including Thailand; Siam Commercial Bank is a non-player, it is a bank in Thailand with USD 85 billion in assets and some branches elsewhere in the region. The context of Thai bank refers back to a poster stating there are two Thai banks in London, SCB and BBL, both of which of course have branches in Thailand.

spin it any way you want my friend, your facts are wrong.

both SCB and BBL have london offices despite the FACT you maintain they do not.

writing an additional novel on the subject wont change that but keep typing, im sure you will find something to keep you occupied until dinner.

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Then amuse yourself with these basic facts:

Post 13 reads:

"Major thai banks have London branches at least Bangkokbank and SCB do.....".

In fact Siam Commercial Bank does not have a UK branch of any sort, in fact, 99.9% of people in the UK have never heard of Siam Commercial Bank.

The abbreviation SCB in Asia is known as Siam Commercial Bank, in the UK and Europe it is known as Standard Chartered Bank.

As a one time employee of Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong the issue of correct recognition of our UK brand in Asia was frequently a hot topic.

"SCB is an acronym for:


Wow. You sure showed me.

I wasn't aware standard charted was a major Thai bank.

So authoritative.

So very wrong.


You got one thing right. I am amused.

In fact.

That's a public company, just as the name states, Public Ltd Co., it is not a bank, Siam Commercial Bank does NOT have a retail banking license in the UK, just like Bangkok Bank doesn't have one either, neither banks are allowed to take deposits or transact on retail accounts. Now stop trying to make a fool out of others on this point and stop making a fool out of yourself in the process.

As for being major or minor and what bank is known where and why: Standard Chartered Bank is over USD 850 billion in assets with branches in 40 countries, including Thailand; Siam Commercial Bank is a non-player, it is a bank in Thailand with USD 85 billion in assets and some branches elsewhere in the region. The context of Thai bank refers back to a poster stating there are two Thai banks in London, SCB and BBL, both of which of course have branches in Thailand.

spin it any way you want my friend, your facts are wrong.

both SCB and BBL have london offices despite the FACT you maintain they do not.

writing an additional novel on the subject wont change that but keep typing, im sure you will find something to keep you occupied until dinner.

Well if you think that, next time you (or anyone else on the planet) is there, why not go into their offices and do some simple retail banking transaction and let us know how it goes.

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Well if you think that, next time you (or anyone else on the planet) is there, why not go into their offices and do some simple retail banking transaction and let us know how it goes.

why waste time discussing the colours of a painting with blind people? huh.png

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Well if you think that, next time you (or anyone else on the planet) is there, why not go into their offices and do some simple retail banking transaction and let us know how it goes.

why waste time discussing the colours of a painting with blind people? huh.png

Of course that's correct and very applicable. But the reason is because there are other people out there wanting to know what the real world situation is, wanting to know if they can use either of those banks for their own personal banking needs, people who come here looking for answers and fact. Not least of all is the OP who wants to see if there's ways his Thai wife can transfer funds to the UK via a Thai, without having to return to Thailand, the answer to both those questions is no and no.

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Some things here niggle?

Is the OP really saying 6K went "missing" and he didn't notice?

To get 6K from most UK bank accounts would normally require about 20 visits

If it was his Card she could not get the money over the counter.

How did the money get transferred. Even ask the Q :Was it?

Can you deposit money into a Thai Bank Account in London?

Is she sufficiently savvy to make international transfers?

Does he really know if she does not have a UK bank account? 12 years ago it would have been easy to get. Not today without an income.

How was he paying for the Pickup?

I would like to see the "paper trail"

If they were married in the UK he has to be very circumspect and careful, quickly. The "no blame" UK divorce court would not take theft into account.

Do they even own a house?

Still agree with other posters. Cut and Dismiss!!

Good luck to him

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A few of the responses here are surprising to say the least.

Someone even said, 'if you are one of those blokes that does not give his wife money every month, what do you expect?"

Quite baffling that anyone believes it is a man's duty to sponsor a woman/wife/girlfriend in this day and age!

There is no reason you should help her family either . . . !!!!

A woman is not incapable of earning her own money. If she works in the business with you then you probably share the profits but so often I hear that the Thai wife shares only the profits and not the costs.


From a UK perspective, yes it might be baffling to some and difficult for many UK people to get their head round.

I guess that's where the cultural difference element comes in.

Millions of Thais wouldn't be baffled at all at the idea of a man sponsoring a wife, girlfriend, mia noi or mistress and its common place. As is helping the family financially.... and that's in Thai-Thai relationships. Not all obviously. But very common.

Definitely something to consider when OP and his wife discuss it.

My own personal view is that doesn't excuse theft though... but that's just me laugh.png

Edited by fletchsmile
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If your one of those people that don't give your wife money every month well what do you expect.

Off topic,

If I were living in the UK (as OP is), I would expect her to get a job, and pay NI for her pension.

Like every other normal person.

In Thailand (cos my wife is a uni student), I pay her fees, and give her 100bht pocket money for every day she attends uni, and provide her with food and accommodation.

If she wants more she can work for it, after uni finishes she will be getting a job.

100 baht per day? Bet she finds a new husband once she finishes uni.

I pay for my son to go to school (he is 12) and I give him 50 baht a day but I don't think he will be looking for a new Dad any time soon.

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This is bar girl behavior, write the money off as a loss and stop all payments to the family, they have milked you enough, file for a divorce and get the theft registered with the police so her and her greedy family have no claim on any of your asserts.

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I hope I'm not boring people with what is probably a common story.

When confronted, should told me that she had lost the money gambling, I knew this wasn't true, she values money and wouldn't waste it like that, then it was she transferred the money to her Thai account as she was worried for her future and felt she needed a nest egg. I don't yet have that and will need to work for the next 10 yrs. For some reason that didn't ring true either, so talked with her again today and she told me that she transferred the money to her mothers account so that some repairs could be done to the family home and an extension to her brothers shop.

Financially, we had a reasonable 2015, during our annual holiday last Sept to Thailand we decided we could afford to give her Mum & Dad a gift of B50,000 and also bought the family a large flat screen TV, this is above what we normally would give them annually. We also pay for her brother's pick up, bought on the deal that was offered by the government 3 or 4 years ago, this is B10,000 / mth. This was bought to help him with his shop.

I really feel we are doing our bit to help but why are these people so greedy !! And why is she so influenced by them ?

By and large she's a really good girl, my friends and family like her very much and I love her but I'm from Aberdeen, where money and trust is very important. So where we are now is that I've said B300,000 buys a lot of building work in the village and I need them to return half the money and have given them 2 weeks to do so. If not, with the way I'm feeling at the moment then she can join them.

Thanks for all the replies

If the money was wired to your wife's mother's account, there is no need for your wife to return to Thailand. Your MIL can wire it back from her own account. Same holds true if it was wired to your wife's account and others have had the ability to withdraw from that account. Good Luck to you.

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If your one of those people that don't give your wife money every month well what do you expect.

Off topic,

If I were living in the UK (as OP is), I would expect her to get a job, and pay NI for her pension.

Like every other normal person.

In Thailand (cos my wife is a uni student), I pay her fees, and give her 100bht pocket money for every day she attends uni, and provide her with food and accommodation.

If she wants more she can work for it, after uni finishes she will be getting a job.

for differfnt people different "normal".

For many people it NOT normal pushing wife to job. Job wife - care home, husband, children.and if after have time and she wanted go out job as hobby .

"Job wife - care home, husband, children" a typical misogynistic remark which if made in the West would put your "crown jewels" at great risk.

Do you also agree that women should do as they are told, obey their husbands commands without question and wear a burqa when venturing outside the home ?

Best you not voice your "opinion" to my wife !

First.. WHERE !!! you see i talking about YOUR wife?

I just say for differfnt people different "normal".!!!


What "crown jewels"?? what about you talking? you jast say bla bla?

i Can explain my position about NORMAL!!!!!

1. If job do by professional its can be great..

2. It is created when the mother nature take care of children. another is the anomaly and an exception - not the normal. SO normal job for woomen its care children.

3. Care about Home, Husband, Children" its Hard job.. Or you not think it? So why need pushing Wife do another Job?

4. I am not say wife CANT work. yes can in part time when finish main work.

5. If a man pushes his wife to work. It means that a man is not doingwell his job so not enough money. Or( and) he chose a wife whose quality of life questions do not coincide with his own (purse)

And last..

Where I say , or why you think it :"obey their husbands commands without question and wear a burqa when venturing outside the home ".

Of course there are issues that need to listen to a man, have questions kotoryh a woman, and there are joint decisions.

That's life
And physically woman and a man are different. therefore can not be the same .. that can sometimes not be the woman to the man. and vice versa.
the selective nature of the selection. History shows surviving family in which most NORMAL as I am talking.thumbsup.gif
SO relax..
And do what you want with you wife.
but no need say it normalthumbsup.gif
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If your one of those people that don't give your wife money every month well what do you expect.

Off topic,

If I were living in the UK (as OP is), I would expect her to get a job, and pay NI for her pension.

Like every other normal person.

In Thailand (cos my wife is a uni student), I pay her fees, and give her 100bht pocket money for every day she attends uni, and provide her with food and accommodation.

If she wants more she can work for it, after uni finishes she will be getting a job.

100 baht per day? Bet she finds a new husband once she finishes uni.

I pay for my son to go to school (he is 12) and I give him 50 baht a day but I don't think he will be looking for a new Dad any time soon.

12 year old sun and wife( hope not 12 year old) its little be different needswink.png

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A few of the responses here are surprising to say the least.

Someone even said, 'if you are one of those blokes that does not give his wife money every month, what do you expect?"

Quite baffling that anyone believes it is a man's duty to sponsor a woman/wife/girlfriend in this day and age!

There is no reason you should help her family either . . . !!!!


In my opinion its normal.

Or woomen not do homework?

You guess it easy car about home husband and children?

My mom wake up at 6 and go slee at 22.00-24.00

Yes she even had a business was the some time when it beat more income schemes father or stepfather.

But she always fulfilled homejobe. Money enough to support a family( our family needs) on income father or stepfather. It was her choice. It was her - a hobby. She was not obliged to do it.
About family help( any husband or wife) ofcouse it must be both solution. But support of the father and mother if they needs it is the duty of children. . On the other hand I did not want you to children supported me financially. it would mean that I'm a failure in life( loser).
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You're right, this is a trust issue, but it would make a difference if she was sending money home to pay the mother's hospital bill, or giving it to her "brother" to build a house for him and her to live in.

For the mother's hospital bill she could have asked and would have got the money. For the brother, maybe not.

I cant see many couples staying together after something as bad as this.

I would tell her that the police will be involved unless the money is returned. It might scare her sufficiently that she gets the money back quickly.

If it hasn't been spent...

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After 12 years of marriage you may be thinking that you have too much invested in the marriage to give it up now.

Thats the wrong way to think. You said she has never done anything like this before... I expect thats far from true, first time you have caught her out more likely.

Its possible she was planning to leave you and was salting some money away for when she does.. god help you if you have property or any assets in her name in Thailand.

Edited by technologybytes
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I wonder how many Guys reading this are now thinking about thire wives. We have all or most of us I think. Have heard these story's before. I can say I am a lucky guy because my wife has a good job in the UK.. She has her own Bank Account and has amassed quite a few thousand pounds over the last 8 years and bought land and a house in Thailand. She sends money home to her mother and teenage daughter. But she knows the value of money. The biggest thing for me which I don't think I could get over is the lies. Once the trust has gone then for me it's time to move on. I think it's a gamble. Forgive and forget. Or make conscious decision to end the relationship

hope the poster gets piece of mind.

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Actually the OP needs to be very careful how he handles this. All the wife needs to do is hire a solicitor and move out. In no time at all, the 6k she took is going to be the least of his worries.


I agree...strike first and strike fast both seem to apply.

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these stories only happen to farang

because if the husband was thai, the thai wife would never dare to stole her thai husband

and the thai husband would never give one baht to his family in law

only foreign husband get fleeced, cheated, robbed in thailand,

i truly pity you

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Many farangs give their Thai wife,mistress money every month.It's quite common.They can spend it or save it for their retirement

when their mate dies.So if you give her 20000 baht A month then 15 months and you'll be even.So you've been made whole again.

300000 baht isn't much money to you or you would have noticed it right away.I have Internet service with all my banks.I keep an

Eye on those accounts all the time.

If your one of those people that don't give your wife money every month well what do you expect.You need to think of her future

After your gone.A life insurance policy just isn't the same.

congratulation, you just won the first prize

you are the biggest wimp on thaivisa

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