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US: Pro-gun activist is accidentally shot by 4-year-old son


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Pro-gun activist is accidentally shot by 4-year-old son
By Dana Ford, CNN

(CNN)A Florida woman known for a strong pro-gun stance was shot, accidentally, by her 4-year-old son, authorities said.

Jamie Gilt, 31, was taken to a hospital after the Tuesday shooting, and is believed to be in stable condition.

A Putnam County Sheriff's deputy was on patrol when he noticed a truck stopped partially in the travel lanes and a woman in the driver's seat motioning for help. The only other occupant in the vehicle was the boy, who was not harmed.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/03/09/us/gun-activist-shot-florida/index.html

-- CNN 2016-03-10

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I am waiting for the normal gun lobby to come on with "well if the Mother would have had a Gun as well she would not have been shot, she could have got the four year old first. More Guns is safer" sick.gifcoffee1.gif

Edited by Andaman Al
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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Both the OP and the CNN report say that the person who was shot was the child's mother.

Try reading the CNN report in full as it gets interesting towards the end.

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Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

If you read the article then you'd know she wasn't an idiot:

Authorities said the firearm was legally owned by Gilt, who maintained a Facebook page entitled "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense," where she regularly posted pro-gun positions. On her personal Facebook page, Gilt once bragged about her son: "Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22."

She advocated gun sense, so was clearly a sensible person.

So now sensible people are included in the group who is to blame. Anyone left? Maybe just the 'slighly loopy' should have guns.

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Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

If you read the article then you'd know she wasn't an idiot:

Authorities said the firearm was legally owned by Gilt, who maintained a Facebook page entitled "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense," where she regularly posted pro-gun positions. On her personal Facebook page, Gilt once bragged about her son: "Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22."

She advocated gun sense, so was clearly a sensible person.

So now sensible people are included in the group who is to blame. Anyone left? Maybe just the 'slighly loopy' should have guns.

whether you deem her a sensible person or not is irrelevant, the evidence speaks volumes. In her car her 4 year old son fired off a round and shot her. What part of "Jamie Gilt For Gun Sense" has she failed on there? If that is the standard of gun sense then is it any wonder such a crazy situation exists? So according to the evidence she IS an idiot unless you are holding the 4 year old as the responsible adult here. Well are you?

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"4 year old son gets jacked up to fire a .22" (I hope I understand that correctly)

What kind of nutcases are you people?

I wouldn't give the average American (Presumably a blue collar, rust belt Trump voter) a water pistol.

It was a .45 for god's sake!

The woman was obviously retarded. Is that a requirement to own a gun legally?

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Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

If you read the article then you'd know she wasn't an idiot:

Authorities said the firearm was legally owned by Gilt, who maintained a Facebook page entitled "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense," where she regularly posted pro-gun positions. On her personal Facebook page, Gilt once bragged about her son: "Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22."

She advocated gun sense, so was clearly a sensible person.

So now sensible people are included in the group who is to blame. Anyone left? Maybe just the 'slighly loopy' should have guns.

Yes, all sensible people are known to allow their 4 year olds to use handguns. I mean, what could go wrong?

I am by no means anti-gun, I owned handguns when I was in the USA. However, I will simply never understand the obsession that these nuts have with allowing their young children to use these deadly weapons as well.

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Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

If you read the article then you'd know she wasn't an idiot:

Authorities said the firearm was legally owned by Gilt, who maintained a Facebook page entitled "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense," where she regularly posted pro-gun positions. On her personal Facebook page, Gilt once bragged about her son: "Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22."

She advocated gun sense, so was clearly a sensible person.

So now sensible people are included in the group who is to blame. Anyone left? Maybe just the 'slighly loopy' should have guns.

whether you deem her a sensible person or not is irrelevant, the evidence speaks volumes. In her car her 4 year old son fired off a round and shot her. What part of "Jamie Gilt For Gun Sense" has she failed on there? If that is the standard of gun sense then is it any wonder such a crazy situation exists? So according to the evidence she IS an idiot unless you are holding the 4 year old as the responsible adult here. Well are you?

Apparently the fact she had the word "sense" in her Facebook title is enough for him.

For me however, whenever a 4 year old get a hold of a loaded gun and shoots someone, well......the evidence kinda speaks for itself.

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"4 year old son gets jacked up to fire a .22" (I hope I understand that correctly)

What kind of nutcases are you people?

I wouldn't give the average American (Presumably a blue collar, rust belt Trump voter) a water pistol.

It was a .45 for god's sake!

The woman was obviously retarded. Is that a requirement to own a gun legally?

As for your last sentence.......and this is coming from a pro gun American, I can confidently say that while being retarded is not a requirement for gun ownership, it is by no means a barrier either....

Edited by inbangkok
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I find very funny that the ones praising the second amendment for their gun are also the same (at least here) who support the government in whistle blower Cases, government abuses of Human rights like Guantanamo, tortures, extra judicial killings, restriction of free speech,.....

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I find very funny that the ones praising the second amendment for their gun are also the same (at least here) who support the government in whistle blower Cases, government abuses of Human rights like Guantanamo, tortures, extra judicial killings, restriction of free speech,.....

There is only one amendment that counts and can never be touched...and that is the 2nd!

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I find very funny that the ones praising the second amendment for their gun are also the same (at least here) who support the government in whistle blower Cases, government abuses of Human rights like Guantanamo, tortures, extra judicial killings, restriction of free speech,.....

There is only one amendment that counts and can never be touched...and that is the 2nd!
God, I hope you are being sarcastic......I think you are..... But never know with Americans these days.... Edited by inbangkok
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I hope she gets put in gaol too.

She has clearly put the child's life in danger - if not the general public .

Hopefully while some gaoled Mafia boss' wife is playing her like a drum she'll reconsider her stupid Pro-Gun stance.

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Yep. Make sure your revolver is loaded, cocked and accessible by your children of all ages. Now you are perfectly safe from intruders, and even your 4 year old can shoot them dead. Yep.

Edited by jerojero
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I find very funny that the ones praising the second amendment for their gun are also the same (at least here) who support the government in whistle blower Cases, government abuses of Human rights like Guantanamo, tortures, extra judicial killings, restriction of free speech,.....

There is only one amendment that counts and can never be touched...and that is the 2nd!

It was more about the : "i have a gun because the government may become (is) tyrannic!"

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

I think it's maybe because us, foreigners, do not understood the check up they have to make to have the right to have a gun, maybe they MUST be idiots to have this right

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...


No one is supporting gun violence in the US. What they are supporting is the right to have the means to protect themselves against the very bad people that want to hurt them.

No amount of gun laws will stop the bad people obtaining guns.

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