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Japan: Fukushima wounds still deep, five years on


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Japan: Fukushima wounds still deep, five years on


FUKUSHIMA, JAPAN -- Japan’s Emperor Akihito led the tributes, five years on from the Fukushima disaster on Friday, but for those who lived through it, the wounds have far from healed.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also paid his respects at a memorial ceremony in Tokyo as across the country people bowed their heads in silence at exactly 2:46 pm local time.

Flags at central government buildings were at half-mast, some draped in black.
All the trains on Tokyo’s vast underground paused for a minute.

It was 2:46 pm on Friday March 11, 2011, when a magnitude 9 earthquake struck, triggering a tsunami and the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

Deadly waves gushed in along the northeast coast, with devastating consequences. Nearly 20,000 people were killed.

More than 160,000 others were forced to flee their homes as the tsunami also crippled the Fukushima
Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant, where meltdowns in three reactors spewed radiation over a wide area of the countryside, contaminating water, food and air.

Billions have been spent to help stricken communities.

But thousands of people are still languishing in temporary housing with some areas remaining no-go zones due to high radiation.

The disaster led to the eventual shutdown of all the nation’s nuclear reactors but, amid great controversy, the industry and Prime Minister Abe have moved to try to restart Japan’s fleet of nuclear power plants.

Environmental group Greenpeace was among those paying tribute to the dead today.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-11

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NY Times also reports that Fukushima will be dealing with radioactivity for the next 40 years.

Hmmm, I'd rather like them to publish the "real" facts.

Here;s a few from Proff.M. Chossudovsky at Global Research.ca...."thereis 300 tons of radioactive waste water containing Plutonium 239,Strontium 90,Cesium137 and Iodine131 being dumped into the" Pacific" Ocean daily since March '11....a nuclear disaster that is absolutely unprecedented, and is constantly getting worse, Almost all marine life in the N. Pacific up to the W. coast of US is affected by these poisonous substances "..... Yale Prof. Charles Perrow, " if the Fukushima cleanup is not handled with precision that humanity could be threatened for thousands of years, and all areas of Pacific will be polluted by 2020. All these facts are ignored by the phoney MSM. Do not expect these traitors to humanity to inform you of anything that is factual, after 5/6 years of totally avoiding the lying MSM, I feel like C. Casteneda when informed by Don Juan...."what you see is real, what is not real is the way in which you perceive it".

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NO mention of the fact that the reactor is still pouring the equivalent of an Olympic sized swimming pool of radiation into our oceans everyday and has been for the past 5 years. The Japanese are still helping other countries develop nuclear facilities. NO mention of the fact that if one more hit on Japan bearing the same magnitude will cause the Japanese to evacuate their country as well, the entire west coast of North and South America will have to be evacuated.

Edited by alphaflight
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