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SURVEY: Do you believe Thailand should scale back on Songkran due to the drought?


SURVEY: Do you believe Thailand Should scale back on Songkran because of the drought?  

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God, what a loaded question.

About 80% of farang on thaivisa want to "scale back" songkran.

I wonder if next year if there are floods will the same 80% vote for songkran to be extended.

Thailand gets heaps of rain, only 4% is used for domestic purposes. Meat production alone uses more water than household consumption

Songkran doesn't even use .0001 % of thailands water. It won't cause or stop a drought.

It is only a bit of water and some powder but the way some farangs carry on you would think they were getting shot with real guns, not plastic water pistols.

I don't know how they cope during the wet season, that goes for a lot longer than Songkran.

Anyway, this is Thailand, the Thais are entitled to do what they want with their water.

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God, what a loaded question.

About 80% of farang on thaivisa want to "scale back" songkran.

I wonder if next year if there are floods will the same 80% vote for songkran to be extended.

Thailand gets heaps of rain, only 4% is used for domestic purposes. Meat production alone uses more water than household consumption

Songkran doesn't even use .0001 % of thailands water. It won't cause or stop a drought.

It is only a bit of water and some powder but the way some farangs carry on you would think they were getting shot with real guns, not plastic water pistols.

I don't know how they cope during the wet season, that goes for a lot longer than Songkran.

Anyway, this is Thailand, the Thais are entitled to do what they want with their water.

it's not the gun it's the Source of the Water, Contaminated...
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This is quite a thought provoking question. I really have to think about this.

Let's see, the country is in the middle of a serious water shortage and many people, animals, and business are going to be seriously affected and there are going to be a lot of new expenses for some people to get enough water. Not to mentioned food costs are likely to sky rocket as vegetable gardens will begin to dry up. Many farmers live hand to mouth and rely on the crop they have in the ground right now, to feed the family and pay the bills. And of course the festival is at the peak of hot season with a couple of months before steady replenishing rains will come and refill the reservoirs.

But on the other hand it is really fun to throw water on random people and the pavement for a week.

You know I just can't decide if people should use a little restraint this year.

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Here is a much better idea.....cancel Songkran....the most stupid excuse for fun I'be ever seen...?

Just an excuse for the local and international knobs to get drunk and abuse the locals here in Pattaya and for days on end.....put an end to the rubbish and let folks get a life....?

Then they should cancel New Year too?!?!?

Songkran is the Thai traditional New Year and is following the seasons as the rainy season should around songkran and there are so much more things and traditions to the Thai people than just trowing water.

But as I can see you live in Pattaya and probably know nothing about real Thai life and traditions.

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They should but they won't.

Perhaps the Thais around Chiang Mai should stop spraying water all across the road everyday, three times a day, in an abysmal effort to control 'dust' and creating mud instead.

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They should but they won't.

Perhaps the Thais around Chiang Mai should stop spraying water all across the road everyday, three times a day, in an abysmal effort to control 'dust' and creating mud instead.

*You know nothing Ianf. roadways and pavements need to be watered regularly, regardless of if they are made from dirt, gravel, concrete, or tarmac.

If it isn't true, why is everyone here doing it? Why even my relatives water my driveway when they come to visit, regardless of whether we are short on water. It's just the right thing to do.


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God, what a loaded question.

About 80% of farang on thaivisa want to "scale back" songkran.

I wonder if next year if there are floods will the same 80% vote for songkran to be extended.

Thailand gets heaps of rain, only 4% is used for domestic purposes. Meat production alone uses more water than household consumption

Songkran doesn't even use .0001 % of thailands water. It won't cause or stop a drought.

It is only a bit of water and some powder but the way some farangs carry on you would think they were getting shot with real guns, not plastic water pistols.

I don't know how they cope during the wet season, that goes for a lot longer than Songkran.

Anyway, this is Thailand, the Thais are entitled to do what they want with their water.

While not in favour of banning songkran, I hate the whole water fun idiocy but just keep away from it, I should point out that as I live here and pay all my taxes, direct and indirect, as well as my water bills, it's my water as well.

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The true sonkran tradition is a good idea but its when all the idiots, Thai & Falang

get started with the water wars, its just way over the top.

Yes they should cut back because of the water shortage (Common Sense)

BUT it wont happen,

Common sense in Thailand??????????????????????????????????????????

What a miserable lot of postings here. If you do not like Songkran stay at home and let others have their fun.

Water thrown around at Songkran is not wasted water. It all goes back into the ground water or into the streams and rivers and therefore back into the eco system

What a bunch of party poopers

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The true sonkran tradition is a good idea but its when all the idiots, Thai & Falang

get started with the water wars, its just way over the top.

Yes they should cut back because of the water shortage (Common Sense)

BUT it wont happen,

Common sense in Thailand??????????????????????????????????????????

What a miserable lot of postings here. If you do not like Songkran stay at home and let others have their fun.

Water thrown around at Songkran is not wasted water. It all goes back into the ground water or into the streams and rivers and therefore back into the eco system

What a bunch of party poopers

When you are out of accessible water it is of little comfort that there is some water still in the ground, or in sewage lagoon, or a river heading for the ocean. And most of the water thrown around actually evaporates and falls somewhere else - maybe North Korea. Do you really want North Korea to get our Songkran water?

Edited by canuckamuck
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Well,,currently on Thai visa an overwhelming (85%) 174 votes have declared songkran should be scaled back or be banned completely and forever !

And there are only 32 of us idiots in favor of songkran going ahead.

And 65 million Thais.

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Well,,currently on Thai visa an overwhelming (85%) 174 votes have declared songkran should be scaled back or be banned completely and forever !

And there are only 32 of us idiots in favor of songkran going ahead.

And 65 million Thais.

'And 65 million Thais.' That says all there is to say. The fact that any government worth its salt would indeed ban the excessive (note use of the word excessive) use of water that Songkran dictates doesn't really enter the equation.

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The true sonkran tradition is a good idea but its when all the idiots, Thai & Falang

get started with the water wars, its just way over the top.

Yes they should cut back because of the water shortage (Common Sense)

BUT it wont happen,

Common sense in Thailand??????????????????????????????????????????

What a miserable lot of postings here. If you do not like Songkran stay at home and let others have their fun.

Water thrown around at Songkran is not wasted water. It all goes back into the ground water or into the streams and rivers and therefore back into the eco system

What a bunch of party poopers

Tarmac roads and concrete pavements don't make for much of an eco system. And the H2O also gets hoovered up by a scientific miracle called evaporation

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let's face it . . right around songkhran, there will be rain starting to pour from the skies. It will mark the end of El nino, and you can expect all reservoirs will be filled to the top withzin the next few months.

The Thais have never come in real danger of a lasting drought, the Khmer empire is said to have declined because of it.

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Oh so many grumpy old men here!

I think Songkran is a lot of fun, at least if you stay away from the touristghettos.

Ban the copious amounts of water that is used on the Golfcourses, garden sprinkler systems and changing water in private pools.


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Thailand's social, economic, roadway, excessive tourist deaths and even water problems are best left to the Thais to fix - as much as us farang may think otherwisesad.png

Signed, Hubris

Another poster from the school that believes all expats should have a lobotomy when they enter Thailand. That line of thought is usually promoted by those who struggle with their double digit IQ to compose an original thought.

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Yes they should scale back. Songkran in its essence is a very nice tradition - the water mayhem is not.

It will not mean much in the big drought picture - we all know that. But it will at least show that you have sympathy with the drought hit areas of Thailand.

When people are already lying down there is no need to kick them in the face. I recall an incident where there was shortage of bread, people were starving and then the ruler's wife said " well then let them eat cake". People didn't really appreciate that advise.

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