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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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The left wingers are failing to catch on that every attack on Trump causes him to get stronger with Main Street Americans. Every time they think they sucker punched him he wins more primaries. The corrupt GOP establishment has tried everything they can think of the destroy him and he gets stronger.

Main Street is catching on. These are the Wall Street donors and the illegal aliens and the Muslims and the haters and political panderers and all else that's rotten with America attacking one guy. When he is attacked for the things Main Street believes in, he gains supporters. The behavior of the thugs at that rally will turn most Americans off to them.

This attack tonight will work to Trump's advantage. The stupid leftists can't see it ahead of time and they keep playing into his hand. He went to his hotel tonight the happiest candidate in the country on the planet.

Thank you leftists for all of your hard work and for keeping Trump front and center in the news. Thank you for showing the country what rude and controlling <deleted> you are. thumbsup.gif


I agree. Trying to restrict his freedom of speech is just going to make him much more popular.

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Thank you Chicago for giving Trump air time before millions instead of the thousands he planned for. Thank you for reminding everyone what &lt;deleted&gt; you are. Thank you for giving Trump another boost. Thank you for your ugly lack of manners on national TV which people can compare to Trump supporters.

#Chicago #Backfire


Edited by NeverSure
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What policies? He changes every 5 minutes and he has almost no real knowledge to back up his BS anyway. Trumpism isn't about policies. It's about a cult of the strong leader the demagogue the fascist. Now Americans can better understand how the German people got sucked in by the Nazis. Still plenty of time to prevent this horror show even assuming he will be nominated.

No, now Americans can understand that Muslims and illegal aliens and gangs of feral do-nothings can hijack a legitimate political rally. Now Americans can understand how the lawless can stifle free speech and try to choke democracy. Now Americans can understand that unless they get out and vote the elite and the lawless and the illegal will rule the country.

#Chicago #backfire


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He doesn't even have majority support among Republicans the right wing party.

He will though. The more the left tell outrageous lies about him and deny him free speech, the more support he will get. I just decided to support him myself.

This has all been started by people who fear Trump. Here is a man who finally speaks his mind (right or wrong) honestly. Republicans and democrats alike are being disarmed, as all attempts to bring him into a negative light, only spins back to them.

I am tired of American Politics....and am ready to shake up both parties. Politicians (in general) have been bought and paid for and have supported special interest groups for decades.

Trump is a self-made businessman...and people (mostly other politicians) are puppets of their parties...without a set of balls between them (perhaps only hillary).

Given the choice of hillary or trump....I am going with Don. If a guy like Obama got two terms...and made it through the entire two tours....then let's give Trump a try. I would just love to be in his Cabinet meetings. (remember the Nixon Tapes)? It's going to be an interesting election...and Hillary is going to jail anyways.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

The only Brown Shirts are people like these three Mexican thugs who were in the USA illegally and who threatened to execute someone for having a Trump lawn sign. When I read this 2 days ago, I finally understood why so many Americans are upset with the millions of illegals in their country.


According to you and the others who wish to strip Trump of his legal right to run for President, it's ok to suspend the constitutional rights of Americans, but it's not alright to stop illegal aliens from engaging in criminal acts.

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It is fear..pure and simple. This man owes no one. Plenty politicians out there are serving for the wrong reasons...having been "owned and presented" to the public. They don't want Trump to break down the system that people like the "Bushes, Clintons, and Johnson/Nixon regimes have built. They want him out. Fear. (the voters don't fear...his running mates and both parties do).

Even Obama fears him...lol

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More hatred than fear as I don't see him ever being president. I hate fascist demagogues even doomed ones. He will do lots of damage failing though.

Well, the fascists are the ones who infiltrate, disrupt, and shut down opponents' political events. Maybe you should be addressing your fears to Bernie Sanders, as these were his supporters to judge from the chants and signs they held up.

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Conservatives everywhere will rally round the flag and Trump will win the nomination. Tonight pretty much solidified that.

I've always known I'd vote for him if Hillary got the nomination, but was leaning Bernie on the off chance the old guy pulled it off. But after this nonsense, I'm voting Trump regardless. For me, this election just became about a lot more than fair trade and Citizens United.

I look forward to the day when I can cast my vote in answer to the outright thuggery and intimidation tactics we witnessed from the Left tonight. Everything they've been accusing Trump of, they themselves are shown guilty of.

Wish I could say I was surprised...

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Quote from OP. ""Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here." Unquote

That is as funny as it gets!! Seems to be a stage perfect set up. Boy we could get some epic false flag ops when Donald is POTUS. This is the best reality show on global TV.

Thank you America for putting the FUN back in politics.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Conservatives everywhere will rally round the flag and Trump will win the nomination. Tonight pretty much solidified that.

I've always known I'd vote for him if Hillary got the nomination, but was leaning Bernie on the off chance the old guy pulled it off. But after this nonsense, I'm voting Trump regardless. For me, this election just became about a lot more than fair trade and Citizens United.

I look forward to the day when I can cast my vote in answer to the outright thuggery and intimidation tactics we witnessed from the Left tonight. Everything they've been accusing Trump of, they themselves are shown guilty of.

Wish I could say I was surprised...

About the only way things could have worked out better for Trump tonight would have been for Mitt Romney, Megyn Kelly, and Ted Cruz to have issued statements supporting the George Soros funded communist mob. Oh, wait. Cruz and Kelly actually did come out and say something supporting them. Lyin' Ted just drove the final nail his coffin.

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@Post #17

And Never Sure with his ignorant rhetoric once again:

“Those people hijacked the inside of the building so that there could be no "free speech" or peaceful assembly.

I guess you haven't seen any of the numerous videos of the fascists spitting in the faces of people and beating them for expressing their right to free speech and peaceful assembly:

(Too many to list here)

And the Trump camp of liars are circling the wagons:

"A statement from Mr Trump's campaign said the candidate decided to postpone the event after meeting with police."

"But a Chicago Police Department spokesman said the force was not consulted in the decision to postpone the rally."


The beginning of the end for the bloviator. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Donald J. Trump will never be President.

Get over it.


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Conservatives everywhere will rally round the flag and Trump will win the nomination. Tonight pretty much solidified that.

I've always known I'd vote for him if Hillary got the nomination, but was leaning Bernie on the off chance the old guy pulled it off. But after this nonsense, I'm voting Trump regardless. For me, this election just became about a lot more than fair trade and Citizens United.

I look forward to the day when I can cast my vote in answer to the outright thuggery and intimidation tactics we witnessed from the Left tonight. Everything they've been accusing Trump of, they themselves are shown guilty of.

Wish I could say I was surprised...

About the only way things could have worked out better for Trump tonight would have been for Mitt Romney, Megyn Kelly, and Ted Cruz to have issued statements supporting the George Soros funded communist mob. Oh, wait. Cruz and Kelly actually did come out and say something supporting them. Lyin' Ted just drove the final nail his coffin.

Agreed, though I think it's posts like this one that will have the biggest impact:


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Trump's statements at his many rallies connect directly to this Trump riot.

Trump has indeed brought back the "good old days" when Americans were physically tough on one another at political rallies. Trump promotes the politically correct posture of the right wing. His crowds/mobs cheer his every menacing statement.

Here is the link documenting Trump's repeated advocacy at his many rallies to punch someone in the face and of his noting that in the old days a protester got carried out on a stretcher. "Knock the crap out of him...I'll pay for the legal fees."

Etc etc etc....


The link is to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC in her program this morning (our time) which is certain to set the rightwhingenuts off a-howling for the next 12 hours, if not for the next 12 months. Which is good.

MSNBC! They make Foxnews look balanced!

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Conservatives everywhere will rally round the flag and Trump will win the nomination. Tonight pretty much solidified that.

I've always known I'd vote for him if Hillary got the nomination, but was leaning Bernie on the off chance the old guy pulled it off. But after this nonsense, I'm voting Trump regardless. For me, this election just became about a lot more than fair trade and Citizens United.

I look forward to the day when I can cast my vote in answer to the outright thuggery and intimidation tactics we witnessed from the Left tonight. Everything they've been accusing Trump of, they themselves are shown guilty of.

Wish I could say I was surprised...

Trump actually looks forward to stuff like this. The opposition has just been whipped again....as Trump takes this personal attack and uses it to his gain. The feeble minded opposition is completely baffled. I hope they do not escalate this to violence...as that would ensure a complete victory, even more so.

It's been a great year for politics so far...first time I enjoyed the show.

And yes, Trump is the guy who wants people to speak their minds....not the guy who stifles speech. It looks to me like his opponents want him silenced....and not the other way around.

I fear for Trump....not by attacks from the population, but from organizations closely attached to either the Republican or Democratic party. Let us hope it does not end up like 11.22.63 !

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"And when asked why he punched the protester, he said: "Number one, we don’t know if he’s ISIS." cheesy.gif

"The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”


This is getting better and better....

This guy sort of represents the disgruntled public, who are sick and tired of Obama lovers, Bush lackeys and Clinton swooners.

Rough and ready...for a change.

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I'm guessing the anarchists on this forum that are supporting the takeover of a scheduled "peaceful assembly" by Trump supporters and taking away the rights to free speech by Trump look on this as a victory.

To many Americans it will seem like exactly what it was.

A strong armed effort to abort free elections by the usual mob of Chicago thugs led by such avowed terrorists as William Ayres, moveon.org, black lives matter, labor unions, professors of the involved university and the Occupy movement to name just a few antagonists.

I made the claim on this forum in 2007, after finding out what I could about Obama, that he was nothing but a sleazy politician from the sewers of Chicago politics. My opinions about both are unchanged after seven years experience.

All this is merely the forerunner of what the US can expect if Hillary is elected. The anarchists will reign supreme in her councils of government, as they do in her campaign.

Bernie will never get the nomination out of the Democrats so all you dreamers out there can save your breath.

After all, she is the only Democrat actually running...both FOR the Presidency and FROM the FBI.

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Conservatives everywhere will rally round the flag and Trump will win the nomination. Tonight pretty much solidified that.

I've always known I'd vote for him if Hillary got the nomination, but was leaning Bernie on the off chance the old guy pulled it off. But after this nonsense, I'm voting Trump regardless. For me, this election just became about a lot more than fair trade and Citizens United.

I look forward to the day when I can cast my vote in answer to the outright thuggery and intimidation tactics we witnessed from the Left tonight. Everything they've been accusing Trump of, they themselves are shown guilty of.

Wish I could say I was surprised...

About the only way things could have worked out better for Trump tonight would have been for Mitt Romney, Megyn Kelly, and Ted Cruz to have issued statements supporting the George Soros funded communist mob. Oh, wait. Cruz and Kelly actually did come out and say something supporting them. Lyin' Ted just drove the final nail his coffin.

Agreed, though I think it's posts like this one that will have the biggest impact:


It's starting....street mobs of uneducated anti trump gangsters.....supported by his opponents. Who are the bad guys now? lol

Trump is a winner.....you can see it coming. These tactics are wrapping it all up in a nice package. Trump is not going to lose....as he becomes more and more the target of imbeciles.

Deal with that !

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Trump's statements at his many rallies connect directly to this Trump riot.

Trump has indeed brought back the "good old days" when Americans were physically tough on one another at political rallies. Trump promotes the politically correct posture of the right wing. His crowds/mobs cheer his every menacing statement.

Here is the link documenting Trump's repeated advocacy at his many rallies to punch someone in the face and of his noting that in the old days a protester got carried out on a stretcher. "Knock the crap out of him...I'll pay for the legal fees."

Etc etc etc....


The link is to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC in her program this morning (our time) which is certain to set the rightwhingenuts off a-howling for the next 12 hours, if not for the next 12 months. Which is good.

MSNBC! They make Foxnews look balanced!

Not really true any more. They've realised where the money is.

“Going left was a brilliant strategy while it lasted and made hundreds of millions of dollars for Comcast, but now it doesn’t work anymore…The goal is to move away from left-wing TV.”

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Trump's statements at his many rallies connect directly to this Trump riot.

Trump has indeed brought back the "good old days" when Americans were physically tough on one another at political rallies. Trump promotes the politically correct posture of the right wing. His crowds/mobs cheer his every menacing statement.

Here is the link documenting Trump's repeated advocacy at his many rallies to punch someone in the face and of his noting that in the old days a protester got carried out on a stretcher. "Knock the crap out of him...I'll pay for the legal fees."

Etc etc etc....


The link is to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC in her program this morning (our time) which is certain to set the rightwhingenuts off a-howling for the next 12 hours, if not for the next 12 months. Which is good.

MSNBC! They make Foxnews look balanced!

Eleven months to go....

Here is the analysis of the unique American fascism Trump is establishing. Fortunately and predictably however, his following is small and insignificant. The vast and broad centrist moderate American political middle is repulsed by Trump, his rhetoric, his loyal right-hand raisers.

Trump’s incendiary verbal attacks on Mexican immigrants and Muslims – even his reluctance to distance himself from David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan – follow the older fascist script.

That older generation of fascists didn’t bother with policy prescriptions or logical argument, either. They presented themselves as strongmen whose personal power would remedy all ills.

They created around themselves cults of personality in which they took on the trappings of strength, confidence, and invulnerability – all of which served as substitutes for rational argument or thought.


Fortunately and predicably, the uniquely American fascism has developed in one man and among a small number of nonetheless vocal fringe and marginal followers.

Trump as the Republican party nominee will automatically gain a certain number of the party's voters. So did the radical rightist Sen Barry Goldwater when in 1964 he led a rightwing revolt that seized the party nomination for Potus.

Goldwater however got 38.5% of the popular vote (unpopular vote!), he won six states for 52 Electoral College votes (270 needed to win). He was only an extreme conservative with radical tendencies. Goldwater ran very poorly in traditional Republican areas, in the suburbs in particular where elections for Potus are decided.

Trump is a radical with wild statements, behaviors, beliefs, followers right straight out to the far out fringe rightwhingenuts with whom we've become all too familiar. Trump already has the standing of the outcast he is in traditional Republican areas led by suburban Republican women (same as Goldwater in 1964).

Trump additonally is a billionaire George Wallace who got wiped out even worse in 1968 running for Potus as an Independent (neither party's voters would nominate Wallace). Republicans then knew better.

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Trump the Polarizer. "Let's Make America Great Again" ....yea, like it was under McCarthyism.

This latest incident won't be the last. I don't like Trump, but he should be allowed to give stump speeches, even if they're incendiary.

Also, these sorts of incidents won't gain or lose supporters for him. The people who like him, will continue to like him, no matter what. The people, like myself, who see him as a windbag buffoon, will continue to see him that way. If anything, such riots will deepen the divisions which Trump seeks. Everyone, in Trump's view is either his friend of his enemy. He either loves you or hates you, all depending on whether you're with him (and his ideas) or not. He projects his love/hate world view a few steps further: to Muslims, Mexicans, and any groups of people who aren't white American gun-lovers.

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Back to the topic...irregardless of whether one supports Trump or not, his supporters were denied the right to assemble....period.

This is intolerable...and worse yet...it is an organized attempt to degrade his recent successes,

Beastly and grossly uneducated mobs who are being put there intentionally, to deny the rights of Trump and his supporters.

unforgivable...and this will only work against their shady organizers. It should be investigated thoroughly, to find links to people like Bernie Sanders and his ilk.

The truth is here. Blatant fear that Trump will win...so they deny the right to assemble on his behalf. These are tactics of desperation...and the fear of losing.

Any person with a lick of intelligence would see how these thugs are going to be their own worst enemy. Victory for trump is even more secured...as supporters of our "Bill of Rights" and freedom to assemble (peacefully and in support of a valid presidential candidate) will take this as a blatant attempt to foil Trumps possible nomination.

Ugly. Let him talk...let trump supporters assemble....don't be stooooooopid.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Thank you Chicago for giving Trump air time before millions instead of the thousands he planned for. Thank you for reminding everyone what <deleted> you are. Thank you for giving Trump another boost. Thank you for your ugly lack of manners on national TV which people can compare to Trump supporters.

#Chicago #Backfire


Thank you for allowing this Chicago native, Ms. Hernandez to speak her mind:

""I'm protesting because I'm black and Mexican and I'm not sure where he wants to deport me to, but I deal with racism daily in Chicago and I've had enough," she said."

If you think this "boosts" Trump, I question your education.

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