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After Chicago scuffles Donald Trump forced to cancel his latest rally in Ohio


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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

Where did you find this information, especially about the YouTube accounts?

I'd like to read more about this.


Try this.


The videos already gone from YouTube, someone works fast, but hopefully someone made copies before all traces were covered. Edit, they did copy enclosed in the link. Sure as hell looks like Dimassimo, Bernie Sanders supporter and #blacklivesmatter activist dragging a U.S flag on the floor behind him, juxtaposed with someone singing in Arabic as the soundtrack.

Edited by Steely Dan
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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

Where did you find this information, especially about the YouTube accounts?

I'd like to read more about this.


The hysteria being generated by Trump & his supporters is incredible. The claim about ISIS video is based upon an internet hoax / troll aimed at defaming the protester 'Dimassimo'.

I suggest you see the video I linked to intended to 'defame protester Dimassimo'. The irony of this large own goal is the enormous efforts of all and sundry to make up hit pieces about Trump, yet this is 'hysteria'. 555
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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

Where did you find this information, especially about the YouTube accounts?

I'd like to read more about this.


Try this.


The videos already gone from YouTube, someone works fast, but hopefully someone made copies before all traces were covered. Edit, they did copy enclosed in the link. Sure as hell looks like Dimassimo, Bernie Sanders supporter and #blacklivesmatter activist dragging a U.S flag on the floor behind him, juxtaposed with someone singing in Arabic as the soundtrack.

Self identified with the forces that literally want to behead and kill Americans. You know, I begin to like Trump's idea about letting Putin bomb ISIS wherever he finds them. DiMassimo, the professional student/agitator appears to have missed very few meals in his life (along with the other plump muslim and BLM comrades), as I see he keeps pulling his too small and too tight pants up over his exposed behind. Or was that some gang/prison thang?

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

Can you be more specific? I had a look at MoveOn.org and I see that they have created a petition to sign to stop Trump, but nowhere do I see anyone asking thugs to disrupt his rallies? Are you making this stuff up or do you have more info?

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The progressive left show their contempt for the first amendment and the rule of law, as usual. Trump was attacked on stage in Kansas, the progressives cheer. Then Islamic state videos were found on the attackers YouTube account, then silence, complete silence.

Where did you find this information, especially about the YouTube accounts?

I'd like to read more about this.


The hysteria being generated by Trump & his supporters is incredible. The claim about ISIS video is based upon an internet hoax / troll aimed at defaming the protester 'Dimassimo'.

I suggest you see the video I linked to intended to 'defame protester Dimassimo'. The irony of this large own goal is the enormous efforts of all and sundry to make up hit pieces about Trump, yet this is 'hysteria'. 555

I suggest you do further research. A hell of a lot of nonsense & bile being posted by Trump supporters

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A clear case of Citizens United meeting citizens united.

More like an ultra-liberal left organization trying to usurp 200+ years of open democratic elections by bringing anarchy into play.

Interesting that the home of Obama politics seems to have been the flash point.


Moveon.org: GOP front-runner's 'hate-filled rhetoric on notice after tonight's event'
Published: 1 day ago
Anti-Donald Trump agitators sparked security fears in Chicago on Friday and shut down a rally that had drawn tens-of-thousands of supporters.
Stunned fans of Republican presidential hopeful were informed at the University of Illinois-Chicago Pavilion on Friday that activists had succeeded in derailing the event. The announcement came amid large protests both inside and outside the venue.
In the days leading up to the rally, the George Soros-backed activist group Moveon.org circulated a petition demanding officials at the taxpayer-funded school cancel the Trump campaign rally. The petition collected nearly 50,000 signatures and another 10,000 Facebook users pledged to show up to disrupt the event.
Following is the press release from moveon.org
“Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events. These protests are a direct result of the violence that has occurred at Trump rallies and that has been encouraged by Trump himself from the stage. Our country is better than the shameful, dangerous, and bigoted rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Trump campaign. To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election. Trump and those who peddle hate and incite violence have no place in our politics and most certainly do not belong in the White House.”
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^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

Because it is in their genes coffee1.gif

None of the people involved are extreme left wing. Slightly socialist maybe.

If I were an American, I would not open up the genes can of worms. Do you think it was the top echelons of Europe that emigrated to North America? Think about it.

As stated on another thread, what's going on with Trump has echoes of 1930s Germany. Easy to blame the lot of American middle class (lower class in European terminology) on others such as Mexicans, Muslims etc. Could just as easily be Slavs or Jews or Gypsies. Be careful, it's a slippery slope

If I were an American, I would not open up the genes can of worms. Do you think it was the top echelons of Europe that emigrated to North America?"

I'm afraid you took it too seriously, it was nothing first degree with the genes, I only meant it as an expression: gene |dʒiːn|

nounBiology (in informal use) a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring: playing tennis is in my genes.

But anyway the answer was to NeverSure: Why are they bothering? (The ultra left) Because it is in their genes... to be bothered and manifest about everything!

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"When the Census Bureau asks Americans about their ancestors, some respondents don’t give a standard answer like “English” or “German.”

Instead, they simply answer “American.”

"The places with high concentrations of these self-described Americans turn out to be the places Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has performed the strongest."

"Mr. Trump has his share of support from the affluent and the well educated,

but in the places where support for Mr. Trump runs the strongest, the proportion of the white population that didn’t finish high school is relatively high." whistling.gif

"So is the proportion of working-age adults who neither have a job nor are looking for one."

"The third-strongest correlation among hundreds of variables tested: the preponderance of mobile homes." laugh.png



Edited by iReason
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"When the Census Bureau asks Americans about their ancestors, some respondents don’t give a standard answer like “English” or “German.”

Instead, they simply answer “American.”

"The places with high concentrations of these self-described Americans turn out to be the places Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has performed the strongest."

"Mr. Trump has his share of support from the affluent and the well educated,

but in the places where support for Mr. Trump runs the strongest, the proportion of the white population that didn’t finish high school is relatively high." whistling.gif

"So is the proportion of working-age adults who neither have a job nor are looking for one."

"The third-strongest correlation among hundreds of variables tested: the preponderance of mobile homes." laugh.png



Trump might be enjoying the adulation, and building up his brand,but the path he has chosen does not lead to the white house.

No one can win the general election with out demographics that Trump is alienating

Perhaps he is hoping to pivot in the general but I am afraid he has burned to many bridges,

One can not go where he has gone and come back from there.

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These mobs consist of muslims, mexicans, and communists (to judge from their flags, banners, signs, and own words), and they are proving that what Trump has been saying is correct. Unchecked immigration, illegal immigration, and the absence of visa/travel security measures aimed at muslims results in a direct threat to American society and democracy. The importation of these mobs is creating scenes more in common with South America, Central America, and the narco-trafficking politics of Mexico. Trump was right about The Wall. And to call for the application of American law in deporting these criminals. Deport. Deport. Deport. And then Deport some more.

Well! That's very pleasant I must say!

Let me guess where you are from

I do hope you are in the minority

Blue shirt a bit tight?

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These mobs consist of muslims, mexicans, and communists (to judge from their flags, banners, signs, and own words), and they are proving that what Trump has been saying is correct. Unchecked immigration, illegal immigration, and the absence of visa/travel security measures aimed at muslims results in a direct threat to American society and democracy. The importation of these mobs is creating scenes more in common with South America, Central America, and the narco-trafficking politics of Mexico. Trump was right about The Wall. And to call for the application of American law in deporting these criminals. Deport. Deport. Deport. And then Deport some more.

Well! That's very pleasant I must say!

Let me guess where you are from

I do hope you are in the minority

Blue shirt a bit tight?

majority in the republican. minority in the general

But he is still hoping Trump will make America Great again , Wink wink,

you know great like used to be where "those people" knew their place.

Like Trump said "like in the old days where they would have being carried out in a stretcher"

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Figured that would bring the anarchy supporters out.

Who is supporting anarchy?

Go on tell us?

Anything that isn't NAZI is anarchy?

Dear me

You must be a Trump supporter

And you are a non-American

You must have mistaken me for somebody that cares what you think.

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

Funded by . . . . . . fill in the blanks or boogey man of the hour come on boys, just because a bunch of young people are riled up about something, doesn't mean it's funded by some big shot. I knew Republicans were a bit loopy sometimes, but didn't think they were so quick to glob onto conspiracy theories. So, if 50 Right-wing web sites each put forth a different name as a clandestine riot funder, would you guys believe each of those 50 people were funding the mob? As soon as a name is thrown out, all right-wingers seem to accept it right away. Who's next, Daffy Duck? Tiny Tim?

^^^ For all of those who think Trump is a joke, ask yourself this:

If the ultra left wing believes Trump can't beat Hillary, "Why are they bothering?"

I can't speak for the protesters, but it could be a bunch of liberal-minded young people who've 'had it up to here' with Trump's inflamatory and ignorant spiels. If Trump were running for any other office, there wouldn't be protests. But because he's trying to position himself to take charge of a powerful country, the protesters' country btw, it matters. Put simply; the protesters are annoyed at the possibility of a racist quick-to-anger, name-calling, no-government experience, polarizing man who encourages violence ("I would have hit him harder") ....is poised to be the nominee.

Personally, I don't agree with disrupting a speech, even if it's a hate speech. But I can see their angst.

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

Can you be more specific? I had a look at MoveOn.org and I see that they have created a petition to sign to stop Trump, but nowhere do I see anyone asking thugs to disrupt his rallies? Are you making this stuff up or do you have more info?

From what I found (sorry, forgot where), MoveOn asked people to protest the Trump rally non-violently. From what little I have read, I didn't find anything about them inciting violence.

As for the big meeting, I think the poster is referring to a meeting regarding stopping Trump held at an exclusive resort on Sea Island, Georgia. I think the Huffington Post broke the story and you can read more here:


I'd also like to add that I do not like it when people disrupt any of the candidates' rallies, speeches or even heckle stand-up comics. However, dealing with such people is the duty of the security people, the police, etc. I am concerned when people without badges take the law into their own hands. I especially think of that guy who threw the sucker punch on that young man being escorted out.

Edited by helpisgood
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Posts containing an aberrant misspelling of a politician's name have been removed as well as the quoted replies. If you do not want your post to be removed, spell people's names correctly.

Edit: An off topic post has been removed.

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Not much sign of Sabai from Sgtsabai, though I note you used the word demagogue, which fits your post like a glove. Rhetorical question, what is it about Trump that seems to cause mass insanity in all who disagree with him?

I think the insanity is in the people who agree with him.

Considering he speaks utter gibberish, you'd have to have the intellect of a retarded shrew to think it makes any sense.

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OK, I'll try spelling the modern way, not the real family name or way it was spelled and recognized by all, ok? My oh my the right wing has it's panties all bunched up today. Fond memories, no just doing my duty to honor the oath I took to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Something Republicans have long forgotten, their oath of office, if they ever meant it in the first place. I spoke truth to the power, I said stop this damn war, I said it loud and clear, in public over and over again. I paid the price and I'm damn proud. I did it for my country, not myself. Trump (look up real name) does everything for himself, could give a damn less about the US. Here are a couple of interesting articles for those that can read and understand plus now a video added that one just needs to change the names to the modern candidates. It is most relevant to today's problem with racists like Trump (check real family name).



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After all of the racism and violence he has encouraged in his rallies, speeches and "debates" , Trump should be forced to cancel his bid for the presidency.

He can go back to peddling his beef and booze on his own time.

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Seems the so called anti-Trump protests are being funded by the George Sorus funded MoveOn.org who have taken credit for the Ohio violence. Sorus and other wealthy Democrats started the organization, apparently if a non establishment candidate gets too popular with the voters then they send in the paid thugs to disrupt, democracy in action?

Add in GOP billionaires and their bought politicians having a five star meeting to discuss how to stop Trump, this is all getting quite bizarre. Well, if Sorus and the 1% are against Trump what better endorsement could you have to vote for him?

There is in effect a Third World War in process. Those who want democratic nation states are being attacked by the internationalist so called progressive left, who in turn and with malice of forethought ally themselves with the Islamist right. Trumps talk of border fences, jobs for U.S workers and stopping Muslim immigration shows he understands what is going on.

In fact most people in the world, and on this forum, understand what is going on and why.

I find it however strange that when finally someone stands up for them they prefer to slag him off.

Don't they know that Denial ain't a river in Africa?

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A clear case of Citizens United meeting citizens united.

A clear case of the free speech loving liberals denying free speech to those who do not agree with them.

Denying 'free speech' to an empty shirt who uses it to talk about his dick size in campaign for President. This rises to the level of 'free speech' for you and your crony fanboys? The Trump boys just keep on thinking that anything that comes out of their mouths, all the whining about their lost opportunities, their oppression by people who won't let them call LGBT people 'fags', or undocumented immigrants 'illegals' and other so-called self evident truths should be part of civilised, courteous discourse. Sucker punching black guys, brawling, inciting violence. This is your demonstration of 'free speech'.

Trump, claiming his first amendment rights are being infringed because he had to cancel an event where he would have spent more time talking about his penis. Stiff-necked is way too mild to describe you Trump fan boys.

Can't wait to see what this week brings.

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American elections are always nasty affairs that leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth but this time it seems to have fallen to new depths. The idea of democratic elections is that candidates offer their proposals of how to make the lives and the welfare of the voters better. They argue their case and the one the voters feel is most viable gets elected. In this election it is just about discrediting the other candidates whether they are with the same party or not. It is paranoia and hate that drives these elections. This has now become a bar brawl and an embarrassment.

Is this really how the USA wishes to be seen by the rest of the world? Do any of this bunch think that anyone will respect them after the outcome?

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