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After Chicago scuffles Donald Trump forced to cancel his latest rally in Ohio


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Then you haven't read my posts very carefully. I have said I am uncertain about Trump because he seems to be a bit thin on policy to date and he's a wild card and an unknown. I don't think I've even praised him once except for saying I like him being independent of being bought by special interest donations and the political establishment. Also I have criticized Cruz for receiving donations from banks while his wife works for Goldman Sachs and additionally he said he'd nuke ISIS apparently and Trump hasn't given any such details. There's 2 so you have had an unnecessary wait. I have also praised Sanders for being independent of Wall St, wanting to break up the banks (which Hillary cannot) and I have referred to the USA as an oligarchy, which I have discovered he has said so too. Please read my posts more slowly before you break out from your leash.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary and if you can't it proves my earlier point that it's not possible for you to be objective.

But I too can wait in hope.....

You really struggle with objectivity. For example "I support Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump or the KKK." To my knowledge the KKK is not a candidate.

A lot of my criticism of the left comes from what I see is their presumption that they are a more enlightened group i.e. intellectual snobbery seems to be their preserve but who somehow think they can identify with the common man. However their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.Perhaps that is why I like taking them down. I don't often see that attitude from the right. They probably are more inclined to moral superiority in their own minds and the left to intellectual superiority in their imaginings.

How you come to the conclusion that anyone who is or tries to be independent in their thinking and considerate of both sides (I even read your posts) is almost always fringe right (not even just right of center but fringe right) while it is not possible for anyone from the left to be non partisan or centrist you have yet to explain. Rather you show your propensity to again descend into emotional hyperbole and talk about lunar cycles, dark sides and pinball tilts to pad out your argument and you start to lose your credibility again because you just can't help yourself. Pity because it proves that you are fringe left, contrary to what you said, otherwise such embroidery would be not be necessary.

I have also stated that I am right wing for economic reasons and I have never tried to hide it so you're chasing your tail.

But having said that hopefully tempered with an awareness for social justice but not poverty traps because of dependency or inter generational entitlement culture.

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing. Can you do it? Without sneer and smear?

Waiting with baited breath..

you haven't read my posts very carefully.

Ah but I have mon ami-mate. It is just that when I posted the above, you still haven't criticised any Republican brethren or even one right wing spiritual leader, I wuz referring to fellow posters.

I haven't heard any criticism at all from you about Hillary

The right and the OTT whingenuts especially do so much more than their proper role in in this respect, both in their nominal politics (Republican) and in their real politics (fierce and compulsive reactionaries), I could not possibly match them so why try. A felon on a broom and all the rest of it. My proper focus is on The Fascist Himself. Le grande fromage. (yeah ok, fromage grande)

A lot of my criticism of the left...their pride in their own education which they like to display frequently actually prevents that. Not sure about the States but In my country they are often called Chardonnay Socialists.

Volvo Liberals in the USA thx. More recently aka Latte Liberals.

Certainly liberals partake in their own caricaturing—right-wingers inhale NASCAR fumes, enjoy sex with family members and are crazy about their guns—but without the gusto that their conservative counterparts bring to the game.

No one on the right however sums it all up as does the one witty conservative media guy in the United States who consistently over the past 25 years get this poster to crack a smile....

Columnist Dave Barry drew attention to these stereotypes when he commented, "Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco-juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that ALL blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?


On January 20th 1993 and immediately after Bill Clinton took his (first) oath of office on the steps of the Capitol, Dave Barry announced "the failed Clinton presidency" had arrived. His Maimi Herald column is consistently hilarious.

Pity because it proves that you are fringe left,

You've posted that three times so it's true. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. (If you are Aussie, you certainly don't display the standard Aussie humor! If you're from NZ then that would explain it. )

BTW I am still waiting for an answer to an invitation to you several days ago to give YOUR reasons why you think Donald Trump has garnered so much popularity but I have heard nothing

The election is Tuesday, November 8th. Get back to me on Wednesday, November 9th. I'll have my gal call you first thing in the morning Thursday, November 10th.

Btw, I am still waiting for the loony right to give its reasons why Benito Donald Trump is not a uniquely American fascist. Seems youse guyz can't stay on topic.

In a nutshell: Little address, much deflection.

Oh well...there are rules and then there are rules and then there are none

No rule against treating an austere and a long-faced ideological solemnity with some measure of humor to make one's valid and salient arguments. (ok, humour).

One gets accustomed to it in dealing with the dour and beaten down rigid right and rather comes to expect it. The overstatement and the over reaction of pleading rules are in fact the characteristic and probably a defining trait over there. So is the inadequacy.

Life meanwhile goes on.

Don't go away please or I'll lose all the straight lines. smile.png

Edited by Publicus
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From a non American looking in I can afford to enjoy the humor from both sides, but how long before it gets ugly, or is it already too late?

Someone has a question about the ugliness of Donald Trump and his following. Because of them the Institutional Republican Party has finally begun to try to organise a response, feeble as it is and as little as there is remaining of 'em.

The world besides is in a state of alarm. And some people have questions about it.

Trump started his wild and radical madness early last summer so the question indicates some people haven't been paying attention.

They should try to keep up cause it's already past the time to muster up some answers.

The Republican party is pathetic and the Trump is giving us a March madness that hasn't happened since another Republican debacle, the Goldwater wipeout in the 1964 ge.

The Mussolini Trump fascism is indeed ugly, from its first words, "rapist Mexicans."

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