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Lawyers Centre cries foul against NCPO for detention, disappearance of a Facebook page admin


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Lawyers Centre cries foul against NCPO for the detention and disappearance of a Facebook page admin


BANGKOK: -- The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights Centre on Monday called on the National Council for Peace and Order to order the release of Facebook page administrator who was whisked away by an army unit from his home in Surat Thani on March 9 and has not been heard of ever since.

It also called on the military junta to recognise Thailand’s commitment to human rights and to stop arbitrary detention of individuals.

The TLHRC said that Mr Saravuth Bamrungkittikhun, the administrator of the “Perd Praden” Facebook page was detained by about 30 policemen and military officers and taken away from his home in Surat Thani on March 9.

The detention was made without a search warrant and it was not known where Mr Saravuth was detained making it impossible for his family and relatives to pay him a visit, said the TLHRC.

Mr Saravuth can be regarded as an enforced missing person and his illegal detention constituted a violation of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disapperance.

The centre said that it raised Mr Saravuth’s detention with Colonel Piyapong Klinpant, spokesman of the NCPO on March 11 and was told that he knew nothing about the detention and had no idea why he was detained.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/155057

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-15

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

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"The centre said that it raised Mr Saravuths detention with Colonel Piyapong Klinpant, spokesman of the NCPO on March 11 and was told that he knew nothing about the detention and had no idea why he was detained."

Sounds more like Sgt. Schultz than Col. KLINKpant. "I know nothing. I see nothing."

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The Thai disappearing act once again, this is cause for concern as it is quite evident that any opposition to the Junta will be met by any methods to shut people up that they find are unpalatable to their cause , disappearing has been a fundamental part of retaliation in Thailand for eons the other is waking up dead in the morning, both are permanent silence , thugs running a country come to mind.........................................................coffee1.gif

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Quite right seajae. We still have all our freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to choose our leaders, the rights and freedoms to be judged by our peers in a court of law.

Pathetic all these people complaining about other people being whisked off for a quick chat. I'm sure the chat is very amicable and jovial, a couple of cups of coffee, a few biscuits, ( for all 30 soldiers obviously). Nothing to be worried about.

Spot on Seajae.

The only problem is.. how far along this path are we required to go until we all agree our freedoms have been seriously curtailed... by which time, its too late to do anything about it.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Firstly there is no "we" as you state in your post as I'm quite sure you're not a Thai and secondly there is a difference between the phrase made by Raymonddiaz "slowly becoming" and is.

Give it some more time and that slowly becoming may certainly change to is.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,

I remained silent;

I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.

-- Martin Niemöller, 1892-1984

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Waiting until one's dead is a little late to complain about loss of humans rights and liberties.

People should treat the loss of a single human right as if the world were at an end.

An avalanche starts with a pebble.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Waiting until one's dead is a little late to complain about loss of humans rights and liberties.

People should treat the loss of a single human right as if the world were at an end.

An avalanche starts with a pebble.

I agree, you protest first and we will see how it works out. This isn't our country,let the Thai's sort it out, we don't have any rights that could be curtailed anyway.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Well done for joining the dots and proudly presenting a page of scribble to the adults. It was supposed to be a bunny rabbit but never mind. Now go and colour it in.
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They make the rules and will enforce them as they see fit since it's all ' legal '.

" The law is whatever I write on a piece of paper. "

A quote attributed to Saddam Hussein.

Is it time to start up a collection to erect a statue so it can be toppled?

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Waiting until one's dead is a little late to complain about loss of humans rights and liberties.

People should treat the loss of a single human right as if the world were at an end.

An avalanche starts with a pebble.

You must have read that somewhere because you've clearly never seen snow.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


What's really sad is that some members of the TVF community who purport to have a modicum of intelligence decry this but seemingly lap up the Shin propaganda as complete truth.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


What's really sad is that some members of the TVF community who purport to have a modicum of intelligence decry this but seemingly lap up the Shin propaganda as complete truth.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


What's really sad is that some members of the TVF community who purport to have a modicum of intelligence decry this but seemingly lap up the Shin propaganda as complete truth.

What the hell do the Shins have to do with any of this? People are simply expressing outrage about what is going on in this country ... that outrage shouldn't depend on where one is on the political spectrum. Do you check under your bed for a Shin before you sleep at night?

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you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


What's really sad is that some members of the TVF community who purport to have a modicum of intelligence decry this but seemingly lap up the Shin propaganda as complete truth.

But, but, but....Thaksin!"

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea


It's nothing like NK, and you know it.

Bradley Martin, author of 'Under The Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader' and DPRK observer, would disagree with you. That is all I can really say without the risk of being banned.
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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Waiting until one's dead is a little late to complain about loss of humans rights and liberties.

People should treat the loss of a single human right as if the world were at an end.

An avalanche starts with a pebble.

I agree, you protest first and we will see how it works out. This isn't our country,let the Thai's sort it out, we don't have any rights that could be curtailed anyway.

Sounds a bit like WW2 Germany "We aren't Jews, let them sort it out themselves".

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Well done for joining the dots and proudly presenting a page of scribble to the adults. It was supposed to be a bunny rabbit but never mind. Now go and colour it in.

LOL cheesy.gif

Thanks for the humor....

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Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


What's really sad is that some members of the TVF community who purport to have a modicum of intelligence decry this but seemingly lap up the Shin propaganda as complete truth.

Congratulations for once again involve Thaksin in something that has absolutely nothing to do with him or anyone in the 'shin clan'.

This is no shin propaganda, but a factual observation that a person has been whisked away to an undisclosed location without any due process or warrant. That IS the subject and it is despicable that such a thing can happen in Thailand. As such anyone who isn't blind or being paid to post nonsense, can see the resemblance with North Korea. It's futile to deny, the facts speak for themselves..

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The comparisons between North Korea are there, but Thailand even if it gets many times more repressive than it is now would still only be a very very watered down version of NK. It's farcical to put them in the same sentence frankly.

On topic, the PTP are right to kick up a fuss for a person who is suspected of being disappeared (perhaps only temporarily). But people are also right to say that the double standards are glaring as many others were suspected of being disappeared under various PTP parent political parties.

All I will say is that I hope the person is found, the truth about why the person went "missing" is sought

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