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100 Thai cops transferred for suspected link to influential figures


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100 cops transferred for suspected link to influential figures


BANGKOK: -- About 100 police officers suspected of being associated with influential criminal figures have been temporarily transferred pending investigations.

Pol Gen Chakthip Chaichinda, the national police chief, said Wednesday that said most of these police officers were based at provincial police bureaus. He added that the transferred officers would be reinstated if they were cleared of any link to the influential criminal figures or syndicates.

However, they will face disciplinary actions if they were found to be associated with the mafia-type figures or syndicates. He assured that all the cases would be treated fairly without prejudice.

Pol Gen Srivara Rangseepromnakul, the deputy national police chief, has been tasked with cracking down on the influential figures and outlaw elements.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/155435

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-17

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So they will face discipline if it is found to be true that they are associated with influential people. More transfers to inactive posts or 500 baht fines.

It seems or appears that the gov is going after more small fish. Trying to make a show of it. When will they decide to go after the bosses within the ranks who allow or turn a blind eye to the corruption within their own police department?

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They can transfer as many policemen as they like, the inherited practice of favoritism and affiliations

with questionable influential figures will remain for many years to come, as this is what make the Thai

society as a whole and in part, and you can't eradicate or change that no matter how many personal

will be moved around.....

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Instead of this useless charade of merry go round, perhaps the CHIEF of POLICE could spend a bit of time prosecuting officers openly accepting bribes, or you know charging high profile individuals caught openly on camera causing death by dangerous driving!

Making proper arrests prosecutions on cases like those would do a whole lot better for the image of the RTP than a load of useless move to inactive posts never to be seen or heard about cases ever again.

Edited by smutcakes
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Is there really any point in commenting as nothing will change while ever there is inactive posts and investigation go nowhere.

Thailand, HOC - hub of corruption.

Edited by Artisi
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Instead of this useless charade of merry go round, perhaps the CHIEF of POLICE could spend a bit of time prosecuting officers openly accepting bribes, or you know charging high profile individuals caught openly on camera causing death by dangerous driving!

Making proper arrests prosecutions on cases like those would do a whole lot better for the image of the RTP than a load of useless move to inactive posts never to be seen or heard about cases ever again.

For there to be a meaningful effort to root out corruption the whole leadership of the RTP will have to be investigated and any criminal activities prosecuted. That's the ONLY way to start.

Very much like the "efforts" of the junta have to start at the top. Hands up those who think this will happen.....coffee1.gif

Edited by MZurf
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Heres an idea. Make the police force one quarter the size, double the pay, train them properly, create 3 independent auditing commissions into corruption. Asset test every year. And do the same to the big wigs and politicians..... nah... easier to buy more desks.

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These guys at the top of the totem pole who have been given the job of carrying out this ridiculous task of flushing out their corrupt underlings must be shitting themselves.

Can you imagine the behind closed door discussions and negotiations that occur before these lists are produced or officers are transferred? Everybody has the goods on everybody else up and down the chain so there will be payoffs and agreements over who is going to have to fall on their swords, who will be allowed to be left alone etc.

And all this will be for immediate payments, future payments, past payments and promises being honoured, future payments and promises to be claimed upon.

It must be a nightmare for them to keep track of the allegiances, promises, family and feudal associations. It must be especially tough for those at the top as they have the most to lose - so you can bet they're very careful about whose toes get trodden on, or don't get trodden on......for the appropriate fee of course.

And then of course when somebody pisses in the wrong sandpit (such as the unfortunate former head of the DSI), they get done over big time.

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Heres an idea. Make the police force one quarter the size, double the pay, train them properly, create 3 independent auditing commissions into corruption. Asset test every year. And do the same to the big wigs and politicians..... nah... easier to buy more desks.

...and the army too...it has more generals per capita than any other army in the world....

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Heres an idea. Make the police force one quarter the size, double the pay, train them properly, create 3 independent auditing commissions into corruption. Asset test every year. And do the same to the big wigs and politicians..... nah... easier to buy more desks.

Just make sure you take guns away from 3/4's who'd be put out. And there is the question of just who to keep and who to let go.... fraught with problems, and we know aversion to problem solving here. 50 lashes with a wet noodle preferred punishment.

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""100 cops transferred for suspected link to influential figures"

"... officers would be reinstated if they were cleared of any link to the influential criminal figures or syndicates."

What a difference that one word makes. "Criminal". Yes, that's what they are whether uniformed in brown or green or white. Just criminals.

In my opinion, the Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi, are two of the most influential figures alive today. There are many others I cannot think of. These are good, much loved and admired truly influential people. The "influential people" mentioned in this article are despicable regardless of whether they wear a uniform or not.

Many of the "influential figures" are indeed wearers of some kind of uniform.

I don't believe anyone's name would be on that list unless there was very good reason.

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Instead of this useless charade of merry go round, perhaps the CHIEF of POLICE could spend a bit of time prosecuting officers openly accepting bribes, or you know charging high profile individuals caught openly on camera causing death by dangerous driving!

Making proper arrests prosecutions on cases like those would do a whole lot better for the image of the RTP than a load of useless move to inactive posts never to be seen or heard about cases ever again.

For there to be a meaningful effort to root out corruption the whole leadership of the RTP will have to be investigated and any criminal activities prosecuted. That's the ONLY way to start.

Very much like the "efforts" of the junta have to start at the top. Hands up those who think this will happen.....coffee1.gif

More chance of finding a snowball in the desert.

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Instead of this useless charade of merry go round, perhaps the CHIEF of POLICE could spend a bit of time prosecuting officers openly accepting bribes, or you know charging high profile individuals caught openly on camera causing death by dangerous driving!

Making proper arrests prosecutions on cases like those would do a whole lot better for the image of the RTP than a load of useless move to inactive posts never to be seen or heard about cases ever again.

For there to be a meaningful effort to root out corruption the whole leadership of the RTP will have to be investigated and any criminal activities prosecuted. That's the ONLY way to start.

Very much like the "efforts" of the junta have to start at the top. Hands up those who think this will happen.....coffee1.gif

More chance of finding a snowball in the desert.

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Those links to "influential" mafia are usually found higher up the ranks of the military, Police and Govt., so yet again the small fish will get eaten (well, a light slap on the wrist no doubt), whilst the big fish overseeing it all get away scotfree as normal.

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Heres an idea. Make the police force one quarter the size, double the pay, train them properly, create 3 independent auditing commissions into corruption. Asset test every year. And do the same to the big wigs and politicians..... nah... easier to buy more desks.

Just make sure you take guns away from 3/4's who'd be put out. And there is the question of just who to keep and who to let go.... fraught with problems, and we know aversion to problem solving here. 50 lashes with a wet noodle preferred punishment.

I'd suggest the first to be "put out" are those currently sitting in inactive posts. But, yes, definitely take away their guns first!

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Thailand cleaning itself up is like washing dishes with a dirty old, bacteria-infested sponge. After you handle it, the smell stays on your hand even though everything looks clean. The obvious muck is washed away whilst bacteria get smeared across every surface.

Who wants to eat off their stinky plates?

Fact is, in this or any other topic, it always boils down to the same thing: there is nobody clean enough to actually do the job as described.

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Thailand cleaning itself up is like washing dishes with a dirty old, bacteria-infested sponge. After you handle it, the smell stays on your hand even though everything looks clean. The obvious muck is washed away whilst bacteria get smeared across every surface.

Who wants to eat off their stinky plates?

Fact is, in this or any other topic, it always boils down to the same thing: there is nobody clean enough to actually do the job as described.

Pretty much exactly what I said the other day.

The sense I get from talking to Thai family and friends of all persuasions is that as soon as someone runs with the policy platform of completely restructuring the RTP, they would receive an absolute landslide of votes. Even the Thais are getting sick of the overt corruption and ineptitude. As you say, though, who will pull their snout out of the trough to do this? (and risk being disappeared/targeted by the very agency they vow to make better)

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Note to all our friends and business associates:

Our business is temporarily transferred. To contact our new business outlets please visit www.honest-cop.th

We apologize for any inconvenience and assure you to cake care of business as usual.

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