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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Anyway, back to the OP, the answer is no.

Trump has to win delegates at a greater rate than he currently is to get to the convention with what he needs. If he does not have the delegates to get the nomination outright, we'll see from there.

Many in the GOP despise the guy as much as I do and I think they realize there is no way he'll win the GE come November. No chance Lance.

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It is a fact that the Constitution can, and has been amended in the past.

Unless of course, you know different.

So you think a constitutional amendment to extend the terms of sitting Presidents would sail through between now and January do you?



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"I do not need to read the 22nd Amendment ...You ignore that part and throw in the 22nd Amendment." laugh.png


Yes, you do need to read the 22nd Amendment.

You really, really do.

A Trump voter's intellect grandly illustrated.


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"I do not need to read the 22nd Amendment ...You ignore that part and throw in the 22nd Amendment." laugh.png


Yes, you do need to read the 22nd Amendment.

You really, really do.

A Trump voter's intellect grandly illustrated.


YOUR intellect grandly illustrated.

I am not a Trump voter and just for clarity, I do not give a damn who wins POTUS.

So, no, I do not need to read the 22nd Amendment.

You need to stop writing checks that your body cannot cash.

Secondly. You misquoted me, a favourite pastime of the deluded.

Now, unless you can come back and refute anything that I have said, with something other than your opinion, perhaps you should take heed of your signature, because it is really beginning to suit your perfectly.

1. Clinton may well be indicted.

2. Strange things have happened in America. ( JFK ) as an example.

3. The Constitution has previously been amended.

Three points. Other than YOUR opinion. Refute them.

Edited by SgtRock
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It is amazing how little the smirky, smug liberals and leftists on this thread know about what is really going on in America now and how little they understand what is driving this Populist Uprising. I can only laugh at the outdated viewpoint and analysis applied using tired old phrases. It is a full scale Revolt against the Obama Regime and the tired old boy club of the Republican Establishment who hate their own voters... And even with all the evidence right in front of their faces the Lib/Left will be shocked after the November Elections ... How did it happen? Their ignorance is amusing

This "populist uprising" is largely confined to the Republican party. And even within the GOP, it's less than the majority. The rest of America is simply not as "angry" with their lot in life as these sad folks. I look forward to November when all this craziness will end and we start what will basically be a 3rd Obama term.

No, the uprising is not confided to only the Republican party. A lot of Independents and Democrats are voting for Trump. Heck, even the rabidly anti-Trump CNN is now reporting about the number of Democrats voting for Trump (as you would expect blue collar workers would do if you are honest with yourself)


They are doing so because the Democrats gave them one choice, Hillary, for more of the same. Sanders, an Independent who describes himself as a Socialist jumped into the race on the Dems side but he is not a realistic choice for Americans. He appeals to the far left and the ignorant youth who think the murderous (and anti-gay) Che Guevara is cool.

Edited by mopar71
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One delusional post after another. One would think Donald Trump actually has a chance of becoming President reading this nonsense...but it's the same wingnuts posting the same ole, same ole. Wow. Nutty stuff.

If I ever get completely delusional I hope the TG puts me down.

And I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Cleveland Browns win the Super Bowl. (Tch)

First of all, love the Groucho pic...I spent too much time last night watching You Bet Your Life clips on YouTube. :)

Second, I was one of those people who kept expecting Trump to falter with each, frequent, gaffe/insult he would make. He just kept getting stronger. I gave up on the idea that anything he said could hurt him back in December.

Trump has been leading the other candidates since last summer...and by a wide margin. Seven months on top of the polls must be unprecedented in history of the presidential campaign polling. So far in the primaries he has won a more diverse group of states than a single candidate does.

Something is happening in the country and it cannot be explained away by "stupid, racist, rednecks". The American people are pissed off...and that's also the only reason Sanders is giving Hillary such a good fight. Angry Americans have given the "not business as usual" candidates a lot of votes so far. The political establishment won't change though, not unless one of the "upstarts" actually wins the whole thing. And then, only maybe they'll get it.

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From Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater's crushing defeat in 1964 forward to Donald Trump's coming crash and burn November 8th 2016, it is a minority movement of excesses, exaggeration, extremes, of, by and for socio-cultural and political distortionists.


Paranoid Style in American Politics: STUDIES IN THE AMERICAN RIGHT

by Richard Hofstadter

There is a vital difference between the paranoid spokesman in politics and the clinical paranoiac: although they both tend to be overheated, oversuspicious, overaggressive, grandiose, and apocalyptic in expression, the clinical paranoid sees the hostile and conspiratorial world in which he feels himself to be living as directed specifically against him; whereas the spokesman of the paranoid style finds it directed against a nation, a culture, a way of life whose fate affects not himself alone but millions of others. Insofar as he does not usually see himself singled out as the individual victim of a personal conspiracy,1 he is somewhat more rational and much more disinterested. His sense that his political passions are unselfish and patriotic, in fact, goes far to intensify his feeling of righteousness and his moral indignation.

Of course, the term "paranoid style" is pejorative, and it is meant to be; the paranoid style has a greater affinity for bad causes than good.

The single case in modern history in which one might say that the paranoid style has had a consummatory triumph occurred not in the United States but in Germany. It is a common ingredient of fascism, and of frustrated nationalisms...In America it has been the preferred style only of minority movements.


The Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) was De Witt Clinton Professor of American History at Columbia University. The book was originally presented in embryonic form at the Herbert Spencer Lecture of Oxford University.

There is also this....

"Recent months have witnessed an attack of unprecedented passion and ferocity against the national government. The Republican Party has apparently embarked on a crusade to destroy national standards, national projects, and national regulations and to transfer domestic governing authority from the national government to the states. A near majority of the Supreme Court even seems to want to replace the Constitution by the Articles of Confederation…

"Unbridled rhetoric is having consequences far beyond anything that antigovernment politicians intend. The flow of angry words seems to have activated and in a sense legitimized what the historian Richard Hofstadter called the 'paranoid strain' in American politics

-- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,
Wall Street Journal
, June 7, 1995


And this which has btw that "loathing" thing again, this time from the opposite direction..
"We can only wonder what Prof. Hofstadter would make of the ongoing manifestations of the paranoid style in American political culture today. The Tea Party nonsense, the right wing’s loathing of President Obama and, most recently, the xenophobia regarding the Syrian exodus are all largely consistent with the framework Hofstadter described back in 1964"

More true today. So much more true...

Edited by Publicus
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For many years longer than Trump's been a candidate (even before his 2008 run where HE WAS A LOSER rolleyes.gif ) I've noticed how Republicans always rail on and on about the merits of fair trade. If you go to study economics at U, they will tell you "the marketplace" will decide whether a product is good enough and priced fairly enough to become successful. However, there's a giant disconnect between what Republicans (and some Dems) say, and the rules they set forth. Republican congresspeople stick out more in the hypocrisy Dept. because they tend to be businessmen. As such, you'd expect them to stick with basic rules of doing business, such as no unfair advantages for some businesses. Yet, the way they manifest (in their personal biz dealings and via legislation initiatives) is 180 degrees opposed to basic fair trade concepts.

In other words: Republican businesses favor protectionism, high tariffs, bail-outs, heavy borrowing, crony favoritism, and socialist programs (like PIK). They also favor gov't contracts with which they can gouge the taxpayer (example: building bridges or developing weapons systems they know aren't needed). They also like programs which rip apart a good highway, in order to rebuild the same highway - in order to make jobs. Also: no-bid contracts, over-charging and wasteful spending are all Republican hallmarks.

Trump pretends he'll fix some of those things, but he won't. He preaches protectionism (45% import tariffs) and he loves borrowing as much money as possible. His Republican predecessor hand picked Goldman Sachs execs to arrange for 700 billion to get paid via TARP to bail out Wall Street and the Big 3 automakers. Trump would have pushed for 3 or 4 times that amount.

" His Republican predecessor hand picked Goldman Sachs execs to arrange for 700 billion to get paid via TARP to bail out Wall Street and the Big 3 automakers. Trump would have pushed for 3 or 4 times that amount."

The amount paid out was not $700 Billion as you so clearly state. The amount invested in the program as $431.4 Billion

Now tell us exactly how much money the federal government lost as a result of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)?

Was it as much as the government lost on Solyndra?

Did the Democrats, and Obama in particular, vote for or against TARP and which administration distributed roughly half of the funds?

Just like the vast majority of your posts, you are very long on partisan rhetoric and and very short on factual information...and totally devoid of links to support anything you say.

How can you possibly make the wild assumption that " Trump would have pushed for 3 or 4 times that amount."

Do you have an inside track into the Trump campaign and their inner work or is this simply another liberal "throw mud against the wall and see what sticks"?



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@Post 365

1. Clinton may well not be indicted.

2. Strange things have not happened in America too.

3. The Constitution has previously been amended.

No point in refuting that last one due to your ignorance on the matter.

And it's complete irrelevance to the election.

Now, it's time to adhere to my signature. thumbsup.gif

And getting back to the business of posting published, documented facts on the lying, hypocritical con-man known as Donald Trump.

That the Trumpsters ignore, finding them impossible to refute.

Or, perhaps they are ok with Trump's despicable character flaws.

Edited by iReason
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Did someone mention Goldwater?...

The “Big Lie” has been around for over fifty years.
"And so the only thing we can truly be certain of is that any Republican nominee will be Hitler. It doesn’t matter what he believes. It doesn’t matter if Democrats considered him a moderate 5 minutes ago. Accusations of Nazism remain the default argument for a Democratic Party turned far to the left.
Republicans aren’t progressive. Therefore they’re Hitler. It’s really that simple."
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Trump isn't going to make it through November after the Riot March of A Million to the Republican National Riot Convention in Cleveland in July.

The more that leftist wackos lie about Trump and try to shut down free speech, the more support he gets. I would not be at all surprised to see a President Trump.

Got it the first time thx smile.png

Still, you said it twice so saying it one more time means it will be true clap2.gif

I am glad you got it. He made his point so I removed the second one.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

Im not being funny I'm concerned for the future....That showman who thinks this campaign is an extension of one of his reality shows is a dead set tragedy and the clowns that vote for him are telling the rest of the world start building bomb shelters in your back yard....

Hillary is a way bigger target for attack than her rival Sanders.

Hillary is totally scandal prone. If she gets the nomination I imagine all the skeletons that are going to be falling out of her closet.

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Many of the American voters are angry. And when you are angry you hit out at the establishment. So you turn to an anti establishment figure which this time is Mr Trump. Will that anger carry him through to the nomination? Well I hope so because that makes it all the more entertaining and let's face it the republicans haven't got a viable candidate to turn to. At some point though people will have to wake up to the fact that Trump is nothing more than a windbag. A windbag that has plugged into the anger very effectively and knows how to press the buttons of hate. The other side of the coin is Clinton who will take the election by de-fault and not by any ability to move the US forward.

We had the same sort of thing in the UK when Thatcher was re-elected over again because the Labour party couldn't find an electable alternative. Even today the Labour party in the UK cannot field anyone electable which gives us another 4 years under yet another sub-standard government.

Things are no better in the EU who have made a complete pigs ear of things recently.

No wonder then that China is dominating the world's economy followed by the rise in India's fortunes. The world is changing and we all need to come to terms with that

Lol, thatcher was the best president you ever had after churchill.

Lady Thatcher was the best PM and Ronald Maximus was the last best President.

Donald Trump might not be a Great President but he's the best of the lot right now. Personally, I'd like to see Ted Cruz as POTUS but The Donald has a better chance to beat Clinton. smile.png

God, the ignorance on here

UK manufacturing dropped from 25% of GDP to 10% on her watch. How does that fit with Trump's blue collar mob?

Reagan was Nancy's favourite puppet

Ted Cruz is deeply nasty. Did you see his speech last Tuesday? Is he an Israeli?

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Was it as much as the government lost on Solyndra?

I'm going to assume that you just forgot that the program of which Solyndra was but a part overall has been a successful and profitable venture.

Because I'm sure you wouldn't try and take Solyndra out of context in an attempt to make a point that does not stand scrutiny.

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"Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend,

were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps, when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet."

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win," Usama said.

"Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

“He kept kicking the student who was laying on the ground,” Usama said. “He was kicking him; it was a gut-wrenching scene."

"He saw that I was calling the police and got back on his motorcycle and circled around us and was saying ‘Trump, Trump, Trump, we will make America great again.

You losers will be thrown out of the wall.”


See link for video of the fascist assaulting the two students.

Edited by iReason
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Hillary is a way bigger target for attack than her rival Sanders.

Hillary is totally scandal prone. If she gets the nomination I imagine all the skeletons that are going to be falling out of her closet.

Hillary has been an A-list public figure for a long time. Any scandals from her closet have been aired, including many tempsts in teacups which the Republican Attack Machine has tried mightily (but unsuccessfully) to paint as country-destroying.

Trump, on the other hand, leaves an oil slick five miles long. Democrats and others who are spooked by his bull being tethered in a china shop, are actually holding back.

Trump is not yet the Republican candidate, and the one-on-one skirmish will gain momentum between July and November.

Only talk-show hosts, some political commentators, and a few others have thus far exposed Trump for the bag-of-wind huckster he is. If he gets the Republican nod, which it looks likely he will, then the exposures and commentaries will get going like a barrel full of monkeys.

I admit, no amount of proof of Trump's habitual lying and other bad habits will deter his core supporters. But surely, the majority of Americans who are reasonable, will not be enamored by the blustering bully. Thus far, Trump has been able to rile up about 40% of Republican voters, and Republicans comprise about 40% of the general electorate. That crunches down to about 16% of voters. Thus far in the primaries, HRC has garnered about a million more votes than Trump.

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How do they stop him if gets 1237 delegates?

They keep him from getting 1237

They're Politicians right?

They do what comes naturally...... lie, cheat and steal

Speaking of lying:

2015 Lie of the Year: the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump


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From your post:

Trump, as he writes in The Art of the Deal:

"You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole.

But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on."

"People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular."

I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion."

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A case against Trumpwall which everyone knows he would never build anyway even if he's president.


A good look at the [border] fortifications already in place tells us all we need to know about Trump's claims: They're worthless.

That said, the latest news is that HRC may be considering allowing illegal immigrants get government subsidies for health coverage. I think that's going too far. Realistically, millions of people aren't going to be deported but offering such incentives is the wrong message. I think being more harsh with such benefits for illegal immigrants is a softer way to encourage people to SELF deport.

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"He's the white Kanye West!"

I have been joking with many people already that if he wins he will have to nominate Kanye West for Veep. There is literally no other choice......lol

They are almost the exact same person at this point......

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Trump the faux anti-globalist, anti-trader, has the world worried, no matter of some of you would bet your life that he will never be president.

Trump has also accused Japan of stealing jobs and criticized the U.S.-led 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact that Tokyo sees as vital for strategic as well as economic reasons.

"If you listen to his comments (on security), the United States would become isolated so I think there is great anxiety for allied countries," Itsunori Onodera, who served as defense minister under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, told Reuters.


Who gives a shit what the Japanese think? They have been ripping the US off since they bombed Pearl Harbor, then got US reconstruction money, then ripped the US off for military protection and then started exporting Toyotas and Datsuns and electronic gear to the US duty free in the 1960's.

Japan is nothing to the US other than a blood sucker and not a lot different from China in those ways. Note I didn't say the Japanese are like the Chinese. It's just that they are also bloodsuckers.


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It is amazing how little the smirky, smug liberals and leftists on this thread know about what is really going on in America now and how little they understand what is driving this Populist Uprising. I can only laugh at the outdated viewpoint and analysis applied using tired old phrases. It is a full scale Revolt against the Obama Regime and the tired old boy club of the Republican Establishment who hate their own voters... And even with all the evidence right in front of their faces the Lib/Left will be shocked after the November Elections ... How did it happen? Their ignorance is amusing

This "populist uprising" is largely confined to the Republican party. And even within the GOP, it's less than the majority. The rest of America is simply not as "angry" with their lot in life as these sad folks. I look forward to November when all this craziness will end and we start what will basically be a 3rd Obama term.

This is interesting.

I have been thinking for the last month or so that there would be a 3rd Obama Term.

Clinton to be indicted and Trump to be struck down by a mystery illness / terrible accident.

Both events too occur very close to November, too late to do anything eles and give Obama a walk-in to the WH.

That "accident" would be the hardest to solve since JFK. Here's just a partial list of the countries that have a real, present, deep financial and security interest in Trump disappearing...and soon.:


Why doesn't this show China and India and Thailand and the EU and the other bloodsucking "free trade" exporters to the US? These are all good reasons for Americans to vote for Trump.

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From Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater's crushing defeat in 1964 forward to Donald Trump's coming crash and burn November 8th 2016, it is a minority movement of excesses, exaggeration, extremes, of, by and for socio-cultural and political distortionists.


Paranoid Style in American Politics: STUDIES IN THE AMERICAN RIGHT

by Richard Hofstadter

There is a vital difference between the paranoid spokesman in politics and the clinical paranoiac: although they both tend to be overheated, oversuspicious, overaggressive, grandiose, and apocalyptic in expression, the clinical paranoid sees the hostile and conspiratorial world in which he feels himself to be living as directed specifically against him; whereas the spokesman of the paranoid style finds it directed against a nation, a culture, a way of life whose fate affects not himself alone but millions of others. Insofar as he does not usually see himself singled out as the individual victim of a personal conspiracy,1 he is somewhat more rational and much more disinterested. His sense that his political passions are unselfish and patriotic, in fact, goes far to intensify his feeling of righteousness and his moral indignation.

Of course, the term "paranoid style" is pejorative, and it is meant to be; the paranoid style has a greater affinity for bad causes than good.

The single case in modern history in which one might say that the paranoid style has had a consummatory triumph occurred not in the United States but in Germany. It is a common ingredient of fascism, and of frustrated nationalisms...In America it has been the preferred style only of minority movements.


The Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) was De Witt Clinton Professor of American History at Columbia University. The book was originally presented in embryonic form at the Herbert Spencer Lecture of Oxford University.

There is also this....

"Recent months have witnessed an attack of unprecedented passion and ferocity against the national government. The Republican Party has apparently embarked on a crusade to destroy national standards, national projects, and national regulations and to transfer domestic governing authority from the national government to the states. A near majority of the Supreme Court even seems to want to replace the Constitution by the Articles of Confederation…

"Unbridled rhetoric is having consequences far beyond anything that antigovernment politicians intend. The flow of angry words seems to have activated and in a sense legitimized what the historian Richard Hofstadter called the 'paranoid strain' in American politics."

-- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,

Wall Street Journal

, June 7, 1995


And this which has btw that "loathing" thing again, this time from the opposite direction..


"We can only wonder what Prof. Hofstadter would make of the ongoing manifestations of the paranoid style in American political culture today. The Tea Party nonsense, the right wing’s loathing of President Obama and, most recently, the xenophobia regarding the Syrian exodus are all largely consistent with the framework Hofstadter described back in 1964"



More true today. So much more true...

Once again, I'm so happy that my monitor doesn't use real paper and ink. thumbsup.gif


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Once again, grasping at straws...


It doesn't matter what you espouse.

Currently, in particular, your hilarious, simplistic take on world economy in your post #383. cheesy.gif

The con-man, bloviator Trump, will never become President.

Ain't gonna happen.

Get used to it.


Edited by iReason
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Trump dodged a legal ruckus this time, however, here is where Donald Trump's violent rhetoric is taking him sooner or later, in one US legal jurisdiction or another, almost for sure, whether it be a legal jurisdiction that is a county, a municipality, a state....

Trump will not be charged with 'inciting riot' in North Carolina

A North Carolina sheriff's office said on Monday it would not charge Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump or his campaign with "inciting a riot" at a rally in the state last week.

The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office, based in Fayetteville, earlier had said it was reviewing whether Trump or his campaign incited a disturbance at a rally last Wednesday.

On Monday evening, the Sheriff's Office said in a statement it would not seek a warrant or indictment for Trump or his campaign over the incident.


Here's the law:

North Carolina General Statutes Section 14-288.2(d) states:

(d) Any person who willfully incites or urges another to engage in a riot, so that as a result of such inciting or urging a riot occurs or a clear and present danger of a riot is created, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.


Under North Carolina law, and by the laws of almost all states, a riot is three or more people in a public place engaging in physical violence. In NC a first offence is a mandatory 45 dayze in the slammer. (Hello Kim Davis.)

However, not filing charges is not final in North Carolina, nor is it going to be final in any other county or municipality or in any given state. After reaching his conclusion, Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin J. Joyce maintained: "We are continuing to look at the totality of these circumstances…including the potential of whether there was conduct on the part of Mr. Trump or the Trump campaign which rose to the level of inciting a riot." (emphasis added)

Mr. Trump or the Trump campaign. That includes The Flamethrower Himself but it also includes the "hands-on" and adventurous campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Or Lewendowski and others. Or others explicitly. The campaign.

What saved Trump Himself in this one is that, it's commonly and obviously agreed one guy punching another guy in a crowd is hardly a riot. It is in fact not a riot by any standard legal or otherwise. So the legal question turns to incitement of violence, i.e., Trump urging his adoring crowds to make America grate again by causing someone to be carried out on a stretcher or by The Flamethrower Himself talking explicitly of punching someone in the face etc etc.

Indeed, although Trump doesn't know anything about it, the US Constitution applies in his instance and in all such instances. To wit....

The constitutional standard for prosecuting someone for incitement requires (1) that the advocacy is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” and (2) that the advocacy is also “likely to incite or produce such action.”

Telling an angry mob with torches to burn something down is classic incitement. Telling a crowd of voters to beat up a protester would almost certainly be incitement (depending upon how likely they are to follow orders).

Telling one crowd in another city to knock the crap out a protester who’s throwing things six weeks earlier and then having someone in the crowd in another city throw a punch at a protester obviously isn’t incitement. You can’t say that the speech incited “imminent” violence, whatever Trump’s intent and the intent of the punchthrower were.

(Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444, 89 S. Ct. 1827, 23 L. Ed. 2d 430 [1969])

Charges against Trump would anyway and no doubt spike his favorable polling but only among his specific minority group of VerySure fanatic followers and loyalists in the Republican party voting to date. The vast majority of the centrist and moderate voting population throughout the country would simply nod in agreement with any law enforcement authority who would believe, on sound legal advice, they have Constitutional authority to proceed successfully to seek a warrant and to file charges -- to include possibly mandating Trump's presence, a booking; an arrangement before a state court judge.

Donald J. Trump is after all actively seeking to become President of the United States. Indeed, if the right wingers want Hillary Clinton indicted by a grand jury, "apprehended" and arrested, charged, booked and perp walked, Donald Trump is not immune or exempted from perp walking either, hands in cuffs and his mouth stuffed by a pair of orange prison socks.

We'd then likely get by normal processes the nominees Bernie Sanders vs either Ted Cruz or John Kasich (with some outside possibility of another such as Romney, or one of a couple of others), probably Cruz but there's nothing sure in respect of Cruz.

Welcome to Campaign 2016. The devil and the deep blue sea. Our better angels are the only route past and over either of 'em. Michael blow your horn.

Before btw 131 people on the right, or only one sole person on the right goes ahead to online research Sheriff Kevin J. Joyce elected in Fayette County, North Carolina let's just know the elected Sheriff Joyce has 26 years in law enforcement to include several earned education degrees to include an advanced degree in business management, FBI training and certifications.

It is anyway the case that protesters and demonstrators at Trump rallies who are anti-fascist or may be affiliated with #NeverTrumpers are the people who are the concrete targets of violence and that they are not the targeters.

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Once again, grasping at straws...


It doesn't matter what you espouse.

Currently, in particular, your hilarious, simplistic take on world economy in your post #383. cheesy.gif

The con-man, bloviator Trump, will never become President.

Ain't gonna happen.

Get used to it.


Trump's competition. He's going to be president. Get used to it


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Charges against Trump would anyway and no doubt spike his favorable polling but only among his specific minority group of VerySure fanatic followers and loyalists in the Republican party voting to date.

There are also a lot of people who see the constant attacks on Trump as confirmation that he is a true anti-establishment candidate...despite being a 1%-er.

Dems criticized the Republican debates as being a circus with nothing about policy. So how do they attack Trump? No, not on policy, but on all the things that made the debates a circus plus silly stuff about him being a fascist or responsible for leftists starting fights at his events.

Then again, how can his opponents go after Trump on policy? Claim to be for allowing illegals to continue to flood over the border? Claim that they want to keep jobs out of the USA? Looking it like that, it is clear why his opponents resort to "Trump is Hitler!". Anything else would result in them getting routed in November.

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