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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Bernie is still getting wins against Lying Hillary.

FBI pressing hard now, and she is going to crack like a 2 dollar vase.

My bet is Bernie is going to have to fill in for Hillary while she dodges legal issues.

Easy win for Trump.

Personally I doubt Hillary will be indicated as it would seem difficult to prove mishandling classified material that was classified well after the fact and is still located on non secure state dept email servers.

Nevertheless, it would be interesting to have one candidate under indictment and the other in the middle of a $40 million civil court case accused of fraud and taking financial advantage of the elderly.

Another first for 2016.


Edited by thaihome
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Bernie is still getting wins against Lying Hillary.

FBI pressing hard now, and she is going to crack like a 2 dollar vase.

My bet is Bernie is going to have to fill in for Hillary while she dodges legal issues.

Easy win for Trump.

You always say"lying Hillar" and that is ok, but please start also saying;

Lying Trump!

Because if you can not say that, than you realy don't have a clue who you are voting for.

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^^^ University of Virginia historian Michael Signer,

is a liberal Democrat. and

it is nothing more than a 'hit' piece against Trump.

I note he said nothing about 'crooked Hillary'.


Worth noting that at the same time you dismiss the author as "liberal democrat" you indulge in exactly the behavior he was talking about by repeating Trumps childish name calling.


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Well, it's too late to stop Trump from the nomination but not to late to stop the psychopathic demagogue from being president.

One line of attack -- expose the close connection of Trump and the WHITE SUPREMACIST movement.

Most Americans including most American whites will find that very negative:

Greenblatt said that the way bigotry has been brought into the public discourse by Trump is unprecedented.

“There have been bigots who have run for political office before; however, we have not seen the mainstreaming of this kind of intolerance at this stage in the game in our collective memory,” Greenblatt said.


Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California
"For many, many years, when I would say these things, other white people would call me names: 'Oh, you're a hatemonger, you're a Nazi, you're like Hitler,'" he confessed. "Now they come in and say, 'Oh, you're like Donald Trump.'"


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Just because someone says they dont think people should be allowed to illegally enter USA from Mexico (and stay/work) - does not mean that they hate Mexcicans.

Just because someone says they dont think people should be allowed to stay/work in USA who are there illegally (many Hispanics) - does not mean they hate Hispanics.

Just because someone says they think immigration from Muslim countries should be stopped and reviewed - does not mean they hate Muslims.

More and more realistic and pragmatic people in USA actually understand that, and more and more are realising that it is a reasonable view to take. More and more people in USA are beginning to realise that the 'looney left' has somehow made it 'politically incorrect' to criticise minorities behaviours or to question what some minorities are illegally doing. This is happening because Trump is saying it for them, and is telling the media and anyone else playing the racist/bigot card to 'go and get stuffed' and is saying 'I dont care a rats rear about your politically correct khrapp' and is getting away with it.

Just because someone says they dont think people should be allowed to illegally enter USA from Canada (and stay/work) - does not mean that they hate Canadians.

Just because someone says they dont think people should be allowed to illegally enter UK from Muslim countries via Turkey/Greece (and stay) - does not mean that they hate Muslims.

Trump is speaking for the ordinary man and woman who have had a gutful of the politically correct khrapp that has had a such negative impact on their lives and their values for years and years (and is getting worse). Hopefully he will become POTUS and lead the western world out of this PC mess that they have gotten themselves into, and that is being taken advantage of by the others (economically, socially and morally).

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Donald Trump Is Less Popular With American Voters Than Literal Head Lice cheesy.gif

"Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, yet he still manages to be unpopular with the majority of American voters."

"FiveThirtyEight has reported that Trump is "historically disliked," but according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling,

Trump is less popular with registered voters than literal insects that live on the human scalp and feast exclusively on blood. In fact, in response to the question:

"What do you have a higher opinion of, Donald Trump or lice?" 54 percent of respondents answered, "Lice."



"Trump is speaking for the ordinary man and woman"? cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

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BTW, for all you "Trump-can't-win" people . . . Trump is tied with Cankles in today's Reuters . . . having been down 15 prior to Indiana. Amazing what happens when the GOP vote coalesces.

Yes, it's too late to stop the Trump machine.

It's going to be a hell of a lot of fun around here the day after the general election. What WILL all of these anti-Trump bloviators talk about then?

Maybe they can focus a little less on the US and a bit more on what's happening in London to find out why Americans are voting Trump. whistling.gif



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Or, ignorant, uninformed simpletons can wade through the subterfuge that Jesuits have imposed upon you and deal with substantial issues,

like doing away with The Federal Reserve who controls America?

That would be a good start.

Have you heard your poster boy talk about that? No.

It's the same fear factor as always: The Red Menace. The Commies. The Negroes. The Muslims. The <deleted> Boogeyman. To keep you squabbling amoungst yourselves.

BS parlour talk. For small minded, manipulated people.


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Rickey Gervais says we DESERVE a President Trump (paying for our sins).

Perhaps, so, but really, NO, I insist, you take him!crazy.gif

That's exactly what Trump is and I said it long ago. He is an internet TROLL out of the shadows and now, SERIOUSLY (OMG!) running for president!

It's funny, comedians tell a joke and they get in trouble; Donald Trump says a terrible thing and means it, and he gets elected. I get it, though, Trump hit a vein. He hit the peak of political correctness, and he's an antidote to all that. People are tired of being told they can't say things, so he's suddenly this poster boy for saying what's on your mind, however terrible it is. And it's going to go the other way. Trump's going to get in, and suddenly there's going to be 32 Jon Stewarts. It's cyclical; people build their different armies.

It was only recently that I realized that Trump actually could become president. I should have realized sooner. Think about it: We live a world where there are warnings on bottles of bleach — we have to tell people not to drink bleach. In that world, Trump can be president. And in a sense, you get what you deserve. That's democracy, baby! It's just a really odd thing to have this man who's meant to be the most powerful man in the world act like a Twitter troll.


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4 Signs From The Last 24 Hours That Trump Suckered Conservatives

“Yes, you conservatives who keep waiting for Donald Trump to turn into Ronald Reagan, who hope to unify behind him,

thinking that he’ll surround himself with good people and that they will guide him to all the best decisions.

Yes, you conservatives who bought into the Trumpian nonsense that he would blow up the system and change things in politics.

In the last 24 hours Trump has indeed pivoted – directly against all of his supposedly conservative positions.”

Here are four examples:

Trump Embraces A Higher Minimum Wage.

Back in November, he said, “Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high."

Trump Won’t Be Self-Funding. (That big lie has actually been going on since the beginning) thumbsup.gif

Trump Hires A Former Goldman Sachs Fundraiser Who Managed Money For George Soros. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Trump Bashes His Own Tax Plan.

"Remember that tax plan Trump touted as supremely conservative? Yeah, that’s out the window now.

Today, asked on CNBC how he could propose tax breaks for high earners, Trump simply dumped his plan. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that.”


Pissing in the wind...

Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

And what exactly would those ideals be? Clearly, they can't have anything to do with his position on issues since he flipflops and contradicts himself so often.

You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

what you don't get that he only tells people what they want to hear. if there are too many comments he switches sides. his company's outsource work abroad, while his speeches are against it. try to read and listen a bit more
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You don't get it. Trump isn't popular because of policies or "ideals". He's popular because people have had enough of the crooks in the big house in Washington and want someone, anyone to give them a good kicking. So far Trump is the only one that MIGHT do that, so it doesn't matter how many times he "flip flops" or contradicts himself. US politics are clearly broken, but no professional crook politician currently serving is going to give up the gravy train to sort it out. So much for "hope and change"- the past 7 1/2 years have been just business as usual with the usual pork, pork, pork.

If a better person than Trump were to stand for POTUS they'd be a shoo in, but all there is is the professional politician.

He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

Believe that if it makes you feel better.

I don't know if you are American or not, but if you are, how do you feel, knowing that there are millions and millions and millions of really stupid ( according to you ) people in the US?

In the 1964 election of Potus 27,000,000 numbnuts voted for the rightwing crackpot Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater who got 38.1% of the (un)popular vote, won six states and got 52 Electoral College votes (270 EVs needed to win).

USA is third most populous country of the world so it is inevitable there are millions and millions and millions of really stupid people according the factual record in the USA.

But lots us us around here knew that already.


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This is from the Daily Telegraph, a respected newspaper from Britain.

A quote [The two are effectively tied in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to a poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, in figures that will provide a boost to Mr Trump’s maverick campaign. Previous nationwide polls have shown him trailing Mrs Clinton, often by significant margins.]

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He's popular because he trots out a load of unsubstantiated populist nonsense, and there are a large number of people too stupid to question it.

Believe that if it makes you feel better.

I don't know if you are American or not, but if you are, how do you feel, knowing that there are millions and millions and millions of really stupid ( according to you ) people in the US?

He's a Brit. Thus the self inflated opinions.

27,000,000 idiots officially recorded in 1964. That wuz 38.1% of the total Potus vote then.

There are more of 'em today. Today 38% would equal 45,600,000 idiots of the total electorate.

Fortunately there are 68,000,000 who voted for Barack Obama so we're still way ahead of 'em wherever they may be. That would be 63% of the total vote (based on 2012).

Good luck with that now too.


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In the 1964 election of Potus 27,000,000 numbnuts voted for the rightwing crackpot Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater who got 38.1% of the (un)popular vote, won six states and got 52 Electoral College votes (270 EVs needed to win).

USA is third most populous country of the world so it is inevitable there are millions and millions and millions of really stupid people according the factual record in the USA.

But lots us us around here knew that already.


Publicus, can you please stop CONFUSING the issue.

YOU go on and on about the 1964 election. But even people who are NOT Americans, people like myself, do know that the 1964 election should not be used as an example of anything.

That's because President Kennedy was assasinated in 1963, and this caused a massive out-pouring of grief and support for Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 election.

Please note, Richard Nixon (a Republican) won in 1968 and 1972. Nixon did win a land-slide victory in 1972.

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Many of us observers have plainly seen how Trump is such an immature low-class name-caller. Here's a very good parody of that......

Now I get your position.

Hillary Clinton's well-heeled backers have opened a new frontier in digital campaigning, one that seems to have been inspired by some of the Internet's worst instincts. Correct the Record, a super PAC coordinating with Clinton's campaign, is spending some $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about the Democratic front-runner.

Reported in the LA Times.

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BTW, for all you "Trump-can't-win" people . . . Trump is tied with Cankles in today's Reuters . . . having been down 15 prior to Indiana. Amazing what happens when the GOP vote coalesces.

Yes, it's too late to stop the Trump machine.

It's going to be a hell of a lot of fun around here the day after the general election. What WILL all of these anti-Trump bloviators talk about then?

Maybe they can focus a little less on the US and a bit more on what's happening in London to find out why Americans are voting Trump. whistling.gif



This made your day didn't it? Sad. Yeah we can't have something like this in Merica. Outrageous I say! Where's my ballot? I gotta vote for Trump, now. The wingnuts all gloomed onto this woman because...she's not a white old man. A Muslim crossing guard in a burka? This will not stand!!!

No matter how many times you say it, "Americans are voting for Trump"...always makes me chuckle. gigglem.gif

After the general election, I expect the TV Teabaggers to be confused and depressed. How did HRC beat our ass so badly? What's wrong with America? Don't they see she will destroy America? This isn't what they told me on Fox News! You know...just like the last election...and the one before that.

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet. After this Trump run, you'll never see another Republican Presidency. Toast.

Edited by Pinot
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Many of us observers have plainly seen how Trump is such an immature low-class name-caller. Here's a very good parody of that......

Now I get your position.

Hillary Clinton's well-heeled backers have opened a new frontier in digital campaigning, one that seems to have been inspired by some of the Internet's worst instincts. Correct the Record, a super PAC coordinating with Clinton's campaign, is spending some $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about the Democratic front-runner.

Reported in the LA Times.

Clicked on the blue link in your post but didn't find the story.

Did find this though....

Secret Service to investigate Donald Trump's former butler

Donald Trump's former butler has drawn the attention of the Secret Service for online threats he has made against President Obama.

In one message from September 2015, Senecal said the military should hang Obama for treason and other "high crimes."

In another that month, he described Obama, a Christian, by using a slur for a member of the Muslim faith. In that post, he wrote that he does not speak for Trump: "This is my opinion, only!!!!"


This seems to be wherever Trump goes or has gone.

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Many of us observers have plainly seen how Trump is such an immature low-class name-caller. Here's a very good parody of that......

Now I get your position.

Hillary Clinton's well-heeled backers have opened a new frontier in digital campaigning, one that seems to have been inspired by some of the Internet's worst instincts. Correct the Record, a super PAC coordinating with Clinton's campaign, is spending some $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about the Democratic front-runner.

Reported in the LA Times.

Clicked on the blue link in your post but didn't find the story.

Did find this though....

Secret Service to investigate Donald Trump's former butler

Donald Trump's former butler has drawn the attention of the Secret Service for online threats he has made against President Obama.

In one message from September 2015, Senecal said the military should hang Obama for treason and other "high crimes."

In another that month, he described Obama, a Christian, by using a slur for a member of the Muslim faith. In that post, he wrote that he does not speak for Trump: "This is my opinion, only!!!!"


This seems to be wherever Trump goes or has gone.

If you look around the internet a little bit more, you can find years worth of loose talk. Mother Jones is all over this for obvious reasons. I've seen this goof ball on Youtube interviews. The SS' subdued response is appropriate given the sea of this stuff they deal with on a daily basis, much of it far more inflammatory that what this guy has said. Next. coffee1.gif

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Many of us observers have plainly seen how Trump is such an immature low-class name-caller. Here's a very good parody of that......

Now I get your position.

Hillary Clinton's well-heeled backers have opened a new frontier in digital campaigning, one that seems to have been inspired by some of the Internet's worst instincts. Correct the Record, a super PAC coordinating with Clinton's campaign, is spending some $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about the Democratic front-runner.

Reported in the LA Times.

Clicked on the blue link in your post but didn't find the story.

Did find this though....

Secret Service to investigate Donald Trump's former butler

Donald Trump's former butler has drawn the attention of the Secret Service for online threats he has made against President Obama.

In one message from September 2015, Senecal said the military should hang Obama for treason and other "high crimes."

In another that month, he described Obama, a Christian, by using a slur for a member of the Muslim faith. In that post, he wrote that he does not speak for Trump: "This is my opinion, only!!!!"


This seems to be wherever Trump goes or has gone.

If you look around the internet a little bit more, you can find years worth of loose talk. Mother Jones is all over this for obvious reasons. I've seen this goof ball on Youtube interviews. The SS' subdued response is appropriate given the sea of this stuff they deal with on a daily basis, much of it far more inflammatory that what this guy has said. Next. coffee1.gif

My post and link pertain to Trump and it is a viable link that anyone clicking on it can access.

The post and link about HRC goes to the menu page of the LA Times only. Which is where I found a story about Trump's former butler who btw conducts his own tours of the mansion for which tourists pay him, all of it without any problems from Trump or the estate property managers. Trump's lunatic racist former butler.

Still can't find the HRC story.

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CLAIM: Hillary Clinton successfully defended an accused child rapist and later laughed about the case.


WHAT'S TRUE: In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Clinton was requested as lawyer for the defense in a rape case involving a 12-year-old girl; Clinton reluctantly took on the case, successfully challenged mismanaged evidence, and entered a plea bargain for the defendant.

WHAT'S FALSE: Clinton laughed about the unreliable nature of polygraphs, not the case's outcome; Clinton did not volunteer to be the man's lawyer; Clinton did not claim the complainant fantasized about being raped by older men; the case did not go to trial.



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"Donald Trump is considering former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as one possible option for his running mate in November, according to a source familiar with the discussions."


Excellent. Good choice. They don't get any smarter or crafty than Newt. Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court and make America Great Again! smile.png

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