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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Personally, I see Trump and Clinton as not in the interest of average American people. You may vote for them as a lesser evil but I think these are people who really care about America more than themselves you have got to be kidding. The whole vote is a joke. And those who push and by doing so empower the two party system are also sellouts to a forever failed democracy.

It's not guesswork. Changing your vote at the last minute isn't guesswork. It just shows that many don't see a real difference in these two corrupt souls. If one of them is so bad as not to be elected, you can do more than vote and spout rhetoric against them unless of course you think only two parties.

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Personally, I see Trump and Clinton as not in the interest of average American people. You may vote for them as a lesser evil but I think these are people who really care about America more than themselves you have got to be kidding. The whole vote is a joke. And those who push and by doing so empower the two party system are also sellouts to a forever failed democracy.

It's not guesswork. Changing your vote at the last minute isn't guesswork. It just shows that many don't see a real difference in these two corrupt souls. If one of them is so bad as not to be elected, you can do more than vote and spout rhetoric against them unless of course you think only two parties.

So why don't you just come out and say what you think these millions will be voting for rather than all this circumlocution.

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I think those millions could go either way and even for other parties and write ins. Some people don't decide months before. I guess if you have decided you can certainly change your opinion before November if you are objective.

I like to listen to Cspan a lot. If you don't get it in Thailand, here's the link for Washington Journal Series. It is covering the Republican convention now and will also cover the Democrat convention. It isn't as fair to other parties. Just another example of failed democracy (brainwashing or conveniently leaving out other voices and ideas) in my view. I do enjoy this and I think others will too.


By the way, Open Phones are my favorite part to listen to.

Edited by Alive
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Personally, I see Trump and Clinton as not in the interest of average American people. You may vote for them as a lesser evil but I think these are people who really care about America more than themselves you have got to be kidding. The whole vote is a joke. And those who push and by doing so empower the two party system are also sellouts to a forever failed democracy.

It's not guesswork. Changing your vote at the last minute isn't guesswork. It just shows that many don't see a real difference in these two corrupt souls. If one of them is so bad as not to be elected, you can do more than vote and spout rhetoric against them unless of course you think only two parties.

American electorial reality is: there are 2 major parties. A 3rd party candidate can be a spoiler for one of the 2, but can't win in this epoch. Hopefully, in the near future, that will change for the better.

Currently, there is one candidate who would be very bad for America (and the world) for too many reasons to list here. A vote for HRC is the only reasonable option for anyone other than an American hater.

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She's definitely not going to jail. But her already tarnished image has been additionally tarnished. It is fair game for the republicans to attack her based on her email behavior. The question really is how important it is when considering all other issues for both candidates. It's not going to change any supporters already for HRC. It's more about those that are still undecided.

I do agree with all you have said, but didn't want to Like it... as despite what FBI may have said, I believe that if the same facts and some random lower employee of state department or DOD did the same they would likely have been prosecuted

There are countless cases of those with less power doing less being prosecuted ... But no one near to power of a Secretary of State or a likely president

In this case, believe Comey was afraid to prosecute as if he had recommended to prosecute .. Pretty sure he would have ended up being destroyed.

Also the reality is that everyone from high to low must have known about the email situation from beginning.. But pretty sure Hillary's stance was don't ask and yu can't be told no...

Also as no one call her out on it, likely out of fear, as no one messes with Hillary. But because of that, they would have all been liable as well.

The reality is that it was just too big with to many powerful people knowing about what was happening B with no one saying anything..

This was never going to end in a conviction

Guessing Comey could see this and decided not to destroy his own life

But that doesn't mean that it was all a good thing and believe it does and should hurt Hillary's image with undecided voters

Edited by CWMcMurray
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See others have the complete opposite view about who is the very bad one, Boomeranutang. They won't change their view. If people made the right choice early on, Hillary or Trump wouldn't be there. Maybe the people didn't actually chose but the powerful chose for them. America is controlled by kings and the people are stupid to believe that they really have a vote. I think Hillary will win. Once in I hope she is ripped apart by both the left and right wing to do the right thing. Personally, I see her as a fraud and sellout to Wall St. If she got Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as VP it might make a difference. Trump is full of himself and pathetic as someone who unite people. Plus he doesn't have any real plans behind his words. And his VP is a silly Christian who would like to take personal freedom backwards. America is a joke these days.

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Watching THE convention.

Clearly, trump will prevail over the Obama-Clinton fiasco....that ruined The USA.

Hillary's goose is cooked.....and her corrupted, lying, ignorant rabble can Whign all they want.

Losers each and every one of those left wing nutters.


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Personally, I see Trump and Clinton as not in the interest of average American people. You may vote for them as a lesser evil but I think these are people who really care about America more than themselves you have got to be kidding. The whole vote is a joke. And those who push and by doing so empower the two party system are also sellouts to a forever failed democracy.

It's not guesswork. Changing your vote at the last minute isn't guesswork. It just shows that many don't see a real difference in these two corrupt souls. If one of them is so bad as not to be elected, you can do more than vote and spout rhetoric against them unless of course you think only two parties.

It's always good to see there are some people who are above it all and who can speak from on high to the rest of us.

By way of contrast, here's something empirically scientific about citizen voting behavior in the polling booth...

What is really important about the moment when people are in the polling station and in the polling booth is that the level of emotion, the level of anxiety, is heightened in such a way that they are in a very specific predisposition to relate to others and relate to the political systems in a way which they do not experience in their everyday life.

This means that there is something about the atmosphere of the polling station, which makes people behave in a different way, which makes people think about their vote and take a sense of responsibility, which is actually of tantamount importance. Which means that when they vote they don’t actually think of what is good for them, but of actually what is good for the society.


And who in his right mind could think Donald Trump is good for society -- any society, in any time, any place, in any circumstance. Who in the voting booth would simply toss one for a Donald Trump.

In other words, only the fringe off the wall voters act precipitously in the voting booth and those voters have already made up their minds...they will vote for Trump. Too many Trump voters are socio-political paranoids who see conspiracies everywhere in everything from the beginning of time to the present moment. The existing conspiracy number one of the political-cultural paranoids has a color and the color is black.

Conversely, voters who think of the good of the society and the stability of the country are the voters in the center middle who constitute the vast majority of the electorate. This voter wants a Potus who is stable, predictable, safe, experienced and the like. They don't cast their vote from off the wall wither spontaneously or as planned.

Spontaneous voting is virtually non-existent in electoral behaviors. What is fact is that there are a number of voters who in US elections of Potus decide between November 1st and the election day, which in this cycle is November 8th. Very few people are tossers in the voting booth.

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Watching THE convention.

Clearly, trump will prevail over the Obama-Clinton fiasco....that ruined The USA.

Hillary's goose is cooked.....and her corrupted, lying, ignorant rabble can Whign all they want.

Losers each and every one of those left wing nutters.


But clearly someone who writes something like this is the embodiment of sanity:

and her corrupted, lying, ignorant rabble can Whign all they want.

Losers each and every one of those left wing nutters.

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Publicus, your quote is interesting but not all Americans think the same obviously. Most don't even follow this story. Many will go to vote without any real analysis of any of it just as they will in Thailand next month. Sorry but it's the truth. Just look what the primaries brought America. Did people seriously choose the best people as their leaders? I don't believe it.

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Not that I think this moment in history is exactly similar, but the dangerous signs are there a remotely similar to how Hitler took power in 1933. The nationalist, populist Nazi party won the popular vote in 1932 when there was great discontent among the populace and national humiliation at the hands of others, a sense of disenfranchisement among the working class, and great sense of ethnocentricity (same as pro-white, anti-immigration, anti-foreigner Trump). Hilter took control in 1933 as Chancellor and the rest is, unfortunately, history.

Trump is an existential threat to America and the world in a similar, though, of course, much less malevolent (until now) way. He appeals to those who feel they deserve more, and that government hasn't given it to them. He appeals to those who feel their life is diminished through globalization and world trade, and desire for a return to George Capra's It's a Wonderful Life state of being.

Because he is a master confidence artist, high states grifter, with a gift for speaking like the uneducated he appeals to, his followers are willing to ignore that they may be getting conned. Followers are willing to overlook the fact that he knows nothing of world affairs or governance, but projects himself as this midas touch billionaire. Fantasy world, promises of glory and riches for the common man, promises of a return to older, better times.

Edited by keemapoot
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Dick Cheney was America's Hitler. Thank god he is gone. The sick people who supported this human monster haven't gone away though. If Cheney could have been president, Iraq would have been just the beginning. Maybe his pig heart will burst soon and he will be gone forever. These has never been a more evil man in US politics.

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“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.

"Trump, facing a crowd that had gathered in the lobby of Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, laid out his qualifications, saying, “We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’

”If that was so, Schwartz thought, then he, not Trump, should be running. Schwartz dashed off a tweet:

“Many thanks Donald Trump for suggesting I run for President, based on the fact that I wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ laugh.png


The Bloviator. The Huckster.

I loved the article in the New Yorker! Here is a guy who stayed by Trump's side for months. No one knows him better than this guy.

My favorite was, "The problem was Trump’s personality, which he considered pathologically impulsive and self-centered. Schwartz believes that Trump’s short attention span has left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”

Trump is a liar. He lies constantly. "Lying is second nature to him,” Schwartz said. “More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.”

Donald Trump is the worst candidate for President in the history of the country.

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Publicus, your quote is interesting but not all Americans think the same obviously. Most don't even follow this story. Many will go to vote without any real analysis of any of it just as they will in Thailand next month. Sorry but it's the truth. Just look what the primaries brought America. Did people seriously choose the best people as their leaders? I don't believe it.

HR Clinton is the best candidate the United States can put forward at this time and in this election and that is a good thing. HR Clinton is the moderate, centrist, most qualified candidate ever and who moreover is not hell-bent on appeasing the fringe far out parawhingenoid right wing.

People who think otherwise have to speak in terms that exclude the rhetoric of the right and Republicans in Congress, as in Ben Ghazi for instance, or Whitewater as another bogus instance, and offer a critique that is new and different from the political claptrap of the hard right that drives the Republican party. Speaking of kings and essentially serf-equivalent voters is not an answer because it is, among other reasons, glib, offensive, condescending.

Republicans have demonised HR Clinton -- and the Clintons -- because Republicans to include their far right extremist fringe know that the Clinton name on a November ballot is a winner. This has been true since the 1970s going back to Arkansas. The object of an election is to win it, which is why Republicans get frantic and hysterical against Hillary Clinton and will create anything against their Billary.

Most of those who say a plague on both your houses have sucked up the Republican and rightwhinge extremist trashing of the political system. The Republican and right wing strategy for decades is that if you can't win the election then destroy the system and those in it who have defeated you. And the people who believe in that or fall for it need to consider listening to other voices for a radical change. The first step is however to recognise the problem they themselves do have.

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See others have the complete opposite view about who is the very bad one, Boomeranutang. They won't change their view. If people made the right choice early on, Hillary or Trump wouldn't be there. Maybe the people didn't actually chose but the powerful chose for them. America is controlled by kings and the people are stupid to believe that they really have a vote. I think Hillary will win. Once in I hope she is ripped apart by both the left and right wing to do the right thing. Personally, I see her as a fraud and sellout to Wall St. If she got Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren as VP it might make a difference. Trump is full of himself and pathetic as someone who unite people. Plus he doesn't have any real plans behind his words. And his VP is a silly Christian who would like to take personal freedom backwards. America is a joke these days.

I'm curious as to why you think a vice-president has any impact or influence on the executive branch policy? The VP is not the deputy president and the only constitutional position they hold is president of the Senate and allowed to vote only in case of a tie.

Both Saunders and Warren are senior democratic senators. .don't you think they will have much more influence and impact on their agendas by remaining in the the Senate rather then accepting what is largely a symbolic position with no actual power?


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Watching THE convention.

Clearly, trump will prevail over the Obama-Clinton fiasco....that ruined The USA.

Hillary's goose is cooked.....and her corrupted, lying, ignorant rabble can Whign all they want.

Losers each and every one of those left wing nutters.


Keep on dreaming!!!
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Here's another thought - can trump actually deliver even 10% of what he says he will change, fix, destroy etc etc?

Seems to me that a very large % of his voters are expecting trump to turn the world upside down in 5 minutes and provide them with benefits / improvements which are (unfortunately) totally unrealistic and especially unrealistic in a go go go capitalist country and especially since his party have no interest or concern for the underdog or in sharing of the wealth.

IMHO going will be very large numbers of very disappointed (and disilusioned) trump fans.


Sorry moderators I can't remove the 'thaibeahclovers.........'

Edited by scorecard
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Here's another thought - can trump actually deliver even 10% of what he says he will change, fix, destroy etc etc?

Seems to me that a very large % of his voters are expecting trump to turn the world upside down in 5 minutes and provide them with benefits / improvements which are (unfortunately) totally unrealistic and especially unrealistic in a go go go capitalist country and especially since his party have no interest or concern for the underdog or in sharing of the wealth.

IMHO going will be very large numbers of very disappointed (and disilusioned) trump fans.


Sorry moderators I can't remove the 'thaibeahclovers.........'

They are living with their head's abowe the clouds.
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Here's another thought - can trump actually deliver even 10% of what he says he will change, fix, destroy etc etc?

Seems to me that a very large % of his voters are expecting trump to turn the world upside down in 5 minutes and provide them with benefits / improvements which are (unfortunately) totally unrealistic and especially unrealistic in a go go go capitalist country and especially since his party have no interest or concern for the underdog or in sharing of the wealth.

IMHO going will be very large numbers of very disappointed (and disilusioned) trump fans.


Sorry moderators I can't remove the 'thaibeahclovers.........'

They are living with their head's abowe the clouds.



you are not a native english speaker..are you?

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Publicus, your quote is interesting but not all Americans think the same obviously. Most don't even follow this story. Many will go to vote without any real analysis of any of it just as they will in Thailand next month. Sorry but it's the truth. Just look what the primaries brought America. Did people seriously choose the best people as their leaders? I don't believe it.

HR Clinton is the best candidate the United States can put forward at this time and in this election and that is a good thing. HR Clinton is the moderate, centrist, most qualified candidate ever and who moreover is not hell-bent on appeasing the fringe far out parawhingenoid right wing.

People who think otherwise have to speak in terms that exclude the rhetoric of the right and Republicans in Congress, as in Ben Ghazi for instance, or Whitewater as another bogus instance, and offer a critique that is new and different from the political claptrap of the hard right that drives the Republican party. Speaking of kings and essentially serf-equivalent voters is not an answer because it is, among other reasons, glib, offensive, condescending.

Republicans have demonised HR Clinton -- and the Clintons -- because Republicans to include their far right extremist fringe know that the Clinton name on a November ballot is a winner. This has been true since the 1970s going back to Arkansas. The object of an election is to win it, which is why Republicans get frantic and hysterical against Hillary Clinton and will create anything against their Billary.

Most of those who say a plague on both your houses have sucked up the Republican and rightwhinge extremist trashing of the political system. The Republican and right wing strategy for decades is that if you can't win the election then destroy the system and those in it who have defeated you. And the people who believe in that or fall for it need to consider listening to other voices for a radical change. The first step is however to recognise the problem they themselves do have.


This is the reason america is screwed up. Idiot policies by left nutbags, including your old baggage queen, HRC.

You people just avoid issues. Hillary is untrustworthy and rotten to the core. How can intelligent people even consider her?

Edited by slipperylobster
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Stephen Colbert having some unofficial fun at the convention and telling it like it is!

Taking the stage unannounced, holding a ferret, and wearing a bright blue wig in a tribute toHunger Games emcee Caesar Flickerman, Colbert remarked, "I know I am not supposed to be up here, but let's be honest, neither is Donald Trump."


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Here's another thought - can trump actually deliver even 10% of what he says he will change, fix, destroy etc etc?

Seems to me that a very large % of his voters are expecting trump to turn the world upside down in 5 minutes and provide them with benefits / improvements which are (unfortunately) totally unrealistic and especially unrealistic in a go go go capitalist country and especially since his party have no interest or concern for the underdog or in sharing of the wealth.

IMHO going will be very large numbers of very disappointed (and disilusioned) trump fans.


Sorry moderators I can't remove the 'thaibeahclovers.........'

They are living with their head's abowe the clouds.



you are not a native english speaker..are you?

Clearly, it's you who is not well acquainted with English. He made a mistake. In English it's called a "typo". In this case he typed a "w" instead of a "v". There's a reason that rules of thaivisa.com discourage your class of comment. You might want to think about that. I suggest you do that in whatever your native language truly is. You should be able to think more clearly that way.

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7 things trump must do...........zerohedge

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered


Actually the NAFTA trade agreement reduced 18,000 taxes on US exports, creating 2 million jobs..... and exports are at an all time high.

You want to put the agreement on one paragraph, huh?

you really believe this!!!.....

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Republican Senator: The GOP MUST Purge Trump Supporters

"Arizona Republican senator and prominent Donald Trump critic Jeff Flake believes the GOP must purge the presumptive nominee’s supporters after the election in order to survive."

"In an interview with The New York Times published over the weekend,

Flake said that many of Trump’s fans are motivated by racism and need to get the boot as soon as Trump, he hopes, goes down in flames." thumbsup.gif

“Those who want a Muslim ban, those who will disparage individuals or groups — yes we ought to, we need to purge,” the senator told The Times."


Boot the Bigots.

But let's watch the Bloviator go down in flames first. laugh.png

It's gonna be spectacular.

So Flake thinks that 11 MILLION Americans can be purged. He is more likely to be purged hmself next election. Yes Republicans are oafs.

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Here's another thought - can trump actually deliver even 10% of what he says he will change, fix, destroy etc etc?

Seems to me that a very large % of his voters are expecting trump to turn the world upside down in 5 minutes and provide them with benefits / improvements which are (unfortunately) totally unrealistic and especially unrealistic in a go go go capitalist country and especially since his party have no interest or concern for the underdog or in sharing of the wealth.

IMHO going will be very large numbers of very disappointed (and disilusioned) trump fans.


Sorry moderators I can't remove the 'thaibeahclovers.........'

Never mind, I removed it for you.

in a go go go capitalist country

That's definitely not the USA. The US hasn't been a "real" Capitalist country for decades, and Obama has spent the past 7 years trying to bring in socialism.

In a "real" Capitalist country, all those corrupt banks would have been allowed to fail, along with the car companies. Perhaps it is capitalist with a very small c.

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Poll: Trump Leads Clinton by 11 Points with Independents

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is leading presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by 11 points with Independents, 38 percent to 27 percent, according to a new Morning Consult poll. But he’s still down by two points in a head-to-head match up, 41 percent to 39 percent"


Put that in your pipe and hit it! clap2.gif

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Poll: Trump Leads Clinton by 11 Points with Independents

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is leading presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by 11 points with Independents, 38 percent to 27 percent, according to a new Morning Consult poll. But he’s still down by two points in a head-to-head match up, 41 percent to 39 percent"


Put that in your pipe and hit it! clap2.gif

This is all going to a hard pill to swallow, for left wing nutbag democrats. She drops in the polls daily.

After the Convention.....Trump should be tied across the board, if not ahead.

The country is literally pulling apart because of scumbag left wing nuts.

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7 things trump must do...........zerohedge

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any drug should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserves budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered


Actually the NAFTA trade agreement reduced 18,000 taxes on US exports, creating 2 million jobs..... and exports are at an all time high.

You want to put the agreement on one paragraph, huh?

you really believe this!!!.....

That's the problem. Uneducated Americans looking for the same jobs the worlds desperately poor can do.

Americans should be attending 4 more years of public education(college) in science , engineering and technology because that is the future engine of the economy.


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