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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Here is my set of indicators as to why Trump will win the General Presidential Election going away... is the depth of angst, the amount of vitriol, the venom spewing and the voluminous posts ... all in hatred of Donald Trump by the Liberals and Leftists on this topic thread... this screeching hatred spewed out by the Lefties is a sure sign of a President Trump inevitability.

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Here is my set of indicators as to why Trump will win the General Presidential Election going away... is the depth of angst, the amount of vitriol, the venom spewing and the voluminous posts ... all in hatred of Donald Trump by the Liberals and Leftists on this topic thread... this screeching hatred spewed out by the Lefties is a sure sign of a President Trump inevitability.

A lot of us are Anything but lefties. I was a Reagan and H.W. Bush supporter. The screeching hatred you hear is hatred of ignorance, incompetence and foolhardiness.

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Here is my set of indicators as to why Trump will win the General Presidential Election going away... is the depth of angst, the amount of vitriol, the venom spewing and the voluminous posts ... all in hatred of Donald Trump by the Liberals and Leftists on this topic thread... this screeching hatred spewed out by the Lefties is a sure sign of a President Trump inevitability.

hatred of Donald Trump by the Liberals and Leftists on this topic thread..

The right loves Trump because he is their dream of a lifetime candidate, the guy the extreme right has spent a lifetime pining for. This is their big chance to shred the Bill of Rights in the Constitution and to mangle the Constitutional system of checks and balances.


So this election is not a choice of 'change' versus the 'establishment'.

This election is the choice of the far out ignore-the-Constitution right against the rest of us. Trump has seized control of the Republican party, which is nothing new as the rightwinger Sen. Barry Goldwater did it also, in 1964 when Goldwater won 38.1% of the anti-popular vote, six states, 52 electoral college votes.

P.T. Barnum D.J. Trump will do better this time around for the far right because of the unique specifics of this election cycle, i.e., the racial reaction of the past 7+ years on the right and among the fellow travellers of the right, the Republican party.

The far out militant extra-constitutional right have finally found their unique guy, D.J. Trump. The far out right are running with it and they're doing it with both gusto and glee. D.J. Trump is the extremists wet dream strongman come true. Their deliverance.

Youse guyz have several more months of it so enjoy it while it lasts.

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Straight question;

Does the endorsement from NK, Puting and the KKK bother you at all?

It's not even newsworthy. No it doesn't bother me. Trump will still be president whether you like it or not.

"It's not even newsworthy. "

On the contrary, it is, whether you like it or not.

"No it doesn't bother me."

Didn't think so, and it speaks volumes.

"Trump will still be president whether you like it or not."

I still have faith that there are not that many looneys in the US.

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Now we’re talking. This is outstanding. Very encouraging news.

This pimple, this blight on the American Political landscape, the Bloviator, the crass amateur, would be crushed by Sen. Sanders. (49.8 to 39.4) laugh.png

US election 2016: Hillary Clinton could lose Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders

A big win in the 7 June California primary could hand Mr Sanders hundreds more delegates, which would call into question Ms Clinton's candidacy

"Mr Sanders will be looking to the state to boost his campaign with news of a further 1.5 million people registering to vote since January this year.

The latest statistics from the Institute of California will be encouraging to Mr Sanders as a big win in the 7 June California primary, where the candidates are,

currently virtually deadlocked, could hand him hundreds more delegates. Mr Sanders currently has 1,501 pledged delegates to Ms Clinton's 1,769."

"The influx of additional registrants a 218 per cent increase compared with the same period in 2012,

is likely to include large numbers of young voters and could make this scenario a reality."


HuffPost Model

Our model of the polls suggests Sanders is very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Sanders led Trump.)


There's a very good chance that the chicken Bloviator won't be able to cheese out on debating Sen. Sanders this time. thumbsup.gif

It would be glorious to watch the buffoon trying his inane, ignorant, deflecting tactics with Sen. Sanders.

Dead meat.

That's all well and good, but in reality California will probably be shared, meaning Bernie stays nearly 300 behind.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

Did a news outlet say, "The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire, Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press."

Or did you? As it's not clear from the above post.

It's perfectly clear to anyone who knows what quotation marks signify.

So, who said it? The poster or a news outlet. Since it's in bold and I don't think posters are supposed to use that much bold I assume it is a quote and he didn't know how to properly identify it. Plus I can't imagine a poster would be that rude or be allowed to be that rude on here.

The poster is posing about Donald Trump, not another poster. There may be limits in this respect but apparently the post does not go there.

You are in fact posting about another poster. Begging for something that does not apply.

Trumpfanboyz desperation and weakness over Trump's 1001 vulnerabilities is all it is.

Fraudulent Donald. Donald The Fraud.

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Here is my set of indicators as to why Trump will win the General Presidential Election going away... is the depth of angst, the amount of vitriol, the venom spewing and the voluminous posts ... all in hatred of Donald Trump by the Liberals and Leftists on this topic thread... this screeching hatred spewed out by the Lefties is a sure sign of a President Trump inevitability.

"Liberals and Leftists?" Hmmmm, well I can assure you that none of these folks can be mistaken for a liberal or leftist:





There's a lot more where this came from, but you get the idea.

Edited by Berkshire
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Here is my set of indicators as to why Trump will win the General Presidential Election going away... is the depth of angst, the amount of vitriol, the venom spewing and the voluminous posts ... all in hatred of Donald Trump by the Liberals and Leftists on this topic thread... this screeching hatred spewed out by the Lefties is a sure sign of a President Trump inevitability.

"Liberals and Leftists?" Hmmmm, well I can assure you that none of these folks can be mistaken for a liberal or leftist:





There's a lot more where this came from, but you get the idea.

The one thing that unites all of the well-respected Republican luminaries you mentioned above and thought leaders in the US and worldwide right now, and that unites Democrats and Republicans and many of us on this forum is one simple thing:

we all lack common sense.

See how easy it is to be a Trump supporter? You don't need nothin' else.

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I still have faith that there are not that many looneys in the US.

Surely there must be a handful of sensible voters backing The Donald? Oh, I forgot, they're all wingnuts, every last single one of them.

Haven't read any lately although there may be a few of 'em around doing only reading. Every one of the wingnuts supports Trump in one way or another cause he's their natural. Their wet dream of a lifetime come true.

Haven't seen 'sensible' trumpeteers interviewed on television starting with Trump's own campaign people.

If there are any 'sensible' people supporting The Ignoramus they hopefully will come to their senses as the campaign develops. Trump is attacking a judge because the federal judge is in Trump's own word "Mexican" so maybe that means the judge must be from the Mexico part of Indiana. The judge btw believes in the rule of law over men...strongmen especially and in particular. As in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

Trump wants to hand out nuclear bombs to Japan, South Korea, Germany while Kim Jong TheStupid is smooching up to Trump maybe hoping to get some real ones himself (Trump's buddy Putin already has a bunch of 'em). Some recently sensible people who are recovering suckers born every minute are suing Trump for Trump U and its fraudulent swindles -- a billionaire ripping off ordinary schmucks at $30K a pop by talking them into maxing out their credit cards.

One concomitantly 'sensible' thing to expect if Trump wins in November is that he'd arrest his defeated opponent for opposing him. Conversely, 'sensible' people I know support the Bill of Rights while nonsensical people do not, led by Trump The Ignoramus. Trump has more than one sensible title y'know, i.e., Trump the uniquely American Mussolini.

Edited by Publicus
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I still have faith that there are not that many looneys in the US.

Surely there must be a handful of sensible voters backing The Donald? Oh, I forgot, they're all wingnuts, every last single one of them.

Haven't read any lately although there may be a few of 'em around doing only reading. Every one of the wingnuts supports Trump in one way or another cause he's their natural. Their wet dream of a lifetime come true.

Haven't seen 'sensible' trumpeteers interviewed on television starting with Trump's own campaign people.

If there are any 'sensible' people supporting The Ignoramus they hopefully will come to their senses as the campaign develops. Trump is attacking a judge because the federal judge is in Trump's own word "Mexican" so maybe that means the judge must be from the Mexico part of Indiana. The judge btw believes in the rule of law over men...strongmen especially and in particular. As in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

Trump wants to hand out nuclear bombs to Japan, South Korea, Germany while Kim Jong TheStupid is smooching up to Trump maybe hoping to get some real ones himself (Trump's buddy Putin already has a bunch of 'em). Some recently sensible people who are recovering suckers born every minute are suing Trump for Trump U and its fraudulent swindles -- a billionaire ripping off ordinary schmucks at $30K a pop by talking them into maxing out their credit cards.

One concomitantly 'sensible' thing to expect if Trump wins in November is that he'd arrest his defeated opponent for opposing him. Conversely, 'sensible' people I know support the Bill of Rights while nonsensical people do not, led by Trump The Ignoramus. Trump has more than one sensible title y'know, i.e., Trump the uniquely American Mussolini.

Let me guess..

you are the only one that knows everything...

what a joke.

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Now we’re talking. This is outstanding. Very encouraging news.

This pimple, this blight on the American Political landscape, the Bloviator, the crass amateur, would be crushed by Sen. Sanders. (49.8 to 39.4) laugh.png

US election 2016: Hillary Clinton could lose Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders

A big win in the 7 June California primary could hand Mr Sanders hundreds more delegates, which would call into question Ms Clinton's candidacy

"Mr Sanders will be looking to the state to boost his campaign with news of a further 1.5 million people registering to vote since January this year.

The latest statistics from the Institute of California will be encouraging to Mr Sanders as a big win in the 7 June California primary, where the candidates are,

currently virtually deadlocked, could hand him hundreds more delegates. Mr Sanders currently has 1,501 pledged delegates to Ms Clinton's 1,769."

"The influx of additional registrants a 218 per cent increase compared with the same period in 2012,

is likely to include large numbers of young voters and could make this scenario a reality."


HuffPost Model

Our model of the polls suggests Sanders is very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Sanders led Trump.)


There's a very good chance that the chicken Bloviator won't be able to cheese out on debating Sen. Sanders this time. thumbsup.gif

It would be glorious to watch the buffoon trying his inane, ignorant, deflecting tactics with Sen. Sanders.

Dead meat.

That's all well and good, but in reality California will probably be shared, meaning Bernie stays nearly 300 behind.

Hillary leads Bernie by more delegates won in the primaries and caucuses than Barack Obama ever led HRC in 2008.

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I still have faith that there are not that many looneys in the US.

Surely there must be a handful of sensible voters backing The Donald? Oh, I forgot, they're all wingnuts, every last single one of them.

Haven't read any lately although there may be a few of 'em around doing only reading. Every one of the wingnuts supports Trump in one way or another cause he's their natural. Their wet dream of a lifetime come true.

Haven't seen 'sensible' trumpeteers interviewed on television starting with Trump's own campaign people.

If there are any 'sensible' people supporting The Ignoramus they hopefully will come to their senses as the campaign develops. Trump is attacking a judge because the federal judge is in Trump's own word "Mexican" so maybe that means the judge must be from the Mexico part of Indiana. The judge btw believes in the rule of law over men...strongmen especially and in particular. As in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

Trump wants to hand out nuclear bombs to Japan, South Korea, Germany while Kim Jong TheStupid is smooching up to Trump maybe hoping to get some real ones himself (Trump's buddy Putin already has a bunch of 'em). Some recently sensible people who are recovering suckers born every minute are suing Trump for Trump U and its fraudulent swindles -- a billionaire ripping off ordinary schmucks at $30K a pop by talking them into maxing out their credit cards.

One concomitantly 'sensible' thing to expect if Trump wins in November is that he'd arrest his defeated opponent for opposing him. Conversely, 'sensible' people I know support the Bill of Rights while nonsensical people do not, led by Trump The Ignoramus. Trump has more than one sensible title y'know, i.e., Trump the uniquely American Mussolini.

Let me guess..

you are the only one that knows everything...

what a joke.

No you are wrong again!

You are the one hat knows everything, except the reality!

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

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Just noticed Trump reading from notes again in Sacramento.

I love it when he bangs on about how disgraceful it is giving jobs to China and Mexico.

Some juicy attack ads right there.




Is that the best you guys can do? Leather made in Mexico? Not uncommon. So if a guy manufacturers a few pieces outside country and maybe not by choice then he is a hypocrite. Grow up. His whole point is to apply tariffs so Americans can be paid decently and live decent lives not like the current scenario of the lowest common denominator. If you do some research you will see America was very successful with tariffs in the past. How can you not be when there are no envrironmental strandards, unions, etc. in these countries? Now add in countries like China devaluing their currency and printing money freely too subsidize unprofitable businesses with the hopes of killing foreign countries to gain a foothold. Duh...

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

Watch his rallies. Compare to Mussolini rallies. Enough said.

You better believe it, dude.

A significant percentage of Americans and many people all across the world correctly consider the trump American fascist movement as extremely dangerous.

Yes, there will be a battle royale to stop him.

Edited by Jingthing
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I still have faith that there are not that many looneys in the US.

Surely there must be a handful of sensible voters backing The Donald? Oh, I forgot, they're all wingnuts, every last single one of them.

Haven't read any lately although there may be a few of 'em around doing only reading. Every one of the wingnuts supports Trump in one way or another cause he's their natural. Their wet dream of a lifetime come true.

Haven't seen 'sensible' trumpeteers interviewed on television starting with Trump's own campaign people.

If there are any 'sensible' people supporting The Ignoramus they hopefully will come to their senses as the campaign develops. Trump is attacking a judge because the federal judge is in Trump's own word "Mexican" so maybe that means the judge must be from the Mexico part of Indiana. The judge btw believes in the rule of law over men...strongmen especially and in particular. As in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

Trump wants to hand out nuclear bombs to Japan, South Korea, Germany while Kim Jong TheStupid is smooching up to Trump maybe hoping to get some real ones himself (Trump's buddy Putin already has a bunch of 'em). Some recently sensible people who are recovering suckers born every minute are suing Trump for Trump U and its fraudulent swindles -- a billionaire ripping off ordinary schmucks at $30K a pop by talking them into maxing out their credit cards.

One concomitantly 'sensible' thing to expect if Trump wins in November is that he'd arrest his defeated opponent for opposing him. Conversely, 'sensible' people I know support the Bill of Rights while nonsensical people do not, led by Trump The Ignoramus. Trump has more than one sensible title y'know, i.e., Trump the uniquely American Mussolini.

You see what you want to see.

Your rants do nothing more than reveal the fact you know you are backing a losing horse.

And perhaps, that you have too much time on your hand.

She many words used. So little said.

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And then, here is President Obama in one of his finer moments trying to stop the Trump machine.


Maybe the "Okie doke" was a little over the top.

If Trump can turn Mr. Cool into this, just imagine what Trump will do to Hillary.cheesy.gif

Obama is struggling for words. He's a teleprompter guy. Would have made a great 6 oclock news guy or a radio host. I like Obama but I also like a lot of my friends but would I want them to be President of the United States? I think not.

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

Watch his rallies. Compare to Mussolini rallies. Enough said.

You better believe it, dude.

A significant percentage of Americans and many people all across the world correctly consider the trump American fascist movement as extremely dangerous.

Yes, there will be a battle royale to stop him.

Nope. Not enough said.

Pure hyperbole.

List the similarities if you can.

Of course, you wont because you cant.

Twee sound byte though.

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

Nope he's not past name calling, intellectually speaking.

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

Watch his rallies. Compare to Mussolini rallies. Enough said.

You better believe it, dude.

A significant percentage of Americans and many people all across the world correctly consider the trump American fascist movement as extremely dangerous.

Yes, there will be a battle royale to stop him.

Are you wearing a tin foil hat when you write this? You can't be serious? I think you need a tme out. JT go to your corner! cheesy.gif

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I'm wearing a tin foil hat?
Dude, trump is the CONSPIRACY THEORY candidate.

Remember how he started his political career? As a leader in the RACIST "birther" conspiracy theory movement saying Obama wasn't American. The pompous moron actually paid people to go to Hawaii to do research. Since then, he continues to spout garbage conspiracy theories. He's a psychopathic vindictive demagogue and most Americans are realizing that. The more you see him, the more his total INSANITY is revealed.

I will be honest. I have ZERO respect for my fellow Americans that support his fascist movement. I realize the feeling is often mutual for opposing him. Yes, Americans are very divided. trump is making that MUCH WORSE.

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Apparently most of the extremists out there on the farthest reaches of society missed or ignored all of this. There is btw more where this comes from.

The first quote cites Robert Paxton who's a leading expert globally on fascism, and the piece as a whole applies Paxton's works in respect of his contemporary observations and analysis.....

Trump’s not Hitler, he’s Mussolini: How GOP anti-intellectualism created a modern fascist movement in America

To quote Paxton again, this time from his seminal “The Anatomy of Fascism”: “Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program.” This explains why Trump supporters are not bothered by his ideological malleability and policy contradictions: He was pro-choice before he was pro-life; donated to politicians while now he rails against that practice; married three times and now embraces evangelical Christianity; is the embodiment of capitalism and yet promises to crack down on free trade. In the words of the Italian writer Umberto Eco, fascism was “a beehive of contradictions.” It bears noting that Mussolini was a socialist unionizer before becoming a fascist union buster, a journalist before cracking down on free press, a republican before becoming a monarchist.



Yet some no doubt might not be so sure about the obvious, so there is something for them to consider too....

Donald Trump May Not Be a Fascist, But He is Leading Us Merrily Down That Path

People who have studied the extremist right as a historical and sociopolitical phenomenon in depth are acutely aware of a simple truth: America has been very, very lucky so far when it comes to fascistic political movements.

And now, with the arrival of the Donald Trump 2016 phenomenon, that luck may be about to run out.

Nor is this phenomenon just a flash in the pan. Trump is the logical end result of an endless series of assaults on not just American liberalism, but on democratic institutions themselves, by the American right for many years. It is the long-term creep of radicalization of the right come home to roost.

And this from NYT....

Trump’s Il Duce Routine

LONDON — Europe, the soil on which Fascism took root, is watching the rise of Donald Trump with dismay. Contempt for the excesses of America is a European reflex, but when the United States seems tempted by a latter-day Mussolini, smugness in London, Paris and Berlin gives way to alarm. Europe knows that democracies can collapse.

But frighteningly, a majority of Americans supported Mussolini for most of his dictatorship. Isolated by an ocean, they fell for his rhetoric.


Donald Trump, the original and uniquely American Mussolini.

Trump indicates no awareness of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. His fanboyz ignore The Ignoramus being The Ignoramus. They support Trump in only general and vague terms while ignoring and dancing around each and every one of Trump's daily rantings, threats, menacing barkings, wild and radical pronouncements. Shame. Or more accurately, shameless.

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I still have faith that there are not that many looneys in the US.

Surely there must be a handful of sensible voters backing The Donald? Oh, I forgot, they're all wingnuts, every last single one of them.

Haven't read any lately although there may be a few of 'em around doing only reading. Every one of the wingnuts supports Trump in one way or another cause he's their natural. Their wet dream of a lifetime come true.

Haven't seen 'sensible' trumpeteers interviewed on television starting with Trump's own campaign people.

If there are any 'sensible' people supporting The Ignoramus they hopefully will come to their senses as the campaign develops. Trump is attacking a judge because the federal judge is in Trump's own word "Mexican" so maybe that means the judge must be from the Mexico part of Indiana. The judge btw believes in the rule of law over men...strongmen especially and in particular. As in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

Trump wants to hand out nuclear bombs to Japan, South Korea, Germany while Kim Jong TheStupid is smooching up to Trump maybe hoping to get some real ones himself (Trump's buddy Putin already has a bunch of 'em). Some recently sensible people who are recovering suckers born every minute are suing Trump for Trump U and its fraudulent swindles -- a billionaire ripping off ordinary schmucks at $30K a pop by talking them into maxing out their credit cards.

One concomitantly 'sensible' thing to expect if Trump wins in November is that he'd arrest his defeated opponent for opposing him. Conversely, 'sensible' people I know support the Bill of Rights while nonsensical people do not, led by Trump The Ignoramus. Trump has more than one sensible title y'know, i.e., Trump the uniquely American Mussolini.

You see what you want to see.

Your rants do nothing more than reveal the fact you know you are backing a losing horse.

And perhaps, that you have too much time on your hand.

She many words used. So little said.

You're slurring your posts.

Take a twee bweak for a while.

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To anyone who thinks Trump would be anything other than a disaster as POTUS:

I have a Trump University degree to sell you.


Maybe better you get one.biggrin.png

Based on your posts and today's NY Times it would appear you already have one. coffee1.gif

"In blunt testimony revealed on Tuesday, former managers of Trump University, the for-profit school started by Donald Trump, portray it as an unscrupulous business that relied on high-pressure sales tactics, employed unqualified instructors, made deceptive claims and exploited vulnerable students willing to pay tens of thousands for Mr. Trump’s insights."


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