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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

It'll be much worse than that.

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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

It'll be much worse than that.

Let him do his worst.

As she showed in recent days, her best form of attack is using his own tripe against him.

When it's properly put into context, you realise just what a buffoon he would make as President.

Edited by Chicog
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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

Trump should forget the name calling and remind everyone what an incompetent sap Hillary is: She with that other sap Obama condoned and backed the removing of strongman Ghaddafi, that like the removal of strongman Saddam, led to the total destablization of both countries and the formation of ISIS.

Then there was the 8 hour siege on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi :

There were U.S. military assets in Italy that could have been on scene in 2 hours for rescue/counter attack mission.

They were aware and waiting to go. But the two saps above along with that sap Panetta , Sec. of Def did not make the order ??

* After the 8 year bush disaster and 8 year obama disaster im 100% for Trump. And these Mexicans that are burning the flag and attacked a lone female Trump supporter

should be deported.

Edited by morrobay
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I guess my point is I don't think the vile monster will actually call Hillary Clinton names like that in a one on one debate at the presidential level. He acts the big man with massive balls but as many have noticed, he's really a Whiny Little B-word. We'll see.

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My guess is Trump will fool Hillary to sink to the name calling level and then ambush her in the debate by taking a high horse approach, making her look a total tool five paces behind. Will be entertaining for sure, no matter what the tactics. When are the debates expected to be held?

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My guess is Trump will fool Hillary to sink to the name calling level and then ambush her in the debate by taking a high horse approach, making her look a total tool five paces behind. Will be entertaining for sure, no matter what the tactics. When are the debates expected to be held?

Assuming they will ever happen which they might not because the vile monster knows he'll lose badly because he has no SUBSTANCE on issues, that's up for negotiation between the two campaigns. trump will never release his tax returns, so as the super troll "maverick" don't be shocked if he finds an excuse to avoid any debates.

If they happen, they will be the most watched political events in global history. No doubt about that.

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"A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon."

Its' baffling to the western eye as to how much jealously exists and to what lengths some people here will go to in order to save face, no matter how little face they possess to begin with.

How can anyone take it seriously when the Thai leaders talk about creating a competitive education system and work environments, when even the most constructive of criticism would be viewed as losing face and warrant retribution, rather than make the necessary changes to achieve success?


The debate would be hard for Hillary. She'd be up against a seasoned reality TV star and that's exactly what the blood hungry audience wants to see, big drama. Winner takes all.

We're well headed into Mike Judges inspirational vision of future: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/ . It's got electrolytes!

Edited by DrTuner
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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

Of course!

The Donald pulls no punches and that's why he's resonating with America! smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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The US Chamber of Commerce is having an awakening, and it now looks like the Democrats are the party of business and big business. Many people on here will applaud that the GOP has gone populist with Trump. An amazing turnaround, the GOP is the now the anti-business party. This is especially interesting given that Trump is a businessman himself, but of course, his populism is disingenuous and a sham. He's just gaming the party and the country to commandeer a hostile takeover.

The alliance between business and the GOP is over. Trump and the GOP is the enemy of business.

In so far as we can attribute policy views to a pathological liar, Trump has spun Republican economic policy in an entirely different direction. He has called for higher tariffs and other protectionist trade measures. He has suggested that there should be a government role in subsidizing health care. True, he proposed a massive tax cut for the wealthy and corporations—but he has also waffled on it.


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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

Trump should forget the name calling and remind everyone what an incompetent sap Hillary is: She with that other sap Obama condoned and backed the removing of strongman Ghaddafi, that like the removal of strongman Saddam, led to the total destablization of both countries and the formation of ISIS.

Then there was the 8 hour siege on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi :

There were U.S. military assets in Italy that could have been on scene in 2 hours for rescue/counter attack mission.

They were aware and waiting to go. But the two saps above along with that sap Panetta , Sec. of Def did not make the order ??

* After the 8 year bush disaster and 8 year obama disaster im 100% for Trump. And these Mexicans that are burning the flag and attacked a lone female Trump supporter

should be deported.

You really should watch something other than Fox News. Then you'd realize that they could do nothing about Benghazi and that the Ambassador should not have twice refused additional military protection.

And as for your lone Trump supporter, I'm guessing you've forgotten about the abuse and violence against peaceful protesters, and Trump saying that they were lucky they weren't carried out on a stretch - and offering to pay the legal bills for anyone who would hit them.

Trump set the tone of this anger by riling up a bunch of ignorant redneck racists.

You reap what you sow.

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While we're twittering....

In Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, she made up things that I said or believe but have no basis in fact. Not honest!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 3, 2016

You literally said all those things. https://t.co/6VX5AfR7gL https://t.co/U8LfWdPU7x

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 3, 2016

Poor old Trump, she had the whole thing ready....


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Zany quotes vs, a list of Crooked Hillary's lies and malfeasence?

You lose. smile.png

We ALL lose if your boy gets up Boon Mee, you just haven't got that far yet

Remember that until Trump wiped the floor with him, Boon Mee was an avid fan of that famous Canadian, Rafael "I hate immigrants" Cruz.

Yeah, I'd forgotten that Chicog, thanks for the reminder.

You've got shocking taste in men Boon Mee, you gotta lift your game mate!

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Just accept the reality of The Donald as America's next President and all will be fine.

But please let us know of your ego-involvement in this issue? You are not an all American boy, are you? whistling.gif

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Heh...whatever it takes to rid the country of Crooked Hillary. smile.png

In one on one debates with Hillary Clinton, assuming trump doesn't chicken out of them, do you think he'll refer to Hillary Clinton as Crooked Hillary to her face?

Of course!

The Donald pulls no punches and that's why he's resonating with America! smile.png

Face to face, I can just see it.

Hillary is no match for Trump.

Let us see who cracks. Hillary gets all flustered, her voice crackles and then she starts screaming like a stuck pig,

It's going to be great. Really Great. Old, crooked Hillary is going to crack like the rear end of the circus fat lady.

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Just accept the reality of The Donald as America's next President and all will be fine.

But please let us know of your ego-involvement in this issue? You are not an all American boy, are you? whistling.gif

LOL! I'm a (concerned) citizen of the world son

Suck it up champ! thumbsup.gif

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Just accept the reality of The Donald as America's next President and all will be fine.

But please let us know of your ego-involvement in this issue? You are not an all American boy, are you? whistling.gif

Nothing to accept. The electoral map looks very favorable to PRESIDENT Hillary Clinton.

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As a non-American, I think Trump would be a great president. Exactly what the world thinks of Americans, loud, brash, a bull in a China shop basically. With the added bonus he reckons US is too broke to be the world police, so he'd just keep it internal. Yeah, I think he'd be popular. Putin likes him and he wrestles tigers. Can't go wrong with that.

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As a non-American, I think Trump would be a great president. Exactly what the world thinks of Americans, loud, brash, a bull in a China shop basically. With the added bonus he reckons US is too broke to be the world police, so he'd just keep it internal. Yeah, I think he'd be popular. Putin likes him and he wrestles tigers. Can't go wrong with that.

Putin likes him because the vile monster has telegraphed he doesn't care about Nato, Ukraine, Baltic States, Russia's role on the middle east, Russian internal oppression, etc. Duh!

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Just accept the reality of The Donald as America's next President and all will be fine.

But please let us know of your ego-involvement in this issue? You are not an all American boy, are you? whistling.gif

LOL! I'm a (concerned) citizen of the world son

Suck it up champ! thumbsup.gif

So you are a (concerned) communist?

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Heh...that's all we need is more 'concerned citizens of the world telling Americans how to run their country...facepalm.gif

I can understand why you're defensive Boon Mee, but that's the wrong way to look at this.

I'm an Aussie, and we're your mates, believe it or not. Have been since WWI actually, when one of the first actions of your American Expeditionary Force on the Western Front was to fight alongside the AIF (Australian Imperial Force) at the Battle of Hamel in July 1918. Why do I have an interest in this? Because one of my grandfathers was there and fought in this battle.

We showed you how to fight and survive on the Western Front, so you wouldn't have to learn the hard, costly way, like we initially did. We won the battle too by the way, in 93 minutes. It was one of the most complete actions of that meat grinder of a war. We won the Battle of Hamel TOGETHER.

The Battle of Hamel

The moral of the story is this, mon ami. If you see your mate making a bad decision, or doing something dopey that's going to cause grief down the line, do you stop him and ask him to think, or do you just let him go ahead and laugh at the result? It's a fine line and takes some judgement, but I'd hazard the guess that the blokes who'd sit back and laugh at the result are not your mates. They're <deleted>. They're your enemy.

Aussies are your mates, and we've proved it time and time again, in later years sometimes to our own detriment. With the exceptions of minor police actions like Grenada, we have been alongside you blokes in every military action you've undertaken post WWII.

Every. Single. One.

So I reckon we have a seat at your table. And if you spill the beans or knock the sauce bottle over I'd like to think we'll help you clean it all up, again. As I hope you'd do for us if we make a blue somewhere down the line.

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Just accept the reality of The Donald as America's next President and all will be fine.

But please let us know of your ego-involvement in this issue? You are not an all American boy, are you? whistling.gif

LOL! I'm a (concerned) citizen of the world son

Suck it up champ! thumbsup.gif

So you are a (concerned) communist?

Are you a clown?

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Just accept the reality of The Donald as America's next President and all will be fine.

But please let us know of your ego-involvement in this issue? You are not an all American boy, are you? whistling.gif

LOL! I'm a (concerned) citizen of the world son

Suck it up champ! thumbsup.gif

So you are a (concerned) communist?

Are you a clown?

Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

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LOL! I'm a (concerned) citizen of the world son

Suck it up champ! thumbsup.gif

So you are a (concerned) communist?

Are you a clown?

Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

What? Are you telling me you can't be a concerned 'citizen of the world' capitalist? Never would have thought it!

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