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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Let's assume Trump was right, and Obama was born in Kenya. Then the US has had an African president for the past 7.5 yrs, and he's been doing a pretty good job. He's certainly a gentleman, can speak complex correct sentences, is witty and is well-like by world leaders. - .....all things Trump fails at.

I say the US was blessed to have a good 2-term president in Obama, whether he's African or not. (of course, all reasonable people and 99.9% of Americans know he's not African, but Trump is not among that group).

So Obama is Asian?

Half Kansan-Half Kenyan.

I guess that makes him Kanyan.....or Kensan.

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Many of the "media" deserve a good insulting, given their obvious bias against him. A journalists job is to report the news, not make it up.

So hang on. Reporting that he bribed a politician to interfere with legal proceedings against one of his businesses is "an obvious bias"?

Wrong. It's called journalism. It's what the Press *should* be doing.

A tax on all remittances to Mexico would easily pay for it, but feel free to ignore what was said long ago.

There is not a chance in hell he will ever get that through. The lawsuits will hit him faster than the Trump U ones.

You cannot single out one ethnic group for financial penalties. I'd like to think that even you know that.

Now you're making it up. He said a halt to Islamic immigration till they sort the security issues. Frankly, till they can tell the difference between a terrorist Muslim and a non fanatical Muslim I think he's got it right.

Actually he said a halt to Islamic immigration until "we work out what the hell is going on". The day he has a clue what's going on will be the day Hell freezes over. It's just another ridiculous soundbite that is as stupid as it is unenforceable.

Wrong. She has realised that he may be the next POTUS and is just taking the view, correctly, that the time to mend fences is now, or get frozen out after.

No, she softballed him because Roger Ailes knows he's the only game in town now, and they have no choice but to try and help him. And also because she needed the ratings for her new show and he wouldn't do it unless he had control of it.

Not that it worked mind you.


[…] CNN ranked #1 in cable news in prime time in April. CNN beat Fox News for the fifth time in the last eight months in M-Su prime time (four of the past eight in M-F prime) among adults 25-54. The last time CNN had this many prime time wins in an eight-month period versus Fox News was over 14 years ago (Nov. 2001). LINK

Are you claiming that Fox is a news channel cheesy.gif . It's primarily an entertainment channel with some opinion hosts eg O'Reilly, Kelly, etc.

CNN is just a waste of time.

For real news have to go to proper news channels like Al Jazira, not those silly US entertainment shows.

Just like Trump. Change the subject! 55555

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Note: Donald's wall will cost about $85 for every man woman and child in the US.

Donald promised every red-blooded American that the wall got 10 feet higher. It started at 30 ft (9 meters), but is now planned to be 40 feet (13 meters). There are several things that The Divider doesn't know about building walls: It will need a lot of roads built for construction access. Plus factories built nearby to fabricate the nearly 2,000 miles of pre-fab concrete slabs. Large walls take a lot of maintenance and that too is very costly, particularly in a country that spends $260 for a basic screwdriver to work on a military jet. The same country which spends $60 million/annually for a few folks to stroll around with geiger counters near nukes at silos, to make sure they're not leaking. In other words, a country which wastes money prodigiously. Something that Trump is also adept at, or at the least, he loves to spend other peoples' money carelessly.

Some things Trump's wall would be good for:: blocking peoples' views, blocking off access to tracts of private and public lands. There are 3 national parks and 2 Indian reservations which border Mexico, and that doesn't include the hundreds of private properties, all of which will be adversely affected. Plus, the US gov't will have to either buy those private properties, or seize them. Same for the easements for public properties and Indian reservations. Trump's wall will serve as a perch for birds (and repository for bird poop), but it will also restrict passage of wild animals. Will there be EIR's? Not if Trump can avoid it.. There's not an EIR (environmental impact report) in history that Trump liked. Trump is to environmental husbandry what a snake is to bicycling.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Perhaps the silliest thing (and it's hard to pick the silliest, because there are so many drawbacks) to building Trump's wall is: IT WON'T DO ANY GOOD.

Has anyone on here seen where the existing wall meets the Pacific Ocean? I have. A guy in a little rowboat could paddle around it in a half hour or less. Similarly, a good swimmer with flippers could do it in 10 minutes. Same for where the wall meets the sea at the delta of the Rio Grande. Getting over the wall would be a piece of cake, even if it had razor wire. A 40' wall would need a 45' ladder, plus an old mattress to toss over the wire. Then a knotted rope going down the other side. I look forward to when there are contests to see which folks can go over the wall quickest. The videos will be popular on Youtube.

What Trump doesn't want to acknowledge is; most Mexicans and Latinos enter the US legally, by plane or in cars. It's mostly the legally entered Latinos who choose to stay, and thereby become illegals. the vast majority want to work, and don't commit crimes. They do a lot of the jobs Americans don't want to do, like pick lettuce and apples, and trim hedges. Note: it helps to have big hands to pick apples, so Trump needn't apply for a job doing that.

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Six silly lies that Trumpkins tell themselves

Republicans intent on rallying around Donald Trump are falling prey to self-delusion. The logical errors and inconsistencies are piling up.

My favorite:
5. "Trump will get smart advisers. We are still waiting for them to show up during his campaign. whistling.gif
Once gaining office, presidents tend to retreat into an ever-shrinking cocoon of political loyalists whose judgment and policy expertise are questionable."
"If Trump is starting with Corey Lewandowski, Paul Manafort and a crop of foreign-policy cranks, imagine how dreadful things will be a few years into his term.
Given how erratic and toxic Trump’s views are, it is hard to imagine too many deft policy hands joining his administration.
(If they did, many may find themselves compelled to resign in short order.)"
These may be small details to the Lemmings who only hear: Wall, Muslims, Mexicans, Rapists, China... laugh.png
While they should be more concerned with these facts:
The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Blatant Bigot, Text Book Racist, Bloviator.


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Trump Turns to The Teleprompter

"Donald Trump on Tuesday night sought to calm fretful Republicans bolting from his side over his latest controversy,

laying out in measured terms his campaign platform and recasting himself as a "fighter" prepared to take on Hillary Clinton."

"After days of characteristic defiance amid charges that his comments accusing a Mexican-American judge of bias were racist,
Trump's speech Tuesday night marked an about-face as a more restrained, yet out-of-character Trump appeared."
"Donald Trump turned to the two teleprompters to his left and right on Tuesday night and took a victory lap, as Republicans cast their final votes of the primary season."
So, the Bloviator's Masters had to slap him down once again, and feed him a speech to backtrack on more of his ignorant, bigoted, divisive rhetoric.
"I've always said, if you run for president, you shouldn't be allowed to use teleprompters,
Trump said to applause during a rally back in October in Georgia. "Because you don't even know if the guy's smart." cheesy.gif
Always. Pretty strong word...

Why does anyone believe anything this clown says? facepalm.gif

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MSNBC’s Mike Murphy: Trump Using A Teleprompter "Doesn’t Wipe The Indelible Stain of Racism Off Him”

Trumps Fundamental Flaw Is He’s A “Bad Candidate”

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST): Did he fix his problem?

MIKE MURPLY: Not at all. You can put Trump on a prompter for thirty minutes with a mediocre speech. But that doesn’t wipe the indelible stain of racism off him.

He has to address what he did, he has to fix it. And the idea -- the fundamental flaw of Trump is he's a bad candidate. The minute you let him off prompter, he'll hurt himself."



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Perhaps the silliest thing (and it's hard to pick the silliest, because there are so many drawbacks) to building Trump's wall is: IT WON'T DO ANY GOOD.

Has anyone on here seen where the existing wall meets the Pacific Ocean? I have. A guy in a little rowboat could paddle around it in a half hour or less. Similarly, a good swimmer with flippers could do it in 10 minutes. Same for where the wall meets the sea at the delta of the Rio Grande. Getting over the wall would be a piece of cake, even if it had razor wire. A 40' wall would need a 45' ladder, plus an old mattress to toss over the wire. Then a knotted rope going down the other side. I look forward to when there are contests to see which folks can go over the wall quickest. The videos will be popular on Youtube.

What Trump doesn't want to acknowledge is; most Mexicans and Latinos enter the US legally, by plane or in cars. It's mostly the legally entered Latinos who choose to stay, and thereby become illegals. the vast majority want to work, and don't commit crimes. They do a lot of the jobs Americans don't want to do, like pick lettuce and apples, and trim hedges. Note: it helps to have big hands to pick apples, so Trump needn't apply for a job doing that.

The wall in use by Israel works quite well. And it does not require shooting them to deter invaders. Routine patrols pickup people trying to scale it. The wall does not have to cover end to end despite your simplistic and biased analysis. A proper wall would have a patrol road 10 meters wide then an interior formidable fence with cameras and motion detectors. A proper set of barriers would channel people to the weakest points where beefed up patrols, guard stations and cameras would bring extra guards to deal with the situation. You attack the wall not for the reasons you state .. you attack and belittle the wall concept because you do not want to stop illegal aliens from invading America - plain and simple.

No wall would be perfect but we have a wide open border now and that cannot continue to be tolerated. Right now visa overstays in the U.S. is not exactly known but it is a huge number. There is no real system of tracking overstayers. What effort there is... is not enforced. The U.S. visa tracking is 10% as effective as the Thai System ... that too will change. In the past two years the U.S. has processed 3 million new immigrants to green cards and citizenship. We do our part. Illegal Aliens just want to jump the queue and piss on legal aliens. I'd like for all the non U.S. citizens here on this thread to post how many new immigrant citizens your country has processed in the last two years... Then let's add all of them up to see if they equal or exceed 3 million.

The Mexican Government has errected an impressive , effective and very long and tall Fence on its Southern border to keep other Central American people out ... But the U.S. is not allowed ... really. And of course this Mexican Fence doesn't work according to you naysayers... laughable.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I'm in favor of dealing with illegal immigration, but it should be done in sensible ways. A big wall is not the way - mainly because it won't work.

Immigration authorities do a rather good job already, and it costs a lot or taxpayer money to fund them and their tools and support structures. The bottom line is, if desperate people want to sneak into the US, they will do it, wall or no wall.

Trump's plan is pure grandstanding, feeding the fears of his fearful minions. The general election will show that more people are turned off by his blusterings than are turned on by it.

That's Trump's modus operandi: he blunders into areas he has little experience in. One of dozens of examples; He's said he knows more than US generals about international security issues. Trump wants to nix Nato. He wants to enable Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia and other countries to get nuclear weapons. Perhaps he believes in the concept of a worldwide 'Mexican Stand-Off' In other words, if every one, including ISIS, Al Qaeda, Syria and N.Korea had nuclear weapons, then they'd all be too spooked to ever use them. Uh huh. Foreign policy, Trump style.

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Forget the wall. Put a few thousand Army & National Guard along the border to defend it.

Are you trying to be funny with that statement? Actually, there's a border 30 miles north of where I reside in northernmost Thailand. It's between Thailand and Burma. I've driven the road along the border several times. It's officially off-limits, but I charm the guards with my winning smile. I've seen Thai army guys stationed every 30 to 40 meters, with loaded weapons, facing the border. Yes, standing there, waiting to shoot or arrest anyone who comes down the hill from Burma. Is that what NB05 envisions for the US/Mexican border?

Let's say half the border length, 1,000 miles, would require armed guards. If guards were stationed 50 meters apart, that would be about 75,000 guards. Most days in that region are hotter than Hades. Perhaps they'd each have a beach umbrella and a folding seat. An exciting day would be seeing a gila monster. What's the going wage for a border guard? ...about $160? That's 12 million dollars/day or $360 million/month in wages (it would have to be 7 days/week, even in stormy weather). ....not counting peripheral expenses (transport/meals/equipment/support). Not a lot of money for big-spending Trump (especially when he's spending other peoples' money), so why not, let's do it.

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Forget the wall. Put a few thousand Army & National Guard along the border to defend it.

Are you trying to be funny with that statement? Actually, there's a border 30 miles north of where I reside in northernmost Thailand. It's between Thailand and Burma. I've driven the road along the border several times. It's officially off-limits, but I charm the guards with my winning smile. I've seen Thai army guys stationed every 30 to 40 meters, with loaded weapons, facing the border. Yes, standing there, waiting to shoot or arrest anyone who comes down the hill from Burma. Is that what NB05 envisions for the US/Mexican border?

Let's say half the border length, 1,000 miles, would require armed guards. If guards were stationed 50 meters apart, that would be about 75,000 guards. Most days in that region are hotter than Hades. Perhaps they'd each have a beach umbrella and a folding seat. An exciting day would be seeing a gila monster. What's the going wage for a border guard? ...about $160? That's 12 million dollars/day or $360 million/month in wages (it would have to be 7 days/week, even in stormy weather). ....not counting peripheral expenses (transport/meals/equipment/support). Not a lot of money for big-spending Trump (especially when he's spending other peoples' money), so why not, let's do it.

50m?....This isn't Omaha Beach 1944...and it isn't Thailand.

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'You were born in a Taco Bell': Trump's rhetoric fuels school bullies across US

"Tracey Iglehart, a teacher at Rosa Parks elementary school in Berkeley, California, did not expect Donald Trump to show up on the playground."

"This was, after all, a school named after a civil rights hero in a progressive California enclave, with a melting pot of white, African American, Latino and Muslim students."

"That has not stopped some children from channeling and adopting the Republican presumptive nominee’s xenophobic rhetoric in playground spats and classroom exchanges."


The Despicable American Mussolini breeding hate with his little Brownshirts.



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'You were born in a Taco Bell': Trump's rhetoric fuels school bullies across US

"Tracey Iglehart, a teacher at Rosa Parks elementary school in Berkeley, California, did not expect Donald Trump to show up on the playground."

"This was, after all, a school named after a civil rights hero in a progressive California enclave, with a melting pot of white, African American, Latino and Muslim students."

"That has not stopped some children from channeling and adopting the Republican presumptive nominee’s xenophobic rhetoric in playground spats and classroom exchanges."


The Despicable American Mussolini breeding hate with his little Brownshirts.

We've all seen how The Divider increases divisions among Americans, week by week, but I didn't see it affecting little school kids. Yet now that you mention it, it's understandable. Kids are influenced by whomever the president is. I recall when I was a kid, and JFK was prez. We felt good about being Americans because of how JFK carried himself: intelligent, witty, handsome, thoughtful, able to articulate, a gentleman, .......all things Trump isn't.

I also recall, as a teenager, when an elder Norwegian man was asked about the prospect of Norway getting its first female president. I liked his answer: He said something like: "I don't know if she'll be so great as a president, but she's a great example for Norwegian girls, to see a woman in the top power seat."

Boomer adds: Having a woman as president of the US would (among other things) be a confidence-builder for American girls. Proof that they don't always have to play 2nd fiddle to men and there's nothing a female can't attain (except maybe pissing the furthest out the side of a moving train). Clinton as prez would send strong signals to leaders ww that female genital mutilation will not be tolerated, .....along with other ways in which more primitive belief systems (particularly prevalent in the Middle East, Asia, Africa) keep women down - as chattel.

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This is what impressionable young minds are absorbing from this crass, ignorant, disgusting, bigot Bloviator:

The kids have said things like "you will get deported", "you weren’t born here" and "you were born in a Taco Bell"

Teachers said the kids don't know exactly what it means, but they know it’s powerful language.

They have also said marginalized students are now feeling very frightened, particularly: Mexicans and Muslims.

Many teachers have used the word terrified. And that the children who do the taunting are echoing the Bloviator's rhetoric.

Teachers have said bad behavior has been normalized and the kids think it’s OK.

The Lemmings should be nothing less than ashamed of themselves by following this cretin with their shallow,

self-serving hopes that he is "anti-establishment".

I'm not sure who is more deplorable, the aptly labeled; Text Book Racist Trump, or his followers.

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Blatant Bigot, Text Book Racist, Bloviator sure bears a resemblance to his Lemmings:


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Republicans are now thinking of mounting an 11th hour, last ditch effort from keeping Mussolini, Orange Monster, or whatever your favorite nickname for Trump is (my favorite is Flimflam Man), from being the President.

With disapproval among the GOP mounting over Donald Trump’s controversial comments about the ethnicity of a federal judge, chatter is surfacing about ways to block the real estate mogul’s nomination at the convention in Cleveland this summer.

“I think the party ought to change the nominee, because we’re gonna get killed with this nominee,” said conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. “They ought to get together and let the convention decide.”

Steve Deace, another conservative radio host, has also been calling on GOP convention delegates to revolt. And Illinois-based conservative radio host, Ian Bayne, has encouraged Trump-bound delegates and alternate delegates to simply skip the convention, potentially leaving Ted Cruz with a majority of bound delegates when a nominee is chosen.

Not sure Republicans can save their party or not, probably not it's too late. The larger question is can we save the country from this thick-as-a-brick abomination.


Edited by keemapoot
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Republican governors to date who have washed their hands of Donald Trump....

Maryland Gov. Republican Larry Hogan refused to say whether he thinks Donald Trump is fit to serve as president, the Washington Post reports. Said Hogan: “I just said I’m not going to talk about Donald Trump anymore. I have nothing to do with it.”

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, did not vote for Donald Trump in his state's primary. And on Wednesday, he made clear that he would not support the Manhattan magnate in November, either. “I’m not going to vote for him in November," Baker told reporters, according to The Boston Globe.

Michigan Gov. Republican Rick Snyder told The Detroit News editorial board that he was going to continue to stay out of the presidential race and instead focus on the Michigan House of Representatives.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich: When asked if he would endorse Trump, Kasich responded, "Why would I feel compelled to support someone whose positions I kind of fundamentally disagree with? It's like two corporations with different purposes, cultures, goals."

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL): Kirk actually endorsed Trump, and then un-endorsed after his "Mexican" comment toward a federal judge, saying in a statement: "While I oppose the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump's latest statements, in context with past attacks on Hispanics, women and the disabled like me, make it certain that I cannot and will not support my party's nominee for President regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party."

It's also too late for Kirk as he's already behind in every poll to date against his Democratic opponent Rep. Tammy Duckworth.

The complete list to date: http://www.dailywire.com/news/6472/heres-your-full-list-republican-politicians-who-aaron-bandler

What's too late for the Republican party is to gain the support of the next generation (or two). Yes, expect some kind of R party effort leading up to the Calamity in Cleveland to turn back and away from Donald Trump.

Either way, it is the Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016. Mountains of votes came crashing down on the bewildered party and crushed its right wing leadership. The fast and hard rush of voters carried the rightwhinge off and away deep into the winding canyons of history.

Edited by Publicus
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Republicans are now thinking of mounting an 11th hour, last ditch effort from keeping Mussolini, Orange Monster, or whatever your favorite nickname for Trump is (my favorite is Flimflam Man), from being the President.

With disapproval among the GOP mounting over Donald Trump’s controversial comments about the ethnicity of a federal judge, chatter is surfacing about ways to block the real estate mogul’s nomination at the convention in Cleveland this summer.

“I think the party ought to change the nominee, because we’re gonna get killed with this nominee,” said conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. “They ought to get together and let the convention decide.”

Steve Deace, another conservative radio host, has also been calling on GOP convention delegates to revolt. And Illinois-based conservative radio host, Ian Bayne, has encouraged Trump-bound delegates and alternate delegates to simply skip the convention, potentially leaving Ted Cruz with a majority of bound delegates when a nominee is chosen.

Not sure Republicans can save their party or not, probably not it's too late. The larger question is can we save the country from this thick-as-a-brick abomination.


Some in the GOP are starting to realize that losing without Trump is infinitely better than losing with Trump. At least in the former, they get to keep their souls.

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So here it is...

the full history of what-why-who-when.

Learn something...

The Truth About Trump University and Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Stefan Molyneux

Published on Jun 8, 2016

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No. Not really.

Occasionally, it gets diluted by those who have no defense of the ignorant Bloviator, at all, so they deflect and prefer to spend their time attacking posters.

Expelling pointless one-liners.

While completely ignoring plenty of "gas". thumbsup.gif

There is quite a sufficient amount of information on why the Bloviator will be stopped and never set foot in the White House.

Some just fail to consider it.

Head in the sand or futile gamesmanship. Take your pick.

Dunning Kruger.

You have a new wealth of information to go with and it's infinitely more devastating than the stuff Benito Trump has given us to date. You're killing those guyz out there simply by presenting Mussolini Trump HimSelf, in his own venom words.

Here's a new kicker to the Trump Fanboyz to try to ignore...

Matt Bai: “The critical window between Trump’s effective nomination five weeks ago and next month’s convention is closing fast, and far from projecting more gravitas, Trump seems bent on making a fool of every credible Republican who has stepped up to tepidly endorse him. Here’s the thing Ryan and I both should have understood about Trump, and that now seems to me the central fact of his existence: He is a man tragically enslaved to his own neediness.”

“For Trump, insecurity is not a manageable motivator. It is the black hole that consumes him…He has an almost pathological obsession with ratings, polls, flattering profiles…Every criticism, every judgment, every potential obstacle seems to evoke in him a latent rage, a sense that the world – as embodied in Manhattan’s unbreachable elite – is condescending to him again… The black hole, left unchecked, could swallow the party’s electoral hopes and leave no trace.”

To which one could add, the less trace the better. Move on from there.

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The massive dumpster fire moves now from the Republican party primaries and caucuses to the general electorate which is broad, vast, diverse, centrist, moderate and will pour it on to put out the fire.

Jonathan Chait: “Recent reports have uncovered a slew of hair-raising details about the campaign’s amateur/quasi-nonexistent status. Trump is raising nowhere close to the level of money required to run a modern presidential campaign. His campaign staff is skeletal and lacks the ability to coordinate a message, leading to chaotic setpieces where the entire Democratic Party message apparatus is being countered only by Trump’s personal Twitter account. (Sad!) Trump is wedded to bizarre strategic notions like competing in heavily blue states. He is devoting what few resources he does have to hopeless projects like hiring a pollster to help him win New York, where Republican presidential candidates have failed to reach even 40 percent of the vote in decades.”

A Republican thinking he can win New York state is as politically whacked out as he is in every other respect. It's a waste of Republican resources, like a Democrat who thinks he could win Mississippi. The Ignoramus who wants to build a wall and ban Muslims is the same Ignoramus who thinks a Republican (other than Lincoln) could win New York state.

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Donald Trump’s ‘huge and not widely understood’ disadvantage

"Donald Trump has all kinds of problems as a presidential candidate – he’s unpopular, he’s unqualified, he knows practically nothing about government or public policy,

but at least the New York Republican is extremely wealthy. If there’s one aspect of this presidential campaign that should be easy for the presumptive GOP nominee, it should be his finances.

Ironically, however, money is proving to be one of Trump’s biggest pitfalls." whistling.gif

The Wall Street Journal reported this week that Trump, who’s abandoned his promises about self-financing, finds himself reliant on party fundraisers who haven’t all swung into action,

and aren’t always in sync with his campaign promises.”

"I'm really rich" cheesy.gifClassic Bloviating.

That's what we call a liar where I come from. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger.

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