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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Posting reams of negative articles spun up by Leftists and Anti-Trumpers will have no effect on the final outcome...

Let's assume you're right, and you may be. As we know, Trump already has his supporters. They'll stick with him, no matter what he says, does, or what sorts of videos are posted online. They're with him staunchly, until the bitter end, ....until the walls of the Trump fort come tumbling down, and the Trump flag is pulled from its pole and torn asunder and stomped into the mud below.

Yet, and this is the clincher (brace yourself): TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GAIN ANY FANS FROM NOW UNTIL ELECTION DAY.

He's already got all the supporters he's going to get. Some estimates are less than 20% of the general electorate.

I heard recent interviews on radio. The focus group was white American suburban women. Of the dozen or so who were interviewed at random, not one was planning to vote for the Trumpster. Some said they would like to vote against HRC, but they just couldn't overcome their distaste for Trump enough to vote for him. Some said they just wouldn't vote.

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The vile monster tanking in the polls.

I now think perhaps the strongest attack tactic to target mainstream Americans are the facts of how the vile monster fails to pay his workers!

Yeah, jobs ... get paid for your work? What, you a commie or somethin'?

"Donald Trump is world famous for making a fortune from being famous for having a fortune."

Edited by Jingthing
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In that Order...

I will serve the one who has the power!!!!!

But can i get a coupon for some Trump Steaks. My dogs are hungry.

Your dogs should get the whole Trump

Well experience shows us that if he was in Korea the dogs would.

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You should study why many Sanders supporters will end up voting for Trump as a protest to being treated like red headed step children by the Dem Party Oligarchy. Because they know Hillary only won the nomination because of super delegates.


Putting aside the red-herring super-delegates for a few seconds ..... let's say that super-delegates are to be eradicated immediately.

Looking at the 3 most important measures of the primary race:

Hillary won more states than Bernie.

Hillary won more total votes than Bernie.

Hillary won more elected delegates (ie those excluding the super-delegates) than Bernie.

Weighing the above criteria in a dispassionate way, it's hard to give the nod to Bernie, despite his valiant effort.

Bernie won the younger voters, who are more social-media savvy, have more time to go to some rallies and to go to protest at other rallies, and who love Bernie's promises.

However, Bernie's young supporters are better educated than most, and will eventually accept that Trump will be worse than Hillary.

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I watched a debate among news staff at CNN. The blond woman was moderator. They were all trying to figure out why Ryan capitulated, and supported Trump. Besides the obvious reasons (he's head of Republicans, and he had to do it) a couple guys in business suits were saying things like, "Ryan had no choice. He was between a rock and a hard place."

The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do."

Remember when top General Colin Powell stood in front of the UN and outlined how the US had proof that Saddam had WMD and we we're fully justified in invading Iraq? Later, when it was shown Colin was speaking out of his butt, Colin's career was shit.

The same is going to happen to Ryan. He's going to be taken down the sewer tubes by his endorsement of Trump. Just 2 days after Ryan's dumbass decision, Trump made racist remarks about the Indiana judge, and Ryan had to comment about how racist the remarks were. JUST 2 DAYS AFTER ENDORSING THE DIVIDER, Ryan had to eat shit. There's still still 19 weeks left until the election. More months of Trump shooting his mouth off, and every, I repeat EVERY Republican lap dog, including Ryan, are going to eat shit sandwiches from now on out - because of their unwitting and dangerous endorsements of the Divider. It will flush their careers down the toilet.

Besides not paying his campaign staff for their last weeks' work on the campaign, Trump is going to take a lot of semi-decent career politicians down with him when he tanks. It will be fun to watch.

Edited by boomerangutang
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It's the Republican and rightwhinge redux of 1964 when their surprise nominee Sen Barry Goldwater hit a wall on election day after he and his extremist legions had stolen the party for a while there.

There was of course racism then too, however, Trump has taken it to a new and stark division, to include ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, language, culture, attitude, civility. Goldwater by comparison was milquetoast but the common ground between the two movements is that mainstream Republicans then and now find each of 'em to be repugnant...

Republican donor Meg Whitman, the high-profile Hewlett Packard president and CEO, indicated at Mitt Romney’s closed-door summit that she would likely be supporting Hillary Clinton in November, ABC News reports.

Whitman served as Romney’s finance co-chair in 2012.

Steven Benen: “The RNC’s homepage has two pictures of Hillary Clinton, but zero of Trump. Click on the ‘View All Articles’ link for the latest RNC blog posts and press releases, and you’ll find plenty of content, but of the top 20 items, 19 attacked Hillary Clinton, while one attacked President Obama. Here, too, there wasn’t a single Trump mention.”

Associated Press: “In the dozen or so states most likely to determine the race, Trump has made little progress building a campaign operation to match Clinton’s sophisticated get-out-the-vote machine. At the same time, he’s created new problems in Florida, Colorado and Nevada with comments that Republican leaders decry as racist.”

“Trump will need to turn out white voters in the Upper Midwest in numbers that far exceed those in past presidential elections. Even if that happens, he’s still likely to need to convince women in swing-voting suburbs that he has the temperament to be commander in chief. And he must stop his party from losing more ground among minorities, particularly Hispanics.”

The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.

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I watched a debate among news staff at CNN. The blond woman was moderator. They were all trying to figure out why Ryan capitulated, and supported Trump. Besides the obvious reasons (he's head of Republicans, and he had to do it) a couple guys in business suits were saying things like, "Ryan had no choice. He was between a rock and a hard place."

The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do."

Remember when top General Colin Powell stood in front of the UN and outlined how the US had proof that Saddam had WMD and we we're fully justified in invading Iraq? Later, when it was shown Colin was speaking out of his butt, Colin's career was shit.

The same is going to happen to Ryan. He's going to be taken down the sewer tubes by his endorsement of Trump. Just 2 days after Ryan's dumbass decision, Trump made racist remarks about the Indiana judge, and Ryan had to comment about how racist the remarks were. JUST 2 DAYS AFTER ENDORSING THE DIVIDER, Ryan had to eat shit. There's still still 19 weeks left until the election. More months of Trump shooting his mouth off, and every, I repeat EVERY Republican lap dog, including Ryan, are going to eat shit sandwiches from now on out - because of their unwitting and dangerous endorsements of the Divider. It will flush their careers down the toilet.

Besides not paying his campaign staff for their last weeks' work on the campaign, Trump is going to take a lot of semi-decent career politicians down with him when he tanks. It will be fun to watch.

"The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do.""

I agree wholeheartedly. I have said a number of times that is exactly what Bernie should be doing at this point if he wants any sort of his his campaign legacy to linger beyond this summer.

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I watched a debate among news staff at CNN. The blond woman was moderator. They were all trying to figure out why Ryan capitulated, and supported Trump. Besides the obvious reasons (he's head of Republicans, and he had to do it) a couple guys in business suits were saying things like, "Ryan had no choice. He was between a rock and a hard place."

The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do."

Remember when top General Colin Powell stood in front of the UN and outlined how the US had proof that Saddam had WMD and we we're fully justified in invading Iraq? Later, when it was shown Colin was speaking out of his butt, Colin's career was shit.

The same is going to happen to Ryan. He's going to be taken down the sewer tubes by his endorsement of Trump. Just 2 days after Ryan's dumbass decision, Trump made racist remarks about the Indiana judge, and Ryan had to comment about how racist the remarks were. JUST 2 DAYS AFTER ENDORSING THE DIVIDER, Ryan had to eat shit. There's still still 19 weeks left until the election. More months of Trump shooting his mouth off, and every, I repeat EVERY Republican lap dog, including Ryan, are going to eat shit sandwiches from now on out - because of their unwitting and dangerous endorsements of the Divider. It will flush their careers down the toilet.

Besides not paying his campaign staff for their last weeks' work on the campaign, Trump is going to take a lot of semi-decent career politicians down with him when he tanks. It will be fun to watch.

"The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do.""

I agree wholeheartedly. I have said a number of times that is exactly what Bernie should be doing at this point if he wants any sort of his his campaign legacy to linger beyond this summer.

Maybe so, but Sanders doesn't hate Clinton as all Republicans are required to do. He will back HRC and most of his fans will go along to vote for her also. She has flaws, but nothing remotely as bad as you-know-who.

Sanders isn't looking for legacy. He's looking to try and do what's best for Americans of all social strata. His latest emails have been encouraging support for liberal candidates he supports. He's a unifier, as is HRC. The spray-tanned guy is a Divider who keeps stressing how screwed up America is while encouraging divisions everywhere.

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I watched a debate among news staff at CNN. The blond woman was moderator. They were all trying to figure out why Ryan capitulated, and supported Trump. Besides the obvious reasons (he's head of Republicans, and he had to do it) a couple guys in business suits were saying things like, "Ryan had no choice. He was between a rock and a hard place."

The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do."

Remember when top General Colin Powell stood in front of the UN and outlined how the US had proof that Saddam had WMD and we we're fully justified in invading Iraq? Later, when it was shown Colin was speaking out of his butt, Colin's career was shit.

The same is going to happen to Ryan. He's going to be taken down the sewer tubes by his endorsement of Trump. Just 2 days after Ryan's dumbass decision, Trump made racist remarks about the Indiana judge, and Ryan had to comment about how racist the remarks were. JUST 2 DAYS AFTER ENDORSING THE DIVIDER, Ryan had to eat shit. There's still still 19 weeks left until the election. More months of Trump shooting his mouth off, and every, I repeat EVERY Republican lap dog, including Ryan, are going to eat shit sandwiches from now on out - because of their unwitting and dangerous endorsements of the Divider. It will flush their careers down the toilet.

Besides not paying his campaign staff for their last weeks' work on the campaign, Trump is going to take a lot of semi-decent career politicians down with him when he tanks. It will be fun to watch.

"The woman spoke up and said, in effect, "That's ridiculous. Ryan could have taken a stand and, if he hates HRC, he could have said he supports neither. Ryan could have made a decision based on principles (if he had any) rather than do what he was required to do.""

I agree wholeheartedly. I have said a number of times that is exactly what Bernie should be doing at this point if he wants any sort of his his campaign legacy to linger beyond this summer.

Maybe so, but Sanders doesn't hate Clinton as all Republicans are required to do. He will back HRC and most of his fans will go along to vote for her also. She has flaws, but nothing remotely as bad as you-know-who.

Sanders isn't looking for legacy. He's looking to try and do what's best for Americans of all social strata. His latest emails have been encouraging support for liberal candidates he supports. He's a unifier, as is HRC. The spray-tanned guy is a Divider who keeps stressing how screwed up America is while encouraging divisions everywhere.

By legacy, I mean his message. I certainly hope he wants his message to outlast his campaign otherwise it was a waste of his and our time. Hillary is the poster child for everything Bernie railed against while campaigning. He doesn't have to "hate" her however, endorsing her is contrary to his message and just places him back in the establishment fold as a partisan lapdog

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The latest on Jeb's son....

Texas Land Commissioner the Republican George P. Bush was named the party’s 2016 “victory chairman,” charged with raising money and running the statewide campaign to “annihilate the Democrats up-and-down the ballot this November,” the Austin American-Statesman reports.

George P. Bush said he doesn’t plan to endorse or even vote for Trump.

At this point the Republican campaign for Potus consists of Trump, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions and whomever Trump picks out of the dumpster next over as his veep candidate. The Calamity Convention in Cleveland is being reduced to a show of entertainers and sports title holders aka "winners."

Donald Trump has turned the election into a single issue, i.e., Donald Trump The Ignoramus. Oh and there's also the fact of Donald Trump The Ignoramus leading the Republican party to its long overdue date with destiny, i.e., Trump becomes its nominee for Potus.

There is justice.

Edited by Publicus
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Mitt Romney may vote Libertarian, as GOP criticism of Trump deepens

Move by former Republican presidential nominee is a stark example of the GOP establishment’s unwillingness to fully accept Trump at its standard-bearer

"The former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has said he will consider voting for the Libertarian party in the presidential election,

instead of Donald Trump in a stark example of how far the GOP establishment is from accepting the billionaire leading its bid for the White House."

"Romney, who lost to Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election, even said the decision to vote against his party would be “very easy” if Bill Weld,

another former Massachusetts governor who has fundraised for Romney, was at the top of the Libertarian ticket."

“If Bill Weld were at the top of the ticket, it would be very easy for me to vote for Bill Weld for president,” Romney told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Friday."


No doubt about it: the Text Book Racist Bloviator is a toxic Albatross on the neck of the GOP.

And they ain't goin' for it. Now, they are scrambling. Big Time.

Too late... thumbsup.gif

Downward Spiral.

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Mundane? That's a good word.

When asked on Morning Joe who are you consulting with so you are ready on day one?

Trump replied (get this), "I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I've got a very good brain and I've said a lot of things."

Mundane indeed.

And that is the truly scary part. The degree to which he is megolamaniacal is the really scary part. He really believes his own rhetoric. And he has spent his entire adult life deceiving and swindling people. That is how he has made his fortune. Deceit. Dishonesty. It is his M.O. And he is doing it again. This time with flying colors, and the help of the best PR people in the land. The kind of power grab this creep will attempt, once in office, will make the likes of Mussolini look feeble. For those who say the power of the president is limited, they are not taking into account martial law. This would be imposed asap, once he assumed power. Govern without regard for the will of the people, would be his motto. The will of the people is something that has never gotten in his way before.

Don't get me wrong. I am no Hillary fan. The degree to which she is compromised is beyond the pale. I do not really want her to be our leader either. We have two truly horrific candidates to choose from.

The American people deserve this. They have worked very hard for this. The continued dumbing down of popular American culture has brought this on.

Granted, he will be ripped to shreds in the debates, as his knowledge is so incredibly limited, and his lack of experience will really show. His intelligence is so much less than he thinks it is. His brain is so much smaller than he thinks it is. So are other parts of his body, no doubt!

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Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

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Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

I can't disagree that the political commentary gets a little wearisome at times. Best of luck with medical treatment. I sincerely hope it goes well.

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The shameless Bloviator once again, exploits a devastating human tragedy for his own political gain:

Donald Trump Faces Backlash for Tweets About Orlando Shooting

"Donald Trump faced a backlash on Twitter after tweeting his response to the deadly Orlando shooting Sunday morning, when he acknowledged “congrats” for “being right” on terrorism."

"Like much of what Trump does, it inspired a wave of responses. It angered Republicans and Democrats as well as some celebrities who criticized with a familiar line:
that Trump is self-centered even in moments of tragedy — the shooting killed at least 50 people and is the deadliest mass shooting in American history."


Go to bed you embarrassing, self-serving opportunist:


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And Roger Stone, the Bloviator's nutcase of an advisor, wallows deeper in the muck to take advantage of the tragedy:

Trump ally: Clinton aide could be 'terrorist agent'

"In the wake of Sunday's deadly terrorist shooting in Orlando, Donald Trump's longtime friend and informal adviser wants the presumptive Republican nominee to hit Hillary Clinton even harder,

suggesting the former secretary of state's top aide Huma Abedin could be a "Saudi spy" or a "terrorist agent."

"Only Trump, Stone said on Sirius XM's "Breitbart News Daily," will be able to draw the necessary amount of attention to the matter."

“I also think that now that Islamic terrorism is going to be front and center, there’s going to be a new focus on whether this administration,

the administration of Hillary Clinton at State was permeated at the highest levels by Saudi intelligence and others who are not loyal Americans," Stone said. blink.png


Unparalleled groundless, audacious rhetoric.

What a relief this bunch of lunatics will never set foot in the White House.

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Donald Trump Takes Conspiracy Turn After Orlando

"Donald Trump waded into the fever swamps on Monday, suggesting in two interviews that,

President Obama may have a secret agenda that prevents him from combating Islamic terrorists."

"The comments added to a long list of conspiracy theories from the presumptive GOP nominee about the president's religion, birthplace and worldview."

"They also sent a clear message to Republicans who have begged Trump to soften his rhetoric that he's not changing his ways anytime soon."


The "Text Book Racist" Bloviator goes deeper into the pit of absurdity... facepalm.gif

Stellar to watch.

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@ Post #3464 chuckd

Your parting shot?

Fair play.


“I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President”

Yes. Reality.

“She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton”

Ok. A prediction.

“She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people,

and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people.

She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.”

An opinion. Albeit, a wildly presumptuous one.

“My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads.”

Frankly, not sad to see you go.

Generally, your posts have been unsubstantiated.

Solely opinions. Troll like at many times.

Noticeably, by inserting your countless, non-relevant, relentless Obama rants.

And you have posted a similar “end of days” on another Trump thread some months ago.

So, we’ll see…

“They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.”

Another opinion.

“I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop.”

The marginalizing, labeling, assumptions that you have many times, interjected into your posts, continues here.

And of course, you have always been free to ignore posts before. Indeed, the thread itself.

But, sorry to see someone “completely close the loop.”

To me, that can’t help give one a balanced perspective.

“I’m tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.”


What’s wrong with being “too concerned with literal accuracy or formality”?

Having said all that, best of luck with your medical procedure.

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Ken Burns and others tells it like it is about the vile monster at college commencements:


More about Ken Burn's speech:


“As a student of history, I recognize this type. He emerges everywhere and in all eras,” Burns said of Trump. “We see nurtured in his campaign an incipient Proto-fascism, a nativist anti-immigrant Know Nothing-ism, a disrespect for the judiciary, the prospect of women losing authority over their own bodies, African Americans again asked to go to the back of the line, voter suppression gleefully promoted, jingoistic saber rattling, a total lack of historical awareness, a political paranoia that, predictably, points fingers, always making the other wrong.”

The entire speech. Start at 1:11:28

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Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


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Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


Agree with you there. The Clinton's have been accused of murder ever since they were first in the public light back in Arkansas. http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/bodycount.asp

Edited by Scotwight
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Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

One hopes they aren't your last words!

I wish you a speedy recovery,

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Note: Donald's wall will cost about $85 for every man woman and child in the US.

Donald promised every red-blooded American that the wall got 10 feet higher. It started at 30 ft (9 meters), but is now planned to be 40 feet (13 meters). There are several things that The Divider doesn't know about building walls: It will need a lot of roads built for construction access. Plus factories built nearby to fabricate the nearly 2,000 miles of pre-fab concrete slabs. Large walls take a lot of maintenance and that too is very costly, particularly in a country that spends $260 for a basic screwdriver to work on a military jet. The same country which spends $60 million/annually for a few folks to stroll around with geiger counters near nukes at silos, to make sure they're not leaking. In other words, a country which wastes money prodigiously. Something that Trump is also adept at, or at the least, he loves to spend other peoples' money carelessly.

Some things Trump's wall would be good for:: blocking peoples' views, blocking off access to tracts of private and public lands. There are 3 national parks and 2 Indian reservations which border Mexico, and that doesn't include the hundreds of private properties, all of which will be adversely affected. Plus, the US gov't will have to either buy those private properties, or seize them. Same for the easements for public properties and Indian reservations. Trump's wall will serve as a perch for birds (and repository for bird poop), but it will also restrict passage of wild animals. Will there be EIR's? Not if Trump can avoid it.. There's not an EIR (environmental impact report) in history that Trump liked. Trump is to environmental husbandry what a snake is to bicycling.

Oh puleeeeze.

For advice on wall building, the US need only ask their good chums in Israel. Their wall works pretty well if one is an Israeli, and they are a very small country with a tiny population compared to the US. If they can build one, who says the US can't?

I'm sure all your views on walls and the environment apply equally to Israel, and it didn't stop them.

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yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what

Obviously the Dems and HRC disagree with you. If you were correct, they wouldn't be spending millions on attack ads against Trump.

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yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what

Obviously the Dems and HRC disagree with you. If you were correct, they wouldn't be spending millions on attack ads against Trump.

thats why they cant beat them

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All the over the top Hysterical NaySaying by the Lefties on this thread will not do a single thing to stop Trump's March to the Presidency. What really matters is what the Pro Trump - Anti-HRC and Anti-Obama movement does in the United States of America.

Posting reams of negative articles spun up by Leftists and Anti-Trumpers will have no effect on the final outcome... which will be a Trump Victory... The Voters want Trump ... it doesn't matter what the anti-trump Republican Establishment wants because they have proven that they are totally against him from the start and their hyperventilating puffery is not new and they have been wrong since Trump began his campaign. Trump haters do not understand not for a moment the huge wave of the underlying Nationalistic Movement driving Trump to the Presidency. So you screech and pound your keyboard here... in vain.

Then I notice that the anti-Trump brigade screeches louder to drown out the awful news that Hillary Clinton is the worst possible candidate that the Dems could come up with... You Anti-Trumpers can post reams of your over the top rhetoric - you can violate the TVF Forum Fair Use rules by posting the near full contents of your reference Links - to no avail ... And you do this post after post somehow being allowed to violate the Fair Use rules to plaster the biased articles onto the open forum because you know that few readers find the content of the puffed up links to be worth reading... so you try to force it down the reader's throats.

What you Anti--Trumpettes should really do is study why there is an enormous Nationalistic Movement pushing Trump to victory... and most of it has to do with Obama and his attempts to tear down traditional America. The resentment towards Obama is Deep and Wide...

You should study why many Sanders supporters will end up voting for Trump as a protest to being treated like red headed step children by the Dem Party Oligarchy. Because they know Hillary only won the nomination because of super delegates.

Also the more the Republican Establishment rails on against Trump it only drives the numerous Cruz supporters into the Trump Camp - restoring unity. And that the Republican National Committee knows - regardless of what they huff and puff about - that they dare not deny Trump the nomination for there will be Party Civil War on a scale never witnessed before ... And that it would mark the end of the Republican Party.

Come July all the Republican naysayers will all decide to shut up - knowing they will have an enormous voter backlash ... because by that time even more Republican Insider Establishment office holders will have lost their jobs in the primary to a Trump favored candidate. Example Super Elitist Senator McCain is teetering on a loss...

Screech all you want -- the real race is in the United States of America ... not on this relatively lonely Board...

Thank you JDG. There are many good posts on this thread and yours is one of the best.

Edited by Pimay1
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yet another vast right wing conspiracy


and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

It is all about the fact the name Clinton on the ballot in a given November = win.

Elections are about winning. Can't govern or legislate if you do not win. Winning elections is numbers, whether voters or money and it is both (hence Citizens United). The Clintons win elections going back to Arkansas in the 1970s so there's just no stopping a Clinton win in a head to head election.

In a straight-up election Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what. The only way Republicans and the extremist rightwhinge crackpots have to try to stop the Clintons winning elections is to use state and government power against 'em. In every way conceivable and possible. (Even Ken Starr has backed off this in his recent reflections as an elder.)

The driven rightwhinge extremist doctrine has been, because we can't beat 'em at the polls, let's try to screw 'em in any way we can using our power and authority....and then some. Let's accuse the Clintons of murder or whatever it may take to try to drive 'em out of politics and to preclude 'em from elections -- this is and has long been the frantic and desperate extremist norm.


Republicans cannot beat the Clintons no matter what

Obviously the Dems and HRC disagree with you. If you were correct, they wouldn't be spending millions on attack ads against Trump.

It's called a political campaign and election which the Clintons win in any November 99% of the time.

As soon as the delegate votes are counted at the national convention in Philadelphia Trump is toast.

Burnt toast by November.

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