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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

Why is it that you Liberals think all Trump supporters hate everybody?

Is it because you Liberals think you love everyone and therefore anyone opposing your views is a hater??

Or is it because you have nothing to really say and you dont think - you just react and criticise/abuse???

Well let me give you something to think about - give it a try!!

Trump would make a great POTUS because:

1. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans - not to any political party, not to any special interest group, and not to any foreign country or entity.

2. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and he knows how to navigate complex deals and can convince people to work with him to achieve his goals, and if that fails he will take decisive action.

3, Trump does not give a rat's rear end about political correctness or diplomacy - he will deal straight and direct with all people and all countries. He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system, and he will never support the UN or NATO at the expense of America.

Those with a vested self-interest in the status-quo all know this - and that is why they are using all means (fair and foul) to try and stop him becoming POTUS.

1)Trump's loyalty has always been only to himself. Here's the latest: Trump could actually be prosecuted for fraud because he claimed that he would donate the profits from certain ventures of his to charity. Apparently, in Trump's mind, he qualifies as a charity.

2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA. Trump has demonstrated remarkable ignorance. Do you know that he actually proposed abrogating the agreement with Iran? Which would release the Iranians from any obligations at all while allowing them to trade with the rest of the world.

3)Nice assertions about Trump dealing straight.. I guess you don't know he managed to shift his personal debts to failing corporations he was head of and so make shareholders the losers instead of himself. Straight dealing indeed!

ANd remember Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign so he wouldn't owe anything to anybody. How's that working out? Odd, isn't it, how he wants to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, eliminate controls that keep big banks and Wall Streeters from precipitating another depression, is opposed to the minimum wage, wants to give credit card companies free rein, appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. In effect, he plans to make the wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful. Some change. In the most important way he's a typical Republican candidate. Get the base angry about issues which have little to do with improving their lot, but give the real power brokers everything they could hope for.

Firstly - take all your little issues about Trump and weigh them up against HRC sacams/lies/frauds - Trump wins.

Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

And finally - take your lie about Trump campaigning and sell it at the hobby=farm too - rational intelligent (informed) people with common sense dont believe that. Trump said he would finance his GOP campaign - the one for nomination. Many times - and has repeated it. But like most Liberals you believe what the WashPost and CNN and others print/say.

And like most trump supporters, it doesn't matter how much he lies, flip flop on he promisses and hate everybody but himself.

I can't believe that you guys leap this up, agree with it and support this maniac.

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Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

Why is it that you Liberals think all Trump supporters hate everybody?

Is it because you Liberals think you love everyone and therefore anyone opposing your views is a hater??

Or is it because you have nothing to really say and you dont think - you just react and criticise/abuse???

Well let me give you something to think about - give it a try!!

Trump would make a great POTUS because:

1. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans - not to any political party, not to any special interest group, and not to any foreign country or entity.

2. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and he knows how to navigate complex deals and can convince people to work with him to achieve his goals, and if that fails he will take decisive action.

3, Trump does not give a rat's rear end about political correctness or diplomacy - he will deal straight and direct with all people and all countries. He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system, and he will never support the UN or NATO at the expense of America.

Those with a vested self-interest in the status-quo all know this - and that is why they are using all means (fair and foul) to try and stop him becoming POTUS.

1)Trump's loyalty has always been only to himself. Here's the latest: Trump could actually be prosecuted for fraud because he claimed that he would donate the profits from certain ventures of his to charity. Apparently, in Trump's mind, he qualifies as a charity.

2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA. Trump has demonstrated remarkable ignorance. Do you know that he actually proposed abrogating the agreement with Iran? Which would release the Iranians from any obligations at all while allowing them to trade with the rest of the world.

3)Nice assertions about Trump dealing straight.. I guess you don't know he managed to shift his personal debts to failing corporations he was head of and so make shareholders the losers instead of himself. Straight dealing indeed!

ANd remember Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign so he wouldn't owe anything to anybody. How's that working out? Odd, isn't it, how he wants to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, eliminate controls that keep big banks and Wall Streeters from precipitating another depression, is opposed to the minimum wage, wants to give credit card companies free rein, appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. In effect, he plans to make the wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful. Some change. In the most important way he's a typical Republican candidate. Get the base angry about issues which have little to do with improving their lot, but give the real power brokers everything they could hope for.

Firstly - take all your little issues about Trump and weigh them up against HRC sacams/lies/frauds - Trump wins.

Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

And finally - take your lie about Trump campaigning and sell it at the hobby=farm too - rational intelligent (informed) people with common sense dont believe that. Trump said he would finance his GOP campaign - the one for nomination. Many times - and has repeated it. But like most Liberals you believe what the WashPost and CNN and others print/say.

Some remarks are a dead giveaway about someone's intellectual capacity. Here is one of them: Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

You offer absolutely no data to support this. The Jewish-AMerican community and the Asian-American community succeed in the world of business and finance in numbers way out of proportion to their percentage of the US population. And yet both these groups overwhelmingly vote Democratic. You think they got where they did without knowing how to negotiate?

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Trump’s poll numbers sink into death spiral on the one-year anniversary of his campaign’s start

"It’s been one year since Donald Trump took that fateful ride down the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for President of the United States,

and his poll numbers are absolutely tanking despite the fact that he’s seemingly locked down the Republican nomination for the presidency."

"Here is a chart from Real Clear Politics that shows what’s happened to Trump’s polling averages ever since he got a brief boost after clinching his status as the presumptive Republican nominee."

"What’s particularly devastating about this from Trump’s perspective is that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton hasn’t gained all that much in the past three weeks,

instead, it’s mostly been about Trump spiraling downward." whistling.gif Reality.

Why stop there?

Both Trump and Hillary are tied at well over fifty percent untrustworthy.

also, the AP poll has Hillary dropping 5 (quite a dip from 15)

polls sure are funny...eh?

Yes Both are over 50%. But for each of them, you conveniently fail to note by how much. Or don't specific numbers matter?

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Yes, your buddy Trump keeps going on, to a trainwreck!!!!!

Why is it with you donald supporters that you hate everybody and when your hero say something, you believe him! Even when he makes a 180 degree turn a few hours later?

I don't like hrc, but you know what? It will be better than the ............. Trump machine.

Why is it that you Liberals think all Trump supporters hate everybody?

Is it because you Liberals think you love everyone and therefore anyone opposing your views is a hater??

Or is it because you have nothing to really say and you dont think - you just react and criticise/abuse???

Well let me give you something to think about - give it a try!!

Trump would make a great POTUS because:

1. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans - not to any political party, not to any special interest group, and not to any foreign country or entity.

2. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and he knows how to navigate complex deals and can convince people to work with him to achieve his goals, and if that fails he will take decisive action.

3, Trump does not give a rat's rear end about political correctness or diplomacy - he will deal straight and direct with all people and all countries. He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system, and he will never support the UN or NATO at the expense of America.

Those with a vested self-interest in the status-quo all know this - and that is why they are using all means (fair and foul) to try and stop him becoming POTUS.

1)Trump's loyalty has always been only to himself. Here's the latest: Trump could actually be prosecuted for fraud because he claimed that he would donate the profits from certain ventures of his to charity. Apparently, in Trump's mind, he qualifies as a charity.

2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA. Trump has demonstrated remarkable ignorance. Do you know that he actually proposed abrogating the agreement with Iran? Which would release the Iranians from any obligations at all while allowing them to trade with the rest of the world.

3)Nice assertions about Trump dealing straight.. I guess you don't know he managed to shift his personal debts to failing corporations he was head of and so make shareholders the losers instead of himself. Straight dealing indeed!

ANd remember Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign so he wouldn't owe anything to anybody. How's that working out? Odd, isn't it, how he wants to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, eliminate controls that keep big banks and Wall Streeters from precipitating another depression, is opposed to the minimum wage, wants to give credit card companies free rein, appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. In effect, he plans to make the wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful. Some change. In the most important way he's a typical Republican candidate. Get the base angry about issues which have little to do with improving their lot, but give the real power brokers everything they could hope for.

Firstly - take all your little issues about Trump and weigh them up against HRC sacams/lies/frauds - Trump wins.

Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

And finally - take your lie about Trump campaigning and sell it at the hobby=farm too - rational intelligent (informed) people with common sense dont believe that. Trump said he would finance his GOP campaign - the one for nomination. Many times - and has repeated it. But like most Liberals you believe what the WashPost and CNN and others print/say.

Apart from my "little issues" as you call them, Politifact finds Trump to be the most dishonest political candidate ever. At least, I can't find anyone else on their list who comes even close. But for the sake of argument, let's say that Clinton is even worse than Trump. How you get from "Clinton is even worse than Trump" to Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans and He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system.

What is there in the public record that provides evidence of his superior moral character and disinterested pursuit of the public good?

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Trump would make a great POTUS because:

1. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans - not to any political party, not to any special interest group, and not to any foreign country or entity.

2. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and he knows how to navigate complex deals and can convince people to work with him to achieve his goals, and if that fails he will take decisive action.

3, Trump does not give a rat's rear end about political correctness or diplomacy - he will deal straight and direct with all people and all countries. He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system, and he will never support the UN or NATO at the expense of America.

Those with a vested self-interest in the status-quo all know this - and that is why they are using all means (fair and foul) to try and stop him becoming POTUS.

So this is how Trump supporters think? You really believe what you're shoveling? Ok, that's what you believe, but here's the reality:

1. Trump's loyalty is to Trump and his family/friends. Trump University is a good example and there are many more. He makes you think that he's there to make your life better, but in the end, it was all a big scam.

2. Trump says he's a great negotiator, but only when he's negotiating with companies who want his business. Leaders in Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. would have no problem telling him to go pack sand. His business negotiation skills mean squat when it comes to international diplomacy.

3. Insulting other US presidential candidates may work in the GOP primaries. But doing so to all manner of people around the world who aren't beholden to him is not going to work well. He's going to be a big joke. Career federal employees and the military will have to get things done despite of Trump.

One good thing about Trump is that he doesn't hide stuff very well. It's all there for everyone to see. But to the loyal Trump supporters, they only see what they want to see.

Reality? A Liberal and reality - they are seldom together - even in the same sentence.

There is only one sentence that actually almost makes sense - the last one. But with a change of just one word, it actually makes sense:

One good thing about Trump is that he doesn't hide stuff very well. It's all there for everyone to see. But to the loyal LIBERAL supporters, they only see what they want to see.

You didn't dispute any of my points. Do you even know why there is a class action lawsuit against Trump and his "university?" It doesn't bother you that he ripped off hard working Americans? And why won't he release his tax returns? And why does he embrace all of these ridiculous conspiracy theories? Are you a birther? Did you know that every time he opens his mouth, something like 76% of what he says are untrue/lies (PolitiFact)?

I could go on and on, but you're a diehard Trump guy, I know. I hope you don't take it too hard when he gets buried in the general. If he even makes it past the convention.

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And finally - take your lie about Trump campaigning and sell it at the hobby=farm too - rational intelligent (informed) people with common sense dont believe that. Trump said he would finance his GOP campaign - the one for nomination. Many times - and has repeated it. But like most Liberals you believe what the WashPost and CNN and others print/say.

You really don't get the bit about him being a compulsive liar, do you?


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Sick, dumb and lazy blind, deaf and crazy. Democrats ruin America.

When you run out of excuses, and can't counter on issues, that's the sort of post we expect.

Meanwhile, over 3,000 assault weapons with ammo are easily accessible in the US, as easy as buying cheese forks at a yard sale. NRA and the multi-millions of $$'s (probably the strongest lobby on Capitol Hill) are successful at enabling anyone to buy military-grade weapons and ammo, thereby continuing the massacres. Trump used to be for gun restraint, but is now bosom buddies with America-destroying NRA. That could be Trump's biggest achilles heel, and he has many. Kiss NRA's ample butt, and he can kiss goodbye his chances of getting anywhere near a majority in November.

Of course, few Americans are one-issue voters, but keeping kids safe from gun shots is important for a lot of non-redneck voters.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Wheels seem to be falling off the Trump campaign.

Campaign manager shafted, corporate sponsors pulled out of Convention, no funds to counter 'attack ads', GOP hinting at a 'conscience vote' at the Convention. Looking like Trump is going to get 'boned' by the GOP.

I don't think Trump is going to make it.

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Sick, dumb and lazy

blind, deaf and crazy.

Democrats ruin America.

Apocalyptic indeed.

It's not just disagreement on policies, priorities, programs all rooted in the government budget etc.

It's that one side is right for America and the other side is wrong for America. One side builds it, the other side destroys it (consciously and willfully besides). This says there just aren't any bounds to the apocalyptic mind out there in noidland. When there are no bounds to the mindset of the far right, it means they go out as far right as anyone can get in USA without actually snapping on an armband.

Rarely in public anyway.

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1)Trump's loyalty has always been only to himself. Here's the latest: Trump could actually be prosecuted for fraud because he claimed that he would donate the profits from certain ventures of his to charity. Apparently, in Trump's mind, he qualifies as a charity.

Why is it that you Liberals think all Trump supporters hate everybody?

Is it because you Liberals think you love everyone and therefore anyone opposing your views is a hater??

Or is it because you have nothing to really say and you dont think - you just react and criticise/abuse???

Well let me give you something to think about - give it a try!!

Trump would make a great POTUS because:

1. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans - not to any political party, not to any special interest group, and not to any foreign country or entity.

2. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and he knows how to navigate complex deals and can convince people to work with him to achieve his goals, and if that fails he will take decisive action.

3, Trump does not give a rat's rear end about political correctness or diplomacy - he will deal straight and direct with all people and all countries. He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system, and he will never support the UN or NATO at the expense of America.

Those with a vested self-interest in the status-quo all know this - and that is why they are using all means (fair and foul) to try and stop him becoming POTUS.

2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA. Trump has demonstrated remarkable ignorance. Do you know that he actually proposed abrogating the agreement with Iran? Which would release the Iranians from any obligations at all while allowing them to trade with the rest of the world.

3)Nice assertions about Trump dealing straight.. I guess you don't know he managed to shift his personal debts to failing corporations he was head of and so make shareholders the losers instead of himself. Straight dealing indeed!

ANd remember Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign so he wouldn't owe anything to anybody. How's that working out? Odd, isn't it, how he wants to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, eliminate controls that keep big banks and Wall Streeters from precipitating another depression, is opposed to the minimum wage, wants to give credit card companies free rein, appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. In effect, he plans to make the wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful. Some change. In the most important way he's a typical Republican candidate. Get the base angry about issues which have little to do with improving their lot, but give the real power brokers everything they could hope for.

Firstly - take all your little issues about Trump and weigh them up against HRC sacams/lies/frauds - Trump wins.

Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

And finally - take your lie about Trump campaigning and sell it at the hobby=farm too - rational intelligent (informed) people with common sense dont believe that. Trump said he would finance his GOP campaign - the one for nomination. Many times - and has repeated it. But like most Liberals you believe what the WashPost and CNN and others print/say.

Some remarks are a dead giveaway about someone's intellectual capacity. Here is one of them: Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

You offer absolutely no data to support this. The Jewish-AMerican community and the Asian-American community succeed in the world of business and finance in numbers way out of proportion to their percentage of the US population. And yet both these groups overwhelmingly vote Democratic. You think they got where they did without knowing how to negotiate?

Yes indeed they are - and your capacity is clearly below average - as is your common sense (far below).

your Liberal views about negotiating is what I said. Meaning = who are you to 'lecture' either myself or Trump about negotiating. What you THINK you know about negotiating, is actually nothing more than the usual idealistic and ignorant Liberal thinking about most issues (ie: I read a book/article so now I know).

Your statement clearly shows your under-capacity: 2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA.

Please provide your 'data' to show that you have the credentials to lecture either myself or Trump about how to do negotiations for the United States.

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Here is the danger.

The GOP 'bones' Trump on the Convention floor with an independent Conscience Vote. They manage to find a consummate political animal that can walk the tightrope between moderate Conservatives and the racist, bigoted and ignorant far Right Republican Trump supporters and loony Tea Party types. Conservative SuperPac money and $1B+ Koch et al money pile in and back him then Hillary will have a real fight on her hands.

At this point they have nothing to lose. Younger, clean skin, good State Legislature track record and not orange.

It would be the ultimate 'bait and switch', a master stroke. If they could get the right candidate good chance they could control the House of Reps and the Senate. They need to just find that bright shiny 'cherry' to put on top of the Republican putrid compost heap.

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Down deep Republican wheeler dealers know they're stuck with the Trumpster. No amount of maneuvering is going to change that. Trump got the most votes among Rep candidates, and he deserves to be their candidate. He's a fighter (and is quick to fight dirty, if need be), and is not going to let someone out-maneuver him for the candidacy.

Now that it's clear he's their chosen one, Trump has a steeper hill to climb (to get the big prize) than the west slope of Everest. Reasonable people can breathe a sigh of relief. It's not a question of whether he will lose (like he's lost hundreds of lawsuits), it's a question of how much. Additionally, Trump won't go down without tearing down the stage drapes in rage, so it's also a question of how much damage to the US he'll do by November. Already, he's angered some of America's friends and neighbors, most notably the former and current presidents of Mexico, the Pope, London's mayor, ......pretty much every foreigner he's had any interaction with in recent months.

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1)Trump's loyalty has always been only to himself. Here's the latest: Trump could actually be prosecuted for fraud because he claimed that he would donate the profits from certain ventures of his to charity. Apparently, in Trump's mind, he qualifies as a charity.

Why is it that you Liberals think all Trump supporters hate everybody?

Is it because you Liberals think you love everyone and therefore anyone opposing your views is a hater??

Or is it because you have nothing to really say and you dont think - you just react and criticise/abuse???

Well let me give you something to think about - give it a try!!

Trump would make a great POTUS because:

1. Trump’s loyalty will only be to America and to Americans - not to any political party, not to any special interest group, and not to any foreign country or entity.

2. Trump is undeniably a great negotiator, and he knows how to navigate complex deals and can convince people to work with him to achieve his goals, and if that fails he will take decisive action.

3, Trump does not give a rat's rear end about political correctness or diplomacy - he will deal straight and direct with all people and all countries. He will never sell out the American people for his own self-interest or for those in his political party/system, and he will never support the UN or NATO at the expense of America.

Those with a vested self-interest in the status-quo all know this - and that is why they are using all means (fair and foul) to try and stop him becoming POTUS.

2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA. Trump has demonstrated remarkable ignorance. Do you know that he actually proposed abrogating the agreement with Iran? Which would release the Iranians from any obligations at all while allowing them to trade with the rest of the world.

3)Nice assertions about Trump dealing straight.. I guess you don't know he managed to shift his personal debts to failing corporations he was head of and so make shareholders the losers instead of himself. Straight dealing indeed!

ANd remember Trump said he was going to finance his own campaign so he wouldn't owe anything to anybody. How's that working out? Odd, isn't it, how he wants to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, eliminate controls that keep big banks and Wall Streeters from precipitating another depression, is opposed to the minimum wage, wants to give credit card companies free rein, appoint right wing justices to the supreme court who typically favor corporations over workers. In effect, he plans to make the wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful. Some change. In the most important way he's a typical Republican candidate. Get the base angry about issues which have little to do with improving their lot, but give the real power brokers everything they could hope for.

Firstly - take all your little issues about Trump and weigh them up against HRC sacams/lies/frauds - Trump wins.

Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

And finally - take your lie about Trump campaigning and sell it at the hobby=farm too - rational intelligent (informed) people with common sense dont believe that. Trump said he would finance his GOP campaign - the one for nomination. Many times - and has repeated it. But like most Liberals you believe what the WashPost and CNN and others print/say.

Some remarks are a dead giveaway about someone's intellectual capacity. Here is one of them: Then - take your Liberal views about negotiating and give them to the local community hobby-farm where they belong. Like most Liberals, you have only ever negotiated as at the local market.

You offer absolutely no data to support this. The Jewish-AMerican community and the Asian-American community succeed in the world of business and finance in numbers way out of proportion to their percentage of the US population. And yet both these groups overwhelmingly vote Democratic. You think they got where they did without knowing how to negotiate?

Yes indeed they are - and your capacity is clearly below average - as is your common sense (far below).

your Liberal views about negotiating is what I said. Meaning = who are you to 'lecture' either myself or Trump about negotiating. What you THINK you know about negotiating, is actually nothing more than the usual idealistic and ignorant Liberal thinking about most issues (ie: I read a book/article so now I know).

Your statement clearly shows your under-capacity: 2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA.

Please provide your 'data' to show that you have the credentials to lecture either myself or Trump about how to do negotiations for the United States.

So much stupidity compressed into such a small space. Don't you understand the first thing about these forum? Everyone here is anonymous and can claim whatever qualifications they like. So making it personal the way you do is just further proof of your incapacity. In addition, I don't make stupid generalizations about Conservatives. I did point out to you that 2 groups in the USA, Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, are very high achievers in the world of business and finance. I don't know how you can say these people are inept negotiators given their outsize success. And they vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

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3. Insulting other US presidential candidates may work in the GOP primaries. But doing so to all manner of people around the world who aren't beholden to him is not going to work well. He's going to be a big joke. Career federal employees and the military will have to get things done despite of Trump.

As opposed to Obama's apology tour that has worked so well?

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The only one who needs to apologise is Donald Trump.

President Obama has restored America's standing in the world and, most importantly, among our allies.

The greatest power of Potus is in foreign policy and in military affairs to include the red button. Trump belongs as far away from all of these as is possible.

Edited by Publicus
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Yes indeed they are - and your capacity is clearly below average - as is your common sense (far below).

your Liberal views about negotiating is what I said. Meaning = who are you to 'lecture' either myself or Trump about negotiating. What you THINK you know about negotiating, is actually nothing more than the usual idealistic and ignorant Liberal thinking about most issues (ie: I read a book/article so now I know).

Your statement clearly shows your under-capacity: 2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA.

Please provide your 'data' to show that you have the credentials to lecture either myself or Trump about how to do negotiations for the United States.

So much stupidity compressed into such a small space. Don't you understand the first thing about these forum? Everyone here is anonymous and can claim whatever qualifications they like. So making it personal the way you do is just further proof of your incapacity. In addition, I don't make stupid generalizations about Conservatives. I did point out to you that 2 groups in the USA, Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, are very high achievers in the world of business and finance. I don't know how you can say these people are inept negotiators given their outsize success. And they vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

OMG - talk about completely missing the point.

YOU !! The point is you (duh).

What makes YOU (an atypical Liberal) even think that you can lecture anyone like Trump (or me) about how to do complex negotiations - talk about a delusional Liberal.

Actually - dont bother answering - you are either completely stupid or just another annoying Liberal who has no common sense.

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Donald Trump Threatens to Self-Fund Campaign if GOP Support Wavers

"Donald Trump on Saturday claimed most of the money he's been collecting at his recent fundraisers,

is going to the Republican Party, but also threatened to cut the GOP off if support from the party wavers."

"Right now I'm raising a lot of money for the Republican Party, and a lot of beneficiaries to that, and I like doing it," Trump said.

"Life is like a two-way street, right?" Trump said. "They have to [help], otherwise I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, I'll just keep funding my own campaign…for me, that's the easy way," he said.

"Threatens"? blink.png
The Bloviator now threatens to do what he initially pledged as the key advantage to his campaign? facepalm.gifBizarre.
Is anybody taking notes here?
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Twitter State of the Nation :

Crooked Hillary - 6.55million followers

Limpus Obama - 8.08million followers

POTUS Trump (in waiting) - 8.68million followers

Trump is coming for HRC soon enough - hope she is getting ready (if she makes it)

UPDATE on the Twitter State of the Nation (Poll):

Crooked Hillary - 7.03million followers (+480K)

Limpus Obama - 8.48million followers (+400K)

POTUS Trump (in waiting) - 9.2million followers (+520K)

Trump just keeps on coming :)

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I think I've found out what's wrong with The Trump.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Edited by Chicog
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Yes indeed they are - and your capacity is clearly below average - as is your common sense (far below).

your Liberal views about negotiating is what I said. Meaning = who are you to 'lecture' either myself or Trump about negotiating. What you THINK you know about negotiating, is actually nothing more than the usual idealistic and ignorant Liberal thinking about most issues (ie: I read a book/article so now I know).

Your statement clearly shows your under-capacity: 2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA.

Please provide your 'data' to show that you have the credentials to lecture either myself or Trump about how to do negotiations for the United States.

So much stupidity compressed into such a small space. Don't you understand the first thing about these forum? Everyone here is anonymous and can claim whatever qualifications they like. So making it personal the way you do is just further proof of your incapacity. In addition, I don't make stupid generalizations about Conservatives. I did point out to you that 2 groups in the USA, Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, are very high achievers in the world of business and finance. I don't know how you can say these people are inept negotiators given their outsize success. And they vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

OMG - talk about completely missing the point.

YOU !! The point is you (duh).

What makes YOU (an atypical Liberal) even think that you can lecture anyone like Trump (or me) about how to do complex negotiations - talk about a delusional Liberal.

Actually - dont bother answering - you are either completely stupid or just another annoying Liberal who has no common sense.

This is all you do. Just make everything personal and don't respond to the facts. For all I know, you may be the greatest negotiator in the world. Or the worst. Who knows? This is a forum where everyone is anonymous. As for Trump being such a great negotiator, just look into his Atlantic City debacle. A financial analyst wrote detailed articles about the impending disaster. It seems Trump paid way too high a price for the properties. Some negotiator. You know what Trump's reaction was to the article? He threatened to sue the analyst's employer unless he was fired. Trump got his way. Of course, the article was completely correct and Trump spectacularly flamed out.

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Can anyone stop the Trump machine? Only one person - Donald Trump. He seems to be flaming out spectacularly in Florida. Didn't something happen there recently that was going to give him a big boost?


But not to worry. It's only the swing state with the most electoral votes.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Trump sends first fundraising email, vows to match donations

"Donald Trump, who as a primary candidate prided himself on being a "self-funder," on Tuesday blasted out his first personal fundraising solicitation hours after his campaign's finance report,

showed him with a fraction of the cash on hand as Hillary Clinton."

"This is the first fundraising email I have ever sent on behalf of my campaign. That’s right. The FIRST ONE," Trump wrote in the email, with the last two words underlined.

"Even though his first fundraising email comes more than a year after he launched his campaign, the presumptive Republican nominee vowed to:

"help make it the most successful introductory fundraising email in modern political history,

by personally matching every dollar that comes in WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS, up to $2 million!" ( That remains to be "seen" laugh.png )


What kind of fool donates to a "really, really rich" billionaire?


The "supposed" billionaire, the Bloviator, is sounding more and more like some cheap hack late-night T.V. preacher...

Downward Spiral.

Edited by iReason
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Yes indeed they are - and your capacity is clearly below average - as is your common sense (far below).

your Liberal views about negotiating is what I said. Meaning = who are you to 'lecture' either myself or Trump about negotiating. What you THINK you know about negotiating, is actually nothing more than the usual idealistic and ignorant Liberal thinking about most issues (ie: I read a book/article so now I know).

Your statement clearly shows your under-capacity: 2)The thing about negotiating is, you have to understand what you're negotiating for.That's relatively easy when the negotiations are in your own immediate interest and you can measure the results in dollars. Although, his negotiations for property in Atlantic city nearly bankrupted him. And Trump, the straight arrow, managed to have a financial journalist fired for reporting the truth. But when you're negotiating for the United States. you have to understand what is truly in the interests of the USA.

Please provide your 'data' to show that you have the credentials to lecture either myself or Trump about how to do negotiations for the United States.

So much stupidity compressed into such a small space. Don't you understand the first thing about these forum? Everyone here is anonymous and can claim whatever qualifications they like. So making it personal the way you do is just further proof of your incapacity. In addition, I don't make stupid generalizations about Conservatives. I did point out to you that 2 groups in the USA, Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, are very high achievers in the world of business and finance. I don't know how you can say these people are inept negotiators given their outsize success. And they vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

OMG - talk about completely missing the point.

YOU !! The point is you (duh).

What makes YOU (an atypical Liberal) even think that you can lecture anyone like Trump (or me) about how to do complex negotiations - talk about a delusional Liberal.

Actually - dont bother answering - you are either completely stupid or just another annoying Liberal who has no common sense.

This is all you do. Just make everything personal and don't respond to the facts. For all I know, you may be the greatest negotiator in the world. Or the worst. Who knows? This is a forum where everyone is anonymous. As for Trump being such a great negotiator, just look into his Atlantic City debacle. A financial analyst wrote detailed articles about the impending disaster. It seems Trump paid way too high a price for the properties. Some negotiator. You know what Trump's reaction was to the article? He threatened to sue the analyst's employer unless he was fired. Trump got his way. Of course, the article was completely correct and Trump spectacularly flamed out.

Facts?? Go away and learn the difference between facts and opinions. Please.

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I think I've found out what's wrong with The Trump.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

I think you have just described Hillary :)

And many western women I have known :)

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