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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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OMG. Being lectured by THE cut and paster of all time (only an idiot would not see I am pasting a headline), AND

One of the ooney Liberals thinks Bin Laden is happy Trump is saying negative things about Islamic Terrorists.

Understandable though - common sense aint something normally associated with or demonstrated by looney Liberals.


US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said it is a "great thing" that the people of the UK have "taken back their country" in voting to leave the EU.


The US billionaire answered: said: "I think it's a great thing that's happened. It's an amazing vote, very historic.

"People are angry all over the world. They're angry over borders, they're angry over people coming into the country and taking over and nobody even knows who they are.

"They're angry about many, many things in the UK, the US and many other places. This will not be the last."

Mr Trump said UK divisions "will heal" as "it is a great place", adding: "I said this was going to happen and I think it is a great thing.

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Post links, dude.1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

It's not cool to paste in large blocks of text as you are now regularly and shamelessly doing, even more so, without LINKS.

Of course Bin Laden is dead, but is well known that Jihadist terror groups love when right wing Islamophobic demagogues try to push the narrative that the west is at war with all Muslims and indeed the religion of Islam. That message is a very powerful RECRUITING tool for the Jihadists.

Edited by Jingthing
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OMG. Being lectured by THE cut and paster of all time (only an idiot would not see I am pasting a headline), AND

One of the ooney Liberals thinks Bin Laden is happy Trump is saying negative things about Islamic Terrorists.

Understandable though - common sense aint something normally associated with or demonstrated by looney Liberals.


US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said it is a "great thing" that the people of the UK have "taken back their country" in voting to leave the EU.


The US billionaire answered: said: "I think it's a great thing that's happened. It's an amazing vote, very historic.

"People are angry all over the world. They're angry over borders, they're angry over people coming into the country and taking over and nobody even knows who they are.

"They're angry about many, many things in the UK, the US and many other places. This will not be the last."

Mr Trump said UK divisions "will heal" as "it is a great place", adding: "I said this was going to happen and I think it is a great thing.

Just a guess, your most cherished possession is your autographed picture of GW Bush hanging on your wall. Am I close?

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Post links, dude.1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

It's not cool to paste in large blocks of text as you are now regularly and shamelessly doing, even more so, without LINKS.

Heres a link JT.

DonaldTrump.Com cheesy.gif




, using this forum as a direct DUMP for trump propaganda is abusive.

We get it, you're with the vile monster's movement.

How about challenging that brain of yours and giving us some ORIGINAL writing?

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Trump has fallen into Bin Ladens trap. I mean, a US Presidential candidate insulting all muslims?

Gonna block them all. Spy on the Mosques. Register them. Insult their religion. Bomb the hell out of them till theres nothing left and take the oil. Nuke em. Tear up the Iran deal and go in hard!

He hates muslims, his supporters hate muslims. If he is President, they will all hate us too. Presto World War 3.

Bin Ladens lovin it. He just wishes Obama would get with his program and start insulting Islam.

Trump is the best thing to happen for Islamist extremists' recruitment since, .......well, since they promised 72 doe-eyed virgins for each young man who died as canon fodder or fertilizing desert sands oops, I mean as; a martyr for a make-believe God who loves His followers so much He makes their lives miserable every waking hour.

Another thing Trump ensures (even though he won't get elected prez) is Muslims now have justification for heinous torture of any farang they capture. Plus, they can be justified for killing families of hostages, besides the hostages themselves. If asked why, Muslim extremists will say, "Because your American devil Trump says he will do the same to our beloved Muslim brothers."

Then the farang interviewer might retort, "Ok Trump said those things, but Trump isn't president."

The Muslim extremist: "Doesn't matter whether he's US president or not. He is a big influential boss and he said America would do those things to us, so we will do those things, and ten times worse, to Americans."

Boomer's comment: Thanks (but no thanks) in advance, Trump, for endangering Americans and Europeans more than they're already endangered in the Middle East. Thanks (but no thanks) for pouring petrol on an already volatile conflict.

Next time a fighter jet pilot or a US soldier is caught by Muslim extremists, they'll have a ready-made excuse for using extreme torture on the poor fellow.

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Jews reject trump.

“We Jews know the consequences of silence,” said Rabbi Rachel Timoner as the crowd picked up and echoed her words. “So when we see the early signs of fascism, we must speak.”

Read more: http://forward.com/news/343289/watch-a-jewish-trump-supporter-confronts-an-anti-trump-protest/#ixzz4Cc235ffz

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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif

Yes, the far left fish wrap that enthusiastically backed the Iraq war and and wants to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits. Do you ever get any facts right?

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OMG. Being lectured by THE cut and paster of all time (only an idiot would not see I am pasting a headline), AND

One of the ooney Liberals thinks Bin Laden is happy Trump is saying negative things about Islamic Terrorists.

Understandable though - common sense aint something normally associated with or demonstrated by looney Liberals.


US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said it is a "great thing" that the people of the UK have "taken back their country" in voting to leave the EU.


The US billionaire answered: said: "I think it's a great thing that's happened. It's an amazing vote, very historic.

"People are angry all over the world. They're angry over borders, they're angry over people coming into the country and taking over and nobody even knows who they are.

"They're angry about many, many things in the UK, the US and many other places. This will not be the last."

Mr Trump said UK divisions "will heal" as "it is a great place", adding: "I said this was going to happen and I think it is a great thing.

That went down like a lead balloon since Scotland convincingly voted to Remain.

Trump puts his foot in his mouth *again*.


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Check my shocked face! laugh.png

More Polling Tricks=> New Reuters Poll EXTREMELY SKEWED – Reality Shows Trump Tied Up with Hillary

Since the Reuters poll sampled more Democrats than all the others combined, we can safely say that Trump appears to be in much better shape than the poll suggests and could likely be headed to a landslide victory in November.


Imagine that! smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Good riddance.

Paulson, a former Goldman Sachs chief executive who spearheaded the 2008 Wall Street bank bailout as treasury secretary.

I figured you guys you would respond this way. Paulson is no hero of mine. But the man is a prominent member within Trump's own party.

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Heh...Democrats Worry Brexit Will Lead to Trump Victory

"The same elements of white resentment, fear of immigrants, anxiety over globalization, animosity towards cosmopolitan elites of every shape and kind and people’s wish “to take their country back in their hands,” as Trump said, could come together at just the right time to elect the GOP candidate as President as well ."


Indeed. Throw the bums out! smile.png

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Actual quote, this week on CBS, from the runaway Trumpster:

"I'm the king of debt. I'm great with debt."
Boomer replies; Thanks for reminding us, Ding Dong. Now we can rest assured that with Trump in the power seat, he will saddle Americans with ever more debt, faster and higher rates than any president prior. And he's so great with debt, he'll try to get Treasury to not honor their payments (he's already hinted he would do that). Boy, that will put glee in foreign investors. The US has never in its history NOT PAID Treasury bonds 100%, but Trump will trash that silly track record. What happens after that will make Bush Jr's near-depression look like a pony ride at a carnival. Herbert Hoover step aside. Here comes da Divider - guaranteed to plunge the US in the lowest depths of financial mismanagement. Look out world, here comes da Trumpster, and it's going to tip over a mega load of garbage all over the neighborhood.
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Prominent Republicans know they are on a suicide mission and are bailing left and right.

Conservative commentator and columnist George Will says he is "leaving the Republican Party because of Donald Trump" -- and he's advocating that others do the same.

Is this a desperate strategy to dump Trump at the convention?

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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh? whistling.gif

Not exactly, BM.

It's more like we've got to take the possibility that vile monster could win seriously, and pull out all stops to prevent that. There is a danger of being overconfident and overestimating the intelligence of American voters.

Brexit does show voters can get things horribly wrong.

The Brits in supposedly voting for racism, xenophobia, nationalism have in effect broken up the United Kingdom. Sad and so stupid.

I think it best you stick to commenting on the topic of this thread because drawing comparisons with what's happening in the UK and what Donald plans to do shows how far off the mark you are.

You wouldn't know about nationalism until your country is swallowed up by some North/South American group with smarmy, uncaring, unelected foreign bureaucrats making all sorts of decisions on your behalf, for better or worse. Brexit, for most people, was as much about simply taking back control as it was to stifle the free movement of huge numbers of people, leading to saturation of public services etc. Britain never agreed to those policies, it was always only about the single market. It is not about being xenophobic or preventing people coming in full stop. Certain immigrants have made the UK a better place, but enough is enough, there's no more room. If it leads to the breakup of the UK, so be it. Having been constantly heckled and berated by a neighbour all your life - Scotland - it would be kind of a relief when they finally move out and who wouldn't want to see the potential reunification of Ireland?

But I think Americans should be careful of patronising the other side and in their disdain towards Trump. Those in favour of staying in the EU had a similar condescending attitude towards the Leavers, including the government! It can come with consequences, often leading people to want to put two fingers up to the status quo.

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Trump fans are trying to equate Brexit with support for Trump. It ain't sticking.

Many of those who voted for an exit from the EU are now googling what it is they voted for. In other words, they voted ignorantly. It reminds me of the many Americans who voted for Bush Jr. in 2000 and 2004, and then later questioned what the heck they did ?! .....voting for a dunce!

Part of what those of us Anti-Trumpsters are trying to do, by publishing ideas on blogs,etc, is trying to show some ignorant American voters what a loser Trump is and how he will drag the US down to his level of endless problems. Thousands of posts, showing common sense and the reality of Trump, may not make any difference, as ignorant people will act ignorantly, no matter what. Yet, many of those who vote for Trump may wake up later and think, "what the heck was I thinking back in 2016? Did I really think Trump would be good for America?! Jeezo, how wrong I was!"

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Trump fans are trying to equate Brexit with support for Trump. It ain't sticking.

Many of those who voted for an exit from the EU are now googling what it is they voted for. In other words, they voted ignorantly. It reminds me of the many Americans who voted for Bush Jr. in 2000 and 2004, and then later questioned what the heck they did ?! .....voting for a dunce!

Part of what those of us Anti-Trumpsters are trying to do, by publishing ideas on blogs,etc, is trying to show some ignorant American voters what a loser Trump is and how he will drag the US down to his level of endless problems. Thousands of posts, showing common sense and the reality of Trump, may not make any difference, as ignorant people will act ignorantly, no matter what. Yet, many of those who vote for Trump may wake up later and think, "what the heck was I thinking back in 2016? Did I really think Trump would be good for America?! Jeezo, how wrong I was!"

I think this Brexit vote will undermine Trump's campaign in profound ways. The UK and the EU will be a cluster-freak for the next few months, right into November. Many in Britain will come to regret and regret big time the decision to leave the EU. And if a new referendum were to occur, no way the leave folks would win again.

Folks in America will see the parallel that Trump has sold them a bill of goods, much the same way that the Brexit leave folks did. They will not want to make that same mistake.

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Now some of the Democrat big money donors are hesitant to heap more on Hillary's pile for fear that they might drive Trump to quit or the Republicans to throw him out in favor of a stronger candidate. Last tally: Hillary $41 million on hand, Trump $1.3 million.

“That's all anyone's worried about,” said a Clinton donor who attended a fundraiser in Manhattan last week. “People wanted to know from her, 'what do you think the odds are that Trump's not the nominee.'”


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That's right, Democrats and reasonable people don't want The Divider to drop out. The question is, will he lose in a close election or will he lose in a big Goldwateresque way?

Message to Trump: Hang in there. Don't wilt from adversity. Speak you mind, loud and often. We're loving it. Don't be shy, dude, and don't use teleprompters - those are for wimps who can't think on their feet.

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GOP's biggest worry is now, is Congress. The disaster that is Trump, how can they possibly keep Congressional majority that keeps any advancements in the country from happening if they lose all those seats!

They have the crappiest candidate in history, and now the bust that is Trump is going to cost them the crappiest Congress in history.

Lets all throw our hands in the air hallelujah ! Trumpers unite, you suck in the betterment of the country, hallelujah for the imbeciles that support Herr Trump, hallelujah !

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That's right, Democrats and reasonable people don't want The Divider to drop out. The question is, will he lose in a close election or will he lose in a big Goldwateresque way?

Message to Trump: Hang in there. Don't wilt from adversity. Speak you mind, loud and often. We're loving it. Don't be shy, dude, and don't use teleprompters - those are for wimps who can't think on their feet.

It's not going to be like Goldwater in 1964, because the US is much more polarized than it was then. I think Goldwater won only seven states or so. There are more than seven solid red states now. Hillary's win will look a lot like Obama's 330 to Romney's 220 electoral votes or so, because she has been able to maintain Obama's coalition.

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GOP's biggest worry is now, is Congress. The disaster that is Trump, how can they possibly keep Congressional majority that keeps any advancements in the country from happening if they lose all those seats!

They have the crappiest candidate in history, and now the bust that is Trump is going to cost them the crappiest Congress in history.

Lets all throw our hands in the air hallelujah ! Trumpers unite, you suck in the betterment of the country, hallelujah for the imbeciles that support Herr Trump, hallelujah !

The GOP will lose the Senate. Of the 34 senators up this year 24 are Republican and 12 are in trouble. All of those senators were swept in by the low-voter-turnout off-year 2010 election. Now they will have to face a presidential year election when the Dems turnout in higher numbers. Added to which, of course, the Repub candidate is shooting himself in the foot every time he opens his mouth.

The Dems only need 4 to take control of the Senate with a Dem VP presiding and breaking ties. No one thinks they will get control of the House however, partly because of gerrymandering at the state govt levels. That's unfortunate, because the House controls the money. But they will have the White House, the Senate, and a liberal Court for a generation or two.

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Check my shocked face! laugh.png

More Polling Tricks=> New Reuters Poll EXTREMELY SKEWED – Reality Shows Trump Tied Up with Hillary

Since the Reuters poll sampled more Democrats than all the others combined, we can safely say that Trump appears to be in much better shape than the poll suggests and could likely be headed to a landslide victory in November.


Imagine that! smile.png

If you actually knew anything about polling you would know that the pollsters have algorithms to compensate for the raw poll results. Fivethirtyeight.com objectively weighed all the pollsters for their accuracy in Presidential elections. It gave Ipsos an A-. By the way, Rasmussen got a C+



But then you're the guy who claimed that snopes.com was liberally biased. You based that claim on a piece of widely circulated email that was proven to be false.


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Check my shocked face! laugh.png

More Polling Tricks=> New Reuters Poll EXTREMELY SKEWED – Reality Shows Trump Tied Up with Hillary

Since the Reuters poll sampled more Democrats than all the others combined, we can safely say that Trump appears to be in much better shape than the poll suggests and could likely be headed to a landslide victory in November.


Imagine that! smile.png

BoonMee is proof. Reading that right wing garbage rots the brain.

Scientific methods of polling which are in fact public opinion scientific survey research are well established, e.g., the nature and the structure of the question(s) posed, whether the questioning is done in person or by 'robo' means, i.e,. recorded phone call questions etc etc.

Reliable and reputable pollsters such as Reuters use the best scientific methods that are well established and confirmed as efficacious.

It is the sample and who is in the sample that is the challenge to pollsters. That is, to identify the Likely Voters and what the turnout of voters will be. Who will vote. And as what percentage of the total number of voters; in what proportion of all who will vote. It's not easy to do.

This fundamental aspect is where the Obama pollsters excelled in both 2008 and in 2012, and it is where Rasmussen and other hack pollsters like Rasmussen went south in the same years and continue in the present to be in the frozen south of polling.

Gallup data of registered voters in the US as of this month are:

Democrats 30%

Republicans 27%

Independents 47%

Literal independent voters are miniscule in number. Voting patterns of people who say they are "Independent" have long long long shown they vote consistently for one party or the other, election after election. Self-styled Independent voters rarely vote on the spot -- independent voters over time vote for one party much more than they ever vote for the other party. So all pollsters have "lean" among self-declared Independents, i.e., lean Republican or lean Democratic party.

Here's Gallup's data on voter preference by party once the declared Democrats and declared Republicans and the well established leaning independents are all tallied up:

Those who vote for the Democratic party 48%

Those who vote for the Republican party 41%

This is as of this month, June 2016. Gallup notes the 7-point difference has never been greater than in this quadrennial election year. It is historically around 46% D and 44% R.

Reuters does not conduct biased or politically partisan polls. To claim Reuters is biased or prejudiced and that it consciously conducts intentionally skewed polls is not credible, it is not believable, it is wrong and it is completely and entirely off base. To say Reuters is simply wrong places the burden of proof on the accuser/claimant -- heavily so.

Recall that in the 1964 wipeout of Sen Barry Goldwater whose extremists seized the Republican nomination, Goldwater was always behind in the polling and that he and his rightnoid troopers continuously claimed the pollsters were wrong. However, the pollsters in 1964 were accurate from the start to the finish of the Goldwater campaign which had maintained the only poll that counts is on election/voting day. On election day Goldwater got 38% of the popular vote, won six states and 52 Electoral College votes (270 needed to win).

Enter Donald Trump and the rightwingnoids. Exit stage right. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


Edited by Publicus to include link.

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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh?

Not exactly, BM.

It's more like we've got to take the possibility that vile monster could win seriously, and pull out all stops to prevent that. There is a danger of being overconfident and overestimating the intelligence of American voters.

Brexit does show voters can get things horribly wrong.

The Brits in supposedly voting for racism, xenophobia, nationalism have in effect broken up the United Kingdom. Sad and so stupid.

I think it best you stick to commenting on the topic of this thread because drawing comparisons with what's happening in the UK and what Donald plans to do shows how far off the mark you are.

You wouldn't know about nationalism until your country is swallowed up by some North/South American group with smarmy, uncaring, unelected foreign bureaucrats making all sorts of decisions on your behalf, for better or worse. Brexit, for most people, was as much about simply taking back control as it was to stifle the free movement of huge numbers of people, leading to saturation of public services etc. Britain never agreed to those policies, it was always only about the single market. It is not about being xenophobic or preventing people coming in full stop. Certain immigrants have made the UK a better place, but enough is enough, there's no more room. If it leads to the breakup of the UK, so be it. Having been constantly heckled and berated by a neighbour all your life - Scotland - it would be kind of a relief when they finally move out and who wouldn't want to see the potential reunification of Ireland?

But I think Americans should be careful of patronising the other side and in their disdain towards Trump. Those in favour of staying in the EU had a similar condescending attitude towards the Leavers, including the government! It can come with consequences, often leading people to want to put two fingers up to the status quo.

What happened in UK is directly relevant to the US and the world.

The people are going back to 'the right' - it was a natural consequence of being forcibly dragged too far 'left' by the looney left Liberals and vested interests.

It had to happen in UK and it will happen all across the EU - and it is the right thing to happen.

Because - the alternative would be like Nazi Germany when the people had a gutfull and they went too far right too quickly.

The people of UK and Europe are learning (yet again) that the politicians cannot solve the problems they created.

Germany was a problem from 1930 and the politicians of Europe did nothing for nearly 10 years - and then it was too late.

This is the worst example of how frustrated people can over-react to their lives being oppressed unfairly,

and how incompetent politicians (guided/manipulated by their vested interests) ruin real people's lives.

There are now systems in place in all Democracies that allow the people to more easily change things that are wrong.

What started in UK will spread across the western world - yet again the UK will be the impetus for the re-civilisation of the world.

The notion that being 'nationalistic' is somehow wrong - was created by the looney left Liberals who want "no borders" and who "love refugees".

And the vested interests of the ruling elite have been able to put economic success in this khrapp 'global market' above the success of the people.

Who cares if a power drill made in China only costs $10 if you aint got a job ??!!

The US will be next to take back their country and Trump is the Boris Johnson of US politics.

They all rubbished his comments as racist and divisive, and personally ridiculed him (his hair too)

But the people saw though all that media lies and distortions, and saw the truth.

The polls again and again said the bexiters would lose - the betting odds were way against the brexiters - they were all wrong.

The people of the US will be just the same - more and more they are seeing the substance behind what Trump is saying.

They want to take their country back too - they dont want unfetted immigration - they dont want the ruling elite getting rich off cheap products made overseas.

They are sick of the destruction of their jobs and the loss of working/middle class - all in the name of success in a 'global economy'.

Take the odds on offer and make some money like many did on the Brexit vote biggrin.png Trump is gonna win.

I am happy to update all on the latest (positive) news media statements from and about Trump: but I will also post links as per the rules thumbsup.gif

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