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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump says he'll win NY state. According to statisticians (you can take it with as many grains of salt as you want) Trump would have to get 97% of white men's vote to win NY. 96% wouldn't be enough. With accusations of rape and all the other ugly garbage which hangs from Trump, I'd be surprised if he gets votes from 34% of white men.

His campaign will really have to crank up the alarmist hate attacks against HRC if he's to have any hope of getting more votes. Perhaps his staffers can find a time when HRC, as a teenager, took a ride on a public bus for 2 blocks without paying for a ticket. .....and then blow it up as if she personally sunk the Titanic.

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Yeah....yeah...The Hillary machine will win. Any hopes of an indictment, by either the Bernie or Trump people, is apparently history as the Attorney General is having private meetings with the Clintons at random locations.

The only thing we can hope for now is that karma takes over and a bolt of lightening takes her out

Yup, that's about the only chance you'll get for Trump to win.

You sure ain't gonna get a win by talking about issues intelligently.

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Hillary Spent $26 Million on Battleground Ads in June – Trump Spent $0 => Leads Hillary by 4 Points


Embattled Democrat Hillary Clinton spent $26 million on ads in battleground states in June.

Donald Trump spent $0 on ads in battleground states in June.

Donald Trump leads Hillary by 4 points in the latest Rasmussen poll released today.


Wait for it...here it comes...Rasmussen isn't a qualified polling organization!

Yeah. Right. smile.png

These are indeed desperate times for the right parawhingenoids as they fall back on their ultimate warhorse, the swayback old nag Rasmussen which years ago had already disappeared in to the glue factory.

Remember that Scott Rasmussen is the guy who on election day morning in 2012 told Romney he'd won...then the votes were counted laugh.png .

What do the experts say? Nate Silver found Rasmussen had a strong pro-Republican house effect in 2012—when they over estimated Romney’s vote by four points—as well as in 2010. Nate Cohn of the New York Times called Rasmussen “a firm with a record of relying on dubious sampling and weighting techniques.” Polling guru Sam Wang wrote: “Rasmussen’s organization is a frequent subject of discussion among obsessive consumers of polls. Statistically, the bias of his data is very well-documented.”


In 2013 Scott Rasmussen had to quit the polling firm he'd founded a dozen years earlier that had produced data that regularly gave undue solace to Republicans and rightwhingers everywhere. Not much if anything has changed since Rasmussen went slipshod solo or his company became covered with warts.

As HuffPost put it at the time...

Pollster Scott Rasmussen Leaves Firm He Founded A Decade Ago

The automated methodology has met with skepticism from established survey researchers who question its inherent compromises. Rasmussen Reports pushed the boundaries of best practices especially far, by routinely weighting results by party identification and dispensing with the widely accepted practice of following up with sampled households not contacted on the first dial.

Rasmussen’s practice of surveying only “likely voters,” rather than the full population, on all subjects earned criticism in 2010 from Scott Keeter, director of survey research at the Pew Research Center. While president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in 2010, Keeter told The Washington Post that this practice “paints a picture of an electorate that is potentially madder than it really is ... And potentially more conservative than it really is.”


Further, Rasmussen Reports polling has the dubious distinction of holding the all time record for missing an election call. And it is a whopper. Several years ago Rasmussen missed the reelection of the late Sen. Daniel Inouye in Hawaii by 53 points. clap2.gif

There's a long standing Rasmussen joke among pollsters of a Rasmussen polling question: "Do you intend to vote Republican before the Democrats take all your money and your civil liberties away?" cheesy.gif

Nate Silver btw has had his own problems trying to apply stats of previous primary voting and Potus elections to this campaign which is uniquely unique [sic]. Nate has started to get the hang of this campaign as it has moved to the general election for which past data is more reliable. Nate this time around has been doing more explaining about himself and his missed primary calls than he's spent talking about how things will shake out. (His call of the election outcome of Nov 8th for HRC is nonetheless consistent with the oddsmakers in Las Vegas, London, Dublin.)

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Hillary Spent $26 Million on Battleground Ads in June – Trump Spent $0 => Leads Hillary by 4 Points


Embattled Democrat Hillary Clinton spent $26 million on ads in battleground states in June.

Donald Trump spent $0 on ads in battleground states in June.

Donald Trump leads Hillary by 4 points in the latest Rasmussen poll released today.


Wait for it...here it comes...Rasmussen isn't a qualified polling organization!

Yeah. Right. smile.png

These are indeed desperate times for the right parawhingenoids as they fall back on their ultimate warhorse, the swayback old nag Rasmussen which years ago had already disappeared in to the glue factory.

Remember that Scott Rasmussen is the guy who on election day morning in 2012 told Romney he'd won...then the votes were counted laugh.png .

What do the experts say? Nate Silver found Rasmussen had a strong pro-Republican house effect in 2012—when they over estimated Romney’s vote by four points—as well as in 2010. Nate Cohn of the New York Times called Rasmussen “a firm with a record of relying on dubious sampling and weighting techniques.” Polling guru Sam Wang wrote: “Rasmussen’s organization is a frequent subject of discussion among obsessive consumers of polls. Statistically, the bias of his data is very well-documented.”


In 2013 Scott Rasmussen had to quit the polling firm he'd founded a dozen years earlier that had produced data that regularly gave undue solace to Republicans and rightwhingers everywhere. Not much if anything has changed since Rasmussen went slipshod solo or his company became covered with warts.

As HuffPost put it at the time...

Pollster Scott Rasmussen Leaves Firm He Founded A Decade Ago

The automated methodology has met with skepticism from established survey researchers who question its inherent compromises. Rasmussen Reports pushed the boundaries of best practices especially far, by routinely weighting results by party identification and dispensing with the widely accepted practice of following up with sampled households not contacted on the first dial.

Rasmussen’s practice of surveying only “likely voters,” rather than the full population, on all subjects earned criticism in 2010 from Scott Keeter, director of survey research at the Pew Research Center. While president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in 2010, Keeter told The Washington Post that this practice “paints a picture of an electorate that is potentially madder than it really is ... And potentially more conservative than it really is.”


Further, Rasmussen Reports polling has the dubious distinction of holding the all time record for missing an election call. And it is a whopper. Several years ago Rasmussen missed the reelection of the late Sen. Daniel Inouye in Hawaii by 53 points. clap2.gif

There's a long standing Rasmussen joke among pollsters of a Rasmussen polling question: "Do you intend to vote Republican before the Democrats take all your money and your civil liberties away?" cheesy.gif

Nate Silver btw has had his own problems trying to apply stats of previous primary voting and Potus elections to this campaign which is uniquely unique [sic]. Nate has started to get the hang of this campaign as it has moved to the general election for which past data is more reliable. Nate this time around has been doing more explaining about himself and his missed primary calls than he's spent talking about how things will shake out. (His call of the election outcome of Nov 8th for HRC is nonetheless consistent with the oddsmakers in Las Vegas, London, Dublin.)

As Silver himself confessed, he decided to be a pundit instead of a statistician. What the polls were showing he refused to believe. In fact he repeatedly sounded quite upset with Republicans for not banding together to stop Trump. From a few other things he's said, like being dubious about Keynesian economics. I suspect Silver belongs to the Republican Party's Libertarian wing - or rather, given its performance, the Republican Party's Libertarian feather. He is now very chastened and is sticking to what he does best.

Interestingly, Paul Krugman, certainly no friend to Conservatives. who early on thought Trump could take it all. The reasons he provided aren't complimentary at all to the Republican electorate, but still...

Edited by ilostmypassword
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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin said in a legal proceeding that Clinton did not want the private emails that she mixed in with State Department emails on her private computer server to be accessible to "anybody," according to transcripts released Wednesday. Abedin's comments provided new insight into the highly unusual decision by the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate to operate a private email server in her basement to conduct government business when she served as secretary of state. Abedin also said under oath that she was not aware whether Clinton personally deleted any emails during her tenure as secretary.


This issue aint over folks - Trump is going to ramp up after the Convention - Crooked Hillary peaked too soon (poor judgement).

And here is proof - from no less than that rabid left-wing Liberal media outlet - The Washington Post.

Hillary Clinton’s email story continues to get harder and harder to believe.

On Monday night, the Associated Press published a piece noting the release of an additional 165 pages of emails Hillary Clinton sent from her private email address while serving as secretary of state. These were emails that had never been previously released and only were made public because of a court order in response to a request from a conservative group. And yet again, the emails poke holes in Clinton's initial explanation for why she decided to exclusively use a private email server for her electronic correspondence while serving as the nation's top diplomat.


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Well, the following news can only be good for Donald, eh?

POLLS: Hillary underperforming Obama ’12 among women, millennials, blacks.

But, as the polls show, not good enough. And tell me something, how do the polls show Trump performing among women, millenials, and blacks as compared to Romney?

Because Generation Y is the largest generation in American history, it’s a big deal if it remains one of the most liberal generations ever. But there’s a huge, inescapable problem with the viability of Millennial politics today: Young people just don’t vote. Between 1964 and 2012, youth voter turnout in presidential elections has fallen below 50 percent, and Baby Boomers now outvote their children's generation by a stunning 30 percentage points. Millennials might make a lot of noise between presidential elections, but in November, politicians remember what young people are: All throat and no vote.


A for effort though.biggrin.png

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And if you neo-liberals think that the people of America are not like the people of UK and have not had a gutfull of unfetted and uncontrolled immigration and the dilution of their Nationality and American Values, you are very much mistaken and are in for a shock.

When Obama leaves office in January, immigration overhaul will stand as the most glaring failure in his 7 ½-year effort to enact a vision of social change. Despite two campaigns full of promises and multiple strategies, Obama imposed only incremental, largely temporary changes on the immigration system. He leaves behind an outdated and overwhelmed system, with some 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally. 11 million !!

Everyone knows Croooked Hillary will follow the same neo-liberal policies and make it worse - 20 Million?? 30??

Want some more neo-liberal lunacy?? Need more proof that they are on their way out??

Taking Kids To Church Violates Their Human Rights, Says UN

A highly controversial new report by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child expresses “concern” that pupils in the U.K. are legally required to take part in a daily act of collective worship, which is “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.”


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McAleer’s film series takes verbatim transcripts from Clinton aides’ testimony about her email server and uses professional actors to bring the scripts to life. The films are a way of getting around a judge’s order that the videotaped depositions remain sealed.

It’s clear that Hillary Clinton and her senior staff thought the rules didn’t apply to them, even when national security was at stake,” McAleer tells Breitbart. “In these depositions, it’s clear they don’t think they should be answering questions. They are vague and have incredible — and frankly, unbelievable — memory loss.”

“Our biggest problem while filming the Pagliano deposition was stopping the cast members from laughing during filming, so ridiculous was Pagliano’s constant hiding behind the fifth even for the most benign questions,” he added.cheesy.gif

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Trump says he'll win NY state. According to statisticians (you can take it with as many grains of salt as you want) Trump would have to get 97% of white men's vote to win NY. 96% wouldn't be enough. With accusations of rape and all the other ugly garbage which hangs from Trump, I'd be surprised if he gets votes from 34% of white men.

His campaign will really have to crank up the alarmist hate attacks against HRC if he's to have any hope of getting more votes. Perhaps his staffers can find a time when HRC, as a teenager, took a ride on a public bus for 2 blocks without paying for a ticket. .....and then blow it up as if she personally sunk the Titanic.

He has zero chance in New York, whether he realizes that or not. It's a trick to try to get the Clinton campaign to waste money there that they should spend in actual contested states.

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Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump

"Donald Trump has had a few rocky weeks on the campaign trail, and it shows in the latest Fox News Poll."

"Just over half of Republicans would rather have someone besides Trump as their nominee,

and his support in the presidential ballot test has dropped seven points since May." laugh.png

"Democrat Hillary Clinton is up 44-38 percent over Trump in a head-to-head matchup."


The Bloviator polls HIgh for: Hot Headed and Obnoxious. ( and at the bottom of the barrel for: Experience, Intelligence and Sensible )

The "Wall Street Funded, Text Book Racist, Draft-Dodging, Tax Dodging, Flip-Flopping, Misogynist, Divisive Bloviator racks up additional, well deserved titles. thumbsup.gif

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Donald Trump has only 1% of black voter support in latest Quinnipiac poll

"Donald Trump has the backing of the 1% — of black voters."

"A Quinnipiac University poll out Wednesday shows the presumptive GOP nominee has only the support of 1% of black voters."

"His presumptive Democratic challenger, Hillary Clinton, has 91% support from the black voting bloc."


The "Great Unifier". The Bloviator. cheesy.gif

What a pitiful example of an American.

A true embarrassment.

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Well, the following news can only be good for Donald, eh?

POLLS: Hillary underperforming Obama ’12 among women, millennials, blacks.

But, as the polls show, not good enough. And tell me something, how do the polls show Trump performing among women, millenials, and blacks as compared to Romney?

Because Generation Y is the largest generation in American history, it’s a big deal if it remains one of the most liberal generations ever. But there’s a huge, inescapable problem with the viability of Millennial politics today: Young people just don’t vote. Between 1964 and 2012, youth voter turnout in presidential elections has fallen below 50 percent, and Baby Boomers now outvote their children's generation by a stunning 30 percentage points. Millennials might make a lot of noise between presidential elections, but in November, politicians remember what young people are: All throat and no vote.


A for effort though.biggrin.png

If percentage turnout were the only factor you'd have an ironclad point. But there's at least one other huge factor you haven't taken into account. How the different age groups split.

If only half as many millenials turn out as Baby Boomers but the gap between but they favor Hillary by a margin twice as much as Baby Boomers support Trump, then the result is a wash. For example say there are 100 millenials and they they split 2 to 1 for Clinton. That's a difference of 33. Say there are 200 Baby boomers and they split 4 to 3 for trump. The difference would be 28. So the result would be more or less a wash.

I'll give you a B- for effort, though. Which is a better grade than Rasmussen gets.

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And if you neo-liberals think that the people of America are not like the people of UK and have not had a gutfull of unfetted and uncontrolled immigration and the dilution of their Nationality and American Values, you are very much mistaken and are in for a shock.

When Obama leaves office in January, immigration overhaul will stand as the most glaring failure in his 7 ½-year effort to enact a vision of social change. Despite two campaigns full of promises and multiple strategies, Obama imposed only incremental, largely temporary changes on the immigration system. He leaves behind an outdated and overwhelmed system, with some 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally. 11 million !!

Everyone knows Croooked Hillary will follow the same neo-liberal policies and make it worse - 20 Million?? 30??

Want some more neo-liberal lunacy?? Need more proof that they are on their way out??

Taking Kids To Church Violates Their Human Rights, Says UN

A highly controversial new report by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child expresses “concern” that pupils in the U.K. are legally required to take part in a daily act of collective worship, which is “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.”


Factually, Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. Last I checked it was over 300,000 / year.

Latino leaders refer to him as Deporter in Chief.

More are leaving than arriving the last 8 years.

People that watch FOX news wouldn't know that of course.

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Well, the following news can only be good for Donald, eh?

POLLS: Hillary underperforming Obama ’12 among women, millennials, blacks.

But, as the polls show, not good enough. And tell me something, how do the polls show Trump performing among women, millenials, and blacks as compared to Romney?

Because Generation Y is the largest generation in American history, it’s a big deal if it remains one of the most liberal generations ever. But there’s a huge, inescapable problem with the viability of Millennial politics today: Young people just don’t vote. Between 1964 and 2012, youth voter turnout in presidential elections has fallen below 50 percent, and Baby Boomers now outvote their children's generation by a stunning 30 percentage points. Millennials might make a lot of noise between presidential elections, but in November, politicians remember what young people are: All throat and no vote.


A for effort though.biggrin.png

If percentage turnout were the only factor you'd have an ironclad point. But there's at least one other huge factor you haven't taken into account. How the different age groups split.

If only half as many millenials turn out as Baby Boomers but the gap between but they favor Hillary by a margin twice as much as Baby Boomers support Trump, then the result is a wash. For example say there are 100 millenials and they they split 2 to 1 for Clinton. That's a difference of 33. Say there are 200 Baby boomers and they split 4 to 3 for trump. The difference would be 28. So the result would be more or less a wash.

I'll give you a B- for effort, though. Which is a better grade than Rasmussen gets.

But what about the 50% of republicans that can't stand the guy. They are staying home.

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Trump Institute Offered Get-Rich Schemes With Plagiarized Lessons

"In 2005, as he was making a transition from developing real estate to capitalizing on his fame through ventures like a reality show and product-licensing deals,

Donald J. Trump hit upon a two-pronged strategy for entering the field of for-profit education."

"He poured his own money into Trump University, which began as a distance-learning business advising customers on how to make money in real estate,

but left a long trail of customers alleging they were defrauded. Their lawsuits have cast a shadow over Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign."

"But Mr. Trump also lent his name, and his credibility, to a seminar business he did not own, which was branded the Trump Institute."


The Bloviator, The Huckster is shameless.

His lack of character is unmistakably evident again and again...


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But, as the polls show, not good enough. And tell me something, how do the polls show Trump performing among women, millenials, and blacks as compared to Romney?

Because Generation Y is the largest generation in American history, it’s a big deal if it remains one of the most liberal generations ever. But there’s a huge, inescapable problem with the viability of Millennial politics today: Young people just don’t vote. Between 1964 and 2012, youth voter turnout in presidential elections has fallen below 50 percent, and Baby Boomers now outvote their children's generation by a stunning 30 percentage points. Millennials might make a lot of noise between presidential elections, but in November, politicians remember what young people are: All throat and no vote.


A for effort though.biggrin.png

If percentage turnout were the only factor you'd have an ironclad point. But there's at least one other huge factor you haven't taken into account. How the different age groups split.

If only half as many millenials turn out as Baby Boomers but the gap between but they favor Hillary by a margin twice as much as Baby Boomers support Trump, then the result is a wash. For example say there are 100 millenials and they they split 2 to 1 for Clinton. That's a difference of 33. Say there are 200 Baby boomers and they split 4 to 3 for trump. The difference would be 28. So the result would be more or less a wash.

I'll give you a B- for effort, though. Which is a better grade than Rasmussen gets.

But what about the 50% of republicans that can't stand the guy. They are staying home.

They read insulting posts like this thread which has the same people calling Trump names over and over again and watch the attempts at degrading humor and lies on CNN and eventually it gets them angry enough to vote. Same thing happened in Brexit when Obama pushed the unsure voters to vote for Brexit. You would think that someone in the remain camp could have told Cameron that Brits don't like Americans and especially Americans of color.

Edited by Scotwight
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After Saying He Forgave Loans to Campaign, Trump Won't Release Proof

"When Donald Trump said last Thursday he was forgiving over $45 million in personal loans he made to his campaign, the announcement drew plenty of coverage."

"Many even reported Trump's statement as if the deal was done. But it's not."

"At the time the story was published this morning, the FEC showed no filing from the Trump Campaign forgiving the loan."


Very reminiscent of the "supposed" $6 million claim that the Bloviator said he raised and donated to American Veterans in January.

Which of course, was a lie.

Not until four months later did the Bloviator finally cough up some dough after the Press held his feet to the fire.

And it was nowhere near $6 million.


Dunning Kruger.

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Donald Trump used money donated for charity to buy himself a Tim Tebow-signed football helmet

... the Susan G. Komen organization -- the breast-cancer nonprofit that hosted the party -- got a $12,000 payment from another nonprofit , the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

He paid the bill with money from a charity he founded in 1987, but which is largely stocked with other people's money.

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If percentage turnout were the only factor you'd have an ironclad point. But there's at least one other huge factor you haven't taken into account. How the different age groups split.

If only half as many millenials turn out as Baby Boomers but the gap between but they favor Hillary by a margin twice as much as Baby Boomers support Trump, then the result is a wash. For example say there are 100 millenials and they they split 2 to 1 for Clinton. That's a difference of 33. Say there are 200 Baby boomers and they split 4 to 3 for trump. The difference would be 28. So the result would be more or less a wash.

I'll give you a B- for effort, though. Which is a better grade than Rasmussen gets.

But what about the 50% of republicans that can't stand the guy. They are staying home.

They read insulting posts like this thread which has the same people calling Trump names over and over again and watch the attempts at degrading humor and lies on CNN and eventually it gets them angry enough to vote. Same thing happened in Brexit when Obama pushed the unsure voters to vote for Brexit. You would think that someone in the remain camp could have told Cameron that Brits don't like Americans and especially Americans of color.

What makes the conduct of those liberals even worse is the civilized and genteel way that conservatives characterize Hillary Clinton.

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They read insulting posts like this thread which has the same people calling Trump names over and over again and watch the attempts at degrading humor and lies on CNN and eventually it gets them angry enough to vote. Same thing happened in Brexit when Obama pushed the unsure voters to vote for Brexit. You would think that someone in the remain camp could have told Cameron that Brits don't like Americans and especially Americans of color.

But what about the 50% of republicans that can't stand the guy. They are staying home.

What makes the conduct of those liberals even worse is the civilized and genteel way that conservatives characterize Hillary Clinton.

All of the information is here. And only requires someone to search "vile monster and Bloviator" to get a good read on the incidence of insults.

Some threads are even a triple, "Is there even one American posting on these vile monster threads that isn't solidly pro-vile monster or solidly anti-vile monster? Like one of those mythical undecideds?"

You have managed in your characteristically and nearly endearing way to have totally missed the point. Let me make it plainer for you. Believe it or not, there are people making posts here who don't characterize Hillary Clinton in a way that is totally respectful. Not only that, but through innuendo they imply that she is a murderer. Shocking I know.

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Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.

"In May, under pressure from the news media, Donald Trump made good on a pledge he made four months earlier: He gave $1 million to a nonprofit group helping veterans’ families."

"Before that, however, when was the last time that Trump had given any of his own money to a charity?"

"If Trump stands by his promises, such donations should be occurring all the time."


Seems to be a pattern here...

The Bloviator could easily clear all this up by releasing his tax returns as he promised in February 2015.

And the donations will be listed. whistling.gif

Donald Trump Promised to Release His Tax Returns a Year Ago: ‘I Have No Objection’

"In an interview with talk radio host Hugh Hewitt in February of 2015, Donald Trump said that would “certainly” release his tax returns if he ran for president,

saying he had “no objection” to the idea."

"Trump hedged at first when Hewitt asked about his tax returns, saying he would certainly “go over” them if he ran for president."

“Would you release tax returns, though?” Hewitt pressed. “I would release tax returns,” Trump said"


Waiting Donnie...

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There is a difference between lack of respect and kindergarten name calling. The number of dead bodies that have followed the Clinton's is quite alarming but it can reasonably be discussed. For example some people thought that it was innocent coincidence that Bill met Lynch for a private meeting on a plane where no cameras or recording devices were permitted. That is a subject that can be discussed. "Vile monster" is not a subject that is conducive to rational adult discussion.

You have managed in your characteristically and nearly endearing way to have totally missed the point. Let me make it plainer for you. Believe it or not, there are people making posts here who don't characterize Hillary Clinton in a way that is totally respectful. Not only that, but through innuendo they imply that she is a murderer. Shocking I know.

Quite alarming to whom? Certainly not to law enforcement authorities. Certainly not to Vincent Foster's poor sister who pleaded with the conspiracy theorists attempting to incriminate the Clintons for his death. Would that the only damage these conspiracy theorists inflicted is on their own reputation and judgement.

And why don't you go back through these pages and see how some people are referring to Hillary Clinton. Apart from references to things like "cankles" and other unflattering references to her appearance, she is repeatedly called a criminal, although as far as I'm aware, she has been convicted of no crime.

This does raise the broader issue of the weird one-sided thinking of most of the conservatives in this forum. Boon Mee cited a report that showed Hillary Clinton not doing as well with certain groups as Obama did at the same stage of their respective campaigns. But he didn't even give a thought to how Trump is doing with certain groups compared to Romney. (Hint: not well at all)

Or how these right wingers repeatedly cite data that shows Hillary is widely disliked and yet it somehow fails to escape their notice that data shows Trump is even more so. And they call her a weak candidate. If that's the case, what does that make Trump? An exhausted one? Doesnt even occur to them.

And when called on this they usually just say something on the order of "Just you wait. People are going to get wise to Hillary sooner or later." The idea that might be counterbalanced by people getting wise to Trump apparently doesn't even cross their minds.

You would think with all those suspicious events that both Bill and Hillary would avoid doing any thing that smacks of impropriety and yet Bill has a secret meeting with the lady investigating his wife for treasonous crimes. No wonder Trump is unstoppable.

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Donald Trump used money donated for charity to buy himself a Tim Tebow-signed football helmet

"Did Donald Trump violate IRS rules, by using a charity's money to buy himself a signed football helmet?"

"Four years ago, at a charity fundraiser in Palm Beach, Donald Trump got into a bidding war at the evening's live auction."

"The items up for sale: A Denver Broncos helmet, autographed by then-star quarterback Tim Tebow, and a Tebow jersey. Trump won, eventually, with a bid of $12,000."


Where's the helmet and jersey Donnie? Those paid for by the Donald J. Trump Foundation.?

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