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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Oh, oh, oh, tears are streaming down my cheeks from laughing.

Nobody, but, nobody knows how Abraham Lincoln sounded. There are NO recordings of him whatsoever.

I reckon you got the "high pitched, annoying voice" from watching Daniel Day Lewis in the movie Lincoln. In fact, that is the ONLY place you could have got it because Day Lewis surprised everyone with the voice he gave Lincoln.

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A man of the people. clap2.gif

The people, who will never, ever, be invited into his narcissistic world.

The guy who bought his yacht (that he defaulted on) from the #1 arms dealer in the world. Death Merchant: Adnan Khasshoggi.

A Saudi with the world's blood on his hands from the barbaric nation of be-headers.

Do you really believe this bloviator is thinking about the average frustrated Joe?

You are massively deluded. And ripe for the con.


Edited by iReason
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Do you really believe this bloviator is thinking about the average frustrated Joe?

You are massively deluded. And ripe for the con.

I think everyone with more than two brain cells agrees (not publicly, of course) that no politician cares for the average citizen.

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It's just that Trump is so ghastly and beastly ugly the coming eight months until November will be hell for everyone, everywhere. Really grim. Yet it's the old cliche' that it's always darkest before the dawn.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest President of the USA. Do you think it effected his performance?


Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Orange skin and street bravado behaviour are just small obstacles. Don't think Trump is dumb.....unless you, yourself have made it to the billionaire's club. Dummies don't get there.

Trump sounds like the average New Yorker street savvy guy........but he made it to the top of the Money Makers list. I can bet you there are no Billionaires on ThaiVisa.....so don't think you are smarter than Don.

My post did not mention Abraham Lincoln. A few others who have their own agenda failed to comprehend the post or mangled it and have run off with a pretzel of their own unfortunate making.

Trump being "ugly" referred in the context of the post to his politics and to his radical and wild thoughts and ideas. Trump's dangerous extremism.

If I'd wanted to make a personal physical comment about Trump I'd have likely spoken first about the squirrel he wears on his head. Keep his brain warm and hatching.

The billionaire Mr. Gump Trump wears a squirrel instead of say, a fox because he's plainly and obviously nuts. Nutters.

For those who in their gross error put Lincoln in my post........


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It's just that Trump is so ghastly and beastly ugly the coming eight months until November will be hell for everyone, everywhere. Really grim. Yet it's the old cliche' that it's always darkest before the dawn.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest President of the USA. Do you think it effected his performance?


As a helpful courtesy to a fellow poster....


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Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Oh, oh, oh, tears are streaming down my cheeks from laughing.

Nobody, but, nobody knows how Abraham Lincoln sounded. There are NO recordings of him whatsoever.

I reckon you got the "high pitched, annoying voice" from watching Daniel Day Lewis in the movie Lincoln. In fact, that is the ONLY place you could have got it because Day Lewis surprised everyone with the voice he gave Lincoln.

..your inaccurate assumption only make me laugh back.

Many first hand reports, biographies, newspapers and personal interviews will attest.

Why would I need a recording. You really think they had any audio recordings? I sure don't ..and don't need them to read. Try this on for size..my unwitting friend...it is an excerpt fromthe Smithsonian Archives.

If anyone had an educated guess as to how it sounded though, it would be Holzer, who has written 40 books on Lincoln and the Civil War. The author has pored over reports of Lincoln’s public appearances on speaking tours, eyewitness accounts told to Lincoln’s law partner William Herndon and newspaper commentaries about the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and, surprisingly, he says, one of the only things that can be said with certainty is that Lincoln was a tenor.

“Lincoln’s voice, as far as period descriptions go, was a little shriller, a little higher,” says Holzer.

....pickup a book. I had some pretty good teachers in history classes..and I had to read. Perhaps you just "audited" your classes.

Gee ... I thought this was public knowledge.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

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Old tired hack politicians have gotten us into the mess

we are in. So give Trump a chance to make things right

again. There will certainly be no change with Hillary....

Besides it would be a entertaining four years. China

would be pissing in their pants, the liberal nut jobs

would screaming murder on a daily basis, and the

Muslim wack jobs would tread very carefully...

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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Disagree.... there are a lot of unhappy people in America.

There will be a lot of people voting who perhaps have

not voted in the past. ( me ).... Who will carry Hillary to

victory ? Hispanics, blacks, and liberal nimcompoops ?

I suppose a few women would vote for her just because.

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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Too bad he can't come to the UK and be Prime Minister, if ever a country needed him it's the UK.

Look at the Con front bench, Cameron, Osborne,.May et al, a sorrier bunch of people I've never seen.

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It's just that Trump is so ghastly and beastly ugly the coming eight months until November will be hell for everyone, everywhere. Really grim. Yet it's the old cliche' that it's always darkest before the dawn.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest President of the USA. Do you think it effected his performance?


Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Orange skin and street bravado behaviour are just small obstacles. Don't think Trump is dumb.....unless you, yourself have made it to the billionaire's club. Dummies don't get there.

Trump sounds like the average New Yorker street savvy guy........but he made it to the top of the Money Makers list. I can bet you there are no Billionaires on ThaiVisa.....so don't think you are smarter than Don.

You do know that anyone could have out performed him by simply investing his inheritance in the stock market and leaving it there, right?


So what???????

The Donald did something with the money he'd been left- he built hotels, golf courses, ran pageants, went on tv etc etc etc.

Perhaps you'd be happier if he'd invested it in sub prime and lost the lot- errrrrgggg, the Donald was too smart for that.

Would you like him more if he'd just been a parasite doing nothing and coining it?

Jesus wasn't too hot on guys that did nothing except invest money.

Go Donald, go. Kick loser Kasich into touch.

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A man of the people. clap2.gif

The people, who will never, ever, be invited into his narcissistic world.

The guy who bought his yacht (that he defaulted on) from the #1 arms dealer in the world. Death Merchant: Adnan Khasshoggi.

A Saudi with the world's blood on his hands from the barbaric nation of be-headers.

Do you really believe this bloviator is thinking about the average frustrated Joe?

You are massively deluded. And ripe for the con.

gee...Air Force One will be a big step down in Status.

I wonder how you explain his desire to demote himself to the low paying job of Presidency. He sure don't need the money....or the headaches. He already has more perks than most heads of state.

Must be he wants to implement some changes....and is fed up with government as it has been. So is the whole world.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Are you referring to the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants- LOL, they can't vote though HRC probably wishes they could.

Plenty blacks and MILLIONS of women support Trump- are you saying they are all fools?

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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Agree. Numbers don't lie. There simply isn't enough uneducated, angry, racist white guys in America to get Trump into the White House.

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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Disagree.... there are a lot of unhappy people in America.

There will be a lot of people voting who perhaps have

not voted in the past. ( me ).... Who will carry Hillary to

victory ? Hispanics, blacks, and liberal nimcompoops ?

I suppose a few women would vote for her just because.

HRC is only still in contention BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN. Does anyone think a man with her baggage would stand a chance?

Just goes to show that America has a lot of loser PC idiots that will vote for her only because she isn't male.

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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Agree. Numbers don't lie. There simply isn't enough uneducated, angry, racist white guys in America to get Trump into the White House.

Sooooooo. What about the millions of women that vote for Trump, and the blacks and the Hispanics etc etc etc? Are they all uneducated racists as well?

I agree they are all angry- angry at congress and all the loser politicians that have their snouts in the public purse,

PS If you are going to denigrate uneducated people, it would pay to use correct grammar.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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It's just that Trump is so ghastly and beastly ugly the coming eight months until November will be hell for everyone, everywhere. Really grim. Yet it's the old cliche' that it's always darkest before the dawn.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest President of the USA. Do you think it effected his performance?


Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Orange skin and street bravado behaviour are just small obstacles. Don't think Trump is dumb.....unless you, yourself have made it to the billionaire's club. Dummies don't get there.

Trump sounds like the average New Yorker street savvy guy........but he made it to the top of the Money Makers list. I can bet you there are no Billionaires on ThaiVisa.....so don't think you are smarter than Don.

Just because you worship money and wealth, doesn't mean everyone does. Trump's daddy gave him 2.5 million before he even got out of college (while he avoided reporting for the draft 5 times). There are plenty of billionaires ww who got there by inheritance or just dumb luck. A person doesn't have to be smart to be a billionaire, but they are likely to be mega-selfish and cold-hearted (always putting amassing money above other concerns).

I've known very rich people and I've known very poor people and every strata between. Very rich people, in my view, don't have any more class, savvy, smarts or decency than very poor people. Trump has less class than a 5 year old schoolyard bully. At least the 5 year old wouldn't resort to calling out ugly names to everyone who didn't praise him.

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I had a job once where I worked with and sometimes socialized with extremely rich people. Not Trump level, but the kind that get on the cover of magazines about their business success. Republican ones. The ones I met were total a--holes!

Edited by Jingthing
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Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

Disagree.... there are a lot of unhappy people in America.

There will be a lot of people voting who perhaps have

not voted in the past. ( me ).... Who will carry Hillary to

victory ? Hispanics, blacks, and liberal nimcompoops ?

I suppose a few women would vote for her just because.

HRC is only still in contention BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN. Does anyone think a man with her baggage would stand a chance?

Just goes to show that America has a lot of loser PC idiots that will vote for her only because she isn't male.

Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton

foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her

skeletons are exposed.

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It's just that Trump is so ghastly and beastly ugly the coming eight months until November will be hell for everyone, everywhere. Really grim. Yet it's the old cliche' that it's always darkest before the dawn.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest President of the USA. Do you think it effected his performance?


Not only ugly...but effeminate and had a high pitched, annoying voice (like hillary?)

but one of the best presidents.

Orange skin and street bravado behaviour are just small obstacles. Don't think Trump is dumb.....unless you, yourself have made it to the billionaire's club. Dummies don't get there.

Trump sounds like the average New Yorker street savvy guy........but he made it to the top of the Money Makers list. I can bet you there are no Billionaires on ThaiVisa.....so don't think you are smarter than Don.

Just because you worship money and wealth, doesn't mean everyone does. Trump's daddy gave him 2.5 million before he even got out of college (while he avoided reporting for the draft 5 times). There are plenty of billionaires ww who got there by inheritance or just dumb luck. A person doesn't have to be smart to be a billionaire, but they are likely to be mega-selfish and cold-hearted (always putting amassing money above other concerns).

I've known very rich people and I've known very poor people and every strata between. Very rich people, in my view, don't have any more class, savvy, smarts or decency than very poor people. Trump has less class than a 5 year old schoolyard bully. At least the 5 year old wouldn't resort to calling out ugly names to everyone who didn't praise him.

Assume you mean the Vietnam draft. Soooooo he was doing the right thing by not supporting the very very very bad war. Let's not forget GW managed to stay out of Vietnam by hiding in the National Guard and he got elected twice.

How many congressmen's sons went to Vietnam?


In the course of the Vietnam War, about 15.4 million men received deferments

You'll have to do better than that.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Beyond all this total garbage political rhetoric remains the facts, he'll not get to the GOP convention with the needed delegates.

There then will be a vote, guaranteed, first ballot also will not reach a consensus nomination.

Then, a huge number of delegates become "unbound", and at that point will dump Trump.

"You're fired!"

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Beyond all this total garbage political rhetoric remains the facts, he'll not get to the GOP convention with the needed delegates.

There then will be a vote, guaranteed, first ballot also will not reach a consensus nomination.

Then, a huge number of delegates become "unbound", and at that point will dump Trump.

"You're fired!"

Any delegate that votes for someone else, especially Kasich, better have plans to change their identity after.

If the GOP boyz do the dirty on the Donald, the outcome will not be pleasant for them.

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Beyond all this total garbage political rhetoric remains the facts, he'll not get to the GOP convention with the needed delegates.

There then will be a vote, guaranteed, first ballot also will not reach a consensus nomination.

Then, a huge number of delegates become "unbound", and at that point will dump Trump.

"You're fired!"

Any delegate that votes for someone else, especially Kasich, better have plans to change their identity after.

If the GOP boyz do the dirty on the Donald, the outcome will not be pleasant for them.

How so? The Klu Klux Klan and all those middle class white boys going to riot? Lynch someone maybe?

Please man, get a reality check.

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Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton

foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her

skeletons are exposed.

I wouldn't worried about Hillary, I don't think there is a skeleton left to expose. And frankly there are so many fake skeletons, people are bored with it.

Now the Donald on the other hand....

You want to talk about getting ripped apart, pour yourself a cup of tea and watch the show.

The Democrats have barely scratched the surface: They haven't had to.

The Democrats are on their knees (even the atheist ones) praying that Trump wins the nomination.



Added: Look at the polls they used by the way; that is an average including all the Fox ones that have Trump winning!


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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

I agree with Chicog's post, above, and will ask anyone with a modicum of objectivity to look at how they two compare (just some of many points):

HRC: former congresswoman and Sec. of State with a long career in public service

Trump: never elected to anything. Zero experience with public service.

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

Trump: a political opponent or a news interviewer starts a sentence which Trump senses is unflattering. Trump immediately starts shouting/interrupting, repeating, calling childish-bully names, making threats. If in doubt, google, "your breath really smells awful"

HRC: has been consistent with her views, is liked and respected by foreign leaders.

Trump: is a flip-flopper and is not liked or respected by foreign leaders.

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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

LOL. during her "grilling" she admitted to telling world leaders and her family hours after the Benghazi attack that it was a planned attack and not some spontaneous protest in reaction to a very low quality home-made movie.

She lied to the American people 2 months before an election to protect the candidate from her party (against the candidate from the party which only 28% of registered voters belong to).

But the Dem-controlled media skipped right over that tidbit to portray Clinton as "cool & collected" because they know people - which appears to include you - won't bother to check further.

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EyesWideOpen opines; "Yes Hillary has some serious baggage. You can start with the Clinton foundation and work your way from there. She must dread the

general election, because Trump is going to rip her apart as her skeletons are exposed."

I agree with Chicog's post, above, and will ask anyone with a modicum of objectivity to look at how they two compare (just some of many points):

HRC: former congresswoman and Sec. of State with a long career in public service

Trump: never elected to anything. Zero experience with public service.

HRC: was grilled for 9 hours by congressmen and kept cool and collected.

Trump: a political opponent or a news interviewer starts a sentence which Trump senses is unflattering. Trump immediately starts shouting/interrupting, repeating, calling childish-bully names, making threats. If in doubt, google, "your breath really smells awful"

HRC: has been consistent with her views, is liked and respected by foreign leaders.

Trump: is a flip-flopper and is not liked or respected by foreign leaders.

You obviously didn't watch the Benghazi interrogation in which she refused to answer the question and got very angry at the gall of being asked the tough questions.

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Just because you worship money and wealth, doesn't mean everyone does. Trump's daddy gave him 2.5 million before he even got out of college (while he avoided reporting for the draft 5 times). There are plenty of billionaires ww who got there by inheritance or just dumb luck. A person doesn't have to be smart to be a billionaire, but they are likely to be mega-selfish and cold-hearted (always putting amassing money above other concerns).

I've known very rich people and I've known very poor people and every strata between. Very rich people, in my view, don't have any more class, savvy, smarts or decency than very poor people. Trump has less class than a 5 year old schoolyard bully. At least the 5 year old wouldn't resort to calling out ugly names to everyone who didn't praise him.

Assume you mean the Vietnam draft. Soooooo he was doing the right thing by not supporting the very very very bad war. Let's not forget GW managed to stay out of Vietnam by hiding in the National Guard and he got elected twice.

How many congressmen's sons went to Vietnam?


In the course of the Vietnam War, about 15.4 million men received deferments

You'll have to do better than that.

"Trump's daddy gave him 2.5 million before he even got out of college (while he avoided reporting for the draft 5 times)."

These liberals always forget to mention the husband of their leading candidate also had quite a tussle avoiding the Viet Nam war draft.

Bill Clinton's successful efforts to avoid the draft are outlined here and it is an interesting read.


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