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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Once they dispense with the Bloviator, it will be Paul Ryan.

Top Republicans talking up Paul Ryan as nominee:

"On the eve of the Wisconsin primaries, top Republicans are becoming increasingly vocal about their long-held belief that Speaker Paul Ryan will wind up as the nominee,

perhaps on the fourth ballot at a chaotic Cleveland convention."

"One of the nation's best-wired Republicans, with an enviable prediction record for this cycle, sees a 60 percent chance of a convention deadlock and a 90 percent chance that delegates turn to Ryan — ergo, a 54 percent chance that Ryan, who'll start the third week of July as chairman of the Republican National Convention, will end it as the nominee."


Remember, Ryan said five times, that he did not seek to be Speaker of the House:

"Indeed, in the weeks ahead of becoming House Speaker, Paul Ryan repeatedly said that he would not become Speaker of the House"

"Ryan, who's more calculating and ambitious than he lets on, is running the same playbook he did to become speaker: saying he doesn't want it, that it won't happen.

In both cases, the maximum leverage is to not want it — and to be begged to do it"


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Since all my previous predictions of the imminent demise of Donald J Trump have proven to be spectacularly wrong, I'm somewhat reticent to even proffer any opinion at this point .

But, what the Hell the internet is a forgiving if not un-forgetting place.

Ryan isn't going to get into this food fight. Granted his multiple denials of wanting the speaker ship, ultimately ended up with him in the chair. But as for POTUS. I think he's a bit too canny for that in this cycle.

He's a great politician, and he see's the internecine civil war that's breaking out within the GOP, and I suspect he's also figuring that at this point better he take a back seat and witness the carnage from the bleachers rather than being on the field.

He's young, plenty of time for him to wait until the party settles out into whatever from this current turmoil may bring, and emerge as a populous leader, of a new generation.

Then again I predicted a Trump flame out 6 months ago, so what the Hell do I know!

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Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump: The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

"Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19,

he warned that Donald J. Trump's increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November."

"But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present."

"At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel,

he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party."

"Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics."


If Trump is the nominee, the Republicans are screwed. If Trump is not the nominee, the Republicans are screwed. I think that about covers it.

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Ryan is their ace in the hole? He loves to lavishly spend other peoples' money. When he ran with Romney, they promised to increase military spending (in the US, we call it 'Defense spending' ha ha ha), .......they promised to increase it to MUCH HIGHER THAN THE MILITARY ASKED FOR. Of course, they were pandering to military voters, but still, that's sick. The same military that's spending a trillion on a manned fighter jet, when an unmanned fighter could fly circles around it, at half the cost. The same military that spends a trillion on a support group around an aircraft carrier, which one well-placed hand grenade could disable (hint, put it in the propelling track on the deck).

Publicus if the GOP move on Trump and dispatch him from being a nominee then who do they (meaning Koch Bros. and the wealthy elite and Corporate America) put forward?

Cruz couldn't win a raffle if he bought all the tickets. He's a fraction worse than Trump. Kasich? problem there is he isn't extreme Right Wing enough. He is very prone to rational thinking and that makes the Koch Bros. nervous.

I have heard Paul Ryan but he is saying absolutely no way.

I just can't think of one person from the Republican side that is even remotely electable.

Is Tom Cruise a Republican. He's handsome, rich, and whacko - just the sort of candidate which could garner Republican votes.

Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump: The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

"Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19,

he warned that Donald J. Trump's increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November."

"But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present."

"At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel,

he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party."

"Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics."


Rove should fall in a giant soup vat, and the fat could be skimmed off and used to grease the propelling track on the USS Ronald Reagan aricraft carrier.

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Agreed, Boom. Rove is despicable.

But that's the Machine.

The Machine that will destroy an interloper such as Trump.

Cunning, dastardly, and without ethics. They will do anything to hold onto their power.

Not saying I agree with it but, it's a reality.

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Publicus if the GOP move on Trump and dispatch him from being a nominee then who do they (meaning Koch Bros. and the wealthy elite and Corporate America) put forward?

Cruz couldn't win a raffle if he bought all the tickets. He's a fraction worse than Trump. Kasich? problem there is he isn't extreme Right Wing enough. He is very prone to rational thinking and that makes the Koch Bros. nervous.

I have heard Paul Ryan but he is saying absolutely no way.

I just can't think of one person from the Republican side that is even remotely electable.

I'd restate that no major political party has won a general election and the office of Potus when the party is in the current and ongoing Republican state of affairs, which in a nutshell is chaos, schism, multiple and severe fractures, irreconcilable animosities, enforced ideological purity.

The people with the bucks fund the party. They farm out the party to the political types who organise the party and run it. Aside from the fact this is sorely outdated, this is what we're dealing with. The bucks guys put the money in the bank, the political types spend it on operating a national political party of 50 state political parties on through to the county.

The bucks guys such as the Koch Bros have their expectations and demands of the party, and the top party full time politicos advise 'em on what they realistically can expect from Washington. This year the politicos are having to work to earn their keep, hard as it is to have to keep giving the corporate bucks board as it were reports going from bad news to really bad news, to awful, to zero prospects of winning.

So at this point, however the Republican political operatives can accomplish it, the best solution is that all the current three candidates be denied the nomination. The reason is obvious, i.e., they all get screwed instead of screwing only one by ganging up on him. Better to let all three camps commiserate together and get on with the campaign and life after it so the R party can recover.

Paul Ryan is the best the Republican party can do. Ryan is serious, mainstream conservative and respectable from the get-go, if still boyish. He has many assets to include vp nominee last time around, at which he was undistinguished but fine given that Trump is a loudmouth. Ryan if nothing else settles things down concerning the R party candidate himself.

Trump will be a catastrophe, Cruz a disaster, Kasich a Rodney Dangerfield. Some voters among the three groups will walk rather than vote in November, Trump's soreheaded voters number one. Other R conservatives will however vote for Ryan. The only thing Ryan says in all of his Republican party advancements is no no no. Ryan does this all the while enjoying his deflowering time and again. Paul Ryan is running while standing there (or lying there).

The bucks guys and the career political pros of the R party know they need to stop a catastrophic election occurring against the Republican party. So the career politicos are in a full mobilisation. They know the general election is impossible to recover but they can hope for the best anyway.

So while the Party struggles currently and the rest of the way to restore some of its traditional dignity, the Republican Party above all else needs in the short term to survive. Paul Ryan allows that breathing room. Their hero. One can understand how, with Paul Ryan as the nominee, the Institutional Republican Party can hope lightning somehow strikes the shithouse for 'em in November. They can hope...against hope. Try to lose with some dignity.

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6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in Wisconsin:

"Charlie Sykes, a popular talk radio host here and leader of the “Stop Trump” movement, had spent months hammering Donald J. Trump on his show,

calling him a “whiny, thin-skinned bully” and dismissing his supporters as “Trumpkins.”

“The thing that’s been unique in this presidential race is, for some reason, the three who work here. Jay, Vicki and myself, and our competitors, Charlie and Jeff Wagner, all seem to despise Trump,”

Mr. Belling said in an interview. “We all just kind of came to this conclusion independently. I think it’s just that we’re not as stupid as some of the people that are falling for Trump’s crap.” laugh.png

"In Mr. Belling, Mr. Trump has found an antagonist who is just as bellicose as the real estate billionaire himself.

In his broadcast on Monday, Mr. Belling called Mr. Trump “the biggest wussy of all time, a big crybaby,” and a “sissy,”

before turning his attention to the campaign team and declaring: “His staff are probably just a bunch of butt kissers.”

“It seems to me that if you are an intelligent, thinking conservative who cares about issues,

you’d be mortified that this moderate loudmouth boor would be hijacking a movement that you cared about,” Mr. Belling said later."


Whoa! The Rush Limbaughs of Wisconsin are having none of it. laugh.png

Down goes Trump! Down goes Trump!

(Sorry Joe.) I met him. Very nice guy.


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Trump's not wrong about a 'massive recession'

Economists were quick to point out the obvious: There’s no sign of the “very massive recession” Donald Trump predicted in a recent interview with the Washington Post, either now or any time soon. In fact, overall job growth is strong, suggesting a modest economic expansion is likely to continue.

But Trump wasn’t speaking to economists. He was speaking to millions of angry Americans who feel Trump is exactly right about economic collapse.

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Donald Trump seeks comeback win after rough week:

"Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably," the Washington Post wrote after digging through recent poll data.

"So do nearly two-thirds of independents, 80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents."

"Those are stunningly unfavorable numbers," pollster Tim Malloy told Politico, stating the obvious. laugh.png

"It would be tremendously difficult for Donald Trump to win the general with those kinds of numbers. Historically, I can't imagine anyone having worse numbers with women."


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Here comes the Machine.

What Wisconsin means for Trump, GOP and Ryan:

"Tuesday's primary in Wisconsin could decide whether Donald Trump is the nominee of the Republican Party or gets tossed aside at the GOP convention in Cleveland in July."

"The most likely savior candidate remains House Speaker Paul Ryan, who will be the chairman of the convention in Cleveland.

Top Republican insiders are not so quietly taking up Ryan as the one person who could unite the warring establishment and grassroots conservative wings of the party."

"And anyone with doubts that Ryan has at least one sharp eye on the prospect of becoming the nominee should go back and read a speech he gave to Capitol Hill interns,
on March 23 entitled "The State of American Politics".
"The address was a not very subtle rebuke of Trumpism and an alternate vision for how the party could approach a race against likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the fall."
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“Billionaire Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has finally revealed how he plans to force Mexico to pay for his multibillion-dollar wall along the US southern border,

a linchpin of his presidential campaign that has never been fully detailed before.”

“The key to the wall’s financing, Trump wrote in a two-page memo to the Washington Post, is threatening to halt money transfers from Mexican immigrants in the US to family back home."

"These remittances amount to nearly $25bn each year, roughly 2% of the Mexican gross domestic product, according to the World Bank."

"Cutting off these money transfers could doom the Mexican economy to recession and severely damage diplomatic relations.”


The Bloviator once again, displaying his complete ignorance of World politics. And his wacky ideas.

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Trump's not wrong about a 'massive recession'

Economists were quick to point out the obvious: There’s no sign of the “very massive recession” Donald Trump predicted in a recent interview with the Washington Post, either now or any time soon. In fact, overall job growth is strong, suggesting a modest economic expansion is likely to continue.

But Trump wasn’t speaking to economists. He was speaking to millions of angry Americans who feel Trump is exactly right about economic collapse.

Trump himself speaks openly of the "aura of the strong leader." That he himself knows the problems, the one correct approach, the very best outcome.

The Benito Mussolini philosophy of government.

Trump is the first uniquely American fascist which means he will fail.

The political parties of the Republic are not in the Constitution yet they parallel the document. That is, the Constitution created the Electoral College to determine who shall be Potus. Each political party is, in contrast, a privately incorporated entity which has a unique and vital national purpose, which to produce viable candidates for public office up to the highest office of the land.

The incorporators of the Republican party know better than to allow a Donald Trump to proceed. It is their convention and the delegates are certified by the party's incorporators to include their lawfully designated agents. The authorised agent in this instance is the Republican National Committee.

The United States has never gone to political extremes because its elites know better, as do the vast majority of the body politic throughout the states. If the Institutional Republican Party fails to stop Trump, it well knows that in November the vast center middle general electorate will both stop Trump and toss the Republican party.

Trump is going to get tossed. It would be eons better for the Republican party to do it in Cleveland than for the general electorate to do it in their voting precincts in November.

In recent head-to-head polls with one Democrat whom Trump may face in the fall, Hillary Clinton, he trails in every key state, including Florida and Ohio, despite her soaring unpopularity ratings with swing voters.

In Democratic-leaning states across the Rust Belt, which Trump has vowed to return to the Republican column for the first time in nearly 30 years, his deficit is even worse: Clinton leads him by double digits in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

[W]ithout an extraordinary reversal or the total collapse of whoever becomes his general-election opponent Trump could be hard-pressed to win more than 200 electoral votes.


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The Republican National Convention is from Monday, July 18th through Thursday, July 21st.

The Democratic National Convention is from Monday, July 25th through Thursday, July 28th.

This may be the first time the Republican convention runs into the opening of the Democratic convention. The Republican one in Cleveland may continue into and overlap the Democratic one in Philadelphia. Maybe beyond the 28th.

Wouldn't that be a hoot.

It would be a good idea if the Republicans could decide on their nominee before the first day of school. Just sayin'

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3 Wisconsin delegates for the orangeman with Caddyshack gopher on his head clap2.gif

He and crew are real confident about New York, but I believe this result coupled with the women nor NY minorities voting for him..............wheels are definitely coming off the Trumpster-mobile.

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Wisconsin meltdown puts Trump on track for convention fight

"Ahead of Tuesday’s primary, the Republican National Committee held a conference call to explain the intricacies of a contested convention,

to roughly two dozen veteran GOP operatives—a signal, Washington strategist Bruce Haynes said, that “everyone can see this coming now.”

And now, the infighting begins as chaos starts to reign...

"Behind the scenes, Lewandowski is fighting to preserve his own power and to box out Paul Manafort, who was hired last month to lead the campaign’s delegate corralling effort.

Corey and his people know the knives are out for them,” said one source close to the campaign, referring to Manafort as a “pretty experienced in-fighter.”

"Manafort is scheduled to meet with Trump in New York Wednesday morning and likely to threaten to quit if he doesn’t see more cooperation, according to one source.

If Manafort walks, this thing comes apart, and some of the people close to him are ready to walk.” whistling.gif



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Wisconsin primary win breathes life into campaign to stop Donald Trump:

"Do not expect Donald Trump to go down quietly."

"On the losing end in Wisconsin's primary Tuesday night, he was unusually sore — even for him."

"Lyin'" Ted Cruz had been used by the "party bosses" as a "Trojan horse" to try "to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump," read a petulant Trump campaign statement.

"The words were ungracious, inflammatory, destructive and juvenile —

as though dictated by someone of impulsive temperament who can't contain his frustration as he sees something he covets slipping from his grasp."

Boo Hoo Donnie. Welcome to the big leagues. laugh.png


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Electoral map is a reality check for Trump’s presidential hopes

"Trump has become unacceptable, perhaps irreversibly so, with broad swaths of Americans, including large majorities of women, nonwhites,

Hispanics, voters under 30 and those with college degrees — the voters who powered President Barack Obama’s two victories and represent the country’s demographic future.

All view him unfavorably by a 2-1 margin, according to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll."

“We’re talking about somebody who has the passionate devotion of a minority and alternately scares, appalls, angers —

or all of the above — a majority of the country,” said Henry Olsen, a conservative analyst.

“This isn’t anything but a historic election defeat just waiting to happen.”


Hallelujah. Sanity will prevail.


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Super PACs scramble to get delegates to dump Trump

WASHINGTON — The GOP presidential candidates aren’t the only ones calling, texting, emailing,

schmoozing and all-out lobbying the men and women likely to be delegates to the Republican National Convention.

"The deep-pocketed outside groups known as super PACs have joined the frantic,

behind-the-scenes campaign now underway across the country to influence the 2,472 delegates,

poised to play an outsize role in what could be the Republican Party’s first contested convention in four decades."

"These super PACs, which can raise and spend unlimited sums, are the newest players in the shadow effort by candidates and Republican elites to stop Trump."


Welcome to the Machine. Who will eat one of their own. laugh.pngclap2.gif


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Trump's not wrong about a 'massive recession'

Economists were quick to point out the obvious: There’s no sign of the “very massive recession” Donald Trump predicted in a recent interview with the Washington Post, either now or any time soon. In fact, overall job growth is strong, suggesting a modest economic expansion is likely to continue.

But Trump wasn’t speaking to economists. He was speaking to millions of angry Americans who feel Trump is exactly right about economic collapse.

And about 9 years or so ago every single economist in the world were like "oh there are no problems at all, just continue the same road".

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It's quite sad that there are so many adults SJW's in this world who are so immature that they make children look like mature... but atleast children have a reason for their tantrums. I mean, you can explain to children, and get them to understand, that it is not ok to have a tantrum or hit someone because "X" make them feel uncomfortable.

Letting your feelings control your life, like SJW's in this thread, means that you are immature and quite frankly an underdeveloped person for believing that your feelings have some kind of magical properties and everyone should obey the feelings. This is also the reason why fascists (also known as SJW's) just love to react to everything with feelings.

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It's quite sad that there are so many adults SJW's in this world who are so immature that they make children look like mature... but atleast children have a reason for their tantrums. I mean, you can explain to children, and get them to understand, that it is not ok to have a tantrum or hit someone because "X" make them feel uncomfortable.

Letting your feelings control your life, like SJW's in this thread, means that you are immature and quite frankly an underdeveloped person for believing that your feelings have some kind of magical properties and everyone should obey the feelings. This is also the reason why fascists (also known as SJW's) just love to react to everything with feelings.

Feeling hurt are you? Probably better not to react.

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The reason why Trump should be the republican nominee is obvious from this thread. If he can muster this much pure hate against him from the left then he is the right man.

It's not only the left that sees what a horror show Trump is, dude.

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The reason why Trump should be the republican nominee is obvious from this thread. If he can muster this much pure hate against him from the left then he is the right man.

It's not only the left that sees what a horror show Trump is, dude.

"The right man" (?)

To proliferate nuclear weapons in Japan and Korea cheesy.gif

To spend billions on a completely illogical useless wall cheesy.gif

To refer to women as "fat pigs, dogs, slobs, disgusting animals" unless they are hot and then they are " a fine piece of ass"cheesy.gif

To ridicule handicapped people cheesy.gif

"The right man", no the most absurd thing is there are people out there that believe that this "right man" who is the most unfit candidate EVER to run for office look past all this and still support the buffoon. Incredible.

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