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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump's not wrong about a 'massive recession'

Economists were quick to point out the obvious: There’s no sign of the “very massive recession” Donald Trump predicted in a recent interview with the Washington Post, either now or any time soon. In fact, overall job growth is strong, suggesting a modest economic expansion is likely to continue.

But Trump wasn’t speaking to economists. He was speaking to millions of angry Americans who feel Trump is exactly right about economic collapse.

Trump consistently gins up the fear. It's really all he has ever had and why the Trumpeteers love him. He speaks to their fears. Their low-info fear.

"If I win all the bad things happening in the US will be rapidly reversed." Donald Trump 4/3/16

After the Pakistani attack it was, "I alone can solve these problems"

Donald Trump isn't a serious candidate for President, he's a Republican candidate for President.

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Here's a humorous way to track the chances of stopping Trump from being president.

Updated daily:

Today's Trump Apocalypse Watch: Trump Is Gross

The Trump Apocalypse Watch is a subjective daily estimate, using a scale of one to four horsemen, of how likely it is that Donald Trump will be elected president, thus triggering an apocalypse in which we all die.



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Trump's not wrong about a 'massive recession'

Economists were quick to point out the obvious: There’s no sign of the “very massive recession” Donald Trump predicted in a recent interview with the Washington Post, either now or any time soon. In fact, overall job growth is strong, suggesting a modest economic expansion is likely to continue.

But Trump wasn’t speaking to economists. He was speaking to millions of angry Americans who feel Trump is exactly right about economic collapse.

Trump himself speaks openly of the "aura of the strong leader." That he himself knows the problems, the one correct approach, the very best outcome.

The Benito Mussolini philosophy of government.

Trump is the first uniquely American fascist which means he will fail.

The political parties of the Republic are not in the Constitution yet they parallel the document. That is, the Constitution created the Electoral College to determine who shall be Potus. Each political party is, in contrast, a privately incorporated entity which has a unique and vital national purpose, which to produce viable candidates for public office up to the highest office of the land.

The incorporators of the Republican party know better than to allow a Donald Trump to proceed. It is their convention and the delegates are certified by the party's incorporators to include their lawfully designated agents. The authorised agent in this instance is the Republican National Committee.

The United States has never gone to political extremes because its elites know better, as do the vast majority of the body politic throughout the states. If the Institutional Republican Party fails to stop Trump, it well knows that in November the vast center middle general electorate will both stop Trump and toss the Republican party.

Trump is going to get tossed. It would be eons better for the Republican party to do it in Cleveland than for the general electorate to do it in their voting precincts in November.

In recent head-to-head polls with one Democrat whom Trump may face in the fall, Hillary Clinton, he trails in every key state, including Florida and Ohio, despite her soaring unpopularity ratings with swing voters.

In Democratic-leaning states across the Rust Belt, which Trump has vowed to return to the Republican column for the first time in nearly 30 years, his deficit is even worse: Clinton leads him by double digits in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

[W]ithout an extraordinary reversal or the total collapse of whoever becomes his general-election opponent Trump could be hard-pressed to win more than 200 electoral votes.


How cute, a fascist supporter calling a non-fascist a fascist.

The word 'fascist' has a denotative meaning and it has a connotative meaning.

It is not a word to throw around nor is it to be used in every other word of a stab at a sentence.

When one says Donald Trump is a unique American fascist promulgating a uniquely American fascism, it's the substance that defines the meaning in this time, place, circumstance....

Fascist-leaning Americans, Hedges states, "want a kind of freedom - a freedom to hate. They want the freedom to use words like [slurs for black, Jewish, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern and gay people]. ... They want the freedom to have enemies, to physically assault Muslims, undocumented workers, African-Americans, homosexuals. ... They want the freedom to revel in hyper-masculinity, racism, sexism and white patriarchy." Not all Trump supporters are racist, sexist white supremacists. However, these individuals have no problem backing a candidate who routinely denigrates blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and women.


Loose use of 'fascism' by the casual person usually means the use of the will, of strength, of the forceful advocacy or imposition of one's profoundly held beliefs. Because this meaning includes both Stalin and Hitler as prime instances it takes us nowhere in respect of substance.

The bloodhounds against the 'politically correct' can be identified by their use of their own politically correct language, as noted in the quote, by their rightwing politically correct behaviors, and by the single strongman in this race and his language, attitude, conduct, behaviors; his character and his nature.

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You might be interested to listen to this week's political round table from the Commonwealth Club of California.

Melissa Caen of CBS San Francisco in the first 10 minutes or so, gave a fascinating, and in some parts terrifying primmer on 3rd party candidates, and what, if if all else fails the GOP could do if they really wanted to press the nuclear launch button to stop Trump.


Edited by GinBoy2
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Trump meeting suggests campaign changes

"Republican sources, both inside and outside the campaign, describe the GOP front-runner's operation as managed by a closed-off inner circle that rarely challenges Trump,
who operates as his own top strategist."
"Meeting with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, Trump and his team simply appeared unaware of how the delegate process worked,
a Trump source said." laugh.png
"As Trump seemed taken aback in recent days by Cruz's aggressive efforts to peel away delegates in places like Louisiana, GOP strategists said such maneuvering should come as no surprise.
A top Republican operative said unless Trump acts quickly, delegate raids in places like South Carolina, where the New York billionaire won handily, could come next." whistling.gif
Look for Lewandowski to be thrown under the bus soon:
"Friction between Lewandowski and Manafort may have already had an impact on Trump's campaign."
"Campaign sources say Lewandowski's role is clearly being diminished. "Manafort has really kind of taken over, and started reorganizing the campaign," a knowledgeable GOP source said.
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The thing to realize about Trump's appeal to certain voters is their anger at the republican establishment due to being told since 1964 that if they support the nominee all the social/cultural issues they have been brainwashed into believing are important will be taken care of. Instead all they have got is higher income inequality, because the changes they want are not possible.

The conservative entertainment industry keeps them fired up on these issues and feeds their, often racist, beliefs that the changes in the demographics of the US and the cultural changes that go with that can be reversed.

Despite the conservative movement pushing the country significantly to the right, it will never be enough for the conservative entertainment industry as they make a ton of money telling these people how the country is going to hell and the socialist are winning.

The whole house of cards that is the conservative movement is about to come crashing down. This could very likely be the beginning of the end to the two party system. We could easily end up with classic 3 party european system.


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The thing to realize about Trump's appeal to certain voters is their anger at the republican establishment due to being told since 1964 that if they support the nominee all the social/cultural issues they have been brainwashed into believing are important will be taken care of. Instead all they have got is higher income inequality, because the changes they want are not possible.

The conservative entertainment industry keeps them fired up on these issues and feeds their, often racist, beliefs that the changes in the demographics of the US and the cultural changes that go with that can be reversed.

Despite the conservative movement pushing the country significantly to the right, it will never be enough for the conservative entertainment industry as they make a ton of money telling these people how the country is going to hell and the socialist are winning.

The whole house of cards that is the conservative movement is about to come crashing down. This could very likely be the beginning of the end to the two party system. We could easily end up with classic 3 party european system.


A third party in congressional politics would I think be a great thing, since it may well bring the two establishment parties back to the center, their traditional place in politics.

POTUS however has an interesting quirk, which is why I recommend you listen to the link I posted earlier.

'If' a third party candidate was to run for POTUS, and 'if' that candidate denied either of the two establishment party candidates to get 270 electoral college votes, and yes 269 doesn't cut it, the decision on who would be POTUS falls to the House, and the House that is current at the time of the election in November.

One representative from each State regardless of size gets to vote, on a candidate of their choice, not necessarily those who fought the election.

So conspiracy theorists....anyone for a Paul Ryan Presidency after the GOP put a third party spoiler candidate to deny either Trump or Clinton 270 votes???

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One representative from each State regardless of size gets to vote, on a candidate of their choice, not necessarily those who fought the election.

So conspiracy theorists....anyone for a Paul Ryan Presidency after the GOP put a third party spoiler candidate to deny either Trump or Clinton 270 votes???

The House can only vote on the top three from the electoral college, not anyone they want.

It is too late at this point for a third party candidate to get on the ballots in all 50 states. The registration process would have needed to start now. The is why you saw the announcement last month from Bloomberg he was not running. Paul Ryan could always get on the Libertarian party ballot, which manages to get on 30 or 40+ state ballots.

There is little chance two conservative candidates would get a majority of the popular vote in order to throw it to the House. As I said, the demographics just don't allow the conservatives to control national elections. Pissed off, under educated, bible thumping white folks are just no longer the majority. They are going to have learn to live with it. If they would stop watching fox news and listening to Rush and company it would help a lot.


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The reason why Trump should be the republican nominee is obvious from this thread. If he can muster this much pure hate against him from the left then he is the right man.

I don't hate polio or Hostess Twinkees, but I don't want them to get more of a hold in America. I don't have to hate something or someone to not want it making life decisions for me.

It's hard to decide which one would be worse: Cruz or Trump. It's heartening to know that neither will win against the Dem candidate. Kusich would have the best chance of the remaining contenders, in the general election, but he's essentially out of the running. He's too reasonable & middle-of-the-road to get a majority of Republican voters.

For as long as I can recall, the Republican Party has only moved closer to the center when they realize they've got to adjust to prevailing views of the electorate, in order to try and garner added votes. If left to their own devices, they'd happily stay hard right, and that's why they have Cruz as a close #2 in this race. In 20 years, Americans will be more liberal and less Bible-thumping (already nearly 50% of Americans don't call themselves deists. They don't say that openly, because it's still so politically incorrect to claim to not be a religionist). As Republicans see the trend (normally they're 1 or 2 decades behind trends), they'll stress religion less - in order to try and garner more votes. Same has been happening with Planned Parenthood, science-based education, gay marriage, gays in the military, and so on. Privately, Republican politicians don't like those things, but as they belatedly become aware of trends, they take pains to adjust - but only the minimum amount - which they ascertain will gain at least 51% of votes.

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One representative from each State regardless of size gets to vote, on a candidate of their choice, not necessarily those who fought the election.

So conspiracy theorists....anyone for a Paul Ryan Presidency after the GOP put a third party spoiler candidate to deny either Trump or Clinton 270 votes???

The House can only vote on the top three from the electoral college, not anyone they want.

It is too late at this point for a third party candidate to get on the ballots in all 50 states. The registration process would have needed to start now. The is why you saw the announcement last month from Bloomberg he was not running. Paul Ryan could always get on the Libertarian party ballot, which manages to get on 30 or 40+ state ballots.

There is little chance two conservative candidates would get a majority of the popular vote in order to throw it to the House. As I said, the demographics just don't allow the conservatives to control national elections. Pissed off, under educated, bible thumping white folks are just no longer the majority. They are going to have learn to live with it. If they would stop watching fox news and listening to Rush and company it would help a lot.


Yes, anyone running for Potus outside of the two party system would need the nomination/endorsement of another party already on the ballot in a state for the November 8th election.

It almost always surprises English speaking foreigners that almost all US states in Potus elections have as many as a dozen other names and parties on the ballot. (Combined they all get about 1.5% of the popular vote.)

A 'third party' candidate can attach to an existing party close to his views but only if the obscure party is willing to accept the candidate, and only if the party meets a given state's rules that govern the replacement of the party's nominated/official candidate(s) on the official ballot of the state.

A third party candidate such as Trump could also organise a write-in campaign in all 50 states or in certain targeted states where he figured he'd have his desired impact on the election.

A 50-state Trump write in would cost about $20 million bucks or upwards of $30 million depending on the approach. Trump could hire field operatives to do the organising work over the final 2-3 months of the campaign after announcing his intention during the post-convention August, if Trump were to choose that route.

Anyone running as a 'third' or a fourth candidate for Potus has those two viable post-convention means to mobilise voters and to impact the election. Bloomberg wasn't willing to do it by any means, especially if he wanted to set foot back in New York City again.

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The reason why Trump should be the republican nominee is obvious from this thread. If he can muster this much pure hate against him from the left then he is the right man.

I don't hate polio or Hostess Twinkees, but I don't want them to get more of a hold in America. I don't have to hate something or someone to not want it making life decisions for me.

It's hard to decide which one would be worse: Cruz or Trump. It's heartening to know that neither will win against the Dem candidate. Kusich would have the best chance of the remaining contenders, in the general election, but he's essentially out of the running. He's too reasonable & middle-of-the-road to get a majority of Republican voters.

For as long as I can recall, the Republican Party has only moved closer to the center when they realize they've got to adjust to prevailing views of the electorate, in order to try and garner added votes. If left to their own devices, they'd happily stay hard right, and that's why they have Cruz as a close #2 in this race. In 20 years, Americans will be more liberal and less Bible-thumping (already nearly 50% of Americans don't call themselves deists. They don't say that openly, because it's still so politically incorrect to claim to not be a religionist). As Republicans see the trend (normally they're 1 or 2 decades behind trends), they'll stress religion less - in order to try and garner more votes. Same has been happening with Planned Parenthood, science-based education, gay marriage, gays in the military, and so on. Privately, Republican politicians don't like those things, but as they belatedly become aware of trends, they take pains to adjust - but only the minimum amount - which they ascertain will gain at least 51% of votes.

The choices are: a lying almost (soon?) felon, a socialist and borderline communist, a bible thumper and a corporatist. It's like asking do you want AIDS, ebola, pneumonic plague or eabies (without shot against it).

Neither "the left" nor "the right" in the USA are even close to the real meaning of both descriptions anymore. They are basicly feces wrestlings everywhere just to give the people a good fake show so they can continue fool the people with their "government plans". But this is nothing new or unique for the USA, it's the exact same theatricals in Europe and Asia and they get away with it as the general populace is dumb as <deleted>.

The sooner the general populace gets that not a single politicians would even piss on you if you were on fire the better. But i'm not holding my breath as the general populace barely have the IQ to understand how to tie their shoelaces.

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Your comment about white people is racist, but of course you wont understand that. But if i put it like this maybe your SJW brain will immediatelly go into BSOD mode: "how about the undereducated, low IQ, gangbanging and illegal latinos and hispanics moved back to their home nation instead of staying in the USA?".

Weither you like it or not "white people" have always been the backbone of USA together with the very small minority of asians. Your racism, together with the other fascists on this thread, against white people (doesnt matter if you yourself are white as SJW's are bit "funneeeh") is the reason why Trump is drawing never before seen numbers at his meetings and caucuses.

Not sure how pointing out demographic fact can be a racist comment. Curious as to what you think the percentage of the hispanic/Latino population fits your description?

It does not matter what numbers Trump draws to his rallies. It will never be anywhere close to a majority of the US voters. Learn to live with it. It is possible for you to do so. Just quit listening to hate speech that offers no viable solutions to the issues the country is facing. Mass deportation of 11 million million people and building a wall to keep them out is not a viable solution. It's Demagoguery.


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Your comment about white people is racist, but of course you wont understand that. But if i put it like this maybe your SJW brain will immediatelly go into BSOD mode: "how about the undereducated, low IQ, gangbanging and illegal latinos and hispanics moved back to their home nation instead of staying in the USA?".

Weither you like it or not "white people" have always been the backbone of USA together with the very small minority of asians. Your racism, together with the other fascists on this thread, against white people (doesnt matter if you yourself are white as SJW's are bit "funneeeh") is the reason why Trump is drawing never before seen numbers at his meetings and caucuses.

Not sure how pointing out demographic fact can be a racist comment. Curious as to what you think the percentage of the hispanic/Latino population fits your description?

It does not matter what numbers Trump draws to his rallies. It will never be anywhere close to a majority of the US voters. Learn to live with it. It is possible for you to do so. Just quit listening to hate speech that offers no viable solutions to the issues the country is facing. Mass deportation of 11 million million people and building a wall to keep them out is not a viable solution. It's Demagoguery.


Of course you didn't understand why it would be racist. Nothing new under the sun.

And it's not "hate speech" to say that "laws X, Y, Z says you are a criminal if you are illegally in this nation and shall be deported". If it's 1, 11 or 11 million people make no difference. And yes, it is very much a viable solution to punish criminals. But again, SJW's just doesn't understand the concept of what "the law" is, how and why it is enforced.

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The reason why Trump should be the republican nominee is obvious from this thread. If he can muster this much pure hate against him from the left then he is the right man.

I don't hate polio or Hostess Twinkees, but I don't want them to get more of a hold in America. I don't have to hate something or someone to not want it making life decisions for me.

It's hard to decide which one would be worse: Cruz or Trump. It's heartening to know that neither will win against the Dem candidate. Kusich would have the best chance of the remaining contenders, in the general election, but he's essentially out of the running. He's too reasonable & middle-of-the-road to get a majority of Republican voters.

For as long as I can recall, the Republican Party has only moved closer to the center when they realize they've got to adjust to prevailing views of the electorate, in order to try and garner added votes. If left to their own devices, they'd happily stay hard right, and that's why they have Cruz as a close #2 in this race. In 20 years, Americans will be more liberal and less Bible-thumping (already nearly 50% of Americans don't call themselves deists. They don't say that openly, because it's still so politically incorrect to claim to not be a religionist). As Republicans see the trend (normally they're 1 or 2 decades behind trends), they'll stress religion less - in order to try and garner more votes. Same has been happening with Planned Parenthood, science-based education, gay marriage, gays in the military, and so on. Privately, Republican politicians don't like those things, but as they belatedly become aware of trends, they take pains to adjust - but only the minimum amount - which they ascertain will gain at least 51% of votes.

The choices are: a lying almost (soon?) felon, a socialist and borderline communist, a bible thumper and a corporatist. It's like asking do you want AIDS, ebola, pneumonic plague or eabies (without shot against it).

Neither "the left" nor "the right" in the USA are even close to the real meaning of both descriptions anymore. They are basicly feces wrestlings everywhere just to give the people a good fake show so they can continue fool the people with their "government plans". But this is nothing new or unique for the USA, it's the exact same theatricals in Europe and Asia and they get away with it as the general populace is dumb as <deleted>.

The sooner the general populace gets that not a single politicians would even piss on you if you were on fire the better. But i'm not holding my breath as the general populace barely have the IQ to understand how to tie their shoelaces.

Sorry to hear that.

Cause neither Trump nor his small and never-expanding base aren't ever going to think anything otherwise.

The shelf life of Trump or anyone like him in the centrist American political system and its ever predominant mainstream culture is limited, brief, cheerfully removed but talked about for a long time after.

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Of course you didn't understand why it would be racist. Nothing new under the sun.

And it's not "hate speech" to say that "laws X, Y, Z says you are a criminal if you are illegally in this nation and shall be deported". If it's 1, 11 or 11 million people make no difference. And yes, it is very much a viable solution to punish criminals. But again, SJW's just doesn't understand the concept of what "the law" is, how and why it is enforced.

A statement is not racist just because you say it is, especially when you can't explain why and just make vague comments.

By the way, illegal immigration is not a crime, it is a civil offense. Saying it is a crime is hate speech.

Stop believing everything you see on Fox news.


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One representative from each State regardless of size gets to vote, on a candidate of their choice, not necessarily those who fought the election.

So conspiracy theorists....anyone for a Paul Ryan Presidency after the GOP put a third party spoiler candidate to deny either Trump or Clinton 270 votes???

The House can only vote on the top three from the electoral college, not anyone they want.

It is too late at this point for a third party candidate to get on the ballots in all 50 states. The registration process would have needed to start now. The is why you saw the announcement last month from Bloomberg he was not running. Paul Ryan could always get on the Libertarian party ballot, which manages to get on 30 or 40+ state ballots.

There is little chance two conservative candidates would get a majority of the popular vote in order to throw it to the House. As I said, the demographics just don't allow the conservatives to control national elections. Pissed off, under educated, bible thumping white folks are just no longer the majority. They are going to have learn to live with it. If they would stop watching fox news and listening to Rush and company it would help a lot.


You can't tell the wingnuts to stop being afraid. It's like yelling, "stop breathing". They can't help themselves. They're afraid. They're going to continue to drink the koolaid and worship at the feet of BillO and Hannity.

They hate Hillary. It unites them now.

Everyday this election just gets better. The Trump/Cruz deathmatch...a dream come true.

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The reason why Trump should be the republican nominee is obvious from this thread. If he can muster this much pure hate against him from the left then he is the right man.

I don't hate polio or Hostess Twinkees, but I don't want them to get more of a hold in America. I don't have to hate something or someone to not want it making life decisions for me.

It's hard to decide which one would be worse: Cruz or Trump. It's heartening to know that neither will win against the Dem candidate. Kusich would have the best chance of the remaining contenders, in the general election, but he's essentially out of the running. He's too reasonable & middle-of-the-road to get a majority of Republican voters.

For as long as I can recall, the Republican Party has only moved closer to the center when they realize they've got to adjust to prevailing views of the electorate, in order to try and garner added votes. If left to their own devices, they'd happily stay hard right, and that's why they have Cruz as a close #2 in this race. In 20 years, Americans will be more liberal and less Bible-thumping (already nearly 50% of Americans don't call themselves deists. They don't say that openly, because it's still so politically incorrect to claim to not be a religionist). As Republicans see the trend (normally they're 1 or 2 decades behind trends), they'll stress religion less - in order to try and garner more votes. Same has been happening with Planned Parenthood, science-based education, gay marriage, gays in the military, and so on. Privately, Republican politicians don't like those things, but as they belatedly become aware of trends, they take pains to adjust - but only the minimum amount - which they ascertain will gain at least 51% of votes.

The choices are: a lying almost (soon?) felon, a socialist and borderline communist, a bible thumper and a corporatist. It's like asking do you want AIDS, ebola, pneumonic plague or eabies (without shot against it).

Neither "the left" nor "the right" in the USA are even close to the real meaning of both descriptions anymore. They are basicly feces wrestlings everywhere just to give the people a good fake show so they can continue fool the people with their "government plans". But this is nothing new or unique for the USA, it's the exact same theatricals in Europe and Asia and they get away with it as the general populace is dumb as <deleted>.

The sooner the general populace gets that not a single politicians would even piss on you if you were on fire the better. But i'm not holding my breath as the general populace barely have the IQ to understand how to tie their shoelaces.

Sorry you're so cynical. I would ask who, if not one of the candidates, you think would make a good prez, but I think you might opt for a hard-right loonie. Maybe Palin?

If you were to ask me, I'd recommend Jerry Brown. But maybe I'm subjective because I resided in California when he was gov, and I've met him, and he's a very decent dude - who can think clearly, knows issues, and seeks solutions which don't rely on racism, ignorance, divisiveness, and fueling fears, ....like The Donald.

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Of course you didn't understand why it would be racist. Nothing new under the sun.

And it's not "hate speech" to say that "laws X, Y, Z says you are a criminal if you are illegally in this nation and shall be deported". If it's 1, 11 or 11 million people make no difference. And yes, it is very much a viable solution to punish criminals. But again, SJW's just doesn't understand the concept of what "the law" is, how and why it is enforced.

A statement is not racist just because you say it is, especially when you can't explain why and just make vague comments.

By the way, illegal immigration is not a crime, it is a civil offense. Saying it is a crime is hate speech.

Stop believing everything you see on Fox news.


"By the way, illegal immigration is not a crime, it is a civil offense. Saying it is a crime is hate speech."

​It isn't hate speech if it is true.

Illegal immigration is, indeed, a crime and is punishable by either fines or jail time or both for repeat offenders.


Criminal Penalties
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)


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"this much pure hate" blink.png

"maybe your SJW brain will immediatelly go into BSOD mode" blink.png

"They are basicly feces wrestlings..." [sic] blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

There, ladies and gentlemen, is a grandly illustrated example of an unhinged Trumpster. Mean spirited, marginalizing and bitter.

While blazing on off topic, shall I say, bizarre tangents.

And, uneducated in terms of the English language.

In addition to being intemperate to an extreme.

Perhaps somewhat understandable, given the fact that the Bloviator, the poster's best choice for President of the United States, will never achieve his narcissistic goal.

And as far as I have seen, the only poster that is using the word hate. It appears to come too readily.

In my experience on this particular thread, most seem to be someone I could still have a beer with.

This guy? No chance. Violence seems to be a distinct possibility in his/her nature.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans are more rational.

And they will prevail come election time. thumbsup.gif

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What Are Trump's Chances of Winning the Presidency?

"CNN has published an interactive prediction page that allows users to vote on what they think the outcome of the presidential election will be (along with many other events)."

"The "wisdom of the crowd" predicts Trump only has a 11% chance of winning in November, perhaps because his extreme views on immigration,

race and gender would alienate many voters in the general election without mobilizing sufficient support to beat a Democratic candidate. OddsChecker's odds are slightly better at 12.5%."

"The site's odds that Clinton will win are 63.6%."

A slaughter. And a long time coming.



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Clearly, from some posters, it's about their own ignorance and bigotry. And their simplistic view of the world. (Far outside their bubble)

Which is why they gravitate towards Trump. (Albiet, the Bloviator uses it purely for his own political gain.)

They completely ignore his racist, devisive, mysoginistic, fascist, wacky, myopic world view statements in order to assuage their own ignorant agenda.

Not to worry, the educated people of America will reject such nonsense and elect a President who taps into the rational populace.


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Many off topic posts have been removed from view. Please stick to the topic and abide by forum rules. Especially this one:

Posting Content & General Conduct

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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Get used to it soon your Leftist Saint will be gone from office and Trump will be President and Cruz a member of the Supreme Court.. then you will not have any teeth left to gnash.

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Get used to it soon your Leftist Saint will be gone from office and Trump will be President and Cruz a member of the Supreme Court.. then you will not have any teeth left to gnash.

How am I going to lose teeth when fascists take-over? Are they going to knock out the teeth of freedom-loving liberals? I assume you're referring to the party which claims to want to lessen Federal control over everything, yet wants draconian Federal control of women's bodies. The same party which talks the talks about a 'free market' yet wants to increase tariffs on imports by 35 to 45%. Hypocrisy will be the best the Reps can dish up. Worse than that will be wars, redneck rule and broken teeth. They can change their name from Republican Party to the Sucker-Punch Party. crazy.gifcrying.gifw00t.gifbah.gifhit-the-fan.gif

Right, we've all seen the result at Wisconsin. It's all over for Trump.

Now then, Ted Cruz, you're the man. Lead the Republicans. And let's now have a SENSIBLE debate between the Democrats and the Republicans.

Is that a joke? I agree Cruz has a chance to become the Rep's nominee, but...... I don't think most Americans will vote for a man who half-jokes about putting a radioactive glass crust on the Middle East's dunes. ....or a man who has an insidious plan to divide K-12 schools in the US between ghettos (with minimal funding) and elitist (with ample funding, which teach non-science Biblical topics instead of real science).

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Right, we've all seen the result at Wisconsin. It's all over for Trump.

Now then, Ted Cruz, you're the man. Lead the Republicans. And let's now have a SENSIBLE debate between the Democrats and the Republicans.

I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Ted Cruz, leader of the Republicans? SENSIBLE debate? He's a crazy wingnut and disliked by everyone. He's also very creepy.

Yeah Ted, lead the Republicans...right off a cliff.

Ole Ted is more dangerous than Trump. He's slightly smarter than Trump but he actually believes the invisible people telling what to do. Fortunately, he doesn't have a prayer. (Oh snap! Did you see what I did there? cheesy.gif )

Democrats have nothing to worry about with these two or any of their other idiots for that matter.

Edited by Pinot
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