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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump keep chugging along ... and all the derisive comments from the lefties on this discussion thread have had NO Effect whatsoever on Trump's progress. So go ahead Lefties -- snipe, snarl, bloviate and obfuscate all you want -- it really does not matter.

You're not reading it right.

Virtually everyone I know, myself included, is more than happy for the fat, pompous moron to win the nomination.

Firstly it will make for an hilarious convention.

Secondly because beating him will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

(It is 70% of the American public that dislike him, not TV!).

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Love you guys, I did not know that about Jerry Springer, that's some good info.

Sure, seems he's a lot more qualified than Trump to be President, but don't tell the Trump advocates on this board that !!! gigglem.gif

Lots of people don't know his parents were German Jewish refugees who fled to the UK, where he was born, either.

He was born in Highgate, London.

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Trump keep chugging along ... and all the derisive comments from the lefties on this discussion thread have had NO Effect whatsoever on Trump's progress. So go ahead Lefties -- snipe, snarl, bloviate and obfuscate all you want -- it really does not matter.

You're not reading it right.

Virtually everyone I know, myself included, is more than happy for the fat, pompous moron to win the nomination.

Firstly it will make for an hilarious convention.

Secondly because beating him will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

(It is 70% of the American public that dislike him, not TV!).

CBS, FOX and NBC latest polls give Clinton 7-10% over Trump. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/

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Here's the latest Hail Mary effort to try to stop Trump by the Republican establishment: "You'll never work in this town again." gigglem.gif

The latest half-baked attempt to slow Trump’s momentum is to blacklist potential staffers. Politico reported this week that advisers are being warned about the consequences of going “Trumptard,” as one GOP operative put it. “According to interviews with more than a dozen operatives, including several who oppose Trump, some who support him and the leaders of some prominent DC political shops,” Politico reports, “some of those who go to work for Trump face an implicit, and occasionally overt threat: Help Trump, and you’ll never work in this town again.”

We really are seeing a desperate political party facing imminent death. I still wonder if they'll employ a scorched earth strategy at the convention no matter how many delegates the orange-maned flimflam man has.


The Kock Brothers have given up on picking and/or backing a Republican candidate for prez. Instead, they're taking their hundreds of millions of PAC money and focusing on Republican congressional candidates. They've lost political battles over and over (McCain and Romney, to name just two), despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars, but they won't give up. With their 13 million dollars/day in personal income, they should run for political office themselves. They could pay each voter hundreds of dollars - that should guarantee a majority of votes, shouldn't it. And then, when elected, they could go through legislative proceedures to get their policies enacted. But wait. they don't want to go through all that effort. It's easier to just shovel hundreds of millions of dollars at their chosen hundreds of hard-right-wing candidates, and let them do the dirty work.

Trump hints at taking some of the money-influence out of politics, but it's mostly hot air. Down deep, Trump loves and respects anyone who has tons of money (and he also thinks the very rich are smarter/wiser than poorer people). In contrast, Sanders not only talks about lessening big money's influence on politics, he has done (and will continue to do) tangible things to stem the rot. One is a wishy-washy hyper salesman who changes his ideas day to day, the other is a career politician who knows what he wants and how to get legislative things done.

Trump paints himself as the world's premier deal maker who picks the best people for the job, yet he (and his excellent staff) failed miserably at making deals for getting delegates in primary states. The proof is in the pudding, not in the pretty picture on the label. He's learning on the campaign trail, just like he'd be learning on the job if prez. Go Trump! ...at least he's less awful than Cruz.

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there are numerous videos if you look for them where the Donald is standing at the podium repeatedly warning that USA is staring at an economic bubble which is about to burst.

And yet on this particular issue the mainstream media is very quietermm.gif

if he is wrong why aren't they are attacking him on this issue as well ?

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there are numerous videos if you look for them where the Donald is standing at the podium repeatedly warning that USA is staring at an economic bubble which is about to burst.

And yet on this particular issue the mainstream media is very quietermm.gif

if he is wrong why aren't they are attacking him on this issue as well ?

Donald can shout out all sorts of assertions which are patently wrong, but he's not held to account. Just one of several examples:

>>> "The US has the highest tax rate in the world." Wrong. There are at least 7 major countries which have higher tax rates. source

Hopefully, he will be held to account in the general election.

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Trump keep chugging along ... and all the derisive comments from the lefties on this discussion thread have had NO Effect whatsoever on Trump's progress. So go ahead Lefties -- snipe, snarl, bloviate and obfuscate all you want -- it really does not matter.

From what I've observed, those who lambast Trump most vehemently are the GOP establishment, the Republican political class, and the pseudo-Cruz supporters - not the "Lefties".

Another poster above who is primarily into name calling instead of discussion has labeled Trump a right winger when he supports campaign finance reform and would not alter Federal entitlement programs.

I'm not a right winger - I'm not a conservative - I'm not a Republican. I'm an independent and Trump strikes me as the only American who has the guts to stand up to the PC, Eurocentric, Wall Street barons that control both the Democratic and Republican parties right now. Hillary won't release her Wall Street speeches because they confirm what we all know; that she's a Wall Street insider who is on their payroll.

The more that he and his opponents resort to nonsense attacks instead of discussing the facts the less the electorate will be informed and you will have the equivalent of teenage song competition movie.

I'm not a right winger - I'm not a conservative - I'm not a Republican. I'm an independent

Republican Party Regulars, sometimes erroneously called "insiders," are in fact working to save their party from Donald Trump.

These Republicans are committed politically and for a lifetime to the Institutional Republican Party. They know Donald Trump is hardly a Republican. Ted Cruz is much more the Republican than Trump is, but Cruz is a pretty far over on the right Republican...many Regular (mainstream) Republicans say Cruz is more conservative and far right than Sen Barry Goldwater was in 1964, when he seized the R party nomination for Potus and got wiped out in November, taking the whole party with him out of the Senate and the House alike.

One might not want to dichotomise much but it bears noting there are two kinds of Independent voters, those who lean Republican and consistently vote Republican, and those Independent voters who lean Democratic and consistently vote for the Democratic party candidates. This is the pattern over time concerning Independent voters, i.e., they usually vote for candidates of one party over the other party; occasionally they depart to vote differently.

Outside of the suggestive dichotomy, perhaps 10% of people or politicos who say they are Independent minded politicos do somewhat approach being unattached to a particular political party.

Here's the respected political analyst Charlie Cook on the matter of the myth of the independent voter, a matter that has been well researched empirically for decades and well analysed empirically for a very long time....

The Myth of the Independent Voter

More than 75 percent of those who label themselves as independent also say they "lean" toward one party or the other. Sixteen percent each to the Democrat and Republican Party. "All told, then, 47% of Americans identify as Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, and 41% identify as Republicans or lean to the Republican Party." Just 10 percent of Americans can be identified as "pure independents."

However, it's also true, that as Gallup writes, "Americans' increasing shift to independent status has come more at the expense of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party." (emphasis added)


So as found by Gallup, a lot of people and politicos who say they are independent politically are in fact refugees from the Republican party. These refugees are very often too embarrassed and stressed out to say to others that they are Republicans. Many rightwingers are independent voters because they don't like being known as Republicans because of their perceived Rino domination of the party, which is strongly objectionable to the far out right.

Also concerning politicos who consider themselves Independent (which is really what Donald Trump has considered himself to have been over time).....

The largest group (37 percent) of those using the Independent label actually consists of voters who place themselves on the edges of the political spectrum: strong liberals and conservatives who think Democrats and Republicans are in fact too moderate. These voters use the term “Independent” to mean they fall outside of party lines, but not to mean they fall between the two parties ideologically.

In fact, among the voters who identify themselves as “Independent” in our poll, only a quarter – just 5 percent of the overall electorate – fall into the standard, commonly-used definition of an Independent: voters who do not identify with a party and at the same time place themselves ideologically between Democrats and Republicans. (emphasis added)


So the credible and reliable mainstream research and empirical data over a long period of time finds that of all the people who call themselves Independents in the political system and its processes, only between five percent to ten percent are pure in their Independent status. The other 90% of people who call themselves political or ideological independents are not pure, or holier-than-thou, Trump included who's always leaned Republican.

So it is good to be confident the pure 5 to 10 percent of 'em are here for us to read and to interact with. smile.png

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It's starting. Jim Webb is the first high-level Democrat to endorse Trump. Many more to follow.

Trump cuts across party lines. The general election is going to be a blowout with Trump soundly defeating Hillary, and then throwing her in jail after he is inaugurated.


Edited by mesquite
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Took a 2 week holiday and returning to this thread i see still the same hate mongering from the same people hating, hating and hating and same person posting his propaganda posters a la 1930's backed up by his brown shirt mob.

Well, whatever floats your boat.

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Donald Trump's Team Tells GOP He Has Been 'Projecting An Image'

"Donald Trump's chief lieutenants told skeptical Republican leaders that the party front-runner has been "projecting an image" so far in the 2016 primary season,

and "the part that he's been playing is now evolving" in a way that will improve his standing among general election voters."

"The message, delivered Thursday behind closed doors in a private briefing, is part of the campaign's intensifying effort to convince party leaders,
that Trump will moderate his tone in the coming months to help deliver big electoral gains this fall, despite his contentious ways."
"He gets it," Manafort said of Trump's need to moderate his personality. "The part that he's been playing is evolving into the part that now you've been expecting,
but he wasn't ready for, because he had first to complete the first phase. The negatives will come down. The image is going to change."
It's bad enough that the Bloviator has to be scolded like a child to change his ways, after all he's only 69 years old. clap2.gif (Sure, he'll change)
But also his handlers tell us he is gonna "evolve" into a new "image" blink.png (And just for fun, look up the cretin Roger Stone. The Bloviator's new advisor)
It's now beyond pathetic.
It just keeps getting better and better. cheesy.gif
And it is revealing, that the only posters on this topic who consistently use the word "hate", are the Trumpeters. whistling.gif


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The trump "machine" is nothing more than millions of frightened, ignorant, white folks horrified to see their privileged status being slowly eroded. Trumps will come and go, these folks will still be there!

Any other racist comments about white people?

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Yes I did and when certain members are posting meter long regurgitations in an attempt to dominate the thread and drown others out or to derail the topic my comment is quite justified.

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The trump "machine" is nothing more than millions of frightened, ignorant, white folks horrified to see their privileged status being slowly eroded. Trumps will come and go, these folks will still be there!

Any other racist comments about white people?

you think frightened ignorant white people dont exist? lol

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It's starting. Jim Webb is the first high-level Democrat to endorse Trump. Many more to follow.

Trump cuts across party lines. The general election is going to be a blowout with Trump soundly defeating Hillary, and then throwing her in jail after he is inaugurated.


Fair enough. On the other side, one of the Koch brothers--perennial supporter and funder of all things Republican--is suggesting that HRC may be better for the country than any of the GOP candidates:


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The trump "machine" is nothing more than millions of frightened, ignorant, white folks horrified to see their privileged status being slowly eroded. Trumps will come and go, these folks will still be there!

Any other racist comments about white people?

you think frightened ignorant white people dont exist? lol

Not my question or remark, reread what i wrote and answer that question.

Oh yeah... "LoL".

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The trump "machine" is nothing more than millions of frightened, ignorant, white folks horrified to see their privileged status being slowly eroded. Trumps will come and go, these folks will still be there!

Any other racist comments about white people?


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The trump "machine" is nothing more than millions of frightened, ignorant, white folks horrified to see their privileged status being slowly eroded. Trumps will come and go, these folks will still be there!

Any other racist comments about white people?

you think frightened ignorant white people dont exist? lol

Not my question or remark, reread what i wrote and answer that question.

Oh yeah... "LoL".

your question was , like "when did you stop beating your wife" of old, based on a false premise and as such was ignored as it should be.

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Imagine the Republican Party is like a track coach at a Bible School. He has to choose one among three candidates for running the 1500 meters against the champ from another school.

Vying for contention are: #1 a kid who nobody likes, but shows up at every Bible Study meeting. #2 is a brash kid who is popular with the rednecks and whose daddy owns the biggest construction biz in town. Then there's kid #3 who isn't popular, but studies show is most likely to beat the champ from the other school.

The coach doesn't pick the rash kid because he's too much of a braggart. He instead picks the Bible Study boy, even though studies have shown he will lose the big race.

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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

Edited by mesquite
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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

god i hope youre right! it will ensure the republicans are exiled to the hinterlands for generations!! lol

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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

god i hope youre right! it will ensure the republicans are exiled to the hinterlands for generations!! lol

Ha! Beating Cankles in the general and then throwing her in jail will be justice served, and entertaining to watch!

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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

god i hope youre right! it will ensure the republicans are exiled to the hinterlands for generations!! lol

Ha! Beating Cankles in the general and then throwing her in jail will be justice served, and entertaining to watch!

hold your breath on that one pal. by the way, would you like to buy a bridge?

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WHY and HOW do people keep underestimating Trump? They were planning his funeral last year when he announced he was running, and he just kept and keeps getting stronger. He started out with 17 R candidates in the race which makes it almost impossible to get more than 50% of the total votes. But he has been drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and crossover voters from Democrats and he's on the verge of getting the 1237 delegates he needs. That's despite the clear fact that the establishment has made up rules to try to stop him.

Why why why underestimate this guy any longer???

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WHY and HOW do people keep underestimating Trump? They were planning his funeral last year when he announced he was running, and he just kept and keeps getting stronger. He started out with 17 R candidates in the race which makes it almost impossible to get more than 50% of the total votes. But he has been drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and crossover voters from Democrats and he's on the verge of getting the 1237 delegates he needs. That's despite the clear fact that the establishment has made up rules to try to stop him.

Why why why underestimate this guy any longer???

you dont have to underestimate him to know he is going to hand the election to the democrats if he gets the nomination

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