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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Bad quotes.

Couples with the fact, bad for the case you were trying to make. In fact, I'd say, fatal.
Please see post above...your reply smashed to bits ?

So, you're maintaining that the vice President serves at the pleasure of the President and can be dismissed at any time?

Edited by ilostmypassword
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As to tax returns, what's your obsession with other people's taxes all about? The Donald is an American citizen the same as any other and is entitled to his privacy, especially when it comes to his tax affairs. There is no legal requirement that they be made public and you're free to make of it what you want. The majority of Americans seem to care less.

You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?

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...don't forget that Hillary is under criminal investigation.

It only takes one crooked/turncoat democrat to drop a bomb on her. She may have lots of enemies in her political circles.

Remember...she held office while committing these crimes, which makes it much worse than if you and I were grossly negligent.

Also, remember her involvement with being a co-conspirator in Bill's sexual frolics, while he was president. Just takes a few of these humiliated sex toys to come out in public. (I wonder if Bernie thought of that???)


lolgigglem.gif lol


Edited by slipperylobster
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As to tax returns, what's your obsession with other people's taxes all about? The Donald is an American citizen the same as any other and is entitled to his privacy, especially when it comes to his tax affairs. There is no legal requirement that they be made public and you're free to make of it what you want. The majority of Americans seem to care less.

You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?

Hold your horses..

Trump is biding his time...

Don't forget that he is not the Republican Nominee until the Convention.

There is nothing amiss.....yet..

I am sure both Don and Bernie will disclose their taxes when the time comes (both are nominated)

Hillary will be breaking rocks in prison camp, so need for her to do so.

Edited by slipperylobster
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...don't forget that Hillary is under criminal investigation.

It only takes one crooked/turncoat democrat to drop a bomb on her. She may have lots of enemies in her political circles.

Remember...she held office while committing these crimes, which makes it much worse than if you and I were grossly negligent.

Also, remember her involvement with being a co-conspirator in Bill's sexual frolics, while he was president. Just takes a few of these humiliated sex toys to come out in public. (I wonder if Bernie thought of that???)


lolgigglem.gif lol


I think we see here the inklings of the Trump justice system. Someone is under criminal investigation therefore they have committed a crime. I suspect Trump's criminal justice advisor is Vladimir Putin. I think the motto of the Trumped-up justice system will be Guilty until proven guilty.

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As to tax returns, what's your obsession with other people's taxes all about? The Donald is an American citizen the same as any other and is entitled to his privacy, especially when it comes to his tax affairs. There is no legal requirement that they be made public and you're free to make of it what you want. The majority of Americans seem to care less.

You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?

Where is he "required" to release them...cite the law!

Of course I'm serious. There has never been such a wealthy businessman as a candidate...all the others who released their records were pikers. Somewhere along the way, some candidate decided to release his taxes and this became a custom...good for trump for saying to heck with the tradition. That's what his candidacy is all about...to shake things up and do it differently.

There is plenty of information around on trump and his finances for you to seek out and peruse if this is important to you. You are also free to use this information, or the fact trump didn't release his taxes, in your voting decision. Based on the polls, it doesn't seem many Americans consider this a defining campaign issue for them.

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

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As to tax returns, what's your obsession with other people's taxes all about? The Donald is an American citizen the same as any other and is entitled to his privacy, especially when it comes to his tax affairs. There is no legal requirement that they be made public and you're free to make of it what you want. The majority of Americans seem to care less.

You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?

Where is he "required" to release them...cite the law!

Of course I'm serious. There has never been such a wealthy businessman as a candidate...all the others who released their records were pikers. Somewhere along the way, some candidate decided to release his taxes and this became a custom...good for trump for saying to heck with the tradition. That's what his candidacy is all about...to shake things up and do it differently.

There is plenty of information around on trump and his finances for you to seek out and peruse if this is important to you. You are also free to use this information, or the fact trump didn't release his taxes, in your voting decision. Based on the polls, it doesn't seem many Americans consider this a defining campaign issue for them.

You didn't respond at all to my post. Why do Trump supporters always do this? We know it's not the law, but ethically and for the sake of transparency, it's necessary. If you will support Trump no matter what, why would you be afraid of what may be revealed in his tax returns?

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Edited by slipperylobster
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As to tax returns, what's your obsession with other people's taxes all about? The Donald is an American citizen the same as any other and is entitled to his privacy, especially when it comes to his tax affairs. There is no legal requirement that they be made public and you're free to make of it what you want. The majority of Americans seem to care less.

You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?

Where is he "required" to release them...cite the law!

Of course I'm serious. There has never been such a wealthy businessman as a candidate...all the others who released their records were pikers. Somewhere along the way, some candidate decided to release his taxes and this became a custom...good for trump for saying to heck with the tradition. That's what his candidacy is all about...to shake things up and do it differently.

There is plenty of information around on trump and his finances for you to seek out and peruse if this is important to you. You are also free to use this information, or the fact trump didn't release his taxes, in your voting decision. Based on the polls, it doesn't seem many Americans consider this a defining campaign issue for them.

You didn't respond at all to my post. Why do Trump supporters always do this? We know it's not the law, but ethically and for the sake of transparency, it's necessary. If you will support Trump no matter what, why would you be afraid of what may be revealed in his tax returns?

Because we don't believe in your premise..."ethically and for...transparency it's necessary." Someone else's taxes is none of your, or anyone else's, business and the right to privacy is a strongly held value by many Americans. Maybe whoever started this "tradition" should be condemned for violating these tenants.

Nobody is afraid of anything...just supporting his right to privacy and choice (I'm sure you're "pro-choice" right). If he leases them fine...if he doesn't that's also fine. It's his choice and like I said, you're free to make of it whatever you will.

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

And he failed to provide a trigger warning...oh my, where's my safe-space ?
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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

The accepted phraseology is "supports the Bill of Rights."
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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Excuse me...

You seem overly obsessed about sex between children and adults, in school....and this is not the topic.

The more you explain...the weirder this becomes..

has nothing to do with Trump..Hillary...or Sanders.

Instead of painting yourself in a corner..best to get back on topic

Edited by slipperylobster
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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

You have some serious issues.

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Fantasy. Should be in Playboy Mag.

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

You have some serious issues.

His credibility has been compromised...

Hope this is not typical of the Hillary crowd.

Bringing it all back in perspective...

Trump is a family man....he has no issues (as you do) with children

Edited by slipperylobster
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Why it’s rare to see a presidential candidate release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees before ever getting elected?

Because ethically you don't bargain by using a sitting judge as barter for something else. All of these terrible choices for the Supreme Court show the Conservative establishment that he (Trump) will chose somebody they want.

Trump has no ethics, thus we get the list. This is the guy the wingnuts want to give the nuclear codes to. coffee1.gif

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Excuse me...

You seem overly obsessed about sex between children and adults, in school....and this is not the topic.

The more you explain...the weirder this becomes..

has nothing to do with Trump..Hillary...or Sanders.

Instead of painting yourself in a corner..best to get back on topic

Must of thought this was a Bill Clinton thread ?

"Bill Clinton's Connection To Billionaire Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Will "Blow Up" Campaign"


Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Donald Trump for President: What Are the Chances?

"After becoming the nominee of his party, Trump will probably face Hillary Clinton in the general election.

According to RealClearPolitics' average of recent polls, Clinton beats Trump by 6.2 percentage points in a head-to-head contest, while Sanders – wins by 13.6."

"CNN has published an interactive prediction page that allows users to vote on what they think the outcome of the presidential election will be.

The "wisdom of the crowd" predicts Trump only has an 21% chance of winning in November, perhaps because his extreme views on immigration,

race and gender would alienate many voters in the general election without mobilizing sufficient support to beat a Democratic candidate."

"The British betting website OddsChecker's give Trump slightly better odds at 27.8%. CNN gives Clinton a 79% chance of winning, OddsChecker 71.4%."


This doof for the leader of the free world? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Right. Ain't gonna happen.

The Lemmings are Saps.laugh.png

The Democrats will take the Senate and possibly the house with a big HRC victory. As Trump continues to spew his garbage over the next six months more and more people will get it. This reality show egomaniac is totally unacceptable as a candidate to be President of the United States.

You see the hate and misinformation ramping up for HRC and it will carry on after she's elected. That's all Republicans have to offer...hate and fear.

The lemmings are saps. In an amazing turn of events, Donald Trump is actually going to be the Republican nominee for President. clap2.gif

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Excuse me...

You seem overly obsessed about sex between children and adults, in school....and this is not the topic.

The more you explain...the weirder this becomes..

has nothing to do with Trump..Hillary...or Sanders.

Instead of painting yourself in a corner..best to get back on topic

It is on topic. Trump just got endorsed by NRA. Trump is in a lovefest with NRA, they agree and there will be added money and votes for Trump.

One of the main topics for NRA is to get armed guards in schools, and at all meetings held in the USA. If you don't know that, get informed.

If you get grown men in uniform with loaded guns alongside little boys and girls, 180 days a year, bad things can happen.

I'm like the guy who tries to protect children from danger. Part of that protection is to watch out for bad things which may happen.

What are you doing in that regard?

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It's noticeable that Trump supporters (and NRA fans) are incapable of addressing my concerns directly. Not even peripherally. Instead of answering a simple question (would you want your young daughters going to a school with grown men in the halls carrying loaded weapons?), they zip around like a blue-tail fly at a picnic.

Like Trump, when he hung up the phone the other day (when he was asked an uncomfortable question by a reporter about 'John Miller'), Trump supporters run away from issues and tough questions. It's much easier (and more fun) for them to sit in the pig sty and sling feces.

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...
you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Excuse me...

You seem overly obsessed about sex between children and adults, in school....and this is not the topic.
The more you explain...the weirder this becomes..

has nothing to do with Trump..Hillary...or Sanders.

Instead of painting yourself in a corner..best to get back on topic

It is on topic. Trump just got endorsed by NRA. Trump is in a lovefest with NRA, they agree and there will be added money and votes for Trump.

One of the main topics for NRA is to get armed guards in schools, and at all meetings held in the USA. If you don't know that, get informed.

If you get grown men in uniform with loaded guns alongside little boys and girls, 180 days a year, bad things can happen.

I'm like the guy who tries to protect children from danger. Part of that protection is to watch out for bad things which may happen.

What are you doing in that regard?

Those armed uniformed men are called policemen...I guess you've got a problem with them carrying guns too.
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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

sorry...but did you say "pretty little girls" ???


it sounds perverted...

you may want to change that to "children"

Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

Excuse me...

You seem overly obsessed about sex between children and adults, in school....and this is not the topic.

The more you explain...the weirder this becomes..

has nothing to do with Trump..Hillary...or Sanders.

Instead of painting yourself in a corner..best to get back on topic

It is on topic. Trump just got endorsed by NRA. Trump is in a lovefest with NRA, they agree and there will be added money and votes for Trump.

One of the main topics for NRA is to get armed guards in schools, and at all meetings held in the USA. If you don't know that, get informed.

If you get grown men in uniform with loaded guns alongside little boys and girls, 180 days a year, bad things can happen.

I'm like the guy who tries to protect children from danger. Part of that protection is to watch out for bad things which may happen.

What are you doing in that regard?

For millions of Americans (who actually vote) that's a badge of honor.

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Those armed uniformed men are called policemen...I guess you've got a problem with them carrying guns too.

Not necessarily. More likely, they're security guards. A bit different. Though even if they're just NRA buddies from the neighborhood wearing jeans and sweat-stained t-shirts, they're all men. Men are mortal. All have frailties, vulnerabilities, lusts, and egos which can get offended.

And why am I not surprised you can't address my question.

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You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?

Where is he "required" to release them...cite the law!

Of course I'm serious. There has never been such a wealthy businessman as a candidate...all the others who released their records were pikers. Somewhere along the way, some candidate decided to release his taxes and this became a custom...good for trump for saying to heck with the tradition. That's what his candidacy is all about...to shake things up and do it differently.

There is plenty of information around on trump and his finances for you to seek out and peruse if this is important to you. You are also free to use this information, or the fact trump didn't release his taxes, in your voting decision. Based on the polls, it doesn't seem many Americans consider this a defining campaign issue for them.

You didn't respond at all to my post. Why do Trump supporters always do this? We know it's not the law, but ethically and for the sake of transparency, it's necessary. If you will support Trump no matter what, why would you be afraid of what may be revealed in his tax returns?

Because we don't believe in your premise..."ethically and for...transparency it's necessary." Someone else's taxes is none of your, or anyone else's, business and the right to privacy is a strongly held value by many Americans. Maybe whoever started this "tradition" should be condemned for violating these tenants.

Nobody is afraid of anything...just supporting his right to privacy and choice (I'm sure you're "pro-choice" right). If he leases them fine...if he doesn't that's also fine. It's his choice and like I said, you're free to make of it whatever you will.

Well, then, if it none of anyone else's business to see tax returns, why is Trump demanding it of potential running mates? Looks like this is just another case of the rules apply to everyone but Donald Trump.

And as for "violating these tenants", the only candidate who has violated tenants is Donald Trump. Or at least he's violated their rights.

And please don't start up with that weird notion that the VP is the President's employee and, as such, is subject to the same rules as any other employee. The VP is not the President's employee. She or he is the employee of the citizens of the United States and the President has absolutely no right to dismiss him.

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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone and a supervisor were shot and killed in their San Francisco offices - by a cop who was also a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop the killer from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns. Moscone's and Milk's murders were just two of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

The accepted phraseology is "supports the Bill of Rights."

The 2nd amendment to the Bill of Rights has been debated ad nauseum. I won't rehash all the definitions, except to say it was written in the days of smoothbore, single shot guns, and was aimed at 'minutemen' - farmers who each had a smoothbore, knew how to use it, and could be ready for action in short order. "well armed militia" is the phrase. The automatic military-grade weapons around today are as different from single shot smoothbores as a rowboat is from a Zimbalist-class destroyer.

As for supporting laws: Trump promotes breaking international laws in several way: he proposes killing families of terrorists and he also says more torture should be used against detainees. Both are against int'l laws. Additionally, both those actions will swell terrorist numbers and compel terrorists to torture American detainees more than they already do. If terrorists catch someone who they claim is an enemy (let's say; an American tourist) they'll be justified in killing that person's entire family. When asked, they can say, "Trump does it. So now we do it also." ....more plane bombings, cruise ships, etc. Thanks Trump, for escalating hostilities.

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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone was shot and killed in his San Francisco office - by a cop and a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop Harvey Milk from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns.

Moscone's murder was just one of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

I admire your resolve to remove yourself from a gun society.

....However, you chose Thailand, and for that reason, I don't believe you. (too many gun deaths here, as well)

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