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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone was shot and killed in his San Francisco office - by a cop and a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop the killer from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns.

Moscone's murder was just one of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

I admire your resolve to remove yourself from a gun society.

....However, you chose Thailand, and for that reason, I don't believe you. (too many gun deaths here, as well)

Yes, Thailand has gun problems also, but it's doubtful it's as crazy here in Thailand as in the USA. Both countries have sugar problems also. The US has had a head start on over-consumption of sugar, so that's why 65% of American adults are overweight and sickly. Thailand is trying feverishly to catch up.

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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone was shot and killed in his San Francisco office - by a cop and a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop the killer from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns.

Moscone's murder was just one of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

I admire your resolve to remove yourself from a gun society.

....However, you chose Thailand, and for that reason, I don't believe you. (too many gun deaths here, as well)

Yes, Thailand has gun problems also, but it's doubtful it's as crazy here in Thailand as in the USA. Both countries have sugar problems also. The US has had a head start on over-consumption of sugar, so that's why 65% of American adults are overweight and sickly. Thailand is trying feverishly to catch up.

I see...

guns and sugar..

hmmm... Thailand was a bad choice for you, then.

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I see... guns and sugar..

hmmm... Thailand was a bad choice for you, then.

So now you've got me all figured out. Now what about you - what makes you tick? Oh wait, this thread is supposed to be about Trump.

What makes me tick?


of course. I plan on ticking the ballot right next to his name.

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Now The Donald is chummy with NRA. All smiles and friendly slaps on the back. The folks who want armed guards in every school and at every meeting. As if grown men with loaded weapons are always going to do the right thing. Oh, of course they will, if they have a uniform and a 50 cent badge. And putting grown men with loaded weapons in schools with pretty little girls prancing around - nothing could go wrong there, could it?

The NRA is to intelligence what a paper plane is to an F-16. They love The Donald now, but do they also know Donald can change his ideas as easily a rubber ducky changes orientation on a roiling sea.

The accepted phraseology is "supports the Bill of Rights."

The 2nd amendment to the Bill of Rights has been debated ad nauseum. I won't rehash all the definitions, except to say it was written in the days of smoothbore, single shot guns, and was aimed at 'minutemen' - farmers who each had a smoothbore, knew how to use it, and could be ready for action in short order. "well armed militia" is the phrase. The automatic military-grade weapons around today are as different from single shot smoothbores as a rowboat is from a Zimbalist-class destroyer.

As for supporting laws: Trump promotes breaking international laws in several way: he proposes killing families of terrorists and he also says more torture should be used against detainees. Both are against int'l laws. Additionally, both those actions will swell terrorist numbers and compel terrorists to torture American detainees more than they already do. If terrorists catch someone who they claim is an enemy (let's say; an American tourist) they'll be justified in killing that person's entire family. When asked, they can say, "Trump does it. So now we do it also." ....more plane bombings, cruise ships, etc. Thanks Trump, for escalating hostilities.

I too won't rehash all the reasons why you're wrong...suffice it to say that gun ownership for personal protection in and outside the home is the law of the land and refer you to the "Heller" decision of the Supreme Court if you need some enlightenment on this issue.
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You can't be serious. The President works for the American people. He is absolutely required to reveal his tax returns. In Trump's case, it's even more critical because his entire campaign hinges on the fact that he claims to be super rich and a great business man. He knows that his tax returns may destroy his entire persona. Tidbits have already been revealed. For example, there's a golf course he owns that he claims is worth US$50 million (per his voluntary financial disclosure). Yet, he's assessed it as being valued at around $1.5 million for the sole intent of paying less property taxes. This is just one tiny example. When he doesn't pay his fair share of local taxes like this, the common man is stuck with the bill. And you're ok with this?
Where is he "required" to release them...cite the law!

Of course I'm serious. There has never been such a wealthy businessman as a candidate...all the others who released their records were pikers. Somewhere along the way, some candidate decided to release his taxes and this became a custom...good for trump for saying to heck with the tradition. That's what his candidacy is all about...to shake things up and do it differently.

There is plenty of information around on trump and his finances for you to seek out and peruse if this is important to you. You are also free to use this information, or the fact trump didn't release his taxes, in your voting decision. Based on the polls, it doesn't seem many Americans consider this a defining campaign issue for them.

You didn't respond at all to my post. Why do Trump supporters always do this? We know it's not the law, but ethically and for the sake of transparency, it's necessary. If you will support Trump no matter what, why would you be afraid of what may be revealed in his tax returns?

Because we don't believe in your premise..."ethically and for...transparency it's necessary." Someone else's taxes is none of your, or anyone else's, business and the right to privacy is a strongly held value by many Americans. Maybe whoever started this "tradition" should be condemned for violating these tenants.

Nobody is afraid of anything...just supporting his right to privacy and choice (I'm sure you're "pro-choice" right). If he leases them fine...if he doesn't that's also fine. It's his choice and like I said, you're free to make of it whatever you will.

Well, then, if it none of anyone else's business to see tax returns, why is Trump demanding it of potential running mates? Looks like this is just another case of the rules apply to everyone but Donald Trump.
And as for "violating these tenants", the only candidate who has violated tenants is Donald Trump. Or at least he's violated their rights.
And please don't start up with that weird notion that the VP is the President's employee and, as such, is subject to the same rules as any other employee. The VP is not the President's employee. She or he is the employee of the citizens of the United States and the President has absolutely no right to dismiss him.

Well now you're just intentionally misstating and misrepresenting my arguments so there is no use try to engage you in a debate on the merits of the various candidates in this election.
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When Reps don't like the message, they attack the messenger.

When the messenger delivers fascism/nazism as it's message, it becomes a propagandist.

I have been following U.S. politics all my life. Sure republicans and right wingers have been called fascists before by the left. That is nothing new. But Trump IS something new. The Trump movement is being properly labelled a FASCIST movement by MANY more very credible people than I've ever seen in the American political context. Not only leftists but very MODERATE people as well. It's EVERYWHERE, and globally too. I say, pay attention, this is REAL this time. Don't ignore the threat. Real American patriots (not the fascists in the trump hats) will mobilize against this incredibly dangerous rise of a horrific DEMAGOGUE and while many or most will have to hold their noises, Hillary Clinton is the ONLY choice to stop him.

Funny, not, when democracy suddenly becomes unfashionable because some don't like the possible victor.

Perhaps some on here that are the most fearful of the Donald winning have suddenly realised that the people that oppose the Donald don't have any guns, because the loony left have been practicing what they preach and disarming themselves, leaving the gun owners in the Donald camp. Guess what- the NRA have just come out in favour of the Donald 5555555555555555555555555555

BTW the biggest reason the Donald might win is that people just DON'T like HRC, and her list of faults is very, very large. I'm looking forward to the debates when the Donald will trash her, on her record.

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With NRA backing Trump...it's a done deal

.Any future acts of terrorism and/or expansion of ISIS, will nail the Presidency for Trump, putting the Obama/Clinton team, once again, on the "failure" list.

I don't get your logic. It's like saying because environmentalists back HRC then any time someone cuts down a tree it benefits HRC (?) Doesn't make sense.

To use your line of thought, if there's a group of American right-wingers who, while wielding guns, take over a forest ranger station, then that boosts Trump's popularity?

In case you didn't notice: There are a lot more Americans who are not members of NRA than are. And there are more Americans who are against free-wheeling gun-ownership (particularly military-style weapons) than are in favor. NRA backing Trump will likely translate into less votes than more - for him. Americans are rarely one-topic voters. Well, let me put it another way: If you ask Americans about any one of several topics, the same person will say, "that's #1 priority". Trump plays into that ignorance as well. He's nothing if not an excellent salesman.

For example, ask a Republican how important job security is, and that person will likely say, "Job security is the most important issue."

Then, five hours later, ask that same Republican how important a strong military is, and that same person will likely say, "A strong American military is the most important issue."

Then, the next morning, ask that same Republican how important SS is (assuming he/she is getting it), and that same person will likely say, "SS is the most important issue."

....and so on. You see the pattern? Trump plays on that also. Throughout his speeches, he'll say things like, "(blah blah blah) is the most important issue facing this nation right now" ......and all his sheeple fans will cheer wildly. I mean, it's fine to be concerned by various issues, but to label each issue as the #1 most important is silly.

Spoiler alert for Republicans: even if Trump becomes prez in January 2017, he won't build that silly wall. Even Trump, with his limited intelligence will realize it's very expensive and won't work. Trump estimates it will cost several billion dollars. In reality, it would cost over 30 billion. P.S. more Mexicans arrive by train, legally, than by illegal border crossings. Of the illegals aliens in the US, over 90% enter legally, and then decide to overstay. Also, more Chinese entered the US last year than Latinos. How many Chinese chose to overstay? I don't know.

November 8 should prove interesting.

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Well now you're just intentionally misstating and misrepresenting my arguments so there is no use try to engage you in a debate on the merits of the various candidates in this election.

Misstating am I? Here is an exact quote of what you wrote:

"The vice-president is a subordinate office to the President and not an independently elected official and serves at the pleasure of the President and can be dismissed at any time. I would call such a person an "employee" of the President."

No, the vice-president can not be dismissed by the President and does not serve at his pleasure. No matter hpw much the President may dislike the vice-President, the only way the VP gets dismissed is by impeachment and conviction. That comes from a document called the Constitution of the United States.

You also maintained that Americans could care less about candidates releasing their tax returns.

"As to tax returns, what's your obsession with other people's taxes all about? The Donald is an American citizen the same as any other and is entitled to his privacy, especially when it comes to his tax affairs. There is no legal requirement that they be made public and you're free to make of it what you want. The majority of Americans seem to care less."

And I cited a recent poll with a link that showed 59% of Americans think it's important vs. 38% who think it isn't. https://sunlightfoun...ial-candidates/

So what exactly am I intentionally misrepresenting and misstating?

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Remember the fundraising event for veterans that Trump held when he sat out one of the debates? He claimed he raisded 6 million. He also claimed that he himself gave 1 million. Guess what? The evidence or rather the lack of it, make it overwhelmingly likely that both were lies. Surprise, surprise.


How much did the Clinton and/or Sanders camps donate?

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I'm sorry to post so often this morning. But this NRA / Trump lovefest is bugging me.

Part of the reason I moved away from the US (in 1998) is American's love fixation with guns. No Trump supporter is going to agree with me on this, but I don't like guns unless they're necessary for stopping something bad from happening. I don't even like game-hunting with guns, I think it's cowardly (I think Ted Nugent agrees with me on that, ha ha). I prefer to let animals live.

Now some states in the US are allowing guns to get carried around in public, into shops, schools, government offices, .....whatever. Mayor Moscone and a supervisor were shot and killed in their San Francisco offices - by a cop who was also a country supervisor. Was any security guard going to stop the killer from entering the mayor's office with a gun? No. They were all NRA lifetime members. They love everything about guns. Moscone's and Milk's murders were just two of thousands of unnecessary gun deaths each year in the US.

Gun lovers will boycott a store which doesn't allow open-carry. I will boycott a store which does allow it. Indeed, if I walk in a store and I see anyone other than a guard or cop carrying a gun, I will walk out. And yes, I do return to the US once in awhile, and I don't like some of the trends I see there.

Did you ever sit down, take a deep breath and ask yourself...

"I wonder what one person with a gun could have done to ease the pain caused by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook?"

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Yes, I wrote 'pretty little girls' and did so for a reason. Imagine you had a couple of daughters. Let's say they were ages 9 and 11. Then imagine they went to a school where there were grown men carrying loaded weapons. Those are the men who the NRA recommend being stationed at every school in the USA. School is 5 days a week, week after week. Those grown men are standing the hallways with their loaded weapons. Pretty little girls are prancing to and fro. Men get thoughts. Girls get crushes on big men. Conversations happen. Girls get girlish, singing, dancing, prancing, flirty and doing all the silly cute things that silly cute girls do. Men get more thoughts. Bad things can happen.

A bit different, but I know a guy who, when he was just a kid, a janitor at his school grabbed him and took him into the broom closet. Some sexual things happened. Ok, that was man on boy, but you get the picture?

One of my points here is in response to the NRA recommending armed guards be placed in all US schools. NRA assumes all those guards will be mature self-controlled men. For anyone who knows anything about human nature, that's a very naive assumption.

Here's another angle. Let's say there's an armed guard who is taunted by school boys. Day after day. One day, the guard snaps and shoots. POW! Completely plausible scenario. People go postal every day.

I know men who have a very low level of self-control and are liable to explode with retribution when offended (sounds like Trump, doesn't it?). Some of those men have been in the military. Some are Harvard graduates. Some are cops. I know something about human nature. Do you?

And on top of this scenario, just imagine those same 9 and 11 year old "pretty little girls" are faced on a daily basis with men wandering into their dressing rooms and bathrooms at school...claiming to be women.

Your examples are just more proof of an overactive imagination.

That's what people do sometimes, they imagine what might ensue, and then take precautions. If your kids are setting off to walk to school and there are dark clouds blowing in, you might get them to carry raincoats, just in case.

There are checkers for fliers boarding planes, for example, who try to preclude bad people boarding. It doesn't always work, but it's an attempt to keep out the baddies, and it's based on thinking ahead about what bad things might happen.

Men dressed as women entering a girls' bathroom could be problematic. We could discuss that, though it's on a different thread. However, I mentioned the RNA endorsement of Trump herein, because it relates to this thread.

You can call it an 'overactive imagination'. I don't know if that's a put-down. Perhaps if the US had security people with 'overactive imaginations' just prior to 9-11 then the disasters which ensued might not have been so dire.

"If your kids are setting off to walk to school and there are dark clouds blowing in, you might get them to carry raincoats, just in case."

Nope. I simply took them to school in the car. Problem solved.

"There are checkers for fliers boarding planes, for example, who try to preclude bad people boarding. It doesn't always work, but it's an attempt to keep out the baddies, and it's based on thinking ahead about what bad things might happen."

Actually that would be based on prior experience more than anything else. An overactive imagination would be worrying about a five wheel blowout on take off. Uh, checkers is a board game. TSA Agent might be a little better moniker to use.

Why are you so worried about the NRA endorsement? You claim their impact will be negligible so why even concern yourself with it?

You have enough on your plate working to save the world. Let the NRA do its thing.

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The real ignorance is on the notrump side.

After being breast fed politics, their entire lives...they are unable to think outside the box.

Trump comes along, and beats the system. He snatches the nomination (it's sure) right out from under the noses of Cruz and the Republican Party. They never saw it coming. What you have here is not a country filled with idiots that blindly follow trump.....what you have is a desire to "think politics outside the box" . America is very unpopular...just ask some people from other countries how they feel. It's a no brainer.....despite what any foreign polls come up with.

I do feel sorry for those that do not understand that Politics in the USA, as they know it, can not be accepted any longer...by free thinking people.

We want out so bad, that we are willing to support Trump...just so you brainwashed people don't end up voting for the same old stuff.

War is not always the answer. Good Business and Trade, more jobs is just part of what we want. Trump is a doormat for us...to break into the system (as outsiders). Who knows....perhaps he will kill the Republican Party.....forever. I don't care about parties.

Lets weed out the old and plant the new.

Start using your brains...and stop making the same old mistakes...over and over.

By the way...I am appalled at the anger, aggression and insults notrump people convey. It all sounds so defensive....and makes you look scared and weak.

Have you noticed that anger towards Trump is all they have? HRC is so bad that they can't hold her up as something desirable for POTUS, so have to rely on denigrating the Donald to try and get her elected by getting Republicans to stay home and not vote.

Won't work, so expect even more vitriol. HRC has how much money for ads? LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS!!!!!! Guarantee most of it will be negative advertising. After all, HRC has few, if any, good points to laud. All they have is rubbishing Trump.

Bring on the debates, I say. I want to be entertained.

Some folks on tv are probably collecting some kind of handout..and are scared about their money. That must be why they are so ornery. Trump would be pulling out the carpet from under their feet.

I am guessing this is exactly the case.

And a lot of Trump supporters on here are probably drawing on payments and pensions from the US.

Guys like him in many countries have a hardon against expats taking money out and spending it abroad.

Expats here are generally non voters, which means we are worthlessin their view.

Trump being the nutter he is, will probably get in and amuse himself with trying to find ways to halt money going out of the country.

careful what you wish for.

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Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

When Donald Trump skipped a GOP debate in January to host a fundraiser for veterans, he touted its success by citing the $6 million raised for veterans groups.

One problem -- that figure is inaccurate.

"Lewandowski said he did not "know the exact number" off the top of his head and would confirm the number in coming days." whistling.gif
"The Washington Post reported Friday that Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million. Lewandowski told CNN that number is incorrect." blink.png
"But the fundraiser was light in details from the very beginning. The website initially setup to collect funds did not disclose which charities would benefit,
but simply said "Honor their valor" and "Donate now to help our veterans."
So, where's the dough Donnie?
You've got Lewandowski dancing around and he can't get his story straight.
Edited by iReason
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Trump said he raised $6 million for vets. Now, his campaign says it was less.

One night in January, Donald Trump skipped a GOP debate and instead held his own televised fundraiser for veterans. At the end of the night, Trump proclaimed it a huge success:

“We just cracked $6 million, right? Six million.”

"Now, Trump’s campaign says that number is incorrect.

Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million, or 75 percent of the total that Trump announced."

"Lewandowski also said he did not know whether a $1 million pledge from Trump himself was counted as part of the $4.5 million total.

He said Trump has given that amount, but he declined to identify any recipients."

"In recent weeks, Trump and his campaign repeatedly declined to give new details about how much they have given away.

“Why should I give you records?” Trump said in an interview with The Post this month. “I don’t have to give you records.” laugh.png


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Supposed Billionaire Bloviator sure has a propensity for hiding records.

Especially when it comes to money... thumbsup.gif

And you have a Campaign Manager who is clueless as to where millions have gone. facepalm.gif

Ahh, but what the hell. Vote Trump, Vote Trump! say the Lemmings.



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"Trump is the most unpredictable, extraordinary, entertaining & massively popular candidate this country has ever seen." Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan, huh? So that's the source of your data.
It's not a data point...just one person's (albeit well know) opinion on Donald Trump. I didn't use it in support of any proposition...just in reply to the thread heading which is: "Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?" in case you forgot.

It seems to me you're a bit touchy...I guess seeing the Hillary campaign starting to crash and burn is making you nervous. ?

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Trump said he raised $6 million for vets. Now, his campaign says it was less.

One night in January, Donald Trump skipped a GOP debate and instead held his own televised fundraiser for veterans. At the end of the

, Trump proclaimed it a huge success:

We just cracked $6 million, right? Six million.

"Now, Trumps campaign says that number is incorrect.

Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million, or 75 percent of the total that Trump announced."

"Lewandowski also said he did not know whether a $1 million pledge from Trump himself was counted as part of the $4.5 million total.

He said Trump has given that amount, but he declined to identify any recipients."

"In recent weeks, Trump and his campaign repeatedly declined to give new details about how much they have given away.

Why should I give you records? Trump said in an interview with The Post this month. I dont have to give you records. laugh.png


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Supposed Billionaire Bloviator sure has a propensity for hiding records.

Especially when it comes to money... thumbsup.gif

And you have a Campaign Manager who is clueless as to where millions have gone. facepalm.gif

Ahh, but what the hell. Vote Trump, Vote Trump! say the Lemmings.


The Department of Veteran's Affairs budget request for 2017 is over 182 billion dollars. I think veterans are being very well cared for and while it was a nice gesture on Donald's part, hardly of significance in the grand scheme of things.

But you keep on looking, you may find a real criminal cover-up on the scale of email-gate in Trump's past if you're very lucky.

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America is broken. The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency. Surrogates also went about smear campaigns deriding a black man in the whitehouse, his wife, his religion (intimidating he's a Muslim) and even his birthplace. Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner.

Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans - who were hell bent on choosing to sabotage America instead of 'helping Obama' (as they see it). It's like Obama inherited an almost completely wrecked car, managed to somehow put it back together again (despite Republicans putting down tools) and now the Republicans want the keys back so they can smash it all over again.

But with Trump as President it will end up much, much worse than after Bush - which every American global adversary are anticipating with glee.

Trump is an ego-driven misogynist, racist, reactionary buffoon but also an alarmingly effective pied piper who naturally appeals to simple-minded, fear-driven, reactionary types. Thus he has a very good chance of winning as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks). He will say whatever he thinks appeals to them which he knows will get HIM a 'win'. And that is what it is all about, not about making America great again, it's about HIM winning, full stop.

Bernie is another nightmare. Hilary is greatly flawed but probably the 'safest' bet. What a field.

Trump may indeed get 'HIS' win and then god help America (and the world order).

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The Bloviator hoping that there is a housing market crash. So he can make a lot of money:


A compassionate leader of the free world?

No. A disgusting bottom feeder preying upon the misery of millions during a deep recession.

Hoping that it will happen to them.

The "outsider". The "man of the people". Right.

More accurately, an arrogant, silver-spooned, ivory tower, souless, selfish pig.


Edited by iReason
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The Bloviator hoping that there is a housing market crash. So he can make a lot of money:


A compassionate leader of the free world?

No. A disgusting bottom feeder preying upon the misery of millions during a deep recession.

Hoping that it will happen to them.

The "outsider". The "man of the people". Right.

More accurately, an arrogant, silver-spooned, ivory tower, souless, selfish pig.

The economy way flying high in 2006...so nobody was "preying [on] the misery of millions during a deep recession." Again, keep on trying because even just going by the law of averages means you gotta come up with something that will stick soon laugh.png

And just for your information, most people aren't looking to elect a Compassionator In Chief...if it's compassion they want, they'll go see their wife or a priest.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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America is broken. The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency. Surrogates also went about smear campaigns deriding a black man in the whitehouse, his wife, his religion (intimidating he's a Muslim) and even his birthplace. Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner.
Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans - who were hell bent on choosing to sabotage America instead of 'helping Obama' (as they see it). It's like Obama inherited an almost completely wrecked car, managed to somehow put it back together again (despite Republicans putting down tools) and now the Republicans want the keys back so they can smash it all over again.
But with Trump as President it will end up much, much worse than after Bush - which every American global adversary are anticipating with glee.
Trump is an ego-driven misogynist, racist, reactionary buffoon but also an alarmingly effective pied piper who naturally appeals to simple-minded, fear-driven, reactionary types. Thus he has a very good chance of winning as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks). He will say whatever he thinks appeals to them which he knows will get HIM a 'win'. And that is what it is all about, not about making America great again, it's about HIM winning, full stop.
Bernie is another nightmare. Hilary is greatly flawed but probably the 'safest' bet. What a field.
Trump may indeed get 'HIS' win and then god help America (and the world order).

You're a newbie so you don't know very much but most of your ridiculous assertions have been shot down many times before on this forum.

1. "The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency."

​On day one of Obama's Presidency he had a Democrat controlled Senate and House of Representatives and this remained true through the first 710 days of his administration.

2. "Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner."

How could the birther movement, which by the way was started by some Hillary Clinton supporters, be considered a smear. All Trump did was demand the President produce a long form birth certificate, which he finally did. Blame Hillary's supporters for starting this little problem.

3. "Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans ."
The recession was officially declared over in June 2009, less than five months after Obama was sworn in. TARP was passed under Bush so the bank bailouts and Detroit bailouts were officially credited to Bush. Officially next month marks the 84th month of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US...and it isn't over yet.
4. "as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks)."
​Now to be realistic, which so far has managed to escape you, there really aren't enough NASCAR fans to elect anybody, but there are certainly enough Democrats on food stamps to elect a real Democrat, if the Democrats actually had one.
Your party of choice has a 73 yer old Socialist who has never been a member of either party. He has been an independent for his entire political life.
Your other candidate is a 68 year old grandmother that managed to marry well and has accomplished virtually nothing on her own since that magic marriage.
She is currently under investigation by five separate government agencies for her actions when she was Secretary of State. Good luck selling that deal to the public.
Welcome to the World News forum.
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With NRA backing Trump...it's a done deal

.Any future acts of terrorism and/or expansion of ISIS, will nail the Presidency for Trump, putting the Obama/Clinton team, once again, on the "failure" list.

I don't get your logic. It's like saying because environmentalists back HRC then any time someone cuts down a tree it benefits HRC (?) Doesn't make sense.

To use your line of thought, if there's a group of American right-wingers who, while wielding guns, take over a forest ranger station, then that boosts Trump's popularity?

In case you didn't notice: There are a lot more Americans who are not members of NRA than are. And there are more Americans who are against free-wheeling gun-ownership (particularly military-style weapons) than are in favor. NRA backing Trump will likely translate into less votes than more - for him. Americans are rarely one-topic voters. Well, let me put it another way: If you ask Americans about any one of several topics, the same person will say, "that's #1 priority". Trump plays into that ignorance as well. He's nothing if not an excellent salesman.

For example, ask a Republican how important job security is, and that person will likely say, "Job security is the most important issue."

Then, five hours later, ask that same Republican how important a strong military is, and that same person will likely say, "A strong American military is the most important issue."

Then, the next morning, ask that same Republican how important SS is (assuming he/she is getting it), and that same person will likely say, "SS is the most important issue."

....and so on. You see the pattern? Trump plays on that also. Throughout his speeches, he'll say things like, "(blah blah blah) is the most important issue facing this nation right now" ......and all his sheeple fans will cheer wildly. I mean, it's fine to be concerned by various issues, but to label each issue as the #1 most important is silly.

Spoiler alert for Republicans: even if Trump becomes prez in January 2017, he won't build that silly wall. Even Trump, with his limited intelligence will realize it's very expensive and won't work. Trump estimates it will cost several billion dollars. In reality, it would cost over 30 billion. P.S. more Mexicans arrive by train, legally, than by illegal border crossings. Of the illegals aliens in the US, over 90% enter legally, and then decide to overstay. Also, more Chinese entered the US last year than Latinos. How many Chinese chose to overstay? I don't know.

November 8 should prove interesting.

It is simple.

Gun owners are not tree huggers.

In all seriousness, there are many Democrat Voters that own guns.

With the NRA backing Donald....well, it's more possible votes from the other side.

We just know that Sanders people want to be armed...don't we? They are threatening the lives of people running their own party.

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America is broken. The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency. Surrogates also went about smear campaigns deriding a black man in the whitehouse, his wife, his religion (intimidating he's a Muslim) and even his birthplace. Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner.
Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans - who were hell bent on choosing to sabotage America instead of 'helping Obama' (as they see it). It's like Obama inherited an almost completely wrecked car, managed to somehow put it back together again (despite Republicans putting down tools) and now the Republicans want the keys back so they can smash it all over again.
But with Trump as President it will end up much, much worse than after Bush - which every American global adversary are anticipating with glee.
Trump is an ego-driven misogynist, racist, reactionary buffoon but also an alarmingly effective pied piper who naturally appeals to simple-minded, fear-driven, reactionary types. Thus he has a very good chance of winning as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks). He will say whatever he thinks appeals to them which he knows will get HIM a 'win'. And that is what it is all about, not about making America great again, it's about HIM winning, full stop.
Bernie is another nightmare. Hilary is greatly flawed but probably the 'safest' bet. What a field.
Trump may indeed get 'HIS' win and then god help America (and the world order).

You're a newbie so you don't know very much but most of your ridiculous assertions have been shot down many times before on this forum.

1. "The main blame goes to Republicans in the house who from day 1 vowed no action on bills or to assist Obama in any way during his presidency."

​On day one of Obama's Presidency he had a Democrat controlled Senate and House of Representatives and this remained true through the first 710 days of his administration.

2. "Trump happily assisted in the smears and division by promoting the 'birther' banner."

How could the birther movement, which by the way was started by some Hillary Clinton supporters, be considered a smear. All Trump did was demand the President produce a long form birth certificate, which he finally did. Blame Hillary's supporters for starting this little problem.

3. "Meanwhile, after back to back Bush, Obama inherited an absolute disaster akin to the great depression. Amazingly, he has managed to stop the hemorrhaging and has gotten America back on it's feet all DESPITE the almost total lack of cooperation from Republicans ."
The recession was officially declared over in June 2009, less than five months after Obama was sworn in. TARP was passed under Bush so the bank bailouts and Detroit bailouts were officially credited to Bush. Officially next month marks the 84th month of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US...and it isn't over yet.
4. "as he will get many traditional 'lazy' non-voters to vote this time (fat/fearful/angry white guys n gals from bowling leagues to redneck Nascar and Duck Dynasty type fans, basically amassing under-educated white folks)."
​Now to be realistic, which so far has managed to escape you, there really aren't enough NASCAR fans to elect anybody, but there are certainly enough Democrats on food stamps to elect a real Democrat, if the Democrats actually had one.
Your party of choice has a 73 yer old Socialist who has never been a member of either party. He has been an independent for his entire political life.
Your other candidate is a 68 year old grandmother that managed to marry well and has accomplished virtually nothing on her own since that magic marriage.
She is currently under investigation by five separate government agencies for her actions when she was Secretary of State. Good luck selling that deal to the public.
Welcome to the World News forum.

A TVF learning moment

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