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What sort of download speeds should I expect from Truevision cable connection to my computer. At the moment I am getting- Ping 99. Download 14.24. Upload 3.8. I am computer almost clueless, so can anyone tell me if these figures acceptable. I used to get reasonable downloads for films etc but now am plagued with buffering. I am using Google Chrome.

Thanks in advance.


Since you are getting an upload of 3.8Mb, I'm going to assume you are on True's 30Mb down/3Mb up DOCSIS/plan. What are your paying for? See their various DOCSIS and Fiber plans below....for DOCSIS I think True's max is 200Mb...higher than that and it's Fiber. I have a True DOCSIS 15Mb/1.5Mb plan....see below for my speedtest results using the TOT in-Thailand speedtester....I'm in Bangkok so that means I'm testing from my residence in western Bangkok to the TOT server probably in central Bangkok...only a 16ms ping time.

Since you say you are getting a 99ms ping I'm going to also assume you are speed testing to somewhere outside of Thailand which is probably why your download speed is far below 30Mb. You need to speed test to a nearby, in-Thailand site to confirm if you are getting the advertised/paid for speed...remember, the advertised/paid for speed is your local connection/in-Thailand speed; not the international speed you will get which will be much lower.

Try speed testing to True's, TOT's and CAT local speedtesters...see what speed you get.




True DOCSIS Plans


My True DOCSIS 15Mb/1.5Mb speed results using TOT speedtester at around 5:20pm



Thanks for the info. I did the checks True--Down 38.09 Up--3.31 Latency?11ms

TOT-- 39.31 3.3 24

CAT 38.34 3.33 12

This was last night at 1900 in Sattahip.

Do these results indicate I'm getting what I'm paying for? Which is Bt 960 approx.



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