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new Thai GF - what can I expect?


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Disillusioned after my recent experiences with women in the UK I decided to go to Bangkok last month for a couple of weeks. I joined a dating site and arranged to meet a few women when I came to BKK.

I arranged to meet my favourite the first night - she slept with me first night and then every night of my stay. She is 10 years my junior and way more gorgeous that I could ever get back home. She's also very kind. I'm going back in a few months for a couple of weeks in Pattaya with her.

She has a young son who lives with her parents in some rural part of Thailand. We talk on LINE most days.

Since I came back to the UK she has asked me to send her some money to help her out which I did (there's no fool like an old fool but it's not much to me but I know is to her)

I'm not stupid I know she is only interested in me for my vast Western wealth.

What can I expect in coming months? I'm guessing more tales of woe and requests for "help".

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Since she slept with you the very first night, it seems her true love for you is absolute and you should expect much more of what is already occurring in this new blossoming relationship.

She sounds like quite a catch mate.

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"she slept with me first night and then every night of my stay." ... and certainly with every others men she meet online.

She got ten days to make you fall in love with her, and become her sponsorwhistling.gif

Did she succeed?laugh.png

Edited by Bender
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Take the negative replies with a grain of salt, the main reason they reply is for their own amusement.

The parents live in rural Thailand, means the immediate family had been previously surviving on at most 10,000 baht a month

Never ever buy any rural land, its worthless as an investment.

Likely she is able to rent some land from a family member foras liitle as 1000 baht a month, 300 baht a month in some cases.

Dont get sucked into any start up business idea for more than 20,000 baht. Ducks or buffalo or whatever, get them to start off small and have the family prove they will work there asses of for it, more likely, the brothers wont - work 3 days a week and sit around eating and drinking whiskey the rest of the time.

Pretty much just ask yourself everytime - have much would all this cost me back home, 3,4 times the amount, 10 even 20 times the amount once you factor in real estate

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Oh Dear --------------------------------Another one . !

Please fellow members be kind and do not tell him what is coming, he will not believe you.

Best the OP discovers Thailand for himself.

Come on spill the beans! I want to know how these things normally pan out. What's her next move!?

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Dunno for her but, for some, her next move would be to make sure that there are no scheduling conflicts on your next trip to Thailand with all the other guys she is taking to online and scheduling their short-term trips to Thailand before returning home wherever that may be.

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A lot of men have met "sexy" * Thai women who slept with them the first night. They are easy to find on Walking Street or in Pattaya.

* I question some people's idea of sexy. Most bar girls I've seen use a broom for daily transportation.

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what can you expect, no one knows.

you are punching above your weight, what i would do is enjoy myself while it lasts.

all this paranoia is utter crap, have fun now, don't do anything stupid and quit calling her your girlfriend,you dont even live in the same city.

oh, i just noticed you said you sent cash - nevermind.

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I do not believe this thread is for real.

He's gone and included every red herring in the space of a few sentences.

-more gorgeous than could get back home

-Slept together first date

-just the word pattaya

-Asked to send money

-young son who lives with her parents out in the sticks

What can you expect?

To be paying for absolutely everything whilst she is looking for new farang in pattaya in case you don't pay.

Sorry mate but if you're looking for a decent relationship then you ain't gonna find it with this girl. And I'm usually not so cynical when it comes to Thai girls!!!

Edit: forgot a red herring

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Dont lose this one OP send money immediately

Dont forget the the deposit for the "truck"

And you should start looking at an architect for your Isaan MacMansion, there are TV members maybe able to give you recommendations...

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If the money is not important to you and you're happy with her then just go along with. Be aware though that unless you have an utterly offensive personality, you can do much better. She probably knows this so unless she has other men she'll be very insecure.

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