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Well BC,

I am on duty today! :D

And quite a few days after,...

Hate is nice, keep you "balanced".

But, but, there is quite a lot of reasons to hate people and religion is sure not the "best" one,... :o

It is quite a relevant topic nowdays, even in LoS, sorry to say.

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I have been traveling to SEA and India as well as China and Japan for over thirty years. Everywhere I have traveled the muslims were always creating some problem.

I don't have time to expose erudite discourses on muslim terroist issues.

What I will say is this In Thailand my wife from Bangkok has always said that the people in the south are no good.

I say what do you mean. She says they are muslims, they will kill you and no one will ever find you.

From the mouths of babes, huh.

Tell me this.

How does killing Bhuddist monks and teachers in the south have anything to do with western impirialism or christian issues?

No offense i say if you sympatize at all with them go and live with them :o


pepe...I read recently that 'thai' people in the southern provinces are in fact ethnic malays...something that raises a lot of questions not just about religions. Malays are racially and culturally distinct from Thai folks.

So...what we have is not just a failure to communicate. Malays don't want to be thais and this is understandable. Probably says alot about the neglect and the poverty in this area. Any successful attempt to 'pacify' the area by thai forces would necessarily be genocidal.

No end in sight...

I have been traveling to SEA and India as well as China and Japan for over thirty years. Everywhere I have traveled the muslims were always creating some problem.

I don't have time to expose erudite discourses on muslim terroist issues.

What I will say is this In Thailand my wife from Bangkok has always said that the people in the south are no good.

I say what do you mean. She says they are muslims, they will kill you and no one will ever find you.

From the mouths of babes, huh.

Tell me this.

How does killing Bhuddist monks and teachers in the south have anything to do with western impirialism or christian issues?

No offense i say if you sympatize at all with them go and live with them :o

I agree here with Pepe.

My wife is from Prachinburi and she has some cousins that married muslim in the south. She said the same thing as Pepe wife. She said that if the muslims like you they will be nice to you but if you piss them off they will kill you and no one will find you. She warns me to be on my best behavior when dealing with the muslims.

She is even a little nervous when we are in Krabi or Phuket. If it were not for me I don't think she would even want to visit the south.


I have lived and worked as an airline pilot in Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa for more than 30 years, I find the majority of muslims are ok, it's the fanatics, the true believers who are the problem, they are very dangerous.


further to what I said before re: malays in the south how does one handle it? An easy solution would be to partition the region as an autonomous area but then the mullahs and the extremists would have a place to go like in Aceh in Indonesia...Thai and malaysian troops would have to patrol the borders to prevent Jemaah islamya from taking over...a perfect set up for crazy assed raghead extremists. But malays will never be thais and we are set up now for a long struggle..perfect for the purposes of fundamentalist SE Asia muslims.

SE Asia muslims don't know what they believe in...they just know that they are poor and fukced up. Ask a taxi driver in Pattani if he knows about the difference between sunni and shia islam and he won't have a clue...but he sure wants to go on the haj one day...excellent fodder for raghead <deleted>.

But there has to be a way to approach the problem and toxin ain't got the first clue

all of this in the land of smiles...shit.

Religion is opium for the people.

quote your sources

Chairman Mao

American school kids are taught it was Stalin who made that statement. He also coined the slogan: "Work Will Set You Free". Big signs hanging over entrances to the Gulags... :o

Religion is opium for the people.

quote your sources

Chairman Mao

American school kids are taught it was Stalin who made that statement. He also coined the slogan: "Work Will Set You Free". Big signs hanging over entrances to the Gulags... :o

I was taught the religon quote was Carl Marx.

I believe the "Work Will Set You Free" was over the gate to Auswitz.


Religion is opium for the people.

quote your sources

Chairman Mao

American school kids are taught it was Stalin who made that statement. He also coined the slogan: "Work Will Set You Free". Big signs hanging over entrances to the Gulags... :o

The correct quote is "Religion is the opiate of the people" and is by Karl Marx during his stay in London (where he wrote the 'Das Kapital' and did a lot of his correspondence with Friedrich Engels)

With regard to the Muslim question - which has little to do with this board, really, I have lived almost half my life in Muslim countries, from Socialist places such as Libya to the Arabian peninsula, to Indonesia. The part that religion plays in the lives of these people is not understood by the secular West. Not even those who go to church two or three times every Sunday appreciate the depth of devotion that Islam inspires. Going with all your brother Muslims to pray five times every day, standing, kneeling, prostrating yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with your fellows at work, your coffee-shop friends, your (male) family - when you have little or nothing else to give you hope for the future - creates very strong bonds. And the guy who is leading the prayers (not always a trained mullah - but an elected man from the congregation) wherever you are praying (room in the office set aside for prayer, roped-off section of a shopping mall, mosque, area on a construction site, whatever, wherever people gather to pray) is totally in control of the thoughts of that congregation.

Understand that this wave of Islamic power is not to be deflected by reasoned argument, but by getting rid of the leaders who take their congregation one way and replacing them with (credible) leaders who will go in a different direction. I do not know how to do this, neither - obviously - does Bush, B liar, Chirac or any other world leader (sic).

I have been traveling to SEA and India as well as China and Japan for over thirty years. Everywhere I have traveled the muslims were always creating some problem.

I don't have time to expose erudite discourses on muslim terroist issues.

What I will say is this In Thailand my wife from Bangkok has always said that the people in the south are no good.

I say what do you mean. She says they are muslims, they will kill you and no one will ever find you.

From the mouths of babes, huh.

Tell me this.

How does killing Bhuddist monks and teachers in the south have anything to do with western impirialism or christian issues?

No offense i say if you sympatize at all with them go and live with them :o

I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told the Labor Party conference, "They(the muslims) have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it?

I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told the Labor Party conference, "They(the muslims) have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it?

You have that VERY VERY wrong, the 'they' Tony Blair was referring to was Al Qaeda and NOT Muslims as a whole. The Labour party has gone to great lengths to avoid stereotyping and with the help of the Muslim Council of Great Britain keep peoples focus on the Islamic extremists who are the perpetrators of these atrocities and away from witch hunting.


plachon: Perhaps you are unaware that more than 50% of American voters, did not vote for GWB, so your sweeping generalization is inappropriate. GWB is not the first world leader, (Including his father) that has used war to "rally his people" behind him (ie. the tactic of creating an "outside threat" whether real or immaginary). Keep in mind the GWB's father was a one time president, and my bet is that a majority of Americans will make him a one term president as well, unless his adventure in Iraq suddenly turns benign or a semblance of democracy shows it head.

I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told the Labor Party conference, "They(the muslims) have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it?

You have that VERY VERY wrong, the 'they' Tony Blair was referring to was Al Qaeda and NOT Muslims as a whole. The Labour party has gone to great lengths to avoid stereotyping and with the help of the Muslim Council of Great Britain keep peoples focus on the Islamic extremists who are the perpetrators of these atrocities and away from witch hunting.

If you boil all the fat off of what Tony Blair said the word Muslim will appear....

This thread was originally posted as a plea for Muslims or the like to step forward and intellengently explain their reasons for slaughtering innocent people but it seems it has gotten out of hand a bit but you have to admit the responses are interesting, I am also a litle surprised we have non-Muslims(I assume)at Thai visa that would actually prefer to go live with the Muslims and defend their slaughter of the innocent, but it seems we have several, I have no problem with that, I'll even help them pack.

If you boil all the fat off of what Tony Blair said the word Muslim will appear....

I'm sorry but that IS not what was said, nor what was implied. Such incorrect and inflammatory statements do nothing but feed prejudice. If you read the postings in this thread you can imagine why a Muslim member might hesitate before putting his or her head above the parapet, the chances of a fair representation are nil, if even the British PM doesn't get quoted straight. :o


If you boil all the fat off of what Tony Blair said the word Muslim will appear....

I'm sorry but that IS not what was said, nor what was implied. Such incorrect and inflammatory statements do nothing but feed prejudice. If you read the postings in this thread you can imagine why a Muslim member might hesitate before putting his or head above the parapet, the chances of a fair representation are nil, if even the British PM doesn't get quoted straight. :o

Well.......You are probably correct as I was not there and have not heard or read everything that Mr. Blair has said(or not said) :D



Understand that this wave of Islamic power is not to be deflected by reasoned argument, but by getting rid of the leaders who take their congregation one way and replacing them with (credible) leaders who will go in a different direction

that ,i believe,is the answer in a nutshell.

it is the preachers,often trained and supported financially from saudi arabia,that lead the thoughts of the followers.

london and other european cities are a haven for these preachers who spread hate and intolerance amongst their congregations. any dissent from congregation members is swiftly dealt with.moderation is not part of the wahabi game. and it is becoming a very dangerous game.

eventually i think extremely violent measures will have to be taken to protect the west (the non-muslim ) world from the muslim extremist groups who wish to undermine us.

the problems in s. thailand are harder to solve because of the malay/thai border not taking into account the ethnicity of the inhabitants. just look at the history of india and pakistan,the balkans,and chechnya to see where such problems can lead.


If you boil all the fat off of what Tony Blair said the word Muslim will appear....

I'm sorry but that IS not what was said, nor what was implied. Such incorrect and inflammatory statements do nothing but feed prejudice. If you read the postings in this thread you can imagine why a Muslim member might hesitate before putting his or head above the parapet, the chances of a fair representation are nil, if even the British PM doesn't get quoted straight. :o

Well.......You are probably correct as I was not there and have not heard or read everything that Mr. Blair has said(or not said) :D

Let me see now.......... I will ask our cheerless leader about exactly what has Tony Blair said about the Muslims and that other bunch, the non-Muslim group Al Qaeda is the name, get his opinion as he knows all. I'll have to get back with you on that.

I agree with the message from Captain John Maniscalco 100%!

What are your(YOU MUSLIMS) grievances?

Give us the facts that justify your acts! Any Muslims on this forum?

Please enlighten me how you have been mistreated.

Until then, I still hate YOU!

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else. I certainly do not agree with what happened on 9-11; violence is never an answer. Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA. This has all happened long before 9-11. Saudi Arabia is perhaps one of the most oppressive and is a friendly ally to the USA; money talks.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I agree with the message from Captain John Maniscalco 100%!

What are your(YOU MUSLIMS) grievances?

Give us the facts that justify your acts! Any Muslims on this forum?

Please enlighten me how you have been mistreated.

Until then, I still hate YOU!

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else. I certainly do not agree with what happened on 9-11; violence is never an answer. Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA. This has all happened long before 9-11. Saudi Arabia is perhaps one of the most oppressive and is a friendly ally to the USA; money talks.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

Yes I suppose it is a sad situation but the illumination we see here in this terrain where we find ourselves is indeed interesting.

Guest chingy

explain to me something "mbkudu" what kind of religious that tell their people to kill, long before 9-11 they were killing people too didn't they, i think they try to bomb the twin tower before but was not success

I agree with the message from Captain John Maniscalco 100%!

What are your(YOU MUSLIMS) grievances?

Give us the facts that justify your acts! Any Muslims on this forum?

Please enlighten me how you have been mistreated.

Until then, I still hate YOU!

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else. I certainly do not agree with what happened on 9-11; violence is never an answer. Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA. This has all happened long before 9-11. Saudi Arabia is perhaps one of the most oppressive and is a friendly ally to the USA; money talks.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

Yes I suppose it is a sad situation but the illumination we see here in this terrain where we find ourselves is indeed interesting.

I wonder how the population in Spain feels about the Muslims or the "non-muslim group Al-Qaeda, surley they have an opinion on these folks.


mbkudu, you call it a very sad, ignorant post.(no problem)

But yet, you weren't able to answer my questions.

You said

Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA.
merely making statements like that can't change people's mind. I need FACTS or at least thorough explanation.

I(perhaps we) judge what/who is wrong nowadays by information from the media.

Most I can see is how the Muslims are giving a hard time to the rest of the world instead of what you have mentioned.

Call it prejudice or what, I do actually quite despise religion(superstition, a better word). I hate it when the freedom of what to think is right or wrong is being oppressed. I guess that a person from an Islamic country has no choice but to become a Muslim? And look at the ridiculous rules we sometimes see on the media set by this religion! See how they treat women!

But perhaps I should say I hate this religion intead of the Muslims. :o



You say,

"pepe...I read recently that 'thai' people in the southern provinces are in fact ethnic malays...something that raises a lot of questions not just about religions. Malays are racially and culturally distinct from Thai folks.

So...what we have is not just a failure to communicate. Malays don't want to be thais and this is understandable. Probably says alot about the neglect and the poverty in this area. Any successful attempt to 'pacify' the area by thai forces would necessarily be genocidal.

No end in sight..."

That' very intertesting. I didn't know that.

I'm sorry but my first reaction is why don't they go back to Malaysia instead of raising ###### in Thailand.

I know its not that simple but I guess I'm just tired of all this fighting...


Goat Roper,

I can point you to another passage in that speech which reads as follows:

Within a few hours, up to 7000 people were annihilated, the commercial centre of New York was reduced to rubble and in Washington and Pennsylvania further death and horror on an unimaginable scale. Let no one say this was a blow for Islam when the blood of innocent Muslims was shed along with those of the Christian, Jewish and other faiths around the world.

We know those responsible. In Afghanistan are scores of training camps for the export of terror. Chief amongst the sponsors and organisers is Osama Bin Laden.

He is supported, shielded and given succour by the Taliban regime.


And again may I quote......

When we act to bring to account those that committed the atrocity of September 11, we do so, not out of bloodlust.

We do so because it is just. We do not act against Islam. The true followers of Islam are our brothers and sisters in this struggle. Bin Laden is no more obedient to the proper teaching of the Koran than those Crusaders of the 12th century who pillaged and murdered, represented the teaching of the Gospel .

It is time the west confronted its ignorance of Islam. Jews, Muslims and Christians are all children of Abraham.

This is the moment to bring the faiths closer together in understanding of our common values and heritage, a source of unity and strength.

Need I go on?

mbkudu, you call it a very sad, ignorant post.(no problem)

But yet, you weren't able to answer my questions.

You said

Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA.
merely making statements like that can't change people's mind. I need FACTS or at least thorough explanation.

I(perhaps we) judge what/who is wrong nowadays by information from the media.

Most I can see is how the Muslims are giving a hard time to the rest of the world instead of what you have mentioned.

Call it prejudice or what, I do actually quite despise religion(superstition, a better word). I hate it when the freedom of what to think is right or wrong is being oppressed. I guess that a person from an Islamic country has no choice but to become a Muslim? And look at the ridiculous rules we sometimes see on the media set by this religion! See how they treat women!

But perhaps I should say I hate this religion intead of the Muslims. :o


You should read Sontaya's post. It is the fanatical Muslims, Jews and fanatical Christians that are dragging everyday people into all this. I don't care for religion my self; I believe that it divides people. I think it is also a smoke screen to do more underhanded things like steal land and resources. The word you chose,

'Hate' is a very ugly word to blanket people with. I am thinking that maybe you did not mean it, but merely used it in the heat of the argument. I hope so for your sake.

The situation with the Palistinians and the Israelis is very serious. It is NOT

a religious war. There hundreds of Christian Palistinians that are tortured and killed all the time. Have you ever taken out an atlas and looked at a map of Israel.

Within it is a very small speck of land; this land is Palistine. They are not asking for much. Just land to have homes, raise their children and grow food. Very fundamental desires. If America continues to support their extermination, America will always live in fear of attack. It is also very tragic that Jewish people have to be pulled into this as well. There are many that desparately want peace with the Palitinians but their government is too blind to find it.

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