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Violence at Trump events continues despite security layers


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Violence at Trump events continues despite security layers

ALICIA A. CALDWELL, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The security ring protecting Donald Trump includes Secret Service agents, his own private bodyguards, local police, sometimes even the Transportation Security Administration. But even that show of force has not halted episodes of violence.

The Republican front-runner's Secret Service detail is limited to keeping Trump safe and the venues where he speaks secure. Local law enforcement officers are there to keep the peace, along with private security hired by the venues or Trump.

Trump denies that he contributes to the violence at campaign events around the country, even though he has said he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupted a rally would be "carried out on a stretcher."

The Secret Service has made clear its responsibility is not to rein Trump in.

"Our concern is overt acts of threats to our protected" officials, Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy told Congress on Tuesday. Agents with the campaign detail only advise campaign staff or a candidate about security concerns, he said.

New York police and the FBI are investigating a threatening letter sent Thursday to Trump's adult son Eric.

Trump asked for Secret Service protection in October as his popularity swelled. His federally funded security detail was put in place in November. The Secret Service has declined to say how many agents have been assigned to protect Trump, citing security concerns.

Such protection is routinely afforded to candidates for president and vice president 120 days before an election. But past candidates, including President Barack Obama, have received protection far earlier. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton gets Secret Service protection as a former first lady.

Even before federal security protection, private security surrounded Trump during campaign events. Through the end of January, his campaign reported paying about $170,000 for security, according to Federal Election Commission filings. That includes at least $55,000 to security firms and local police departments since Trump asked for Secret Service protection.

The campaign doesn't include the nearly $78,000 paid to Trump's personal security chief, Keith Schiller. The campaign reports the majority of that money as "pre-paid payroll."

At the University of Illinois at Chicago, where Trump cancelled a recent rally because of security concerns, uniformed local police, suit-clad officers and private security made periodic rounds throughout the venue as it filled with thousands of people.

Uniformed airport security screeners staffed metal detectors and inspected bags as people passed through. A handful of uniformed Secret Service officers and dozens of other police and security officers were stationed outside and throughout the arena.

The audience, following instructions from the public address system, routinely pointed out protesters to security officers and cheered their removal.

Still, scuffles broke out around the arena after the rally was canceled.

Arnette Heintze, a retired senior Secret Service agent who now runs a corporate security firm, said he doesn't recall seeing such scenes in past campaigns.

He said there's surely a more tactful approach Trump could take to protesters than shouting to the crowd and security "get them out."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-19

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Of course Trump is contributing to the violence by making statements like "he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupted a rally would be "carried out on a stretcher."". That does not justify the violence of course. Trump won't mind the violence though, any publicity is good publicity and it rallies the people.

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oh, this is all leftist propaganda!!!!! don't fall for such headlines!!!

yea, liberals never experience violence....


soon there will be much crazier headlines.....


and remember, after WW3, housing prices will go down!!!!

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Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I do believe I've said before that his man will eventually be silenced.

If the 'organisation' doesn't see to it, so other nutter will, at which point the investigation paperwork should read, suicide by stupidity.

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Bottom line is you cannot blame Trump for the actions of protesters.

In Chicago the protesters were rioting. They were smashing up cars outside. Police were attacked too.

They weren't peaceful protesters.

Yet Trump gets the blame for their actions. Amazing.

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Makes me wonder. Thailand has Democrats and America has Democrats. Both seem to resort to violence when all else fails.Lets just hope that in America they arenot army backed also.

No connection between those parties.

Next ...

Name may be coincidence but policy seems the same.

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Bottom line is you cannot blame Trump for the actions of protesters.

In Chicago the protesters were rioting. They were smashing up cars outside. Police were attacked too.

They weren't peaceful protesters.

Yet Trump gets the blame for their actions. Amazing.

Not according to the mainstream media. Trump is a Nazi and the rude thugs that interfere with his rallies are knights in shining armor.

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Just a taste of the violence to be expected if the loon gets elected. But it won't be limited to fisty cuffs.

Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!
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Just a taste of the violence to be expected if the loon gets elected. But it won't be limited to fisty cuffs.

Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

But your motivation will not be hate? Give me a break!

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Trump just finished a huge rally in Salt Lake City. No violence. He's off to Arizona.

Trump just reached a new high in the "ceiling" people like to talk about. I wonder what it will be now that Rubio dropped out. thumbsup.gif


Edited by NeverSure
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As an Aussie i don't give a toss either way, what i find interesting

is the way main stream media is reporting the same rubbish

around the world about Trump, i know this because i watch various

news programs from around the world, in different languages.

What they report is what your posting here,

What they don't report is that Americans are losing their jobs in

record numbers, Hillary's response to this is,,get re employed in

McDonald's, she is on her way to jail anyway (give it time) Trumps

election platform is '' giving more jobs to Americans '' now how

much of this is being reported on your media OR is the news you

get to hear / see being censored ? Is main stream media lying to

you, stop being a red neck, open your eyes and read between the

lines, if you seek the truth you will find it.

PS; In the 30's there was a huge surge in sport, sport participation

and affiliation to sports all around the world, WHY, this tool was

perpetrated by governments to take peoples focus away from

politics, well guess what it still happens today, in one way or another.

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Just a taste of the violence to be expected if the loon gets elected. But it won't be limited to fisty cuffs.

Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

Patriotic Americans are the one's supporting Trump

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Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

Patriotic Americans are the one's supporting Trump

I think JT was referring to those patriots that are defending the First Amendment and their right to free speech.

Unfortunately they don't seem to have read the First Amendment in its entirety.

They overlooked that part about Trump and his supporters having the protected right to "peaceably assemble".

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Just a taste of the violence to be expected if the loon gets elected. But it won't be limited to fisty cuffs.
Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

Patriotic Americans are the one's supporting Trump

I don't agree if they're so stupid that they get seduced by that psychotic demagogue. Flag waving ain't enough. Use your noodle.
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I find it humorous that an Aussie pipes in about the situation and states that Americans are losing their jobs in record numbers. Wow, Fox News Australia huh?

Ozyjon here are the actual facts o.k.? Typical Republican tact is to twist facts, sometimes i wonder if it's because they are just misinformed.

United States Unemployment Rate 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar Unemployment rate in the United States was recorded at 4.9 percent in February 2016, unchanged from the January rate and remaining at its lowest level since April of 2008, as the number of unemployed persons was unchanged. Over the year, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons were down by 0.6 percentage point and 831,000, respectively.

As far as first amendment rights of free speech, you still cannot yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater (unless of course, there is a fire smile.png ) and basically when you have The Donald, Mr. Trumpster, saying "I wish we could go back to the time when it was o.k. to punch someone in the head" he is basically yelling fire in said theater. Brings this on himself with that rhetoric.

I'm sure if it were up to him, he'd like to go back to the time when we went to another village clubbed women in the head and dragged them back to our cave. Women are just pigs according to him.

Anyway, freedom of speech also covers the protesters shouting him down. The bully needs to get bullied, take your own medicine, Mr. Trump, oh and BTW, David Letterman called he wants to make fun of you some more. (See Letterman and Trump videos on youtube).

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Donald Trump's popularity is based upon the fact that a majority of Americans are tired of a government that just doesn't work for them and an elite that keeps people in poverty and provides low wage jobs. Donald Trump is not of the establishment but he is a wealthy businessman who has no concept of what the midle class and poor in America are suffering. People rally around him in the hopes that he can somehow provide well paying jobs and stop the illegal immigration that people believe is stealing their jobs. Trump throw up straw-men as the bogyman in America but the facts are completely different. Immigrants -legal or not are not stealing American jobs. The wealthy and business people (like Trump) are actually taking the jobs and sending them offshore and leaving the American populace with low wage positions such as call centers. In addition, the Insurance, medical and pharmaceutical industry have conspired to make healthcare in America out of reach of the average person. Throw in a military budget that costs $630 Billion a year so America can have the World's biggest military to fight unforeseen enemies everywhere in the World and you begin to get the picture.

There is only one politician that offers any hope or real change and that is Bernie Sanders. Trump calls him a Communist and other news media a Socialist. If he were President, he would end money politics and give Americans a real chance to change the ridiculous power structure that keeps most Americans working for a pittance while the 1% of the population get richer and richer off the backs of the 99%. Donald Trump cannot even articulate a real plan for Americans other than one based upon hate and intolerance. You could deport every undocumentedl person in America and build a wall around the country and nothing would change.

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