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Is It Ever Acceptable For A Thai Girl To Cheat?


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Thanks a lot for all your responses.

If anyone is interested in an update... I really took on board villagefarrangs' advice. She's most likely a hooker, but I can't provide for her so I'm not going to get in the way of her making her money.

Our relationship is going well as an open relationship

It seems she wants the comfort of a normal relationship while she keeps doing whatever it is she does at night and that's fine with me. I want a normal relationship on the side while I can still enjoy Bangkok and everything it has to offer

I'm being promiscuous but in a way that doesn't rub it in her face or make her lose face.

If she does ever ask me to help out financially, I will not pay more than 10,000 baht.

mate all was well with that view until you mentioned 10k baht. Don't even go there! As soon as you said she didn't want money I thought these are the smart girls who always end up costing u the most. They are experts at increasing your 10000 min to 50k in weeks. ....and then ur hopelessly in the hook. A very very well trodden path as most here will tell u

When I say 10k baht, I don't mean 10k baht a pop. I just mean that I would be willing to help out with "broken air conditioning" or "mother moving back home" for upto 10k before it's over
Mate ...there will be 200 blokes reading this and laughing. This is exactly how it starts and you're already trying to justify it to yourself. Im guessing shes already asked or hinting. Oh and she wont ask straight out. She'll relay some tale of misforune and ask you what you think she should do? Usually after 2 weeks (if they can wait that long) and first request between 10 & 20k. What they consider a token "teaser" or starter amount. The requests will come more frequently and for ever increasing amounts. You will be telling urself your girls different. I'm sure they have a bar girl school in Pattaya somewhere because their stories, patter and approach are always nearly the same. Dating a girl in your own country the possibility of slinging her some cash wouldn't even enter into your mind or alarm bells would be ringing. Its not Isaan or Thai culture...its bar girl culture. Not belittling you, many of us have been there and also didn't listen. These girls are great fun. Like going out with your best mate and going home with a supermodel. But it's not real. Enjoy it while it lasts but don't take it seriously. She may genuinely like you and all that but she will be grooming you. It's in her nature

I know this is completely a possibility, and something I have read about. But as it stands she knows that I'm a broke english-teacher-in training, going from one month to the next. We've been together for over 2 months... Would she really be grooming someone broke for 2 months? If she is... She's stupid

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Thanks a lot for all your responses.

If anyone is interested in an update... I really took on board villagefarrangs' advice. She's most likely a hooker, but I can't provide for her so I'm not going to get in the way of her making her money.

Our relationship is going well as an open relationship

It seems she wants the comfort of a normal relationship while she keeps doing whatever it is she does at night and that's fine with me. I want a normal relationship on the side while I can still enjoy Bangkok and everything it has to offer

I'm being promiscuous but in a way that doesn't rub it in her face or make her lose face.

If she does ever ask me to help out financially, I will not pay more than 10,000 baht.

mate all was well with that view until you mentioned 10k baht. Don't even go there! As soon as you said she didn't want money I thought these are the smart girls who always end up costing u the most. They are experts at increasing your 10000 min to 50k in weeks. ....and then ur hopelessly in the hook. A very very well trodden path as most here will tell u

When I say 10k baht, I don't mean 10k baht a pop. I just mean that I would be willing to help out with "broken air conditioning" or "mother moving back home" for upto 10k before it's over
Mate ...there will be 200 blokes reading this and laughing. This is exactly how it starts and you're already trying to justify it to yourself. Im guessing shes already asked or hinting. Oh and she wont ask straight out. She'll relay some tale of misforune and ask you what you think she should do? Usually after 2 weeks (if they can wait that long) and first request between 10 & 20k. What they consider a token "teaser" or starter amount. The requests will come more frequently and for ever increasing amounts. You will be telling urself your girls different. I'm sure they have a bar girl school in Pattaya somewhere because their stories, patter and approach are always nearly the same. Dating a girl in your own country the possibility of slinging her some cash wouldn't even enter into your mind or alarm bells would be ringing. Its not Isaan or Thai culture...its bar girl culture. Not belittling you, many of us have been there and also didn't listen. These girls are great fun. Like going out with your best mate and going home with a supermodel. But it's not real. Enjoy it while it lasts but don't take it seriously. She may genuinely like you and all that but she will be grooming you. It's in her nature

I know this is completely a possibility, and something I have read about. But as it stands she knows that I'm a broke english-teacher-in training, going from one month to the next. We've been together for over 2 months... Would she really be grooming someone broke for 2 months? If she is... She's stupid

If your considering things this deeply you must be contemplating something more serious. A broke teacher doesn't have 10k baht to throw around. If she has asked for this amount she's testing you. She's assumes you are farang and therefore ur money falls from the sky. I'm sure she likes you on some level, but like I said it's in her and every other Thais nature to take advantage of opportunities. If she's working at that club and a good looking girl, she'd make 10k baht in a few nights. Would be a trivial amount to her. Like I said buddy, keep ur eyes open, enjoy it for what it is
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She is not poor if she goes out after work at 2.00 am. Unless it's just an extension of work and she is looking for more sponsors.

Loads of poor girls in the 7/11 or Mikes shopping Mall. Believe it or not there are some girls that don't even live in Pattaya.

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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.

Where in the world did you get this perspective?
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She is not poor if she goes out after work at 2.00 am. Unless it's just an extension of work and she is looking for more sponsors.

Loads of poor girls in the 7/11 or Mikes shopping Mall. Believe it or not there are some girls that don't even live in Pattaya.

Yes she is not poor at the moment. Says she makes 4-7k a night, says some rich guys there "spend, spend, spend" and give her 100-1k baht tips, personally I find it hard to believe anyone would give 1k in bangkok and not expect a sexual favour. But in another way she is poor, she has no assets, nothing to inherit and a short career life

Edited by jbeans
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Please listen to the little voice in your

Head saying" Your a freaken IDIOT"!!!

For having an open relationship with a hooker who has never asked me for money in 2 months? Who is great company in many ways... Yes I guess I'm an idiot

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The day a serious research is posted here about how many single foreigners visiting Thailand comes back home with a STD or worst, all the doubts about Thai women behavior will end.

it's definitely a lot worse than what is reported. Tourism represents 30% of the kingdoms revenue and a large proportion of that must be sex tourism. You think there will ever be an honest report? Only saving grace is its relatively difficult for a man to contract HIV from a lady. Other STDs not the case. Seems to be a bit of a myth too that the bars insist girls are tested. I know there are a few ex bar owners on here like to hear their comments. Try asking a girl for a clinic check certificate. You wont get it. Apparently utter BS. Not the bars problem. Up to you what you do with the girl after she leaves. Try going back to a bar and complaining about some problem or dud girl you got. They dont give a toss. Most times in my experience in Pattaya or Bkk a condom is optional. Edited by Kenny202
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Betrayal is not accepted in cultures from which I come. Well, unless both partners agree to such an arrangement to cheat each other. When it comes, when one of the partners practicing prostitution, is a hard thing to judge. I've never been in such a relatioship so I've no idea how to define it?

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Yes she is not poor at the moment. Says she makes 4-7k a night, says some rich guys there "spend, spend, spend" and give her 100-1k baht tips, personally I find it hard to believe anyone would give 1k in bangkok and not expect a sexual favour. But in another way she is poor, she has no assets, nothing to inherit and a short career life

As you learn more about her life, and high end nightlife in general, your disbelief will fade. People have many reasons for giving money. It is an interesting world filled with interesting characters. If you trust yourself to know where to draw the line, there is no need to deal with problems until they arrive. If your line is a certain amount of baht that you feel comfortable with, then give it with no strings but make it clear there will be no more. Unless you are incredibly weak, "no" is a very easy word and no one should be afraid to use it.

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Bullshit. This is one of the common myths propagated about sex work. If "poverty" explained why women do sex work, the vast majority of women in any poor country in the world would be sex workers. But they aren't. Not by a long shot.

It's a job choice. One of many options available to women (and men). Not everyone chooses that particular option. Some would never choose it, no matter what their financial straits. Simple as that.

"One of many options"....what are their other options, go to University and get a medical degree or work at Panasonic for 6,000baht a month?

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if dating farang with less than 10 million baht... YES

less than 5 million baht......So obvious I won't even answer

farang with 30 million baht.....YES if guy is over than 60. NO if guy between 18-39

farang with 60 million baht......YES if guy over 70....NO if between 18-39

all ages in-between.....case-by-case

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Cheating - Ok / Not Ok

Bar Girl or "Good" Girl

Married or Girlfriend

Isaan or Bangkok

Thai or Farang

I think from the Male and Female perspective it is all the same, it is just a GAME.

Just like Darts, some are better at it than others.

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Yes she is not poor at the moment. Says she makes 4-7k a night, says some rich guys there "spend, spend, spend" and give her 100-1k baht tips, personally I find it hard to believe anyone would give 1k in bangkok and not expect a sexual favour. But in another way she is poor, she has no assets, nothing to inherit and a short career life

4-7k a night, thats up to 200,000K a month. More than what a farang on average wage back home makes

Now, heres where it gets tricky:

1. She knows full well if she sends too much money back home it will just get wasted. The Dad just spends it on booze or lottery tickets, the mother on loan sharking and all the perils that come with that.

Or if the father finds out she's been slipping the mother extra, maybe try beat it out of her, maybe. Or it just goes and gets lent out to all the neighbours and doesnt always come back.

Under 3000 a month or so for the parents mortgage, utilities . 3000 or so a month for the kids school, usually paid directly. Maybe 10,000 a month for food.

Anything more is just money that will disappear.

So if you do the up country thing, meet the family, you may be shocked initially that she's covered in gold, all the outfits, the shoes, her family has seemingly nothing. Your initial reaction might be along the lines of, jeez, what a selfish so and so.

But hand with the family, the neighbours for a while, and you'll see, a couple bottles of Hong Thong every night, eating 10 times a day.

2. She may seem as dumb as a box of nails, but that more than likely is an act, usually from experience of having to butter up whichever male ego at the time.

Hoarding, selling, buying gold, they are all rocket scientists when it comes to that. When golds down, buy, when a guy gives them a gold necklace, if gold is up, sell it, if gold is down, swap it for a copy, hoard the real thing.

When gold id up, sell all of it, sometimes make a couple 100000 over half a year.

No use trying to explain investing in share and waiting for a 5% dividend over 12 months, if she is loan sharking herself and can make 5% a month. Well, think she can make 5% a month, more likely ends up averaging -20% a year as not everyone pays her back.

But like many its the high of getting 5% back they focus on, not the losses. add to that a lifetime of mistrust about anything to do with the government or higher ups.

3. Even if she is as dumb as a box of nails in almost all regards....never when it comes to reading guys, Will be able to read you better than you know yourself.

Are you the type thats going to stay for the long hall, thinking about kids, thats as easy for them as any time a couple with a newborn walks by, do you ever notice, pay attention....or beam at the kid, then turn to her and comment. Likely she picked up on this the first date, before you even considered this.

4. You would have no idea how much of that 200000 a month she is hoarding, she has to hide it from everyone. And very very good at hiding it, splash around a little bit so people think shes a drunk or a spendthrift. Will take you years to work it out.

Playing dumb isnt the same as being dumb. Whether they like to believe it or not, most guys will assume all women are dumber especially with maths, money, finance.

And most falangs, whether they like to believe it or not, will initially anyway think that these poor souls trapped in a developing world need to be saved and blessed with the wisdom of their superior intellect and experience (rolleyes).

5. After saying all that, unfortunately, what you have to watch out for the most (if you are planning happily ever after), what it the end is most likely to make it all go south.

Is your age, at the moment you might look like good match, but in ten years time, you will look better, to the girls anyway, and she will look....well.

And every year there will be roughly another 500,000 thai girls turning 18, 50,000 of them maybe headed towards the likes of Pattaya and Nana or just your local shopping mall

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Why is he wrong? It might be that most in Thailand would but there would still be plenty of poor people who don't. As far as the price is right it isn't confined to Thailand nor the poor as the following alleged exchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill demonstrates.

“Churchill: "Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?"

Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "

Churchill: "Would you sleep with me for five pounds?"

Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!"

Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price”

Winston S. Church

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Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

it surprises me how some guys get possessive of girls they are banging in thailand. what is the point of that? bang them, when you are bored move on. if you are getting it for free, enjoy it while it lasts, be prepared if a girl has been giving it to you for free she may require some severance pay.

I have often heard it said "with most women, you are either paying on the front end, or the back end". I would say that relates to both pros, and most civilians. So, pay up front, and know exactly what you are dealing with, or pay on the back end, somehow, somewhere, in some form, or at some point. The guys on this forum who brag about getting it for free can be amusing at times. We all pay for it on some level. Very little punani in this world is free. Of course there are exceptions, for the Brad Pitt types, the young, and really handsome or well built guys, etc.

cant argue wit any of that, except the brad pitts and charlie sheen types also have to pay in the end. wonder what jennifer ansiton got from brad when he upgraded to angelina jollie.

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The day a serious research is posted here about how many single foreigners visiting Thailand comes back home with a STD or worst, all the doubts about Thai women behavior will end.

it's definitely a lot worse than what is reported. Tourism represents 30% of the kingdoms revenue and a large proportion of that must be sex tourism. You think there will ever be an honest report? Only saving grace is its relatively difficult for a man to contract HIV from a lady. Other STDs not the case. Seems to be a bit of a myth too that the bars insist girls are tested. I know there are a few ex bar owners on here like to hear their comments. Try asking a girl for a clinic check certificate. You wont get it. Apparently utter BS. Not the bars problem. Up to you what you do with the girl after she leaves. Try going back to a bar and complaining about some problem or dud girl you got. They dont give a toss. Most times in my experience in Pattaya or Bkk a condom is optional.

First of all, the total GDP generated from tourism is probably no more than 15%. And the government is going out of their way to reduce dependency on the sex trade. With the proliferation of Chinese tourism, there are fewer and fewer punters around. That will continue to drop over time.

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Please listen to the little voice in your

Head saying" Your a freaken IDIOT"!!!

For having an open relationship with a hooker who has never asked me for money in 2 months? Who is great company in many ways... Yes I guess I'm an idiot

all girls are hookers, if you get it for free take it. glove up, 10 years in patts i have never heard of anyone catching anything but you never know.

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You state that she is from Isaan and poor like its some kind of condemnation."Well she IS from Isaan" So that makes her immediately a bad person.My wife of 4 years is from isaan and i (so far) have never had any reason to doubt her.We have a business down south and she and i go there about every 3 month's to check books and the like.One time she went on her own for a day and stayed the night with her sister who runs our business.It was she who was constantly calling me.We have some good friends who have a restaurant there and she even called me from there.Now! if she did anything that would put our marriage at risk,i would never know.But we are well known in this area and i lot of people have my phone number.There are also a lot of ladies who are very jealous of her because of her staus.Dont you think i would have got at least 1,000,000 calls,advising me of her disloyalty?I am sorry,but i do not see that being from Isaan is a curse or a licence to cheat.

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The day a serious research is posted here about how many single foreigners visiting Thailand comes back home with a STD or worst, all the doubts about Thai women behavior will end.

it's definitely a lot worse than what is reported. Tourism represents 30% of the kingdoms revenue and a large proportion of that must be sex tourism. You think there will ever be an honest report? Only saving grace is its relatively difficult for a man to contract HIV from a lady. Other STDs not the case. Seems to be a bit of a myth too that the bars insist girls are tested. I know there are a few ex bar owners on here like to hear their comments. Try asking a girl for a clinic check certificate. You wont get it. Apparently utter BS. Not the bars problem. Up to you what you do with the girl after she leaves. Try going back to a bar and complaining about some problem or dud girl you got. They dont give a toss. Most times in my experience in Pattaya or Bkk a condom is optional.

First of all, the total GDP generated from tourism is probably no more than 15%. And the government is going out of their way to reduce dependency on the sex trade. With the proliferation of Chinese tourism, there are fewer and fewer punters around. That will continue to drop over time.

Reports vary from 9% to 30% if including flow on and subsidiary businesses and services. As always in Thailand no one really sure. Here's one such report stating 20% How would they measure the money taken from the girls in the bars or the bars themselves...must be so much money under the table all unaccounted for. All goes back into the Thailand purse somehow or another

When including the indirect effects of tourism, it is said to account for 20.2 percent (2.4 trillion baht) of Thailand's GDP.[2]:1

Edited by Kenny202
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You state that she is from Isaan and poor like its some kind of condemnation."Well she IS from Isaan" So that makes her immediately a bad person.My wife of 4 years is from isaan and i (so far) have never had any reason to doubt her.We have a business down south and she and i go there about every 3 month's to check books and the like.One time she went on her own for a day and stayed the night with her sister who runs our business.It was she who was constantly calling me.We have some good friends who have a restaurant there and she even called me from there.Now! if she did anything that would put our marriage at risk,i would never know.But we are well known in this area and i lot of people have my phone number.There are also a lot of ladies who are very jealous of her because of her staus.Dont you think i would have got at least 1,000,000 calls,advising me of her disloyalty?I am sorry,but i do not see that being from Isaan is a curse or a licence to cheat.

Dont know who said she is bad because she is from Isaan but fact is the great majority of working girls are from these areas. As I said before for every "bad" girl lost to Pattaya there are a thousand absolute crackers. If I was looking for a girl, and could speak Thai I'd go and live in a village somewhere and you'd have the pick of the littler. Gorgeous, hardworking good moral girls. Wouldn't find better anywhere, The ones in the bars are a very small minority and generally rotten fruit.

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hookers don't cheat...they sell sex to the next one in line. No way any of these girls are going back to the farm to wait for your 10,000 baht monthly retainer. Just save that cash for your next trip. Believe me, they love their work...and changing diapers/washing clothes back in Nakhon Nowhere is the last thing they want.

You guys are too cynical too evil too funny



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