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Brussels Zaventem airport rocked by two explosions


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"If you went into Brussels 20 years ago, it was like a magical city. Now you look at it, it's an armed camp," Trump said. "You want to lead your life, you don't want to be living in an armed camp for your whole life. And there is a certain group of people that is making living a normal life impossible."

"It's going to get worse and worse. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It will get worse and worse because we are lax and we are foolish -- we can't allow these people, at this point we cannot allow these people to come into our country. I'm sorry," he said. "This is a story that just seems to be more and more happening and it's really not very pretty to watch."

Donald Trump

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Clearly the Muslim world is at war with the western world.

Time for the western world to wake up and fight back.

And step one is to control immigration. Allowing all the

Muslim lunatics to freely enter the country is about the

same as the chickens allowing a fox into the hen house

and then the chickens complain about the fox eating them.

Or I guess do nothing, and the new reality is you simply

accept the risk of being blown up at any public gathering...

Samuel Huntingdon was quite correct, there is indeed a clash of civilizations. All cultures are NOT equal, some cultures are totally incompatible with one another. His recommendations years back was to not encourage migration from incompatible cultures. The extremists are not a tiny minority they live in huge ghettoes where nobody will inform the police of those plotting terrorist attacks.

The end game, unthinkable as it may seem now is either Sharia law, or mass deportations of even second and third generation immigrants plus a total ban on Muslim immigration.

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The world has to stop being terrified of being called a racist if you speak out about this evil barbaric cult. Put down the political correctness card which is destroying lives and wipe this evil cult off the planet.

Sounds great when you say it like that but the actual slaughter of 1.6 billion men, women and children is a little more complicated and gritty than you might have thought out.

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With some luck all the terrorists behind both Paris and Brussels are now dead or arrested. I really believe they are linked together so even if terror can happen anywhere in the world we should try to look positive on the future . The islamists are probably born and raised in Belgium, the country has a big challenge ahead of them to prevent this from happening again.

If you see two cockroaches in your kitchen, you can maybe kill one or both, if you're deft with a wooden spoon, but you can be sure there are many more where those came from.

"If you went into Brussels 20 years ago, it was like a magical city. Now you look at it, it's an armed camp," Trump said. "You want to lead your life, you don't want to be living in an armed camp for your whole life. And there is a certain group of people that is making living a normal life impossible."

"It's going to get worse and worse. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It will get worse and worse because we are lax and we are foolish -- we can't allow these people, at this point we cannot allow these people to come into our country. I'm sorry," he said. "This is a story that just seems to be more and more happening and it's really not very pretty to watch." Donald Trump

Tho am not a Trump supporter, I somewhat agree with him on this. Yet, how can authorities effectively deal with Muslim infiltrators? There are many laws which protect citizens' privacy (no snooping on the internet, for example), shield them from profiling, and keep them from being arrested for no charges, or kicked out of the country, or forcibly sent to their country of origin, or having their European passport revoked.

I can see both sides of it, and it's a tough situation to try and make Europe safe. You and I can see a group of young Muslim men walking down the street, dressed in black robes and maybe carrying daggers and an ISIS flag. We can tell they're probably trouble makers, but what can we do? We can tell authorities, but what good would it do? Cops might say it's legal to carry a knife, and it's freedom of speech to wave a flag. Plus, liberal lawyers/authorities might go even further in protecting the 'rights' of the hoodlums while threatening to slap 'defamation of character' lawsuits on anyone who says anything disparaging.

European leaders, by passing so many politically correct (and bleeding heart) laws, have made Europe a happy breeding ground for extremists. It sure doesn't help to allow millions of new Muslims to enter each year. Most of 'em are decent, but they're going to have millions of babies, and some of those babies grow up to be radicals.

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The world has to stop being terrified of being called a racist if you speak out about this evil barbaric cult. Put down the political correctness card which is destroying lives and wipe this evil cult off the planet.

The west created this cult bro. It has nothing to do with Islam. In the 70s and 80s most Arabic leaders were aligned with the left and implemented secular policies. The likes of Afghanistan,Iran,Syria,Iraq,Libya,Bangladesh etc viewed secularism favorably. The 2nd strongest party in Indonesia was the communist party which had 3 million registered members. Why am I making this point? To emphasize that religious extremism has no place in Marxism. So what did the west do? They supported jihadists against the socialists, they armed the taliban in Afghanistan. They toppled the likes of Gadhafi, Saddam Hussain. They demolished authority.

Now you have maniacs running the show in these countries. Before the 1900s, the Ottomans were keeping these maniacs in check, after the Ottomans it was the authoritarian leaders like the likes of Nasser, Gadhafi,Saddam. Now there is indeed democracy in the Middle East, Im sure everyone is happy now :D

Western people are paying for the mistakes of their leaders.

Edited by ChimeIn
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NATO needed a pretext to start a ground invasion in Syria, now they got it. All the Western intelligence agencies were involved in this covert op... It's all very simple. A couple of days later after they do "investigation" of this incident - CNN headline will read something like "Is it time to deal with ISIS?" or whatever, I mean it's always something very verbatim stupid and simplistic for the muppet audience... 3 days later Obama will do a speech - as usual reading from the teleprompter "Blah blah blah, it's time to act... la-la-la, we stand with Belgium, something about the western values as usual"... smile.png They'll probably be sending ground troops to Syria end of Spring...

You can start the "NATO Ground Invasion in Syria" topic already, the future is so easy to predict lately...

The bodies don't even have rigor mortis yet and already the conspiracy people are out...

Don't be so naive. Just look at what the west have done in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Syria will be a natural next step. The guys at the top just needed an excuse first. Now, that has been taken care of.

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It seems that in the news it says that they are going to start "profiling" people who go into airports , so all you 70 year old white guys and older ladies who have come to Thailand to live ,start wearing a robe or a Burkha , no one will stop you as it would be racist .

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The ME has been a rather violent area for a very long time. Violent tribalism pre-dates Islam and Mohammad. Mohammad was there at the right time and place and was able to codify it into a religious belief that has perpetuated the ancient violent traditions.

The West did not create the violence. It has always existed.

It's easiest to compare the security situation in the US to that in Europe. Europe is made up of sovereign countries with different languages and somewhat different cultures. The US is one country and there are agencies which oversee security issues and there are only small obstacles to make sure that cooperation exists. The US also has a pretty broad concept of what it can do in the name of national security. Europe has tended toward individual rights where the US has tended toward the security of the country.

Of course, the distance between the US and the ME helps a great deal as well. Also, the diminishing role in the ME by the US helps .

My thoughts are with the European people during this tumultuous times. It is sad to see the human rights and emphasis on helping and good deeds undone by terrorists.

May Europe emerge from this better and stronger.

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May God bless all those affected by the events in Brussels.

REALLY? God? Little late isn't it? Where was this thing you refer to BEFORE this murder and mayhem? Sure seems this thing you implore doesn't exist or is impotent. If it does exist, it sure loves death, carnage, chaos and human suffering.

Time to grow up.

Edited by Skeptic7
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For those that are espousing that only a very small % of Muslims are terrorists.

Let me remind you all of this very pertinent phrase, coined by a very well known terrorist organisation.

Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always.

For every active terrorist there are:

Many more active sympathisers.

There are even more passive sympathisers.

Without which the activist terrorists could not operate.

The numbers are not looking so small now are they.

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That's true. Wipe out every ISIS member and a new terror thingie will crop up quickly with a new name, and even more atrocious. Answers? Don't have any. This is going to be with us and yes it is WAR. No, not against Islam but against the flavor of Islam associated with these terror groups.

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Question: What’s the point in having a discussion on terrorism, when most of us don’t really understand the reasons behind it anyway?

Democracy and civilisation should go hand in hand. But, and it’s an enormous BUT, with out of control overpopulation and not enough cookies in the jar, civilisation will inevitably become a dying concept!

Take any country, anywhere in the world, right now. What do you see? Society as a whole, totally out of control! As, whilst the 1% sit safely in their nonpartisan illusions of financial non-attachment, the 99% grow bitter, resentful and frustrated, perpetually taxed out of their very homes, whilst being constantly bombarded with images of a lifestyle eternally beyond their grasp.

So what’s this got to do with terrorism, I hear you say?

Everything actually!

Question: How will the 1% maintain control, in an ever increasing environment of global discontentment?

Answer: Fear, lies and subliminal misdirection!

Point in fact: Who was it once said? “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.” And why did he say it in the first place?

Point in fact: Who trained and financed the Taliban during the attempted Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

Question: Why do we have terrorists, and why do they choose the west to vent their rage?

Answer: Because we invaded their countries, murdering their women and children attempting to undermine their culture and social foundation.

So what does the immediate future hold?

The complete and systematic breakdown of the democratic process, Dictatorial governments run by and for the 1% and detached storm trooper like police forces recruited directly from the ever expanding war machine.

Or is it already here?

Moral of the story: Read and educate yourselves, before freedom and civil liberty become things of the past. This issue is not going away!

Finally, why is it so simple for these people to travel freely, when it’s almost impossible for one of us to get a fiancé visa for our Thai ladies?

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the innocents who lost their lives by this nonsensical act…

Edited by Crossy
Changed to standard font, removed reference to moderation
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For those that are espousing that only a very small % of Muslims are terrorists.

Let me remind you all of this very pertinent phrase, coined by a very well known terrorist organisation.

Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always.

For every active terrorist there are:

Many more active sympathisers.

There are even more passive sympathisers.

Without which the activist terrorists could not operate.

The numbers are not looking so small now are they.

Europol: 1% of 2014 European Terrorism by Muslims.



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Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... &lt;deleted&gt; have they ever done?

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For those that are espousing that only a very small % of Muslims are terrorists.

Let me remind you all of this very pertinent phrase, coined by a very well known terrorist organisation.

Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always.

For every active terrorist there are:

Many more active sympathisers.

There are even more passive sympathisers.

Without which the activist terrorists could not operate.

The numbers are not looking so small now are they.

Europol: 1% of 2014 European Terrorism by Muslims.


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1458713490.300893.jpg

Just in case it escaped you, or you misread my post. My post had NOTHING to do with what % of terrorists attacks were carried out by Muslims in the EU in 2014.

My post highlighted a dynamic of EVERY terrorist organisation.

I trust you now understand the distinction.

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For those that are espousing that only a very small % of Muslims are terrorists.

Let me remind you all of this very pertinent phrase, coined by a very well known terrorist organisation.

Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always.

For every active terrorist there are:

Many more active sympathisers.

There are even more passive sympathisers.

Without which the activist terrorists could not operate.

The numbers are not looking so small now are they.

Europol: 1% of 2014 European Terrorism by Muslims.


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1458713490.300893.jpg

Well, golly!!!! I guess all those embassies can go ahead and cancel their warnings for European and Belgian travellers.

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Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... <deleted> have they ever done?

Belgium took only 5 percent of aerial missions conducted by the anti-ISIL coalition led by the United States in Iraq and Syria. Six Belgian F-16 fighter jets are used by 110 people and operate from an air base in Jordan.

Early march 2016, Belgium wanted to pull out from the coalition...

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Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... <deleted> have they ever done?

They are part of the house of war (Dar al-Harab) as you well know, what else is there to know?
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Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... <deleted> have they ever done?

Adolphe Sax, ring a bell ?! smile.png

Father Damian....

Beers......the best in the world


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Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... <deleted> have they ever done?

Do you understand what the concept behind ISIS is ?

They regard anyone from any country that do not follow their beliefs to be their enemy.

They want to attack and kill any infidel in their eyes regardless of nationality and religion

and that includes muslims as well.

It is not Belgium that they care about it is purely destruction against anyone that isn't a

part of them.

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What is most dismal about this sorry state of affairs is that the general population has been predicting the rise of islam and Islamic fanaticism in Europe for years.

Generally by paying attention to the messages sent out by hate preachers in Mosques, Isil, The Muslim Brotherhood , Al Quaida and the average Muslim in your community

who have been pretty darned direct and to the point about what is coming.

Open and direct too about their plans to outbreed, outnumber and to bully and subjugate the populations in the countries where their parents, usually, were given the right of


Open and direct too about their complete and utter contempt for the populations of their host countries, the womenfolk especially, who they consider to be whores and strumpets and available to be raped and sexually abused at will...1400 child sex abuse cases against white girls by Pakistani men in one UK town alone , and more and more cases cropping up all the time.

All this has been noted by the people, and when the people talk to their representatives in Parliament, or equivalent , they have been told that they are right wing fascist agitators who do not accept multiculturalism and should make allowances for the different cultural behaviours of these "citizens", and that simply pointing out that there is a problem with islam in our societies is a hate crime far worse than the rape of our children and the attempted destruction of our civilisation.

Some cultures are inferior to other cultures, plain and simple . The west, i.e. UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and suchlike have evolved sophisticated cultures that have seen off the barbarities of religion, the hard way, through centuries of religious oppression, trial by ordeal, The Inquisition, Witch Hunts and burnings and all manner of ignorant and perverted power struggles by mass population manipulators to emerge, quite recently really, into a tolerant and on the whole, fair society or societies where people could live in relative safety from persecution by those in power in religion or government.

What is happening now, and is very clear to most down to earth and grounded people, not really panikers or conspiracy theorists, is an assault on our societies by those who only one or two generations ago were welcomed into and invited to be a productive part of our culture .

They have overwhelmingly rejected this invitation and staked their claim to overrun and subjugate us with their ignorant and vile prehistoric, evil and barbaric code of conduct, which accepts no criticism , rejection, debate , change from its original form, i.e. their will never, ever be, moderate islam, that is an oxymoron.

So why do the politicians not listen to the indigenous peoples worries? I am coming to the conclusion that politicians and the governing classes might be thinking: "what a great way to control the masses this Islam thing is" . Have hysterical hordes who have no reason, just blind faith police each other, any dissenters will be summarily executed, job done. Is that far fetched? Cos I don't see any fightback against these infiltrators in our societies, and speaking out against them is a hate crime still.

Just saying.

Lesson here for all countries...

Belgium will certainly be making changes...too much trust with no restraints. Sadly, freedom will suffer. Mosques and schools in communities should be thoroughly screened for activities surrounding, supporting, or covering up, terrorists and their planning.

Certainly hope Hillary goes to jail and Trump gets elected. I am sure he will implement new "and unusual" countermeasures to make it more difficult for "terrorist cells"....being recruited, trained and sent into action...back home.

Edited by slipperylobster
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According to the Brussels Tourist Authority some two months ago, they were proclaiming Brussels as being completely safe.

I wonder how they are answering the phone today?


Brussels Ran Ad Campaign Mocking the Notion of a Terrorist Attack Two Months Ago
by Alex Griswold
1:43 pm, March 22nd, 2016
In an ad campaign that aired two months before Tuesday’s terrorist attacks, the tourism department of Brussels ridiculed the notion that the city was violent or prone to terrorist violence.
The city set up a series of phones that people could call from all around the world and have everyday people in Brussels answer. “Did you see some people who are fighting with guns or bombs?” one caller asks.
“No!” the person who answered the phone laughs. “Oh my god, no way!”
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Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... <deleted> have they ever done?

Do you understand what the concept behind ISIS is ?

They regard anyone from any country that do not follow their beliefs to be their enemy.

They want to attack and kill any infidel in their eyes regardless of nationality and religion

and that includes muslims as well.

It is not Belgium that they care about it is purely destruction against anyone that isn't a

part of them.

The concept behind ISIS, 'as described by western media', you mean? As in the western media completely owned and controlled by corporate America, or, shall we say, the 1%!

So basically they have nothing better to do, other than of course, completely devote their lives to the systematic annihilation of 6.4 billion non believers!

Bit unrealistic me thinks!

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The details of the attackers came as a major manhunt continued for their accomplice, who went on the run after his device apparently failed to explode.

He has been named as Najim Lacchraoui, who has been identified by French police as the chief bomb maker for the Paris attacks last November.


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