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Trump slams Iran and the UN while drawing fire from Clinton


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Trump slams Iran and the UN while drawing fire from Clinton


Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump vowed an unbreakable bond with Israel, slammed the nuclear deal with Iran and challenged the United Nations for costing too much.

Trump, whose world views have been rebuked by a section of the Republican establishment, made the comments before a powerful pro-Israel lobbying group.

“The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend of freedom. It’s not a friend even to the United States of America, where as you know, it has it’s home and it surely is not a friend to Israel,” warned Trump.

Trump attempted to clear up any confusion over his repeated pledges to remain neutral in any peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians by stressing an “unbreakable alliance” between the US and Israel.

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton, used her appearance before the same American Israel Public Affair Committee (AIPAC) to attack Trump’s knowledge and inexperience of foreign affairs.

“Yes we need steady hands. Not a president who says he is neutral on Monday. Pro-Israel on Tuesday and who knows what on Wednesday because everything is negotiable, “ said Clinton clearly ridiculing Trump.

The competing speeches pushed the presidential campaign into a new phase, in which both candidates appear to have forgotten their primary battles, and begun their fight for the presidency.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-22

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Would you buy a second hand car from Clinton ?

Clinton isn't trying to sell cars. In contrast, Trump is trying to sell dozens of items. He gets his agents to clandestinely buy items from other manufacturers, then puts his shiny gold label on them (not always successfully. He forgot to put his label on Bush Brothers' Beef), .....and then proudly displays his Trump products to the world. Addendum: some of the products and services he boasts about are not even in business any more. His Trump airlines is defunct, and his Trump University is shut down pending legislation claiming it's not accredited and it cheats people out of $35k each - for nothing more than a paper certificate and a graduation photo standing next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Trump.

and yes, I would buy a car from Hillary. It would probably be in good condition.

If you buy a car from Trump, it might be a promise of a car which may or may not get delivered at an unspecified date in the future. It might be a '63 vw bug with a brass shell around it shaped like a Maserati, which only runs on $65/gallon Trump Gasoline, which declared bankruptcy 5 yrs ago.

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He's certainly got it right about the United Nations, not fit for purpose any more.

The only reason Trump and AIPAC criticize the United Nations is because they can't manipulate it to fit their purpose.

Edited by dexterm
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He's certainly got it right about the United Nations, not fit for purpose any more.

The only reason Trump and AIPAC criticize the United Nations is because they can't manipulate it to fit their purpose.

Not so sure about that. The UN has some good things going for it, but also a lot of bad. And it does cost too much...for the value received.

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He's certainly got it right about the United Nations, not fit for purpose any more.

If you are claiming that the UN has its problems, yes, it does. Any organisation that tries to be truly international is going to have its problems, especially political ones. Most of the big nonsense was not caused by the UN itself but by members countries, especially the security council. Cannot send UN troops into Syria because Russia does not agree, cannot use UN peace keepers in the Israel-Pallestinian chronic crisis because USA does not agree. But they currently have stationed peace-keepers in 16 locations over the globe. The number of locations where the UN runs disaster relief and deals with refugee crises is much higher.

But if you are suggesting that we abolish the UN and its various agencies, you will have to tell us how you would approach those truly potentially global issues (security, wart, health, climate change, migration, drug trafficking to name a few) without it.

For example, abolish the WHO and see how things would go with pandemics. Ever ask yourself how, in this very connected world where you can in a few short hours flight from London or New York arrive in a low resource locations there are outbreaks of very virulent diseases for which there are no vaccines and yet we don't experience pandemics of the proportion of the Black Death? While the media liked to point the finger at the WHO who they claimed had responded too late to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the media failed to point out that there was already a system in place that identified the condition in the first place. Early warning systems combined with research and response to outbreaks means that we don't have to deal with Ebola in the high population centres in Western Europe or the Americas, let alone Asia. And pandemics is only one of a number of health issues that the WHO deals with.

The big reform in the UN would be for individual countries not to get to appoint their own representatives to the local organisations - for instance, the WHO representative for a particular country/region is always appointed by the local country. If the local country President wants to appoint his pal or his unemployed brother, there is nothing that the WHO can do.

It is clear that we cannot do without the UN and at least some of its organisations. If we set it up again from scratch, we could end up with something worse. We cannot reform it because most countries would not like to give up their power over key posts.

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New York real estate broker Trump would have been a nobody if it wasn't for AIPAC and friends.

He would have been nothing more than a cheap neighbourhood bully and a con artist if he wasn't born into a wealthy family. That stroke of good luck allowed him to become a cheap national bully and a con artist.

It is ironic that the man calls everyone who stands up to his bullying ways a loser, yet the facts show he is the biggest loser of all, having taken his father's large fortune and squandered it into a smaller one.

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How can you believe Hilary who released sensitive e-mail that cost many American lives. If any one votes for the trader you deserve what you get. Not worried about making America safe but about not all your illegal aliens are not in America yet. America will be safe and all the riots are about you scum suckers might be deported!

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It is looking more likely to be a Clinton Trump showdown which is worrying for a country that once led the world. Looks like the downward spiral will continue

Perhaps that's true if you abhor both Trump and HRC. Tens of millions of reasonable Americans happen to think HRC would be a good prez. The numbers in November will bear that out. Trump has painted himself into a corner of blustering and lies and has a lot of followers, but it's a fixed number (perhaps 22% of overall voters). He may lose some support, but he won't gain any.

Nobb claims, "How can you believe Hilary who released sensitive e-mail that cost many American lives."

How many lives were lost due to Hillary's emails? I think the number is zero. Please specify who lost lives due to HRC's emails, if you can.

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He's certainly got it right about the United Nations, not fit for purpose any more.

The only reason Trump and AIPAC criticize the United Nations is because they can't manipulate it to fit their purpose.

Allow me to disagree with you slightly.

AIPAC and the other despicable Israeli firsters criticize the UN because they can't manipulate it to fit their purpose.

Trump criticizes the UN because it was a politically expedient maneuver at that given moment.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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He's certainly got it right about the United Nations, not fit for purpose any more.

If you are claiming that the UN has its problems, yes, it does. Any organisation that tries to be truly international is going to have its problems, especially political ones. Most of the big nonsense was not caused by the UN itself but by members countries, especially the security council. Cannot send UN troops into Syria because Russia does not agree, cannot use UN peace keepers in the Israel-Pallestinian chronic crisis because USA does not agree. But they currently have stationed peace-keepers in 16 locations over the globe. The number of locations where the UN runs disaster relief and deals with refugee crises is much higher.

But if you are suggesting that we abolish the UN and its various agencies, you will have to tell us how you would approach those truly potentially global issues (security, wart, health, climate change, migration, drug trafficking to name a few) without it.

For example, abolish the WHO and see how things would go with pandemics. Ever ask yourself how, in this very connected world where you can in a few short hours flight from London or New York arrive in a low resource locations there are outbreaks of very virulent diseases for which there are no vaccines and yet we don't experience pandemics of the proportion of the Black Death? While the media liked to point the finger at the WHO who they claimed had responded too late to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the media failed to point out that there was already a system in place that identified the condition in the first place. Early warning systems combined with research and response to outbreaks means that we don't have to deal with Ebola in the high population centres in Western Europe or the Americas, let alone Asia. And pandemics is only one of a number of health issues that the WHO deals with.

The big reform in the UN would be for individual countries not to get to appoint their own representatives to the local organisations - for instance, the WHO representative for a particular country/region is always appointed by the local country. If the local country President wants to appoint his pal or his unemployed brother, there is nothing that the WHO can do.

It is clear that we cannot do without the UN and at least some of its organisations. If we set it up again from scratch, we could end up with something worse. We cannot reform it because most countries would not like to give up their power over key posts.

Nope. You forgot a few key details. The UN has had a long history in the middle east as it relates to Israel. Egypt/Israel border after 1956, longtime presence on the Golan heights and on Lebanese border where Hizbollah captured and held for ransom Phillipinno and Fijian peacekeepers. The very first peacekeeping mission was in the middle east and HQ of the ongoing UN team is in Jerusalem.

On 29 May 1948 , the Security Council, in resolution 50 (1948) , called for a cessation of hostilities in Palestine and decided that the truce should be supervised by the UN Mediator, with the assistance of a group of military observers . The first group of military observers, which has become known as the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), arrived in the region in June 1948. In 1949, UNTSO military observers remained to supervise the Armistice Agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbours, which were for many years the main basis of the uneasy truce in the whole area. UNTSO's activities have been and still are spread over territory within five States, and therefore it has relations with five host countries -- Egypt , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon and Syrian Arab Republic .

In respect to Pandemics, the WHO was one of the reasons why the Ebola crisis was so severe and went on for as long as it did. The epidemic was stopped because of three entities; USA, Canada and the EU. It was US funding and the deployment of military medical experts which halted the disease.

The UN is as corrupt as FIFA and it't time to recognize that reality.

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He's certainly got it right about the United Nations, not fit for purpose any more.

The only reason Trump and AIPAC criticize the United Nations is because they can't manipulate it to fit their purpose.

Allow me to disagree with you slightly.

AIPAC and the other despicable Israeli firsters criticize the UN because they can't manipulate it to fit their purpose.

Trump criticizes the UN because it was a politically expedient maneuver at that given moment.

What's to manipulate? The UN refused to recognize the genocide in Darfur and it has not acknowledged the atrocities of of ISIL and Islamic jihadists in Africa. It can however, issue a regular condemnation of Israel. Go figger.

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Would you buy a second hand car from Clinton ?

Clinton isn't trying to sell cars. In contrast, Trump is trying to sell dozens of items. He gets his agents to clandestinely buy items from other manufacturers, then puts his shiny gold label on them (not always successfully. He forgot to put his label on Bush Brothers' Beef), .....and then proudly displays his Trump products to the world. Addendum: some of the products and services he boasts about are not even in business any more. His Trump airlines is defunct, and his Trump University is shut down pending legislation claiming it's not accredited and it cheats people out of $35k each - for nothing more than a paper certificate and a graduation photo standing next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Trump.

and yes, I would buy a car from Hillary. It would probably be in good condition.

If you buy a car from Trump, it might be a promise of a car which may or may not get delivered at an unspecified date in the future. It might be a '63 vw bug with a brass shell around it shaped like a Maserati, which only runs on $65/gallon Trump Gasoline, which declared bankruptcy 5 yrs ago.

"and yes, I would buy a car from Hillary. It would probably be in good condition."

Then maybe you could use that car to drive her from the plane to the terminal to escape sniper fire.

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Would you buy a second hand car from Clinton ?

Clinton isn't trying to sell cars. In contrast, Trump is trying to sell dozens of items. He gets his agents to clandestinely buy items from other manufacturers, then puts his shiny gold label on them (not always successfully. He forgot to put his label on Bush Brothers' Beef), .....and then proudly displays his Trump products to the world. Addendum: some of the products and services he boasts about are not even in business any more. His Trump airlines is defunct, and his Trump University is shut down pending legislation claiming it's not accredited and it cheats people out of $35k each - for nothing more than a paper certificate and a graduation photo standing next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Trump.

and yes, I would buy a car from Hillary. It would probably be in good condition.

If you buy a car from Trump, it might be a promise of a car which may or may not get delivered at an unspecified date in the future. It might be a '63 vw bug with a brass shell around it shaped like a Maserati, which only runs on $65/gallon Trump Gasoline, which declared bankruptcy 5 yrs ago.

Interesting. I keep hearing how Hillary can't be trusted but when asked why she can't be trusted the common answers are "Everybody knows that" or "Everybody says that". No references to provable instances. There's been a decade long Republican campaign to label her as a liar and it certainly has worked.

I'd buy a used car from her.

Check these Politfact ratings:





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Would you buy a second hand car from Clinton ?

Clinton isn't trying to sell cars. In contrast, Trump is trying to sell dozens of items. He gets his agents to clandestinely buy items from other manufacturers, then puts his shiny gold label on them (not always successfully. He forgot to put his label on Bush Brothers' Beef), .....and then proudly displays his Trump products to the world. Addendum: some of the products and services he boasts about are not even in business any more. His Trump airlines is defunct, and his Trump University is shut down pending legislation claiming it's not accredited and it cheats people out of $35k each - for nothing more than a paper certificate and a graduation photo standing next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Trump.

and yes, I would buy a car from Hillary. It would probably be in good condition.

If you buy a car from Trump, it might be a promise of a car which may or may not get delivered at an unspecified date in the future. It might be a '63 vw bug with a brass shell around it shaped like a Maserati, which only runs on $65/gallon Trump Gasoline, which declared bankruptcy 5 yrs ago.

Interesting. I keep hearing how Hillary can't be trusted but when asked why she can't be trusted the common answers are "Everybody knows that" or "Everybody says that". No references to provable instances. There's been a decade long Republican campaign to label her as a liar and it certainly has worked.

I'd buy a used car from her.


Just a little refresher course to help jog your memory. If you have lived in a cave in North Korea for the last 30 years, it is provided for your information.

Just Google "Hillary Clinton lies". This is just the tip of the iceberg.





...and in her own words...

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How can you believe Hilary who released sensitive e-mail that cost many American lives.

Could you please elaborate as to what was "released" and the American lives it cost.

(This may take a while, obviously).

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Would you buy a second hand car from Clinton ?

Clinton isn't trying to sell cars. In contrast, Trump is trying to sell dozens of items. He gets his agents to clandestinely buy items from other manufacturers, then puts his shiny gold label on them (not always successfully. He forgot to put his label on Bush Brothers' Beef), .....and then proudly displays his Trump products to the world. Addendum: some of the products and services he boasts about are not even in business any more. His Trump airlines is defunct, and his Trump University is shut down pending legislation claiming it's not accredited and it cheats people out of $35k each - for nothing more than a paper certificate and a graduation photo standing next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Trump.

and yes, I would buy a car from Hillary. It would probably be in good condition.

If you buy a car from Trump, it might be a promise of a car which may or may not get delivered at an unspecified date in the future. It might be a '63 vw bug with a brass shell around it shaped like a Maserati, which only runs on $65/gallon Trump Gasoline, which declared bankruptcy 5 yrs ago.

Interesting. I keep hearing how Hillary can't be trusted but when asked why she can't be trusted the common answers are "Everybody knows that" or "Everybody says that". No references to provable instances. There's been a decade long Republican campaign to label her as a liar and it certainly has worked.

I'd buy a used car from her.


Just a little refresher course to help jog your memory. If you have lived in a cave in North Korea for the last 30 years, it is provided for your information.

Just Google "Hillary Clinton lies". This is just the tip of the iceberg.





...and in her own words...

Yeah that's great and all but the other three are bigger liars, as shown in the previous post.

Why aren't you all "blowharding" about those, as Jeb would say.


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