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I moved back to the real world a short time ago. But, I must admit, I do miss the following:

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Ridiculous visa runs and checks every 90 days

I haven't done a visa run since 2008, perhaps if you were eligible for a proper long stay visa you'd have been alright.

Maniacal drivers with death wishes

If you drive defensively, I find the roads very safe.

Chinese tourists for a bunch of reasons

They get a bad press, but every Chinese person I've met in person has been polite and friendly. And their skirts are to die for......

Black smoke billowing out of MANY vehicles

Very few cars have this problem in recent years.

Songtaews and tuk tuks for a hundred reasons

Occasionally I pay 18B for a Songtaew that takes me 25km. I find this service very helpful. Otherwise I don't interact with them, but I can't see why there would be a problem.

Paying " farang" prices

Speak Thai, it doesn't happen.

Did I mention the garlic wreaking money hungry Thai women ( and the hookers are worse )

Maybe its because I stink of garlic, but I have to say I haven't noticed the women smelling particularly bad. In fact, they smell lovely. And money hungry? Maybe its because you had nothing else to offer?

Having to whisper when discussing the ROYAL FAMILY

I don't talk about the Royal Family. They have no impact on my life, so why should I? Just like England.

Censors and the junta shit

Censors - Zenmate. Junta? No impact on my life since coming to power.

The ransom prices of western food

??? I can eat western food here for far less than I can back in England.

The slowness of the Internet

??? I get 13MB download in country, and sufficient to stream HD internationally. This isn't slow as far as I am aware.

A country with at least 5 genders

The open minded people are one of the many things that make this country great.

The wonderment of the burning season

You've missed it this year, AQI has barely crept above 100.

Paying overvalued amounts for ALL vehicles both new and used

My truck in the UK, around 1,000,000B. Here I bought new at 618,000B. Maintenance, fuel and insurance all substantially cheaper here.

Ordering 5 things in a restaurant and arriving 5 different times

And your problem? People order and eat together. The soup arrives, we eat soup, some veg arrive, we eat veg, the curry arrives, we eat curry, but there's still some soup and veg, so we eat that, the yam arrives, we're ordering more beer. Dining here is a fantastic social experience - you wanting Thailand to be like home is your problem.

One should never live in a country where you can't drink the tap water

That rules out nearly the entire world.

The lack of English spoken and the lack of desire to learn

Why should they? This is Thailand. Do you learn the language of the foreigners who visit (that's what you were doing with your visa that required border runs) your country?

xenophobic, status conscience, selfish population

Pot, meet kettle.

Loudspeaker trucks

You got me.

Hot than hell MOST of the time


Shopping malls where most Thai people can't afford to buy anything

Where most Thais don't visit, because most Thais don't live within 50km of one.

Having to support a family that EXPECTS me to do it

Again, this is probably because you had nothing else to offer.

Corrupt police ( all of them )

This comes with benefits.

And my personal favorite.......SAVING FACE

And why are you back here again?

you really thought it necessary to pick apart all of his complaints?

I'll just pick two of yours.

It's quite safe if you drive defensively? Does that mean constantly trying to avoid motorcycles and cars that are trying to kill themselves? Does that also include scanning your rear view mirror constantly to make sure a Benz isn't approaching at 240 kmh?

Regarding the black smoke. A huge portion of the truck drivers (DMAX..etc) modify their trucks to purposefully bypass emissions and puff as much black smoke as possible. Has that been solved?

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Better just to agree that nowhere's perfect and we all have our preferences. For me Thailand is paradise compared to some of the places that I have lived and it's OK compared to some of the others but it has what I need at this point in my life. That's enough for me. No need for lists of what's right or wrong with anywhere. We are the fortunate few in the world who can choose where we live rather than having that forced upon us through economic circumstances... whenever you don't like somewhere so much it's become intolerable - leave and don't look back.


Ridiculous visa runs and checks every 90 days

I haven't done a visa run since 2008, perhaps if you were eligible for a proper long stay visa you'd have been alright.

Maniacal drivers with death wishes

If you drive defensively, I find the roads very safe.

Chinese tourists for a bunch of reasons

They get a bad press, but every Chinese person I've met in person has been polite and friendly. And their skirts are to die for......

Black smoke billowing out of MANY vehicles

Very few cars have this problem in recent years.

Songtaews and tuk tuks for a hundred reasons

Occasionally I pay 18B for a Songtaew that takes me 25km. I find this service very helpful. Otherwise I don't interact with them, but I can't see why there would be a problem.

Paying " farang" prices

Speak Thai, it doesn't happen.

Did I mention the garlic wreaking money hungry Thai women ( and the hookers are worse )

Maybe its because I stink of garlic, but I have to say I haven't noticed the women smelling particularly bad. In fact, they smell lovely. And money hungry? Maybe its because you had nothing else to offer?

Having to whisper when discussing the ROYAL FAMILY

I don't talk about the Royal Family. They have no impact on my life, so why should I? Just like England.

Censors and the junta shit

Censors - Zenmate. Junta? No impact on my life since coming to power.

The ransom prices of western food

??? I can eat western food here for far less than I can back in England.

The slowness of the Internet

??? I get 13MB download in country, and sufficient to stream HD internationally. This isn't slow as far as I am aware.

A country with at least 5 genders

The open minded people are one of the many things that make this country great.

The wonderment of the burning season

You've missed it this year, AQI has barely crept above 100.

Paying overvalued amounts for ALL vehicles both new and used

My truck in the UK, around 1,000,000B. Here I bought new at 618,000B. Maintenance, fuel and insurance all substantially cheaper here.

Ordering 5 things in a restaurant and arriving 5 different times

And your problem? People order and eat together. The soup arrives, we eat soup, some veg arrive, we eat veg, the curry arrives, we eat curry, but there's still some soup and veg, so we eat that, the yam arrives, we're ordering more beer. Dining here is a fantastic social experience - you wanting Thailand to be like home is your problem.

One should never live in a country where you can't drink the tap water

That rules out nearly the entire world.

The lack of English spoken and the lack of desire to learn

Why should they? This is Thailand. Do you learn the language of the foreigners who visit (that's what you were doing with your visa that required border runs) your country?

xenophobic, status conscience, selfish population

Pot, meet kettle.

Loudspeaker trucks

You got me.

Hot than hell MOST of the time


Shopping malls where most Thai people can't afford to buy anything

Where most Thais don't visit, because most Thais don't live within 50km of one.

Having to support a family that EXPECTS me to do it

Again, this is probably because you had nothing else to offer.

Corrupt police ( all of them )

This comes with benefits.

And my personal favorite.......SAVING FACE

And why are you back here again?

Best Response of the Year Candidate!


Ok, now the Australian version:

Visas - Oh, dont even get me started on that, up to $15,000 bond in case you know me or the wife are stupid enough to get her to overstay, ruin any chances of ever getting another visa. In case she might be a burden on the welfare system even though the government pays for entire suburbs of inter generational methheads

Chinese adding to overpriced housing markets

Taxis that cost $15 to go 5 km ( i laugh in thailand when the same thing costs me $2)

Paying farang prices LOL, $3 for a can of coke, $30 for a single freakin pizza, 8 times the amount for a pack of smokes Grrrghhh

Money hungry Thai women? again LOLZ!!!! Money Hungry Aussie woman that are 3 times the size, or look like and act like blokes and cost 10 times as much

Having to whisper when dissing William George or Kate, anf they arent even our royal family

Censors and Nanny state shit

Slowness of thai internet? LOL, Aussie networks are 20 years behind, cost twice as much

A country with at least 6 genders (5 plus bush pigs)

The wonderment of bushfire season

Paying overvalued amounts for EVERYTHING!!!

The lack of English spoken and the lack of desire to learn

xenophobic, status conscience, selfish population

Police afraid to do pretty much anything

Ok, you got me on all the road safety points, Thailand is whack with that, but everything else faaaaaark! Australia overpriced blooming nanny state


I don't think Chiang Mai or indeed, Thailand, is for you.

The first few years are the hardest, that's the period of learning, in all respects!

8 years down the line, I now love it!

When I head back to the UK once a year, for 3/4 weeks, after two weeks I have had enough and am ready to come back!

I could go through all your criticisms and could argue many of them.....but I really can't be arsed!


Funny how many posters are characterizing the OP as the one with the problem.....yet, there are threads (with much member participation) all over TVF that air the exact same grievances on an individual topic basis (dual pricing, pollution, burning season, traffic/driving, Thai women, high prices, police corruption, etc.) It's almost as if he just compiled popular TVF threads and consolidated them into a single list format.

But, hey, don't let me interfere with everyone jumping on the OP-bashing bandwagon.


Several of those things are also available in the U.K., along with ...

Paying income-tax & local-tax for government-services which are nevertheless rapidly disappearing.

Fugly women on every high-street & in every supermarket.

Being caught on-camera 300-times per day.

Being required to espouse ridiculous p.c. attitudes.

Assuming one's share of the growing/impossible-to-repay national-debt.

The lack of proper-English spoken, and any desire to learn.

Hordes of tweeting selfie-posting idiots, who think that the world owes them a living.

Ridiculous levels of tax on petrol/diesel for one's private-vehicle.

Chinese tourists, they get everywhere !

A government which thinks we need defending, by a new fleet of nuclear-submarines, but who lack the organisational-ability to order aircraft-carriers & aircraft to be ready at the same time.

Colder than acceptable most of the time.

Vacuous political-leaders, who've never held down a proper job. (OK ... that also applies here, some of the time)

By all means vote with your feet, while you still can, but recognise that Farang-land is not paradise either ? wai2.gif


Greener grass Is a double edged sword and OP is experiencing that right now.

It was worth reading through this tiresome thread just for this gem...!!


some perfectly valid points raised by the op, but he is being attacked by the usual brigade of deluded old guys, you know the type - got a wife half their age and are actually convinced she married them for love tongue.png


15 years here and I still love the place, Wished I had been born here.

get thai passport and give back your home country passport?

15 years here and I still love the place, Wished I had been born here.

if you were born here it's likely you would want to live somewhere else now.

I was gonna make a list of positives here but I do not have time,

Too busy enjoying myself,must be getting hotter, here she comes with nothing on & a cold beer


I wish people like the OP would just tell the truth

Guys come here for what was missing in their life.. Wild sex with endless partners and when hanging out with hookers for 24/7 starts to lose its charm it's then that the other problems that's were conviently ignored for years all of a sudden become important eg, everything on OP's list

Greener grass Is a double edged sword and OP is experiencing that right now.

I doubt the OP has the courage to admit the truth, or even where this "real world" of his is. So c'mon OP, where exactly is this Utopia of yours?


Nowhere is paradise, everywhere has its plusses and minuses. What differs is what priority each individual places on the various traits, why one persons nirvana is another's hell.

Most of what the OP gripes a out is relatively true. There again the West is increasingly fascist PC Nanny states, some love that, others like me not. You want your water fluoridated, eat GMO foods, get vaccinated etc, many ignorant do.

It's all about which suits your personality better on balance.


Seriously - Everyone I've spoken with over the past few years that has visited their homeland can't wait to get back here after about 2 weeks away.....

Seems to make little difference where they are from - Europe - UK - America(s) - Oz.....A lot feel more comfortable & embrace raising a young family here.....Some have been placed here by multi-national organizations or companies and decided to continue living here.....Ages ranging to late twenties onward.....People with lively, optimistic, adventurous spirits seem to fit better here.....

2 weeks away and they've had enough of experiencing their old world....

But obviously the OP isn't one of them.....


The OP does have some well founded points but there is also the other side of the coin which he failed to list. It works for some and if your lucky you can enjoy it. I now enjoy visiting family and friends in Thailand happy in the knowledge that our family will return to the real world after the holiday kids in school while we enjoy our retirement visiting great places here in England and look forward to our next visit to Thailand.


it seems to me, that a lot of people are truelly hurt by the op.

A lot of the ederly people dont want to admit, somehow they failed somewhere in their life

and then they end up in a dump somewhere in thailand...whistling.gif


it seems to me, that a lot of people are truelly hurt by the op.

A lot of the ederly people dont want to admit, somehow they failed somewhere in their life

and then they end up in a dump somewhere in thailand...whistling.gif

Em ,my home Country is a dump ( some people love it though ) .To me Thailand is the closest thing to Paradise ,even the scummy parts .I want to die here .


I agree with most of the OP's statements, but that doesn't make me not want to live here. A lot of that is part and parcel of living in Asia/SE Asia.

Why do so many people want to lambaste this guy? Jez, maybe he should have included:

-- Posters on ThaiVisa who enjoy taking the piss out of others for no reason.


the thai'er than thai brigade think that if they refuse to accept any criticism of thailand (even if its valid) just like native thais, perhaps they will get the acceptance of the native thais that they so desperately crave but will never never ever get


the thai'er than thai brigade think that if they refuse to accept any criticism of thailand (even if its valid) just like native thais, perhaps they will get the acceptance of the native thais that they so desperately crave but will never never ever get

I agree but the native Thais I know accept criticism, as long as it's reasonable.

the thai'er than thai brigade think that if they refuse to accept any criticism of thailand (even if its valid) just like native thais, perhaps they will get the acceptance of the native thais that they so desperately crave but will never never ever get

I agree but the native Thais I know accept criticism, as long as it's reasonable.

and presented in a polite way. Not the Farong accusation they don't do it that way in my country way. I find when approaching them that way they are much more open to listening to you.


I was gonna make a list of positives here but I do not have time,

Too busy enjoying myself,must be getting hotter, here she comes with nothing on & a cold beer

Beer in Thailand?

its not easy find..And its expensivebiggrin.png


Seriously - Everyone I've spoken with over the past few years that has visited their homeland can't wait to get back here after about 2 weeks away.....

Seems to make little difference where they are from - Europe - UK - America(s) - Oz.....A lot feel more comfortable & embrace raising a young family here.....Some have been placed here by multi-national organizations or companies and decided to continue living here.....Ages ranging to late twenties onward.....People with lively, optimistic, adventurous spirits seem to fit better here.....

2 weeks away and they've had enough of experiencing their old world....

But obviously the OP isn't one of them.....

Itrs almast guys "got a wife half their age and are actually convinced she married them for love"?


Family comfortobale?

With no laws coruption?

its crime family?cheesy.gif


I recently spent a month in India. Without going into detail I was very happy to return to civilization in Thailand... Hahaha

I think it really depends on what you left behind as to how you feel about the place you are now. I often hear Brits say how perfect Thailand is and perhaps it is to them because of the weather, prices, fat women, crime etc in England. Having spent time there I was also happy to return to Thailand. Where I lived in the USA the place was great, beautiful mountains, great fishing and hunting, very professional nice people, cost of living not too bad, etc etc .... When I return to Thailand I find myself getting upset sometimes due to things not working correctly here. I can however accept this as part of the Thai experience and get on with it.

When in Thailand I miss some things about the U.S. And when in the U.S. I miss some things about Thailand. I am thinking about spending 6 months in U.S. And then 6 months in Thailand after I can fully retire. I have grown to love this country but I will always love where I come from. It's all a matter of acceptance.


OP, bet you just love getting home near every day in farangland to find a bill on the door mat too.....whistling.gif

Fink soon you will have to deal with a fart tax......sad.png

You pay in Thaialnd Tax?cheesy.gif

i do not think so... In Thailand not cheap tax..

and where tax moneya go cant see.

In many another country CAN!!!

about Thailand even cant say what you pay what you get.. 30% and up its not small tax


OP, bet you just love getting home near every day in farangland to find a bill on the door mat too.....whistling.gif

Fink soon you will have to deal with a fart tax......sad.png

You pay in Thaialnd Tax?cheesy.gif

i do not think so... In Thailand not cheap tax..

and where tax moneya go cant see.

In many another country CAN!!!

about Thailand even cant say what you pay what you get.. 30% and up its not small tax

Eh.........? blink.png

you compare simular.. 3 month france 3 month Uk, 3 month Swizerland or etc.. what bill tax?


OR be illegal as in Thailand and not any bill come..


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