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Tout who attacked Russian tourist sorry for spoiling Pattaya's image


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So attempting to sell drugs has no charge

The drugs were what was described as "sex drugs", 100% chance of them being of the Viagra type, hardly the class 1 drugs that you were trying to make them sound like.

They are still illegal to sale

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And claiming a "misunderstanding".

What was the "misunderstanding" ?

He misunderstood that spitting at a person is a normal gesture in Russia?

You mean China ?

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I alway wanted to spit at them the few times I've been walking up WS so I can understand the Russian. Maybe wear a helmet and a bullet proof vest next time and see what happens.

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Not bad at all.

Selling "sex-show" tickets

Selling "drugs"

Attacking an intoxicated tourist.

And claiming a "misunderstanding".

What was the "misunderstanding" ?

These "touts" are illegally operating on Walking Street, and right under the noses of the Police.

And mentioned "spoiling the good name of Pattaya".

Funny !!!

I thought i saw billboards saying prostitution is illegal in Thailand, but how is sex show legal????

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And claiming a "misunderstanding".

What was the "misunderstanding" ?

He misunderstood that spitting at a person is a normal gesture in Russia?

Monkeys like this, and the nonchalant attitude by the RTP are going to bring the "quality tourists" flocking in.

What? You mean the drunk Russian monkey who spat at a Thai, don't you?

What do you mean by "nonchalant attitude" of the police? You do mean the attitude that resulted in the tout being charged with assault?

There are three sides to every story ... yours, mine, and the truth. (I don't know who said it first - Jayne Roberts?)

But, in the absence of any video evidence of "spitting" I will take the word of the Russian tourist over the excuses of the drug-dealing-sex-show-promoter.

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And claiming a "misunderstanding".

What was the "misunderstanding" ?

He misunderstood that spitting at a person is a normal gesture in Russia?

It appears, without any proof, that you, and a few others, actually believe this Thai scumbags story, that the Russian spat at him. Some on here are so quick to condemn.

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And claiming a "misunderstanding".

What was the "misunderstanding" ?

He misunderstood that spitting at a person is a normal gesture in Russia?

and we have the word of the scumbag who assaulted the russian to verify this? oh, and his friend, of course.

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Monkeys like this, and the nonchalant attitude by the RTP are going to bring the "quality tourists" flocking in.

What? You mean the drunk Russian monkey who spat at a Thai, don't you?

What do you mean by "nonchalant attitude" of the police? You do mean the attitude that resulted in the tout being charged with assault?

Question, do you have any PROOF the Russian spat at him? It's interesting that "bigots" only believe only what they want. As usual with reporting here, we do NOT get both sides., but you have already found the Russian guilty.

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So attempting to sell drugs has no charge

The drugs were what was described as "sex drugs", 100% chance of them being of the Viagra type, hardly the class 1 drugs that you were trying to make them sound like.

It is illegal to sell them on the streets. It is only legal in a pharmacy with a a valid prescription. But don't let this spoil your Thai apologist attitude.

AFAIK the sex shows are illegal too.

Edited by hanuman2543
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I'm going with common sense, my 12 years of residence in various regions of Thailand, and the fact that despite dozens of late nights on the grind out on WS, I've never been remotely threatened - let alone assaulted for absolutely no reason - by Thai people. This Russian chap provoked the attack, no doubt in my mind.

A smile and polite "no thanks" will never earn you a beat down in the Kingdom, but make no mistake, if you think you can insult a Thai and walk away like nothing happened, you're in for a rude awakening -- instant karma gonna get ya.

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"Tout who offered sex drugs and a trip to see a sex show attacked Russian tourist sorry for spoiling Pattaya's image"


He was sorry for "spoiling Pattaya's GOOD image".

I didn't think it was possible to hurt Pattaya's image.biggrin.png

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I'm going with common sense, my 12 years of residence in various regions of Thailand, and the fact that despite dozens of late nights on the grind out on WS, I've never been remotely threatened - let alone assaulted for absolutely no reason - by Thai people. This Russian chap provoked the attack, no doubt in my mind.

A smile and polite "no thanks" will never earn you a beat down in the Kingdom, but make no mistake, if you think you can insult a Thai and walk away like nothing happened, you're in for a rude awakening -- instant karma gonna get ya.

No smile and not a word spoken will not cop you a beating from Walking Street touts. Saying nothing is better than saying something because saying anything can be misunderstood.

Why would you want to smile at street touts anyway? I hardly ever smile, so I'm not going to waste one on a street tout.biggrin.png Mouth shut, poker face and walk on by does the trick every time.

Spitting at a Thai will do the trick if you're after a beating. To come to think of it, spitting at anyone of any nationality will probably end up with the same result.

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What is wrong with that picture? Well, nothing really. They're just a bunch of good guys lounging around on the sofa having a cup of coffee and a chin-wag about the good old days. It's nice to see the police treating members of the public like they are welcome guests and ... and it's an honor to have you visit us. Please take your time with the coffee, and call us when you want an escort to go back to work. You have a super, super day, old friends.

I agree. The photo shows the bizarre methods of polite, police treatment of those charged with violent crimes against persons. The interview, if any, should have been conducted with the tout in a jail uniform, behind bars and awaiting trial.

No apology for the crime or victim. Only an apology for the already soiled "image" of this town.

Well that's not going to change until we start to see farang beating up thais but there a bit chicken shit.. TV crew exempt of course . So yeah it will always be this way

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If the Russian did spit at/on the Thai, then IMO, he deserved everything he got, in fact he was probably lucky to get away with what injuries he got.

However, this is all about cause and effect.

The very statement from the tout, "I want to apologise for what I did and spoiling the good name of Pattaya" is BS as it passes his lips as he was already giving Pattaya a bad name by touting drugs and sex shows.

That was the cause.

​That he is allowed to do this unrestricted by the RTP, engaging the tourist and leading to the incident is the effect of letting these people harass others.

Still, it is almost the same as if he said 'if the Russian wasn't there in the first place, the fight wouldn't have happened'.

I'm just waiting for this old chestnut to be used again in future defence of these touts.............wink.png

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I'm going with common sense, my 12 years of residence in various regions of Thailand, and the fact that despite dozens of late nights on the grind out on WS, I've never been remotely threatened - let alone assaulted for absolutely no reason - by Thai people. This Russian chap provoked the attack, no doubt in my mind.

A smile and polite "no thanks" will never earn you a beat down in the Kingdom, but make no mistake, if you think you can insult a Thai and walk away like nothing happened, you're in for a rude awakening -- instant karma gonna get ya.

No smile and not a word spoken will not cop you a beating from Walking Street touts. Saying nothing is better than saying something because saying anything can be misunderstood.

Why would you want to smile at street touts anyway? I hardly ever smile, so I'm not going to waste one on a street tout.biggrin.png Mouth shut, poker face and walk on by does the trick every time.

Spitting at a Thai will do the trick if you're after a beating. To come to think of it, spitting at anyone of any nationality will probably end up with the same result.

Whatever works for you. No need to smile if you don't feel like it. In my view touts are just street hustlers, salesmen actually, and I don't begrudge a man for trying to earn a living. A smile doesn't cost me anything and the effect is usually positive here in the Kingdom, if you'll kindly forgive me for indulging.
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I'm going with common sense, my 12 years of residence in various regions of Thailand, and the fact that despite dozens of late nights on the grind out on WS, I've never been remotely threatened - let alone assaulted for absolutely no reason - by Thai people. This Russian chap provoked the attack, no doubt in my mind.

A smile and polite "no thanks" will never earn you a beat down in the Kingdom, but make no mistake, if you think you can insult a Thai and walk away like nothing happened, you're in for a rude awakening -- instant karma gonna get ya.

No smile and not a word spoken will not cop you a beating from Walking Street touts. Saying nothing is better than saying something because saying anything can be misunderstood.

Why would you want to smile at street touts anyway? I hardly ever smile, so I'm not going to waste one on a street tout.biggrin.png Mouth shut, poker face and walk on by does the trick every time.

Spitting at a Thai will do the trick if you're after a beating. To come to think of it, spitting at anyone of any nationality will probably end up with the same result.

Whatever works for you. No need to smile if you don't feel like it. In my view touts are just street hustlers, salesmen actually, and I don't begrudge a man for trying to earn a living. A smile doesn't cost me anything and the effect is usually positive here in the Kingdom, if you'll kindly forgive me for indulging.

Sure, if you're a smiley kind of person, then smile away. In reality though, these sex-show touts are promoting high pressure, extremely unpleasant, rip-off establishments which people should definitely stay away from. No one comes away from those places smiling, even the smiley types.biggrin.png

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I'm going with common sense, my 12 years of residence in various regions of Thailand, and the fact that despite dozens of late nights on the grind out on WS, I've never been remotely threatened - let alone assaulted for absolutely no reason - by Thai people. This Russian chap provoked the attack, no doubt in my mind.

A smile and polite "no thanks" will never earn you a beat down in the Kingdom, but make no mistake, if you think you can insult a Thai and walk away like nothing happened, you're in for a rude awakening -- instant karma gonna get ya.

No smile and not a word spoken will not cop you a beating from Walking Street touts. Saying nothing is better than saying something because saying anything can be misunderstood.

Why would you want to smile at street touts anyway? I hardly ever smile, so I'm not going to waste one on a street tout.biggrin.png Mouth shut, poker face and walk on by does the trick every time.

Spitting at a Thai will do the trick if you're after a beating. To come to think of it, spitting at anyone of any nationality will probably end up with the same result.

Whatever works for you. No need to smile if you don't feel like it. In my view touts are just street hustlers, salesmen actually, and I don't begrudge a man for trying to earn a living. A smile doesn't cost me anything and the effect is usually positive here in the Kingdom, if you'll kindly forgive me for indulging.

Sure, if you're a smiley kind of person, then smile away. In reality though, these sex-show touts are promoting high pressure, extremely unpleasant, rip-off establishments which people should definitely stay away from. No one comes away from those places smiling, even the smiley types.biggrin.png
Not so much that I'm the smiley type, but rather I've come to understand by living and socialising here what the significance of different smiles in different situations can be. There may be good reason to smile at someone even if you're not feeling particularly amused.

Some folks - such as the Bolshevik referred to in the OP - insist on clinging to the cultural habits of their homeland when interacting with Thai locals, which doesn't always work out so well for them.

As a long term resident I subscribe to the philosophy of "when in Rome" but I do understand others may not be so willing or able to adapt to the local customs.

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With respect to Pattaya's image, the WS area in particular, I don't believe that it's ever been considered a place for prudish or easily offended types to spend their time. The image is more of a free spirited party town where consenting adults can come to play without being harassed, where the locals are legendary for their tolerance of foreigners' outrageous - and frequently offensive - behavior.

The tout rightfully recognized that giving rude foreigners their comeuppance, however well deserved, is not the sort of hospitality Pattaya is known for, and in that respect his actions were damaging to its image.

Perhaps some of you were confusing Pattaya with someplace else?

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