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Obama says US too slow to react to Argentina's 'Dirty War'


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Obama says US too slow to react to Argentina's 'Dirty War'


WASHINGTON: -- US President Barack Obama admitted Washington was too slow to react to Argentina’s “Dirty War” as he attended a ceremony to honour the victims.

His visit to the South American nation coincided with the 40th anniversary of a coup that resulted in the seven-year crackdown, which began in 1976.

He and Argentine President Mauricio Macri visited the Monument to the Victims of State Terrorism to remember some 30,000 people killed by security forces.

“Democracies have to have courage to acknowledge when we don’t live up to the ideals that we stand for, when we’ve been slow to speak out for human rights. And that was the case here,” he said.

Prominent human rights groups, however, boycotted Obama’s homage to the Marxist rebels, labour unions and leftist opponents killed during the period of military rule.

In the capital Buenos Aires, people rallied against the visit in protest against Washington’s initial backing of the junta.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-25

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that parasite has the guts to say that the U.S. reacted to slow? what about his reaction to isis? that hypocrite anti American scum bag is the worst thing to happen to the U.S. in a long time! he is a laughing stock of almost all nations in europe and he rest of the world!

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that parasite has the guts to say that the U.S. reacted to slow? what about his reaction to isis? that hypocrite anti American scum bag is the worst thing to happen to the U.S. in a long time! he is a laughing stock of almost all nations in europe and he rest of the world!

Perfect description. thumbsup.gif

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Too slow????? During the 60's and 70's EVERY "revolution" and killing of innocents was sponsored by the CIA!!!! Still doing it! Before was fighting "Communist Terrorism"... now fighting "Islamic Terrorism"...... For what? To gain more hate and revenge? Stupid Bastards!

Amaze me how US politicians show ignorance of history jut to obtain sympathy....or votes. All them..from Gerald Ford to Obama....

Unfortunately looks like nothing will change with Trump or Clinton...and unfortunately the US "Democracy" still a model for most young generations.

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​Personally I don't think any one cares about Argentina's dirty war. I think he should think more about his own country,and the problems we have. This is the poorest excuse America has ever had for a leader,and the sooner he is gone the the better off we will be.

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The US wasn't slow to react when Britain asked for assistance in the Falklands war. They openly supported the Argentines. So much for the 'special relationship'!

Edited by Anon999
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While the world is almost at war Obama needs to "cut ribbons", what a pussy.

Shame, shame shame.

He is gearing up for the big payday ahead when he leaves….I reckon his speeches will be at least 750K a a pop….if hillarys were 250K.

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While the world is almost at war Obama needs to "cut ribbons", what a pussy.

Shame, shame shame.

He is gearing up for the big payday ahead when he leaves….I reckon his speeches will be at least 750K a a pop….if hillarys were 250K.

Didn't your bellowed war criminal "W" demand huge fees a few weeks ago, during a speech for the war veterans?

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I think Obama should have apologized to Argentina for any culpability in that era. What's the harm? Argentina has a more pro American leader now and it would serve to begin to heal the widespread anti-Americanism there. While Argentina hasn't lived up to it's potential that potential is still there. Better USA Latin American relations is worth eating some crow for.

Edited by Jingthing
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The US wasn't slow to react when Britain asked for assistance in the Falklands war. They openly supported the Argentines. So much for the 'special relationship'!

openly supported the Argentines

Yes and no.

In terms of the actual war itself, President Reagan provided the British with military aid that was instrumental in a British victory.

But prior to the outbreak of military action between the British and Argentine, the Reagan administration was divided on what side to support in terms of a diplomatic solution to avoid a military conflict. Reagan initially consider the USA nuetral in the dispute over sovereignty of the islands. What developed was a deal from the Americans that basically gave sovereignty of the islands to Argentine (albeit subject to a referendum by Falklanders).

Paradoxically, the junta-led Argentine government rejected the USA's offer. Thereafter, the USA reversed its nuetrality to fully supported the British military efforts when Argentine attacked.

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While the world is almost at war Obama needs to "cut ribbons", what a pussy.

Shame, shame shame.

He is gearing up for the big payday ahead when he leaves.I reckon his speeches will be at least 750K a a pop.if hillarys were 250K.

Gerald Ford pretty much started this, and Reagan and Bush I continued it. "Gotta pay the bills ya know"

Bush II is estimated to have made over 200 speeches at 100-150k a pop. He certainly doesn't get what Bill and Hillary got per speech. Wonder why that is? Maybe something to do with basic popularity?


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The US wasn't slow to react when Britain asked for assistance in the Falklands war. They openly supported the Argentines. So much for the 'special relationship'!

how did the U.S.support argentina during the falklands war? please explain your remarks! I don't recall any U.S. ships, soldiers, or aircraft participating in that war! do you know something the rest of us do not know?

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"American non-interference was vital to the US-British relationship. Ascension Island, a British possession, was vital to the long term supply of the Task Force South; however, the airbase stationed on it was run and operated by the US. The American commander of the base was ordered to assist the British in any way and for a brief period Ascension Air Field was one of the busiest airports in the world.

The most important NATO contributions were intelligence information and the rescheduled supply of the latest model of Sidewinder Lima all-aspect infra-red seeking missiles, which allowed existing British stocks to be employed.

Margaret Thatcher stated that "without the Harrier jets and their immense manoeuvrability, equipped as they were with the latest version of the Sidewinder missile, supplied to us by US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, we could never have got back the Falklands"

and "In early May, Caspar Weinberger offered the use of an American aircraft carrier.[29"


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that parasite has the guts to say that the U.S. reacted to slow? what about his reaction to isis? that hypocrite anti American scum bag is the worst thing to happen to the U.S. in a long time! he is a laughing stock of almost all nations in europe and he rest of the world!

There, there, let it all out you poor thing!


BTW, you forgot to add socialist, communist, atheist, Muslim, foreign born and uppity Negro. Approaching dotage, are we?

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