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Brussels must be a wake-up call for Europe says Israeli security expert


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Brussels must be a wake-up call for Europe says Israeli security expert


"I think that police forces should get into problematic neighbourhoods and take care of those who are prone to or involved in terrorism, but let the others live, and even get assistance from the neighbourhood"

JERUSALEM: --Following comments by several of his ministers after the Brussels attacks Israeli Prime Minist
er Benjamin Netanyahu has assured Belgium of his country’s support, and called for a more co-ordinated approach in fighting terror.

Intelligence and Transport minister “Yisrael Katz”:
http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Israeli-minister-Katz-If-Belgium-continues-eating-chocolate-it-wont-be-able-to-fight-terror-448924 suggested Belgium lacked the stomach for the fight.

“In Paris or Brussels or San Bernardino or Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Terror must be condemned equally and it must be fought equally. Israel stands ready to cooperate with all the nations in this great struggle. These terrorists seek our destruction; they will fail. But if we work together, they will fail a lot sooner,” said Netanyahu.

Katz and several colleagues suggested Belgium was more interested in enjoying life, eating chocolate, and posing as democratic liberals than recognising they were at war with Islamic terrorism.

Katz’s comments were widely criticised, but they came on the heels of French Finance Minister Michel Sapin’s remark that Belgium was naive about the spread of radical Islam in the country.

Israeli security expert hopes Brussels attacks will be watershed moment for Europe

Euronews has spoken to Yoram Schweitzer in Tel Aviv. He is a former head of the Israeli military’s counter-terrorism section, and also an expert at the Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli think tank.

Damon Embling, euronews:
“As an Israeli citizen and as a counter-terrorism expert, what were the first thoughts that came to your and your colleagues minds’ when you saw the Brussels attacks unfolding?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“That unfortunately, what was expected, happened. I don’t think it was strategically a surprise, because we anticipated, we thought, we saw that IS was preparing international terror squads.”

Damon Embling:
“What is your assessment of the Belgian and European intelligence agencies effectiveness in fighting these terrorist cells?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“I’m sure that the capabilities are there. The European security services, the intelligence corps in Europe have proven that they can fight a challenge while they basically thwarted most of the al-Qaeda and AQ affiliated attempts during the last decade.”

Damon Embling:
“The perceived intelligence failures around the Brussels attacks are more than worrying. How did they get it wrong? Do you think these attacks might have been prevented?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“I think there were some malfunctions and some failures that cost dearly. But…and it should be checked, it’s part of the drill of fighting terrorism, not everything will be successful, not all the operations will be intercepted.”

Damon Embling:
“The latest security assessment says that ISIL sent at least 400 attackers into Europe, working in cells. Also, scores of European fighters who went to Syria returned to their countries. Is it realistic to expect the intelligence agencies to be able to monitor all suspects?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“Now, I think that the security services with the backing of prime ministers, and the leadership in these countries, should prepare for it, should allocate resources, should increase immensely the manpower, qualified manpower of the intelligence corps, of the police.”

Damon Embling:
“At the same time, it seems European countries are now breeding grounds for terrorism, Molenbeek in Brussels is already called Jihad Central. What does it take to penetrate these networks?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“It should be done very carefully because the heart, the basic trick of terrorism is to try to solicit a much harsher indiscriminate response towards the non-radicalised population. I think that police forces should get into problematic neighbourhoods and take care of those who are prone to or involved in terrorism, but let the others live, and even get assistance from the neighbourhood.”

Damon Embling:
“At some airports elsewhere passengers are stopped before the terminal, their baggage is screened and documents checked. Do you think that’s something that we should be doing in Europe?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“The trick is to let people move as freely as they can, not to disrupt the freedom of movement, but then to be prepared for suspected people who are about to carry out those attacks. But we must not capitulate, we must not totally turn upside down our way of life in Europe and other places as well.”

Damon Embling:
“In light of the Brussels and Paris attacks, do you think it is a wake-up call for Europe?”

Yoram Schweitzer:
“It should have been a wake-up call a long time ago. I hope now that it has sunk into the minds of those who are responsible for allocating resources.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-25
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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

the whole thing started even long before that at they time when they made landmarks on the map telling this is this country.

ignoring the natural groups and introducing a lot of tension in the area. that was in the 1800-1900.

that is on of the programmed causes of what is happening now a days.

beside that people refuse to learn form history

history repeats time after time if you not want to learn from it.

the open borders and everybody is welcome followed by the spread out creates the being able to be invisible

make the seeding ground. When it is unattractive to come and stay these people will move on to other place or go back.

they control the area they live in as one can see and blend in till they are ready,

And modern times makes all even more convenient. Connect everywhen with internet and be everywhere in a few hours.

if you want to change you have to change a lot.

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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

the whole thing started even long before that at they time when they made landmarks on the map telling this is this country.

ignoring the natural groups and introducing a lot of tension in the area. that was in the 1800-1900.

that is on of the programmed causes of what is happening now a days.

beside that people refuse to learn form history

history repeats time after time if you not want to learn from it.

the open borders and everybody is welcome followed by the spread out creates the being able to be invisible

make the seeding ground. When it is unattractive to come and stay these people will move on to other place or go back.

they control the area they live in as one can see and blend in till they are ready,

And modern times makes all even more convenient. Connect everywhen with internet and be everywhere in a few hours.

if you want to change you have to change a lot.

if you want to change you have to change a lot

well, and it's high time to start now:

Every journey begins with a first step.

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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

Surely it started earlier with the protocols of the Elders of Zion?

P.S far left loons with their near universal antisemitism walk in lock step with the Islamic far right. A sight more squalid and a stench more foul you would be hard pressed to find on Earth.

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The comment by Netanyahu is extremely stupid and doesn't help anybody but the Mossad guy nailed it. I hope it's time for EU to create a strategy for fighting IS and simply follow Mossad in this case.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

Nope. Started with a guy a few hundred years ago claiming he heard "God" telling him what all mankind must do, how they must behave, and how they must be governed and ruled.

Followers have been fighting, raping, taking slaves, ever since.

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Oh boy, it did not take long before the Israeli crawled out of the woodwork.

i totally believe that there is no middle-ground whatsoever between Western ideals and Islamic fundamentalism.

I am anti Muslim / Islam, and i have been called racist, extremist or whatever.


That does not automatically make me pro Israel.

In my eyes the Israelis treatment of the Palestinians is no different.

Both despicable acts of terrorism. Just to bad that one of them is condoned by the US government.

​before any Jews or Israel lovers throw the Hitler card into the discussion, i just want to say that two wrongs does not make one right.

Having seen the Israelis work up close and personal by being in Lebanon for 6 months did not make me feel any more positive about this case.

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The comment by Netanyahu is extremely stupid and doesn't help anybody but the Mossad guy nailed it. I hope it's time for EU to create a strategy for fighting IS and simply follow Mossad in this case.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Are you Netanyahu's brother?

you don't need to reinvent the wheel, lad.

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And if Israel was like Brussels? A peace loving liberal tolerant unarmed democracy?

Yes, they would be slaughtered in their thousands!

The trouble with sharing the same living space with savages is you become savage yourself.

That is looking more and more likely to be the future of Europe.

Edited by Jeddah Jo
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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

It started with the creation of Islam - Israel did not steal anything but is a legally constituted nation and you sir are a judaphobe and Islamofascist. If the Israelis ceded to the morons Kashmir would be the next thing the muslims want back. Then after Kashmir parts of the Balkans and then after that Spain. There is no such place as palestine and no such people. If we let Israel fall then so does the whole of the western civilised staes, already under threat from Islamic fascism and its liberal dupes.

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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

the whole thing started even long before that at they time when they made landmarks on the map telling this is this country.

ignoring the natural groups and introducing a lot of tension in the area. that was in the 1800-1900.

that is on of the programmed causes of what is happening now a days.

beside that people refuse to learn form history

history repeats time after time if you not want to learn from it.

the open borders and everybody is welcome followed by the spread out creates the being able to be invisible

make the seeding ground. When it is unattractive to come and stay these people will move on to other place or go back.

they control the area they live in as one can see and blend in till they are ready,

And modern times makes all even more convenient. Connect everywhen with internet and be everywhere in a few hours.

if you want to change you have to change a lot.

The choice to pick an arbitrary point in time is mercenary; it simply serves to segue an agenda unrelated to the OP. "The whole thing started long before that." Agreed! If one chooses to pick a time prior to the present why not choose the real timing when such religious inspired attacks on Europe began? (This was a very, very long time ago).

It will be interesting to see how Brussels/EU wakes up. Sadly I suspect it will be exactly as TV posters have previously predicted:

Increased terrorist activity.

Decreased liberties/increased state police/increased surveillance/restricted movement/etc

Increased isolation of nationals leading to increased membership in groups opposed to the terrorism. Increased vigilance of governments on possible threats and equally their own citizens; a blending of the two as threats.

Increased oppression by governments to act upon their nationals who are acting upon those perceived as cultivating the threat- real vigilantism, perceived vigilantism, limiting and defining speech, association, etc. Nationals will be equally ID'd as the problem

Increased calls for "defensive" attacks by those who feel persecuted/claims of victimization.

Increased dissatisfaction with EU governments who, not listening to their populations, double down on social engineering agendas perceived to cause or exacerbate the problem


Increased genuflection to religion as a means to purchase peace; accommodation and cultural relativity is the guiding principles that nurtured the very problem. There will be widespread efforts to lessen "victimization" by making the nationals further accommodate those whom they already believe are nurturing environments and ideologies stoking violence.

Increased terrorism was always going to happen regardless of the recent wave of people arriving. However, the EU fails to understand that coexisting with the migrant/population problem is a great big wooden horsey.

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Oh boy, it did not take long before the Israeli crawled out of the woodwork.

i totally believe that there is no middle-ground whatsoever between Western ideals and Islamic fundamentalism.

I am anti Muslim / Islam, and i have been called racist, extremist or whatever.


That does not automatically make me pro Israel.

In my eyes the Israelis treatment of the Palestinians is no different.

Both despicable acts of terrorism. Just to bad that one of them is condoned by the US government.

​before any Jews or Israel lovers throw the Hitler card into the discussion, i just want to say that two wrongs does not make one right.

Having seen the Israelis work up close and personal by being in Lebanon for 6 months did not make me feel any more positive about this case.

A totally different and honest perspective; thank you.

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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

Really? When did the Muslim Brotherhood start? What were they doing in Syria in 1945?

ISIL and its origins has zero relationship to Israel or Palestinians. In Case you missed it, Hizbollah, the Shiite proxy army of Iran is locked in a struggle against ISIL who are Sunni. Hamas through Islamic Jihad supports ISIL, but the PLA does not.

It is laughable that middle aged caucasian lapsed Christians on TVF blame Israel for the mess that they know little about.

Just say, you hate Israel and jews, and leave it at that. It's less deceitful and more representative of your views.

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Oh boy, it did not take long before the Israeli crawled out of the woodwork.

i totally believe that there is no middle-ground whatsoever between Western ideals and Islamic fundamentalism.

I am anti Muslim / Islam, and i have been called racist, extremist or whatever.


That does not automatically make me pro Israel.

In my eyes the Israelis treatment of the Palestinians is no different.

Both despicable acts of terrorism. Just to bad that one of them is condoned by the US government.

​before any Jews or Israel lovers throw the Hitler card into the discussion, i just want to say that two wrongs does not make one right.

Having seen the Israelis work up close and personal by being in Lebanon for 6 months did not make me feel any more positive about this case.

A totally different and honest perspective; thank you.

What's honest about it? You don't know what he was doing in Lebanon. It was a war zone and subject to embargoes. It had also been subject to an attempted annexation by Syria after the Assad orchestrated assassination of the Lebanese leader. The region of Lebanon bordering Israel is no longer Lebanon. It is a defacto palestinian state ruled by Hizbollah who are at war with Israel.

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Wake up guys! The whole thing started with the theft of Palestine by Israel.

Nope, it started 1400 years ago when an illiterate Arab goat-herder had the clever idea to make his fortune and get the girls by inventing his own pseudo-religion, declaring Judaism, Christianity and everything that had evolved around that otherwise innocuous black stone in Mecca to be in his camp along the way to sway the gullible stone-age people in that area to do his bidding and kill themselves if that seemed conductive to his "cause".

Anybody sensible around Palestine in the late 1940ies would have taken up the Jewish immigrants' offer (and that was offered to them, just like that) to build something together with the money forthcoming from the newly founded UN instead of attacking the "evil Jews" for the sole reason of just hating them by virtue of some holy book they can't even read, getting a bloody nose again and again and again and again, continue to live in stone-age-plus-guns-and-explosives conditions and live on a narrative of having to get back at someone, effectively everyone. Not even in Vietnam there is that sort of narrative of maybe wanting to get back at the US, even if the going-ons there are far more recent, because normal human beings want to build something, get an education for their kids, and thereby strive to have a better life instead of killing themselves. And anybody around.

And even if there was no such thing as Israel, the civilized world would still be in the same situation it has been in for five decades, maybe with a little retardation, because those Muslims would still have flocked to Europe and everywhere else in search for a better life their home-countries could never have brought about, because even in that Israel-free parallel universe at least a quarter of them would just as well have decided they liked it there and the benefits so they could procreate anyway they liked, but if they could install Islam and Sharia it would be even nicer. Which it obviously wouldn't be, because they'd just be bringing their very own shit-hole of a home-country with them.

Which is what is happening now.

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Oh boy, it did not take long before the Israeli crawled out of the woodwork.

i totally believe that there is no middle-ground whatsoever between Western ideals and Islamic fundamentalism.

I am anti Muslim / Islam, and i have been called racist, extremist or whatever.


That does not automatically make me pro Israel.

In my eyes the Israelis treatment of the Palestinians is no different.

Both despicable acts of terrorism. Just to bad that one of them is condoned by the US government.

​before any Jews or Israel lovers throw the Hitler card into the discussion, i just want to say that two wrongs does not make one right.

Having seen the Israelis work up close and personal by being in Lebanon for 6 months did not make me feel any more positive about this case.

A totally different and honest perspective; thank you.

What's honest about it? You don't know what he was doing in Lebanon. It was a war zone and subject to embargoes. It had also been subject to an attempted annexation by Syria after the Assad orchestrated assassination of the Lebanese leader. The region of Lebanon bordering Israel is no longer Lebanon. It is a defacto palestinian state ruled by Hizbollah who are at war with Israel.

Nothing. After re reading the post a number of times I have no idea what I was thinking. I suppose I got suckered in by the tone of the post speaking as a referee, positing a neutrality that is not in evidence. If I could redact it I would.

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Oh boy, it did not take long before the Israeli crawled out of the woodwork.

i totally believe that there is no middle-ground whatsoever between Western ideals and Islamic fundamentalism.

I am anti Muslim / Islam, and i have been called racist, extremist or whatever.


That does not automatically make me pro Israel.

In my eyes the Israelis treatment of the Palestinians is no different.

Both despicable acts of terrorism. Just to bad that one of them is condoned by the US government.

​before any Jews or Israel lovers throw the Hitler card into the discussion, i just want to say that two wrongs does not make one right.

Having seen the Israelis work up close and personal by being in Lebanon for 6 months did not make me feel any more positive about this case.

Let's call it the prevalent European take on things. which is not automatically a fair view on what's going on in that region, taking into consideration the, ahem, Muslim-specific circumstances down there. Which is just what Europe has been experiencing now for the last 12 month, and will be experiencing for the foreseeable future.

Could you still enlarge on what you might have seen, close and personal, in Lebanon? I am well aware that what Israel does to counter the threat its populace faces on a daily basis might not always be seen as conductive or even sometimes a bit drastic, but still they are not doing that for the fun of it! Ordinary murders with knives, cars or otherwise are usually done within personal relationships and not just so.

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Posts are about Israel are off-topic and a clear attempt to troll. Continue and suspensions will be given. Please re-read the OP: Brussels must be a Wake up Call.... because the person stating it is Israeli does not mean the thread is about Israel.

Stay on topic, please.

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