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Thousands trace Jesus' footsteps on Good Friday in Jerusalem


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Thousands trace Jesus' footsteps on Good Friday in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (AP) — Thousands of Catholics and Protestants are commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by following the path in Jerusalem's Old City where, according to tradition, he walked on the way to the cross.

The Good Friday procession passes along the Way of the Cross, or Via Dolorosa, the route believed to have been walked by Jesus to his crucifixion.

Pilgrims from around the world —some with large wooden crosses on their backs — walked the 14 stations along the route, each marking an event that befell Jesus on his final journey.

The final stations are inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where many Christians believe Jesus was crucified and laid to rest before his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Greek-Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox churches mark Easter Sunday on May 1.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-26

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How can they retrace his steps when their is no proof he ever existed. Easter Sunday has to be the Greatest story ever told

There is plenty of proof that he existed, in multiple written records made at that time. Non-believers simply don't accept that he was anything more than an ordinary man. I've never heard any truly educated person attempt to debate whether he existed. There were thousands and thousands of people who witnessed him and that is in the records too.


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How can they retrace his steps when their is no proof he ever existed. Easter Sunday has to be the Greatest story ever told

There is plenty of proof that he existed, in multiple written records made at that time. Non-believers simply don't accept that he was anything more than an ordinary man. I've never heard any truly educated person attempt to debate whether he existed. There were thousands and thousands of people who witnessed him and that is in the records too.


There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

Edited by Bobotie
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There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views.

However, they are views. Views come from all kinds of sources, written, spoken, gossip etc. Some sources also come from visions during prayer.

Scientists will admit that they know less than 10% of what happens in the human mind, they freely describe their knowledge of the human mind as "the tip of an iceberg." Scientific knowledge about mind-related visionary effects is even more sketchy. Scientists do not have explanations for the 3D Stereo dreams you have at night, or indeed the 3D Stereo memories you might have, of things that occurred 50 years ago. Science can not explain dreams or memories, these most non-contentious facts of our daily lives. So how could they possibly hope to explain religious visions?

Many sceptics have become devout Christians after having visions, in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of Biblical scenes, depicting scenes from a book they have never read, or film versions they have never seen.

I have had visions, and I am in no way special, they are more common than many people in today's world may think. My faith is based more on my visions than on what other people have written. I believe that Satan was cast down, and the world became his kingdom. However, he envied Jesus, because Jesus was still all-powerful, and safe from harm. Jesus chose to become mortal, weak, and exposed to all the evil and harm. God and the angels were dead against this move, but Jesus was to show the world some things that will be remembered forever. He cast aside all his power, and embraced fragile mortality, in the life of a poor and humble fishing family. He was inviting all the evils of the underworld to take their best shot, which he would face with courage and humility, with nothing but cloth and ligament to protect him.

His words and actions that followed, are still the most beautiful words and actions, and they will be remembered forever. If we choose to listen to those words, is of course another matter, and is always a truly personal choice.

Edited by Yunla
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There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views.

However, they are views. Views come from all kinds of sources, written, spoken, gossip etc. Some sources also come from visions during prayer.

Scientists will admit that they know less than 10% of what happens in the human mind, they freely describe their knowledge of the human mind as "the tip of an iceberg." Scientific knowledge about mind-related visionary effects is even more sketchy. Scientists do not have explanations for the 3D Stereo dreams you have at night, or indeed the 3D Stereo memories you might have, of things that occurred 50 years ago. Science can not explain dreams or memories, these most non-contentious facts of our daily lives. So how could they possibly hope to explain religious visions?

Many sceptics have become devout Christians after having visions, in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes, depicting scenes from a book they have never read, or film versions they have never seen.

I have had visions, and I am in no way special, they are more common than many people in today's world may think. My faith is based more on my visions than on what other people have written. I believe that Satan was cast down, and the world became his kingdom. However, he envied Jesus, because Jesus was still all-powerful, and safe from harm. Jesus chose to become mortal, weak, and exposed to all the evil and harm. God and the angels were dead against this move, but Jesus was to show the world some things that will be remembered forever. He cast aside all his power, and embraced fragile mortality, in the life of a poor and humble fishing family. He was inviting all the evils of the underworld to take their best shot, which he would face with courage and humility, with nothing but cloth and ligament to protect him.

His words and actions that followed, are still the most beautiful words and actions, and they will be remembered forever. If we choose to listen to those words, is of course another matter, and is always a truly personal choice.

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views ........... Well isn't that nice of you.

Some sources also come from visions during prayer................ Hallucinations

in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes......................... People with schizophrenia do too.

I believe that Satan was cast down.......................... wow! Delusional.

God is as real as the Easter Bunny.


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A thread like this, too much to expect any respect for others' beliefs, obviously

And in Thailand:http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458816454&section=14&typecate=06

BANGKOK While one should not expect egg hunts or marshmallow bunnies in Buddhist-majority Thailand, Easter is still strictly observed in a 300-year-old Catholic enclave in one of the capitals historic riverside quarters.

The community clustered around the Church of Immaculate Conception still marks each Good Friday with a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of the Christian messiah known as a Passion Play.

Founded by some of the first Portuguese to reach the Kingdom of Ayutthaya in the 17th century, the community and its members have staged Passion Plays for an uncertain length of time; locals say it has been generations.


And locally, here in Chanthaburi, Stations of the Cross held at the cathedral in the city last evening

Not for me, but I respect their beliefs, as do the community here



Edited by gomangosteen
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There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views.

However, they are views. Views come from all kinds of sources, written, spoken, gossip etc. Some sources also come from visions during prayer.

Scientists will admit that they know less than 10% of what happens in the human mind, they freely describe their knowledge of the human mind as "the tip of an iceberg." Scientific knowledge about mind-related visionary effects is even more sketchy. Scientists do not have explanations for the 3D Stereo dreams you have at night, or indeed the 3D Stereo memories you might have, of things that occurred 50 years ago. Science can not explain dreams or memories, these most non-contentious facts of our daily lives. So how could they possibly hope to explain religious visions?

Many sceptics have become devout Christians after having visions, in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes, depicting scenes from a book they have never read, or film versions they have never seen.

I have had visions, and I am in no way special, they are more common than many people in today's world may think. My faith is based more on my visions than on what other people have written. I believe that Satan was cast down, and the world became his kingdom. However, he envied Jesus, because Jesus was still all-powerful, and safe from harm. Jesus chose to become mortal, weak, and exposed to all the evil and harm. God and the angels were dead against this move, but Jesus was to show the world some things that will be remembered forever. He cast aside all his power, and embraced fragile mortality, in the life of a poor and humble fishing family. He was inviting all the evils of the underworld to take their best shot, which he would face with courage and humility, with nothing but cloth and ligament to protect him.

His words and actions that followed, are still the most beautiful words and actions, and they will be remembered forever. If we choose to listen to those words, is of course another matter, and is always a truly personal choice.

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views ........... Well isn't that nice of you.

Some sources also come from visions during prayer................ Hallucinations

in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes......................... People with schizophrenia do too.

I believe that Satan was cast down.......................... wow! Delusional.

God is as real as the Easter Bunny.


Well i suppose the upside is he didnt threaten to kill me

Interesting how the "visions" are attributed to a supernatural power, and not by a "certain chemicals" acting on parts of brain causing those visions, ie interferrence of neural pathways or messing with serotonin/ receptors

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Written proof but no hard evidence. Do you believe in Snow White and the seven dwarves, that's also written


When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


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A thread like this, too much to expect any respect for others' beliefs, obviously

And in Thailand:http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458816454&section=14&typecate=06

BANGKOK While one should not expect egg hunts or marshmallow bunnies in Buddhist-majority Thailand, Easter is still strictly observed in a 300-year-old Catholic enclave in one of the capitals historic riverside quarters.

The community clustered around the Church of Immaculate Conception still marks each Good Friday with a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of the Christian messiah known as a Passion Play.

Founded by some of the first Portuguese to reach the Kingdom of Ayutthaya in the 17th century, the community and its members have staged Passion Plays for an uncertain length of time; locals say it has been generations.


And locally, here in Chanthaburi, Stations of the Cross held at the cathedral in the city last evening

Not for me, but I respect their beliefs, as do the community here



A thread like this, too much to expect any respect for others' beliefs, obviously.................................Your pomposity astounds me.

Well what about the respect that Christians have for me and others? Where was the respect for me when I was a little boy and was made to put on a long red dress and a lacy white blouse and serve before the altar. Where is the respect for me when every few months the Jehovah's Witnesses knock on my door and argue with me? Where is the respect shown by thousands upon thousands of Catholic priests when they f... little boys? Where is the respect shown by the KKK, acting under the flaming cross and murdering people in the name of God?

Do you want me to continue because I could write a book on the lack of respect that Christians show to non Christians or non believers?

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I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views ........... Well isn't that nice of you.

Some sources also come from visions during prayer................ Hallucinations

in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes......................... People with schizophrenia do too.

I believe that Satan was cast down.......................... wow! Delusional.

God is as real as the Easter Bunny.


I completely respect your right to mock me mercilessly for completely respecting your rights.


Edited by Yunla
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Written proof but no hard evidence. Do you believe in Snow White and the seven dwarves, that's also written


When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


You had better check up on history too. Much of the New Testament was not written for up to 300 years after Christ died.

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Written proof but no hard evidence. Do you believe in Snow White and the seven dwarves, that's also written


When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


Actually JC, if he ever existed, never started Christianity, it was a Jewish sect he preached in which was reputably started by John the Baptist, who was also Jew...the Christianity scam was put together by St Peter to make a Jewish sects beliefs more palatable to the gentiles, by stealing existing pagan holidays etc etc

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Well i suppose the upside is he didnt threaten to kill me

Interesting how the "visions" are attributed to a supernatural power, and not by a "certain chemicals" acting on parts of brain causing those visions, ie interferrence of neural pathways or messing with serotonin/ receptors

She doesn't go around threatening or killing people, as it doesn't seem to achieve anything much.

On visions, they are often very vivid and detailed. This would differ from normal brain fluctuations which may cause brightness or glows, angelic type of hallucinations etc. Those things do exist too. So you are both correct that brain fluctuations, physical brain trauma or subnormal function, these things do cause hallucinations.

Visions are often very specific and contain details outside of the person's life experiences. Also, a sceptic can go from total disbelief to total belief in one vision, which is remarkable however you want to look at it.

Visions, despite the name, are not entirely visual. There is a tightening of the abdomen, a fight-or-flight response from the nervous system. This is a signature of a real event occurring.

People like myself who believe, will not stop believing, we have been convinced beyond doubt. That doesn't make us right. I don't claim to be right, I'm just convinced by what I have seen and felt, when I have allowed myself to see and feel things.

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Written proof but no hard evidence. Do you believe in Snow White and the seven dwarves, that's also written


When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


You had better check up on history too. Much of the New Testament was not written for up to 300 years after Christ died.

The first historically reliable reference to the 4 gospels is some 200 years after the reputed events, prior to that no mention of any gospels in any texts

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When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


You had better check up on history too. Much of the New Testament was not written for up to 300 years after Christ died.

That is true. But the first books of the New Testament were written by people who knew him and traveled around with him. Those books have the story of his life and travels and those are the ones I was referring to. The people who were in those large crowds he met with were mostly alive at the time of the writing.

Actually JC, if he ever existed, never started Christianity, it was a Jewish sect he preached in which was reputably started by John the Baptist, who was also Jew...the Christianity scam was put together by St Peter to make a Jewish sects beliefs more palatable to the gentiles, by stealing existing pagan holidays etc etc

He was a Jew, of that you are correct. The people he was surrounded by were Jews. But as I already mentioned his teachings were witnessed by thousands of people and the writings about it were done by people who knew him. There was no Christianity "scam" as there was no Christianity. I agree that this came later and was badly perverted. I agree that all of Christianity today is a far cry from what he taught. If you want to know what he taught, read the Gospels at the beginning of the New Testament. They were written by people who knew him and lived with him. They all agree with each other in describing what and who he was. I don't know how anyone who hasn't read them could call himself educated much less be critical of what he said.


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Written proof but no hard evidence. Do you believe in Snow White and the seven dwarves, that's also written


When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


You had better check up on history too. Much of the New Testament was not written for up to 300 years after Christ died.

The first historically reliable reference to the 4 gospels is some 200 years after the reputed events, prior to that no mention of any gospels in any texts

Agree. It's as if someone started writing the first recorded history of the Napoleonic wars now... two hundred years after Napoleon's last defeat at Waterloo.

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And always shown as a good looking white guy

Not always. Many blacks believe Maria was black.
I believe the poster was being sarcastic, there are texts around which protrayed JC, if he ever existed, as a dark, short, hunchback...which obviously wouldnt go down to well with the punters in Rome Edited by Bobotie
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The assorted religion, religious beliefs the and their followers are the most evil creations and cults on this planet.

How many wars in the name of religion?

The list is endless the Crusades, Spanish inquisition etc etc and due to religious fruitcakes the establishment of America and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of The Great Indian Nations and their peoples.

Why is it acceptable for men in frocks to talk to imaginary people in buildings that serve no purpose ?

If the man or woman on the street walked around wailing, and genuflecting at imaginary beings they would be shipped off to the funny farm el rapido.

The brothers Grimm wrote better fairy tales as opposed to that twaddle found in so called holy books. The clip below is dedicated to those who are seeing and hearing voices from above and then replying to them.


Edited by shunter
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So are we all in agreement that the first written texts were 200 years after the fact? 200 years of stories told to the next person. Really.

Give me 10 minutes and 10 people and I'll speak into the ear of the first (we all know the outcome)

Time to take a break and listen to Lennon's Imagine

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There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views.

However, they are views. Views come from all kinds of sources, written, spoken, gossip etc. Some sources also come from visions during prayer.

Scientists will admit that they know less than 10% of what happens in the human mind, they freely describe their knowledge of the human mind as "the tip of an iceberg." Scientific knowledge about mind-related visionary effects is even more sketchy. Scientists do not have explanations for the 3D Stereo dreams you have at night, or indeed the 3D Stereo memories you might have, of things that occurred 50 years ago. Science can not explain dreams or memories, these most non-contentious facts of our daily lives. So how could they possibly hope to explain religious visions?

Many sceptics have become devout Christians after having visions, in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes, depicting scenes from a book they have never read, or film versions they have never seen.

I have had visions, and I am in no way special, they are more common than many people in today's world may think. My faith is based more on my visions than on what other people have written. I believe that Satan was cast down, and the world became his kingdom. However, he envied Jesus, because Jesus was still all-powerful, and safe from harm. Jesus chose to become mortal, weak, and exposed to all the evil and harm. God and the angels were dead against this move, but Jesus was to show the world some things that will be remembered forever. He cast aside all his power, and embraced fragile mortality, in the life of a poor and humble fishing family. He was inviting all the evils of the underworld to take their best shot, which he would face with courage and humility, with nothing but cloth and ligament to protect him.

His words and actions that followed, are still the most beautiful words and actions, and they will be remembered forever. If we choose to listen to those words, is of course another matter, and is always a truly personal choice.

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views ........... Well isn't that nice of you.

Some sources also come from visions during prayer................ Hallucinations

in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes......................... People with schizophrenia do too.

I believe that Satan was cast down.......................... wow! Delusional.

God is as real as the Easter Bunny.


Do you see the difference?

He explains his viewpoint without resorting to snide sarcasm. Whereas, for whatever reason, you resort to insults and put downs.

A psychologist would explore the reason your insecurity about something compels you to do that.

You, me, Mr. Yunla, and everyone else can speculate, but none of us really know; although some are more convinced they do, on either viewpoint.

But the assured and secure, who are happy with their own worldview, don't need to resort to trying to ridicule others who have a different view based on their individual worldview.

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There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views.

However, they are views. Views come from all kinds of sources, written, spoken, gossip etc. Some sources also come from visions during prayer.

Scientists will admit that they know less than 10% of what happens in the human mind, they freely describe their knowledge of the human mind as "the tip of an iceberg." Scientific knowledge about mind-related visionary effects is even more sketchy. Scientists do not have explanations for the 3D Stereo dreams you have at night, or indeed the 3D Stereo memories you might have, of things that occurred 50 years ago. Science can not explain dreams or memories, these most non-contentious facts of our daily lives. So how could they possibly hope to explain religious visions?

Many sceptics have become devout Christians after having visions, in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes, depicting scenes from a book they have never read, or film versions they have never seen.

I have had visions, and I am in no way special, they are more common than many people in today's world may think. My faith is based more on my visions than on what other people have written. I believe that Satan was cast down, and the world became his kingdom. However, he envied Jesus, because Jesus was still all-powerful, and safe from harm. Jesus chose to become mortal, weak, and exposed to all the evil and harm. God and the angels were dead against this move, but Jesus was to show the world some things that will be remembered forever. He cast aside all his power, and embraced fragile mortality, in the life of a poor and humble fishing family. He was inviting all the evils of the underworld to take their best shot, which he would face with courage and humility, with nothing but cloth and ligament to protect him.

His words and actions that followed, are still the most beautiful words and actions, and they will be remembered forever. If we choose to listen to those words, is of course another matter, and is always a truly personal choice.

I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views ........... Well isn't that nice of you.

Some sources also come from visions during prayer................ Hallucinations

in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes......................... People with schizophrenia do too.

I believe that Satan was cast down.......................... wow! Delusional.

God is as real as the Easter Bunny.


Do you see the difference?

He explains his viewpoint without resorting to snide sarcasm. Whereas, for whatever reason, you resort to insults and put downs.

A psychologist would explore the reason your insecurity about something compels you to do that.

You, me, Mr. Yunla, and everyone else can speculate, but none of us really know; although some are more convinced they do, on either viewpoint.

But the assured and secure, who are happy with their own worldview, don't need to resort to trying to ridicule others who have a different view based on their individual worldview.

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You had better check up on history too. Much of the New Testament was not written for up to 300 years after Christ died.

Be quiet fool, the Oracle has spoken and he is never wrong.

Of course there was a man who healed the sick lame & lazy, preformed miracles, rose from the dead and gave his life so that priests could molest little boys we would be saved.

The very fact that a book was written about Jesus, re-written, translated, re-translated, had huge chunks omitted (by the church) and was finally presented to us in a form that we would be allowed able to understand, proves that it all must be true.

The council of Nicaea (300 years after the fact)

The Church of Rome, which still believes and claims miracles, was responsible for "managing" the process of selecting what went into their bible.

At a time when few were educated and knowledge was vastly less than today, the people the Roman Church wanted to control, manage and exploit, could be told all sorts of stories to "explain" things they didn't understand and be expected to accept them.

As the corruption within that church grew, so did the stories, the creation of more and more saints with their relics and miracles, and the wealth and power of that church. The church was controlled by the elites aristocracy and was like any other powerful exclusive organizations determined to keep control by whatever means necessary. Hence we have the "religious wars and inquisitions" that plagued Europe for several hundred years; interspersed with wars against a newer version that sprang up in the middle East and was an aggressive competitor.

Jesus, may well have existed. We will never know the full story because the Church of Rome will never admit to falsifying, exaggerating or suppressing information or allow access to information they have deliberately kept secret.

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Isn't it grand that we can have loaded discussions about Christianity without risking getting our heads chopped off! clap2.gif

Personally, I don't really care what you believe or don't believe as long as you don't impose your dogma on others.

Edited by Jingthing
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