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Tugged twice by Police on same day for no IDP for car....


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Going to Bangsaray got stopped in the usual Roadblock opposite Ambassador Hotel on highway from Pattaya. British Licence where as before no problem. International sir only....... Not even a opportunity to offer a tip, ticket book right out and bobs your uncle.

Am buggered if I didnt get pulled on return trip on other side of the road !! Showed him ticket from 6 hours before and he just smiled !! 100 Baht in fuel and 800 Baht of tickets

You gotta love this place sometimes !!

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So you got stopped at a roadblock you know is often at the same place and silly enough to get done on the way back, very same place?

And how much is an IDP back home? 15/20 pounds?

Good to see a traffic cop getting the pad straight out, rather than waiting for a bribe

Whats with the smartarse reply ?? I'm clearly laughing at myself in the OP. I believe IDP is around a fiver thats all

It was a warning to others thats all. Shall not bother in the future

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In future I certainly will start renewing the IDP yearly. It wasn't the cost obviously just that never ever asked for it before in well over 2 decades

Slowly, but it will eventually change, cops getting caught on video taking bribes, posted on facebook, netizen warriors with nothing better to do than make a fuss, police head honchos loosing face. More and more drunken falangs with IDPs causing accidents and that ending up in the media

Etc etc

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Get thai licence. Its easy process tho.

Btw. I think he dont need IDL by law. Are they scamming ppl?

"Thai government allowing the mutual acceptance of driving licences. Most countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA have this agreement with Thailand under the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic or the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic."


I heard about man printing out Geneva convention taking it to police station and they canceled it ticked. Was whike ago tho.

Can someone clarify pls

Edited by BeefSlapper
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In future I certainly will start renewing the IDP yearly. It wasn't the cost obviously just that never ever asked for it before in well over 2 decades

2 decades and you still don't have a Thai license ? More fool you smile.png

I can only agree with this 2 decades and no Thai license.

To quote what my wife would say !! ting tong mak mak.!!

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I was stopped last week, showed my International Driving licence from 2010, the policeman just looked at at and let me drive straight through.

The police just see the grey cover and let me straight through, they never look closely, this has happened probably 10 times now.

For what it's worth I do get a new one every year, just in case I ever meet a clever copper!!!!!

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You guys making smart comments about the need for an IDP when in possession of a valid British driving licence in Thailand should take / heed your own sarcastic advice and read up on the rules on the need for an IDP

Beefslapper is on the right track in his post.

The fact is that when the BIB are giving tickets out without any offer of a voluntary donation to the tea money fund its usually because of a command from above to increase the revenue.

Dont you smart <deleted> understand this, then you should, after implying that the OP should know better, so should you!

The OP was trying to pass on some good info about the BIB around Pattaya area and held himself up to this ridicule for what?

Thanks OP I understand where you are coming from and I also use that road many times a week.

Even with all documentation in order they are always very disappointed when they pull me up and have to let me go because my docs are always OK.

The inconsistency of interpretation of the Law in Thailand is well understood by most sensible posters and the fact that you can be reported by one force and let off by another is proof of this complete Nationwide farce.

This of course is completely separate from the tee money collecting people in many areas of the establishment including the BIB who effectively will break any law in taking money from people like us.

The OP was warning us of the situation, thats all

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I thought a receipt for a fine was good for ..... 14 days ?

So did I. On one of the few occasions I've had a ticket in Pattaya, for not wearing a crash helmet (it had been stolen while I was parked in Tesco Lotus - where are the cops when you need them?), the cop told me to keep the ticket after I'd paid the fine as it would mean no other cop could fine me for the same offence for 10 or 14 days, or whatever the period is.

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Show them vienna and geneva conventions. U dont need IDL

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

Of course you dont as there is no such thing as an international driving licence, besides if the OP claims "residency" here, he should have a Thai DL, IDPs and even using a foreign license is legally only allowed for a period of 90 days, the foreign DL and IDP is intended for tourists not residents as he stated he had been here 10 years

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Show them vienna and geneva conventions. U dont need IDL

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

Only the 1949 Geneva Convention applies to most of us.

Neither Thailand nor any of the English speaking countries, (UK, US, Aust, NZ, Can.) ratified the 1968 Vienna Convention.

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So you got stopped at a roadblock you know is often at the same place and silly enough to get done on the way back, very same place?

And how much is an IDP back home? 15/20 pounds?

Good to see a traffic cop getting the pad straight out, rather than waiting for a bribe

What other way could he have gone back?.....and hardly the very same place if it's on the opposite side of Sukhumvit travelling in the opposite direction?

Edited by dotpoom
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I was stopped last week, showed my International Driving licence from 2010, the policeman just looked at at and let me drive straight through.

The police just see the grey cover and let me straight through, they never look closely, this has happened probably 10 times now.

For what it's worth I do get a new one every year, just in case I ever meet a clever copper!!!!!

So why did you show one from 2010?

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In future I certainly will start renewing the IDP yearly. It wasn't the cost obviously just that never ever asked for it before in well over 2 decades

Just in case you didn't know you're required to get a Thai license before the IDP has expired, after one year or you'll have to do the Thai driving test. Same rules applies in the UK with a Thai license, one year only.

Edited by Anon999
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Slowly, but it will eventually change, cops getting caught on video taking bribes, posted on facebook

Etc etc

Yes only a DH would offer a bribe for a fine of this magnitude (compared to some countries the fine amount would be effectively tea money) given the regular headlines of cops being busted for accepting bribes.
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So you got stopped at a roadblock you know is often at the same place and silly enough to get done on the way back, very same place?

And how much is an IDP back home? 15/20 pounds?

Good to see a traffic cop getting the pad straight out, rather than waiting for a bribe

Whats with the smartarse reply ?? I'm clearly laughing at myself in the OP. I believe IDP is around a fiver thats all

It was a warning to others thats all. Shall not bother in the future

I would not let one idiot stop you helping the many decent posters on here.

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I think you are correct poster#13 about a command from above to increase income. I got stopped in CM for a pillion not wearing a helmet. After telling me it was a B500 fine he "mentioned" B200 which I ignored. Got a ticket and took it to pay. B200 at the cop shop.

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I think you are correct poster#13 about a command from above to increase income. I got stopped in CM for a pillion not wearing a helmet. After telling me it was a B500 fine he "mentioned" B200 which I ignored. Got a ticket and took it to pay. B200 at the cop shop.

No helmet tickets are 400 baht in Pattaya - at the cop shop. 400 baht is the cheapest ticket. I'd take 200 baht anyday if offered LOL. On big ticket days there can be a 2 hour queue at the cop shop, so there's time expenditure you have to factor into the whole affair.

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I thought a receipt for a fine was good for ..... 14 days ?

So did I. On one of the few occasions I've had a ticket in Pattaya, for not wearing a crash helmet (it had been stolen while I was parked in Tesco Lotus - where are the cops when you need them?), the cop told me to keep the ticket after I'd paid the fine as it would mean no other cop could fine me for the same offence for 10 or 14 days, or whatever the period is.

Perhaps the OP will clarify it, but perhaps he hadn't paid the first ticket yet when he got the 2nd one and paid them both at the same time.

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So you got stopped at a roadblock you know is often at the same place and silly enough to get done on the way back, very same place?

And how much is an IDP back home? 15/20 pounds?

Good to see a traffic cop getting the pad straight out, rather than waiting for a bribe

"And how much is an IDP back home? 15/20 pounds?"

£5.50 at the post office...

But I think the OP will need to hop on a plane back to Blighty to get one.

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