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SURVEY: Will terrorism continue in Europe?


SURVEY: Will Terrorism continue in Europe?  

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In light of the recent attacks and attempted attacks in Europe, do you believe that Europe will be able to significantly reduce terrorism?

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I voted no.

Headless chickens are not especially good at problem solving and until they collectively admit that there is a problem, collectively define that problem, only then will they be in a position to collectively address that problem.

10 years to address and identify.

10 years to thrash out policy and planning.

10 years to put the policy and plan into action.

Add in the X factor from the liberal left who will continually disagree and throw spanner after spanner into the works.

Nothing will be changing any time soon.

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Of course it will continue and increase. It is now a war. Europe willnot admit it the liberal minds willnot let them,must keep their vote huh. It is going to escalate and be in more countries. It will just keep coming. The terroists will chose when and where and Europe will just keep chasing their tail.

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Europe will have to remain forever vigilant. --

Vigilant against whom? What?

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Of course, terrorism in Europe is going to increase.

Every success the Muslim extremists have is going to encourage more of the same, as they finally realise how deliberately defenceless Europe has made itself. They are able to kill Europeans at a casualty rate of somewhere between 8 to 1 and 20 to 1 in their favour. That's a winning strategy in any war.

And in the face of this, the most concerted Muslim assault on European values in 1,000 years, what does the EU do? Invites a million more of them in.

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The questions in the poll are misleading. There have been terrorist attacks in Europe for as long as I can remember; Red Army Faction, ETA, PIRA etc.

Do you mean Islamic terrorism? If so, I believe it will increase in the short term, decrease over time as the security forces become more effective.

Unless the Islamaphobic hatemongers are successful in their deliberate attempts to whip up anti Muslim hysteria to such an extent that the Muslim minority in Europe feel that the only way to defend themselves against attack is to join with the terrorists.

Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of Europeans, Muslim and non Muslim alike, are far to intelligent to fall for the propaganda of the hate preachers, whether they be ISIS or the Islamaphobic sites.

The views expressed by the likes of jihadwatch, Pamela Gellar etc. do not represent the views of any but a tiny minority of non Muslims; although many TV members seem to have fallen for their propaganda; propaganda Goebbels would have been proud of.

Likewise, as has been shown many, many times, the views and aims of so called Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS and the Islamic hate preachers do not represent any but a very tiny minority of Muslims.

The way to defeat the current terrorist threat is to unite all Europeans, regardless of their religion; not sow the seeds of hate towards innocent people merely because they share a religion with the terrorists.

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I suspect it will become far worse very soon. Isis have been losing territory for some time now. This threatens their revenue and their attraction to would be Jihaddists. Europe is also in severe problems come the spring when a fresh 'refugee' (read invader) surge commences. In order to compensate for setbacks elsewhere I see now as a window of opportunity for ISIS to cause huge social unrest in Europe and alienate the Muslim populations due to the inevitable backlash. The Tet offensive in the Vietnam war may be a model for what's coming.

P.s I hope and pray I'm wrong.

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Come on 7by7 I know you're only kidding and that you know it would be a much nicer, safer place without Muslims. We don;t know which ones to trust anymore, so we have no choice but to lump them together.

Indeed, the 'if it wasn't for those pesky right wingers we'd all be singing Cumbaya' position is looking more risible by the day.
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The Tet offensive in the Vietnam war may be a model for what's coming.

Except that the Tet Offensive was, in casualty terms, a disaster for the Viet Cong. It was a huge publicity triumph, but the VC cadres never recovered from the battering they took.

The Isis terrorists are winning at a casualty rate of maybe 10 to 1. Whereas General Giap, the head of the North Vietnamese army, along with Ho Chi Minh, were prepared to lose at a rate of 10 to 1, and still expected to win the (earlier) war against the French.

"You will kill 10 of us, we will kill one of you," Ho told the French, "but in the end, you will tire of it first."

Isis is already doing 100 times better than that.

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The Islamic terrorists are a bit of of a problem now, but not too bad, life goes on as normal. But hundreds have died.

Let us prey that the German "Christian" terrorists don't ever make a comeback, that one razed Europe and millions died. Cemeteries had to be built specifically for the huge amount of deaths.

I think if you added up all the Muslims that have been killed by Christian America and associated allies over the last twenty years, and compared that to the Christians killed by Muslims, the Christians would be " winning" be a sinificant margin of more than ten to one, probably a lot more.

The Muslims have got a lot more to fear than the Christians IMO.They are much more likely to be bombed by Christians than Christians are to be bombed by Muslims.

It is all about perspective.

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I couldn't check either box in the poll, because I sort of agree with both options, and I can't really put a timeline on this subject.

I do believe that Europe will increase monitoring and arrests, and will prevent more attacks. But there are unknown variables, biological weapons, radioactive dirty bombs etc.. We do not know what the public response would be if those type of attacks occurred. I doubt there would be candles and teddy bears and solidarity, if there were more serious catastrophic events.

It saddens me beyond words, even as I try to write words anyway. There are fools and lunatics on both sides of this issue, and they are in the driver's seat. Normal peaceful religious people of all faiths, and non-religious people too, we are all just passengers.

I see these as uncharted waters in every possible way, we do not know what to expect in the 21st Century, and so I can not vote in this poll, based on past events alone.

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Come on 7by7 I know you're only kidding and that you know it would be a much nicer, safer place without Muslims. We don;t know which ones to trust anymore, so we have no choice but to lump them together.

Indeed, the 'if it wasn't for those pesky right wingers we'd all be singing Cumbaya' position is looking more risible by the day.

Just think about it for a moment.

Where are the Islamic terrorists hiding; those caught, those yet to be caught and those yet to commit an atrocity?

Among the Muslim community.

Not because that community supports them; it doesn't.

But because that is where they blend in; where they hope to go without notice until the time comes to commit their horrendous crime.

We know from news reports that some Islamic terrorists have been captured. Some, unfortunately, after they have committed their atrocity; some before they could do so. It is extremely likely that even more have been thwarted without us being told about it for security reasons.

How were they captured; particularly those who had yet to commit their crime?

Intelligence; in other words, information received.

Where do you think much of that information comes from?

It isn't the Islamaphobe posting on the internet or shouting on a street corner!

Alienate the Muslim community too much, and that intelligence will become much harder to gather; if not impossible. Look at what happened in Northern Ireland in the 1970s when the British government introduced internment without trial.

Now, you, or someone like you, may say that if the Muslims weren't here, the terrorists would have nowhere to hide; and, to be honest, you'd be right.

But they are here. Most of them entirely legally, most of them born here.

Maybe you favour rounding every Muslim up and placing them in special camps until a final solution to the Muslim problem can be found?

Such a policy is not unknown in Europe, unfortunately.

(Edited for punctuation)

Edited by 7by7
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I do believe that Europe will increase monitoring and arrests, and will prevent more attacks.

European officials have already publicly admitted they can't stop all the attacks.

There is a truism which goes: the security services have to get lucky all the time; terrorists only need to get lucky once.

That is one reason it is purblind insanity to invite 1 million more Muslims into Europe. Even if only one-tenth of one per cent of them are Isis-influenced, that is an extra 1,000 terrorists freely invited in by European politicians whose first duty is to protect their own citizens. Meanwhile, less than 200 kms away from the Brussels atrocity, it is Geert Wilders who is on trial for saying that he believes the Netherlands would be better off with less Moroccans.

European people are now paying with their lives and limbs, thanks to the pernicious influence of Political Correctness.

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Anyone who ever knew survivors of the second world war knows that plain everyday people are the underground. That known,then it is only common sense if muslims are the terrorists at present it is fairly likely everyday muslims are the underground. So to protect ourselves we must group them. Quilty till proven innocent is tough but needed. I am sorry for the innocent ones but war is war.To stop terrorism this is needed.

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The Tet offensive in the Vietnam war may be a model for what's coming.

Except that the Tet Offensive was, in casualty terms, a disaster for the Viet Cong. It was a huge publicity triumph, but the VC cadres never recovered from the battering they took.

The Isis terrorists are winning at a casualty rate of maybe 10 to 1. Whereas General Giap, the head of the North Vietnamese army, along with Ho Chi Minh, were prepared to lose at a rate of 10 to 1, and still expected to win the (earlier) war against the French.

"You will kill 10 of us, we will kill one of you," Ho told the French, "but in the end, you will tire of it first."

Isis is already doing 100 times better than that.

You are quite correct with the numbers, but even at that ratio the liberals mobilized to lose from a winning position (a persistent trend since). The supposed 400 Isis trained infiltrators in Europe are probably augmented by a multiple of ten more at a conservative estimate if the polls of sympathy for Isis and extreme beliefs are in any way close.

Coming back to the Tet offensive, the analogy was one of simultaneous multiple attacks. I do hope the borders are sealed and known radicals interned as a matter of urgency. After all Paris and Brussels attacks were 'acts of war', so hopefully our leaders will fight accordingly.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

Agree, and many more groups.
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