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SURVEY: Will terrorism continue in Europe?


SURVEY: Will Terrorism continue in Europe?  

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Of course, terrorism in Europe is going to increase.

Every success the Muslim extremists have is going to encourage more of the same, as they finally realise how deliberately defenceless Europe has made itself. They are able to kill Europeans at a casualty rate of somewhere between 8 to 1 and 20 to 1 in their favour. That's a winning strategy in any war.

And in the face of this, the most concerted Muslim assault on European values in 1,000 years, what does the EU do? Invites a million more of them in.

Yea, I felt there should be a third option:

3. Terrorism will increase, at least in the short term, irrespective of law enforcement efforts.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

You are correct and this does provide context, but it also raises the alarming point that at least two of the groups mentioned were part of Operation Gladio. I do not think the intent of your post was to go down that road but it is a fact- those terrorist groups referenced were substantially controlled by NATO. Its a matter of public record.

In any event, yes there has been terrorism and in this regard you seem right. But there are other factors that make the present a bit more troubling. For one thing, the players are apocalyptic agents who's aim is not political but religious and cataclysm is part of their eschatology- it fulfills their creed= brings their god to fruition. Also, Europe has dramatically increased the pool from which these agents are drawn. I do not think terrorism is in a continuum.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

You are correct and this does provide context, but it also raises the alarming point that at least two of the groups mentioned were part of Operation Gladio. I do not think the intent of your post was to go down that road but it is a fact- those terrorist groups referenced were substantially controlled by NATO. Its a matter of public record.

In any event, yes there has been terrorism and in this regard you seem right. But there are other factors that make the present a bit more troubling. For one thing, the players are apocalyptic agents who's aim is not political but religious and cataclysm is part of their eschatology- it fulfills their creed= brings their god to fruition. Also, Europe has dramatically increased the pool from which these agents are drawn. I do not think terrorism is in a continuum.

Whilst it's Off Topic a number of issues raised regards 'Operation Gladio' are claimed to be based upon misinformation documentation created by Soviet intelligence. I may be incorrect, but I do not believe it is a matter of proven public record of false flag operations controlled by NATO, rather perpetuated by conspiracy theorists.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

Yes, there are differences.

Does not change the fact that there has always been terrorism.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

Everything has gone international, part of the globalization of the world.

Why should terrorism get stuck in the past?

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

Yes, there are differences.

Does not change the fact that there has always been terrorism.

But never like this , now these terrorists are willing to die at the same time as their targets , they do not want to live ,but go to meet their imaginary God in the sky and get a nice reward as well , also the aim of the muslim religion is to make the whole world muslim , they will not be stopped after a few years , this is an endgame

they will explode a nuclear bomb if they can or a dirty bomb , the terrorists you name were babies in comparison to this lot , be afraid ,be very afraid .

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

Yes, there are differences.

Does not change the fact that there has always been terrorism.

But never like this , now these terrorists are willing to die at the same time as their targets , they do not want to live ,but go to meet their imaginary God in the sky and get a nice reward as well , also the aim of the muslim religion is to make the whole world muslim , they will not be stopped after a few years , this is an endgame

they will explode a nuclear bomb if they can or a dirty bomb , the terrorists you name were babies in comparison to this lot , be afraid ,be very afraid .

There are differences as I said.

But I dont agree with your assertions.

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There has always been terrorism in Europe, and probably always will be.

It doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

Only the reasons excuses for the terrorism change.

Just off the top of my head,

IRA, Basque separatists, Red Brigade, Red Army faction aka Baader Meinhof, etc.

They all had their time, now it's ISIS.

They were regional. ISIS is international.

Everything has gone international, part of the globalization of the world.

Why should terrorism get stuck in the past?

They are not stuck in the past.

The are employing modern techniques to get back to the past.

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Europe will have to remain forever vigilant. --

Vigilant against whom? What?


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Terrorism is here to stay...it has been going on in one form or another for hundreds...even thousands of years...

You can not defeat an ideology...you may send it underground...but it will rear its ugly head again at some point in time...

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Whilst the powers that be keep bowing down to the "Hand wringing, social engineers" things will only get worse. Trump has it right - stop pissing around and bring back "Water Boarding" = save a few lives!

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Come on 7by7 I know you're only kidding and that you know it would be a much nicer, safer place without Muslims. We don;t know which ones to trust anymore, so we have no choice but to lump them together.

Indeed, the 'if it wasn't for those pesky right wingers we'd all be singing Cumbaya' position is looking more risible by the day.

Just think about it for a moment.

Where are the Islamic terrorists hiding; those caught, those yet to be caught and those yet to commit an atrocity?

Among the Muslim community.

Not because that community supports them; it doesn't.

But because that is where they blend in; where they hope to go without notice until the time comes to commit their horrendous crime.

We know from news reports that some Islamic terrorists have been captured. Some, unfortunately, after they have committed their atrocity; some before they could do so. It is extremely likely that even more have been thwarted without us being told about it for security reasons.

How were they captured; particularly those who had yet to commit their crime?

Intelligence; in other words, information received.

Where do you think much of that information comes from?

It isn't the Islamaphobe posting on the internet or shouting on a street corner!

Alienate the Muslim community too much, and that intelligence will become much harder to gather; if not impossible. Look at what happened in Northern Ireland in the 1970s when the British government introduced internment without trial.

Now, you, or someone like you, may say that if the Muslims weren't here, the terrorists would have nowhere to hide; and, to be honest, you'd be right.

But they are here. Most of them entirely legally, most of them born here.

Maybe you favour rounding every Muslim up and placing them in special camps until a final solution to the Muslim problem can be found?

Such a policy is not unknown in Europe, unfortunately.

(Edited for punctuation)

Maybe the peaceful Muslims should round up all the terrorists and place them in special camps until a final solution to the extremists can be found.

You are being naive and have fallen victim to the anti-anti-Muslim propaganda show. It's just like blacks in housing projects in the US. Everyone knows exactly who the gun carrying drug dealing gang members are but somehow that information never makes it to the police. Because no one wants to turn in their family members even when they know they are a danger to society. How come when some white guy turns out to have a women locked up in his basement for a year all his neighbors are interviewed saying what a "regular guy he was" but I don't see any Muslim people making the same claims about their extremist neighbors? "Yeah he made the best baba ganoush in town..WHO KNEW?"

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Of course it will continue and increase. It is now a war. Europe willnot admit it the liberal minds willnot let them,must keep their vote huh. It is going to escalate and be in more countries. It will just keep coming. The terroists will chose when and where and Europe will just keep chasing their tail.

Yep, divide and conguer and who will win?

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Terrorism is going to get worse as long as immigrants can get in to the UK and other countries quite easily.

As long as there are Muslims around, and I am not saying they are all terrorists, but too many of them are. there

will always be the fear of more terrorism.

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They were regional. ISIS is international.

Yes, there are differences.

Does not change the fact that there has always been terrorism.

But never like this , now these terrorists are willing to die at the same time as their targets , they do not want to live ,but go to meet their imaginary God in the sky and get a nice reward as well , also the aim of the muslim religion is to make the whole world muslim , they will not be stopped after a few years , this is an endgame

they will explode a nuclear bomb if they can or a dirty bomb , the terrorists you name were babies in comparison to this lot , be afraid ,be very afraid .

There are differences as I said.

But I dont agree with your assertions.

The continent and the world weren't scared sh*tless by any of those terror groups you mention.

Sure, they are all terror groups, just like China and San Marino are both countries.

There are other differences as well. Back then, when a bomb went off in a German disco and a couple Americans were killed, the President struck back hard and sent bombers - which had to circumvent some "allied nations" airspace - to blow the crap out of Ghaddafi who remained quiet for the next few decades. Today, in Brussels the President went to a baseball game, laughed and did "the wave" with a communist dictator, then went on to dance the Tango.

With THAT kind of attitude towards terrorism, it will never end...not in Europe or anywhere else, it will only get worse. Yes, be afraid, be very afraid.

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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Western countries will need to start shutting down Mosques, and I can't ever see that happening, people like Cameron are just so spineless.

If Muslims are as they say peaceful people and genuinely against terrorism, why don't they gather outside their Mosques and let everyone know, why can't they openly condemn this terrorism.

The UK, Spain, France and now Belgium have had atrocities in the recent past, so where is there any comdemnation?

Not just the odd token gesture, but condemnation from the many Mosques in Western countries.

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The continent and the world weren't scared sh*tless by any of those terror groups you mention.

Can't say I'm scared sh*tless about ISIS either,

And I live in the UK, France, Spain and Thailand.

Fear of Muslims doesn't cross my mind for a second.

More likely to be run down by a car while crossing the road.


If you are male and really want to be fearful of someone, it should be the woman you are sleeping with, she is far more likely to cause you harm than anyone else in the world.

Edited by BritManToo
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I hold out some optimism. I think the European countries are going to take a crash course in acting against anyone, anywhere suspected of any links to terrorism. The heightened state of alert will keep the cells laying low and hopefully they will be exposed before they can act.

Complacency is no longer an option. Europe will have to remain forever vigilant.

The lone wolf attacks are much, much harder to detect and will be a constant threat, just as they are almost everywhere in the world.

Europe will have to remain forever vigilant. --

Vigilant against whom? What?

"Vigilant against whom? What?"

I don't think anyone needs to answer that as it is so obvious.

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Yes, there are differences.

Does not change the fact that there has always been terrorism.

But never like this , now these terrorists are willing to die at the same time as their targets , they do not want to live ,but go to meet their imaginary God in the sky and get a nice reward as well , also the aim of the muslim religion is to make the whole world muslim , they will not be stopped after a few years , this is an endgame

they will explode a nuclear bomb if they can or a dirty bomb , the terrorists you name were babies in comparison to this lot , be afraid ,be very afraid .

There are differences as I said.

But I dont agree with your assertions.

The continent and the world weren't scared sh*tless by any of those terror groups you mention.

Sure, they are all terror groups, just like China and San Marino are both countries.

There are other differences as well. Back then, when a bomb went off in a German disco and a couple Americans were killed, the President struck back hard and sent bombers - which had to circumvent some "allied nations" airspace - to blow the crap out of Ghaddafi who remained quiet for the next few decades. Today, in Brussels the President went to a baseball game, laughed and did "the wave" with a communist dictator, then went on to dance the Tango.

With THAT kind of attitude towards terrorism, it will never end...not in Europe or anywhere else, it will only get worse. Yes, be afraid, be very afraid.

You have your opinions, I have mine. And they differ.

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The questions in the poll are misleading. There have been terrorist attacks in Europe for as long as I can remember; Red Army Faction, ETA, PIRA etc.

Do you mean Islamic terrorism? If so, I believe it will increase in the short term, decrease over time as the security forces become more effective.

Unless the Islamaphobic hatemongers are successful in their deliberate attempts to whip up anti Muslim hysteria to such an extent that the Muslim minority in Europe feel that the only way to defend themselves against attack is to join with the terrorists.

Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of Europeans, Muslim and non Muslim alike, are far to intelligent to fall for the propaganda of the hate preachers, whether they be ISIS or the Islamaphobic sites.

The views expressed by the likes of jihadwatch, Pamela Gellar etc. do not represent the views of any but a tiny minority of non Muslims; although many TV members seem to have fallen for their propaganda; propaganda Goebbels would have been proud of.

Likewise, as has been shown many, many times, the views and aims of so called Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS and the Islamic hate preachers do not represent any but a very tiny minority of Muslims.

The way to defeat the current terrorist threat is to unite all Europeans, regardless of their religion; not sow the seeds of hate towards innocent people merely because they share a religion with the terrorists.

Read my post #49.

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The word retardet comes to my mind.... reading the posts. Who are the terrorist in the first place? Maybe I ask Obama to kiss ur house with a drone bomb and if u make it u can have a beer next door but not be angry for then u are a terrorist, ok. Eh, are Bush1+2,Blair and the rest of the western scumbags maffia behind the bars yet? At least try to think and see the whole picture yourself before u post.

An ordinary not brainwashed swede is asking in Pattaya.

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Unfortunately terrorism will increase and they will be radical Muslims. Based on Europe's population- there is a huge number of Muslims there that refused to be assimilated and are a breeding ground for hiding terrorists. the majority of these people are not terrorists and wish to live in peace. However, they are changing the landscape and culture of Europe in a way that many Europeans do not like. When you have no go zones in cities like Paris, London, Brussels and soon more- this is an assault on the culture of that country. The United States is much different- it is so large that Muslims are really not noticed and have not changed the culture at all. They seem to blend in more and are mostly accepted. America's strength in blocking terrorism in the US has been excellent intelligence and acting immediately to shut down networks and cells. Europe on the other hand has not taken this threat seriously until now and has let radical Muslim immans continue to spiel hate within the borders of the EU. Europe has done nothing about the members of their countries- mostly middle easterners, who have gone abroad and fought with ISIS. These people should have bee tracked and in some cases not allowed back into the EU.

It doesn't take many real terrorists to shut down a country and affect it forever. The 9/11 terrorists who struck NY were 11 people who entered legally and changed life in America and the World forever. The real terrorists- those who would destroy millions of people with a 'dirty bomb' must be tracked and stopped at any cost. There really needs to be a World summit held with participants from every continent brought together and a plan developed to stop terrorists before it is too late.

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If Muslims are as they say peaceful people and genuinely against terrorism, why don't they gather outside their Mosques and let everyone know, why can't they openly condemn this terrorism.

The UK, Spain, France and now Belgium have had atrocities in the recent past, so where is there any comdemnation?

Not just the odd token gesture, but condemnation from the many Mosques in Western countries.

I understand why they don't condemn the terrorists. The poor souls can't even say "happy Easter" without being slaughtered by one of their fellow Muslims. Imagine what would happen to them if they came out and openly opposed the terrorists.

Murder of a man of peace: Muslim shopkeeper who wished his 'beloved Christian nation' a Happy Easter is stabbed 30 times by a FELLOW MUSLIM who sat laughing on his dying victim's chest


If there were magic in the world, and we could make all the murderous Islamic extremists disappear with the snap of the fingers, then I would expect the peace-loving Muslims would have a giant party along with the rest of us. But there isn't magic in the world so I don't see any of that happening.

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As I previously indicated. The head in the sand approach will never solve anything.

The standing joke about EU solidarity in Co-operation and Security is now being shown for what it is, nothing more than rhetoric.

The Home Office is facing calls to reveal details of the extent of potential terrorist activity in Birmingham after reports that the ringleader of the Paris attacks and a key suspect in the Brussels bombings may have visited the city last year.

Home secretary Theresa May has refused to rule out suggestions that Islamic State commander Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 28, who planned the attacks in Paris, visited Birmingham just days before he was killed in the atrocities last November.

French intelligence sources have also claimed that Mohamed Abrini, 31, a Belgian of Moroccan origin, visited the West Midlands four months before playing an active role in the planning and logistics of the attacks in Brussels that killed 31 people on Tuesday. Abrini remains at large and is the subject of an international manhunt.


Keystone Cops comes to mind.

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Having to go to Europe every year is making me angry because of all

the rubbish going on there for years, it will never stop, the whole lot

makes me angry because the merchants of death are reaping the

rewards from the grief and misery of others, if greed was taken out of

the equation perhaps there would be no misery, now shall i talk about


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