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What's killing Americans in Thailand?


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I personally think that it is the ease of obtaining assisted suicide that contribute to the large number of all farang deaths in Thailand...

The assistants seem to disappear before authorities arrive...

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what we can take away from this.

Fewer Americans visit and live in Thailand than other nationalities.

Americans don't like Bangkok.

Chiang Mai is like a humid and polluted version of a Northern California city full of hippies.

Americans go directly to Islands in Thailand.

Americans like boom boom.

Scooters and motorcycles are dangerous.

Swimming and water can be dangerous.

High places are dangerous.

What we can take Away from this - stats to this poster are like pearl before swine.

thanks for the insult. Please don't be rude and insult or attack other forum members. Thank you.

Be forgiving, sometimes it's all they can come up with.

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what we can take away from this.

Fewer Americans visit and live in Thailand than other nationalities.

Americans don't like Bangkok.

Chiang Mai is like a humid and polluted version of a Northern California city full of hippies.

Americans go directly to Islands in Thailand.

Americans like boom boom.

Scooters and motorcycles are dangerous.

Swimming and water can be dangerous.

High places are dangerous.

What we can take Away from this - stats to this poster are like pearl before swine.

thanks for the insult. Please don't be rude and insult or attack other forum members. Thank you.

Are you a mentally slow adult?

From your enlightened post (high places and water are dangerous) and the baby talk use of the word 'boom boom' your mildly unique.

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what we can take away from this.

Fewer Americans visit and live in Thailand than other nationalities.

Americans don't like Bangkok.

Chiang Mai is like a humid and polluted version of a Northern California city full of hippies.

Americans go directly to Islands in Thailand.

Americans like boom boom.

Scooters and motorcycles are dangerous.

Swimming and water can be dangerous.

High places are dangerous.

What we can take Away from this - stats to this poster are like pearl before swine.

thanks for the insult. Please don't be rude and insult or attack other forum members. Thank you.

Are you a mentally slow adult?

From your enlightened post (high places and water are dangerous) and the baby talk use of the word 'boom boom' your mildly unique.

Again. thanks for the insult. I really makes me feel bad. Please don't be rude and insult or attack other forum members. Thank you.

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Whats killing Americans in Thailand?

Drink/drugs, low balconies, greedy wifes/girlfriends, old age.

The same things that are killing many farangs here.

With suicides, drugs/drink and motorbike accidents causing most of the deaths we can conclude that they are a big danger to themselves.[/quote)

I think Pattaya is a great place to die if your an Exit fan or plan on seeing the sights at 500 miles an hour after supposidely short changing some little runt who reckons you owe him and 20 of his mates 4,000 baht for a 500 metre trip. Inviting psycho sluts back is another great laugh once they call some back-up to collect funds for services rendered. These lethal midgets pledge to take you for free flying lessons and don't even offer any crash helmets if you refuse to pay.

It's Suicide Heaven with lovely verandas for take off and great views on the way down. Occasionally tourists tend to stab themselves in the back a few times after repeatedly shooting themselves in the back of the head with a rifle just to make sure it's done right.

Tourists visiting Pattaya can always guarantee to travel light on the way home with one of their friends in an urn. I heard some street traders are doing a roaring trade on bullet proof T-Shirts & Shorts it's the new fad it seems.

Yeah' great place to visit with a one way ticket !!

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Same old same old. Will these 'ambulance chasing' journos ever write something new, refreshing and uplifting? What was that phrase, coined by Benjamin Disraeli, Lies, damned lies and statistics!

Here are a few stats here.

In Australia today suicide is a prominent public health concern. Over a five year period from 2010 to 2014, the average number of suicide deaths per year was 2,577.

In 2014, there were 2,160 males (18.4 per 100,000) and 704 females (5.9 per 100,000) that died by suicide, a total of 2,864 deaths (12.0 per 100,000), which equates to an average of 7.8 deaths by suicide in Australia each day.

In 2014, approximately 75% of people who died by suicide were males and 25% were females.

Recently I have been contacted by two very old mates who have just undergone relationship breakdowns in Australia. One of whom admitted to me that he had almost topped himself over it. Another who had been taken for everything he owns and has grave doubts he can ever retire in Australia.

The one who came close to topping himself also admits that his desire to come to the LOS is based, predominantly, on seeking a 'new friend'. Both are in their early 60's

Both know bugger all about Thailand. Zilch. Nought. So, that is why they have contacted yours truly.

I told the potential suicide that if he didn't top himself over a female back in Australia, coming to Thailand in his condition, seeking a 'new friend', was a very dangerous move.

The other one is still a 'work in progress', who I will do my best for, to give a 'leg up' if I can. He is not a 'drinker' so that's a tick in the box in his favour. The 'demon drink', what can I say?

Coming to 'paradise' completely unarmed can be very detrimental to those with a pre-existing fragile mental state, when, after the initial glitz, glamour and gloss wears off and paradise doesn't turn out the way they hoped it would.

So, mate, the same sad stories are the ones that are told daily in Australia too.

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Sure a key point, for every nationality, is the attitude/view that Thailand represents a solution rather than an alternative/change of direction. Thailand is a great place but, for the already vulnerable, it can be a very dangerous one, particularly when all bridges have been burned.

This is a point that simply cannot be overstated, Prbkk.

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Sure a key point, for every nationality, is the attitude/view that Thailand represents a solution rather than an alternative/change of direction. Thailand is a great place but, for the already vulnerable, it can be a very dangerous one, particularly when all bridges have been burned.

This is a point that simply cannot be overstated, Prbkk.

I thought this fact is well known since the Vietnam War of the 70s, no money no honey.

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In Thailand suicide is the chosen reason given for unexplained deaths by the wonderful Thai police. Apart from meaning they don't have to have an enormous file of unsolved crime they also protect the reputation of their beloved country. Statistics are never to be relied on as they are dependent on facts and as we know they are usually manipulated.

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Maybe the best life insurance in Thailand: Don't just be worth more to the females in your life alive than dead; be worth nothing to them when you are dead.

It is not the first time that JL has hit the nail on the head. Do "New Arrivals / Greenhorns" listen to "old hands" like JL ? Rarely !


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You have some catching up to do with us Brits.

I agree.

It seems Brits are always in the News for getting lost, raped, killed or killing themselves in Thailand.

For reasons I have yet o figure out,

Brits excel in all fo the aforementioned categories.

Maybe they just take pride in being "Number one" ??

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Whats killing Americans in Thailand?

Drink/drugs, low balconies, greedy wifes/girlfriends, old age.

The same things that are killing many farangs here.

With suicides, drugs/drink and motorbike accidents causing most of the deaths we can conclude that they are a big danger to themselves.[/quote)

I think Pattaya is a great place to die if your an Exit fan or plan on seeing the sights at 500 miles an hour after supposidely short changing some little runt who reckons you owe him and 20 of his mates 4,000 baht for a 500 metre trip. Inviting psycho sluts back is another great laugh once they call some back-up to collect funds for services rendered. These lethal midgets pledge to take you for free flying lessons and don't even offer any crash helmets if you refuse to pay.

It's Suicide Heaven with lovely verandas for take off and great views on the way down. Occasionally tourists tend to stab themselves in the back a few times after repeatedly shooting themselves in the back of the head with a rifle just to make sure it's done right.

Tourists visiting Pattaya can always guarantee to travel light on the way home with one of their friends in an urn. I heard some street traders are doing a roaring trade on bullet proof T-Shirts & Shorts it's the new fad it seems.

Yeah' great place to visit with a one way ticket !!

Wow what a rant! Sound like you really hate Thais with all this "little runt" and "lethal midgets" stuff.

"4000 baht for 500 meters?" In Pattaya? Have you ever been here? 10 baht songteows and for a 500 meter trip, 40 baht maximum on a motorbike taxi. Cheap as mate!

"Psycho sluts" actually expecting payment for services rendered. Have we had some experience here Scott, didn't you want to pay for midgets time? Do you prefer the beefy plus sized girls from your country?

"Guaranteed to return with a friend in an urn?" What a load of s..t.

If it was how you describe it, then Pattaya, the City of Love by the Sea, would not be the tourist Mecca that it is today. People love it here. It is getting bigger all the time. People from all over the world are queuing up at airports from all around the world 24/7/365 to come. And have been for years.

I do agree with you on "a great place to visit with a one way ticket" though. That's what I bought when I came to the City of Love by the Sea. Many people do. Why would you want to leave?

I am sorry you feel that you can't fit in with these lovely, funny, smaller framed people Scott. I really like them.

Nice people these Thais, very clever too.

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You have some catching up to do with us Brits.

I agree.

It seems Brits are always in the News for getting lost, raped, killed or killing themselves in Thailand.

For reasons I have yet o figure out,

Brits excel in all fo the aforementioned categories.

Maybe they just take pride in being "Number one" ??

Stop drinking in the afternoon 555...

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16 RTA deaths, 11 suicides - Pattaya, plenty of retirees and plenty of high rise buildings.

As a percentage of visitors the numbers are very small.

This is a non-story.

The story was as a percentage of American visitors for which the numbers are large because there are so few Americans.

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16 RTA deaths, 11 suicides - Pattaya, plenty of retirees and plenty of high rise buildings.

As a percentage of visitors the numbers are very small.

This is a non-story.

The story was as a percentage of American visitors for which the numbers are large because there are so few Americans.

Separate resident expats from visitors, suicides more probable from the aged resident community whereas RTA's more attributal to tourists.

Unless of course the viewer is British, in which case all deaths in Thailand are attributable to murder alone, there cannot be another possible reason, big sigh!!!

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"Americans are 36 times more likely to die there, with suicide and motorscooter accidents as the leading causes of death to Americans."

Assuming you trust the Thai police to accurately investigate and record the actual cause of death, and not just write down something that requires no work or effort on their part.

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