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Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.


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Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.
By Ryan Browne, CNN

(CNN)Tuesday's bombings in Brussels left at least 31 people dead and 300 wounded. They are the latest additions to an increasingly long list of casualties from attacks across the breadth of Europe. Paris, Ankara and Istanbul have all been similarly targeted in the past five months.

But the United States has yet to see such a sophisticated ISIS attack, with trained fighters and direction from the organization's leadership.
It's not that it couldn't happen here, but military, law enforcement and other security-focused officials agree that it's much less likely. As Secretary of Defense Ash Carter told CNN's Carol Costello on Wednesday, "We don't have them (terrorists) here in the United States in anything like the numbers they do in Europe."

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/03/24/politics/europe-terror-ash-carter-isis/index.html

-- CNN 2016-03-28

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

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"We don't have them (terrorists) here in the United States in anything like the numbers they do in Europe."

US Muslim population approx 3.3 Million.

EU Muslim population approx 50 Million.

Pretty sure a 10 year old could work it out..

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

Germany had very big problems through the 80's with Turkish immigrants.

Just because it is not reported does not mean it is not happening. It will start appearing in the press when the first attack occurs on German soil.

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

Germany had very big problems through the 80's with Turkish immigrants.

Just because it is not reported does not mean it is not happening. It will start appearing in the press when the first attack occurs on German soil.

Agreed Germany has and will have many problems in the future, letting their borders down and inviting in a million plus un-vetted Muslims in your country is a ticking time bomb that has yet to explode. Remember much of the 9/11 bunch came out of Germany.

Remarkable how Angela Merkel has virtually disappeared in the last week, must have her head in the sand somewhere, which is better than up her bum where it has mostly been in recent terrorist attacks.

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

Germany had very big problems through the 80's with Turkish immigrants.

Just because it is not reported does not mean it is not happening. It will start appearing in the press when the first attack occurs on German soil.

Well...I am from Germany!

Pray tell: what problems did Germany have?

Because I fail to remember!

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"We don't have them (terrorists) here in the United States in anything like the numbers they do in Europe."

US Muslim population approx 3.3 Million.

EU Muslim population approx 50 Million.

Pretty sure a 10 year old could work it out..

50 million?

Thats a lot of planes needed to return them to their original countries.

And a lot of money to do so.

But it would be worth every cent/penny/pfennig/sou.

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The U.S has the following going for it.

1. Less Muslims as a percentage. See David Woods video 'The three stages of Jihad' to understand why.

2. Joined up security services with no language and less culture problems.

3. There are enough Republicans in the U.S so that wholesale self-flagellation and surrender to foreign culture is not yet terminal.

4. Concealed carry weapons. Handy if you are on a train where a terrorist armed with a sub-machine gun and a bolt cutter emerges from the bog.

5. No grand designs to compete with the U.S by merging with the Middle East. Should this increasingly plausible conspiracy theory be true (Eurabia) then the EU is engaging in something as ruinous as wholesale import of anthrax.

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

Germany had very big problems through the 80's with Turkish immigrants.

Just because it is not reported does not mean it is not happening. It will start appearing in the press when the first attack occurs on German soil.

Well...I am from Germany!

Pray tell: what problems did Germany have?

Because I fail to remember!

So do I, post the news I missed about Turkish migrants creating problems in Germany

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It's an interesting area to look at.

With immigration issues, whether it is regular immigrants or refugees, the focus has to be on integration into the existing culture. Without integration there is disintegration. New immigrants should not be allowed in unless there family is able to show the means of support for them. Refugees need to be resettled in an orderly fashion and they need to be working rather quickly as well as attending classes to help with the integration process.

It's fairly important that large ghetto type areas not be allowed to exist for any length of time.

I should also be noted that the problems in Belgium and France don't seem to be happening in Germany either, I wonder why that is?

Germany had very big problems through the 80's with Turkish immigrants.

Just because it is not reported does not mean it is not happening. It will start appearing in the press when the first attack occurs on German soil.

Well...I am from Germany!

Pray tell: what problems did Germany have?

Because I fail to remember!

So do I, post the news I missed about Turkish migrants creating problems in Germany

Are you both from the former DDR ? It is entirely possible that the news never made it over to the East.

There are some good articles in Der Spiegel, I would suggest that you start your research there.

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'The failure to coordinate was on display after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced Wednesday that one of the Brussels suicide bombers had been arrested near the Syrian border and deported, and that Turkey had warned Belgian officials of his links to terrorism.' Much more likely that complacency was to blame, than any failure to coordinate.

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The close proximity of Europe to the ME...and the lackadaisical vetting process of immigrants...have been major contributors to the bigger terror problem in Europe...

The doors to the EU have been left wide open...with open arms unvetted ME immigrants have been welcomed into sophisticated and cultured societies...

The goal of the terrorists...is to initially disrupt the peace and harmony of the Europeans...then take over...first local governments by overwhelming numbers of Muslims voting as a block...with governing the entire country under Sharia Law being the primary goal...

America's time is coming...it is more complicated to attack a country so far away from the terrorists command and resource centers...

The Muslim dream of ruling the world is well underway now...

The window of opportunity to slow this process is rapidly closing...due to a lack of quality leadership and inaction from Western governments...

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Could it have something to do with the fact that the U.S. is pretty isolated except for Canada to the north and Mexico to the south and much easier to monitor and control who gets in and out..

While Europe is a patchwork if adjoining countries with multiple borders to worry about?

Americans aren't necessarily smarter or meaner, they are just better situated geographically.

But they way they offend and talk Sh#t about the rest of the world, ( and the Trump is not helping make it any better )

they will probably get a big hit before too long.

P.S. I am American, if you were wondering.

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